New Teaspoon Advice Please

New Teaspoon Advice Please



Original Poster:

29,146 posts

182 months

Friday 26th October 2012
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Listen everyone, this is getting out of hand. Get a fking grip and make your own minds up about pants/shoes/handbags/pencils/bikinis or whatever the fk else you are struggling with so much.

And the rest of us needs to stop pretending to offer advice whilst actually just showing off about how much money we think is reasonable to spend on a fking bobble hat /spectacles case/purse/dog lead/coat hanger or whatever.

If I'd known that PH was going to be populated by so many useless woofters, I'd never have bought that PH t-shirt that everyone recommended...



Original Poster:

29,146 posts

182 months

Monday 29th October 2012
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Oh my. I have created a monster...


Original Poster:

29,146 posts

182 months

Tuesday 30th October 2012
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Funk said:
In fairness to the OP, I think it says something that despite seeing the thread appear in my 'What's New', I didn't even question that a PHer might need teaspoon guidance. I think he has a point.
Yeah. And I'm beginning to wish I'd never started it now paperbag


Original Poster:

29,146 posts

182 months

Wednesday 31st October 2012
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FWIW, my original rant seems to have worked smile


Original Poster:

29,146 posts

182 months

Wednesday 2nd August 2017
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OpulentBob said:
55palfers said:
alorotom said:
Not being a spoon aficionado myself I do struggle in here with what's piss take and what's legit lol
I humbly suggest this declares the thread a success
By far my favourite thread on here. I get very excited when I see there have been new posts.
It gives me a warm feeling to know that I was in part responsible for bringing this hobby to a wider audience. It shows what can be achieved when you vent your spleen with an angry rant.


Original Poster:

29,146 posts

182 months

Saturday 16th May 2020
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DogsWotsits said:
Am I missing somethin? Is this thread real?
Well it exists. You've even posted in it.

ETA: Yes, you're missing the 'g'