What is art to you?



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84 months

Wednesday 10th July 2024
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I've been to a couple of museums today, and visiting a couple more and it got me thinking. A lot of the paintings in them, I don't consider to be art, so what do you consider to be art?

Personally, landscapes, animals and buildings can all be art. As can cars, planes and trains. However humans can't. A person (or painting of a person) cannot be art. They can be beautiful, but not art. I'm not sure why I think this, can only imagine it is is because there is no such thing as a perfect person.

Controversial topic, I know!


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567 posts

84 months

Thursday 11th July 2024
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Cotty said:
What do you think about the work of Ron Mueck?

Edited by Cotty on Thursday 11th July 08:53
I personally think they are absolutely horrid, something I find ugly can't be art (in my opinion). I knew this topic would raise the old "art is subjective" point, which is 100% true. Exactly why I used the "to you" in the title.

So I short, Ron Mueck horrible. The below however, gorgeous and art I would buy if I had the money:


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567 posts

84 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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judas said:
I get that this is your opinion, but I still find it baffling. Why can't you accept that it's art, but you just don't like? What negates it as art just because you don't like it? At the risk going all reductio ad absurdum, an ugly house is still a house - should art be any different?
I'm not disputing it isn't art to others, but it isn't art to me as an individual.


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567 posts

84 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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PlywoodPascal said:
I think this doesn’t make much sense really….
You can see how ridiculous it is as a position if you transfer it to other forms of art…

A play that I don’t like isn’t theatre
Music I dislike is not music

Etc etc
A play is still a play, whether I like it or not. Whether something is a play is not subjective. Same with another poster regarding ugly houses. What art (in the sense of sculptures, paintings, doodles etc) is, is subjective. I admit I had forgotten to take into consideration that "the arts (acting etc)" are all art and was only thinking (and this asking) about the sort of thing you would see in a gallery.


Original Poster:

567 posts

84 months

Monday 15th July 2024
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PlywoodPascal said:
So let’s say, in a gallery, you see two paintings next to one another. One you like, one you don’t. Obviously, the one you like is art, that makes sense, it’s in a gallery, after all. What is the thing you don’t like doing in a gallery? What is it?
I'm not saying it isn't art (full stop). I'm saying the one I don't like isn't art TO ME. Someone else might consider it art, hence it being in the gallery.