Adrian Newey to Ferrari? Is it possible?

Adrian Newey to Ferrari? Is it possible?



Original Poster:

1,367 posts

255 months

Monday 5th February
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I’m sure I read a headline earlier on Facebook, not the strongest source.
Went to scroll back and couldn’t find anything.

Is it possible ? Wasn’t there some history between Newey and Ferrari ?


Original Poster:

1,367 posts

255 months

Monday 5th February
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Lewis In a Newey built Ferrari are what dreams are made of.


Original Poster:

1,367 posts

255 months

Wednesday 3rd April
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Seems to be a bit of chatter around the forums ….. fingers and toes crossed.


Original Poster:

1,367 posts

255 months

Friday 3rd May
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Ferrari: come to drive for us Lewis.
Lewis: get newey and I will come ….

The deal with the pm both was done ages ago, I’m sure of it.

Edited by Wish on Friday 3rd May 22:49


Original Poster:

1,367 posts

255 months

Friday 14th June
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$105M - 3 years ….. nice job if you can get it !


Original Poster:

1,367 posts

255 months

Tuesday 10th September
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Oh well we won’t get to see the dream team … Hamilton and Newey.
Would have loved to have seen Lewis grow in the new team with Newey design.

Adrian has his work cut out to get that Aston to the front. However I wish him well, and look forward watching from the side lines.