current Gallardo tyre choices

current Gallardo tyre choices



Original Poster:

21 posts

143 months

Monday 4th November 2024
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So the Gallardo is getting on a bit now but there must still be a lot of owners out there!

I need some tyres for mine and to be honest i have never been impressed by the OEM P Zeros. I know some owners have changed to the Michelins which seems to work fine!

Given that Lamborghini teamed up with Yokohama for last years GT super series and won it i have emailed Yokohama to see if they can recommend a Yoko tyre. I have had Yokos on other cars and found them to be much better than most - certainly better than the P Zeros fitted at the moment.

I wondered f anyone had fitted anything other than the Pirellis or Michelins?


Original Poster:

21 posts

143 months

Saturday 30th November 2024
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matt-man said:
I now have Toyos all round on mine and after 12 months and about 3k miles very pleased with them.
Well the P Zeros in the 235x35 are not available anywhere. I can get the rears but not the fronts. Did you have any diff issues with the Toyos? the make good tyres and i could be tempted?


Original Poster:

21 posts

143 months

Monday 2nd December 2024
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markiii said:
Pzero imho are dreadful, PS4S transformed it
I agree on the P zeros. I see that quite a few people are running the Michelins in the US and get great reviews. Have you had any issues at all?