Emira love. Any good news stories ?

Emira love. Any good news stories ?



Original Poster:

431 posts

256 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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I’ve been looking on this forum for some good ownership views while I consider what to buy next.

Emira is in the list, but comments on here are around poor quality and dealer service ( or online sales )

Do who has one and would recommend ?

Alternative is a used Vantage …

Come on , convince me


Original Poster:

431 posts

256 months

Friday 25th August 2023
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mr momo said:
Love mine, from the inside to the out.

Gets an amazing reaction from enthusiasts and kids (big and small) alike.

its a joy to drive, especially when you're in the zone,,,

Apologies about the open driver door (its not a poor fit wink )

Edited by mr momo on Friday 25th August 21:47

Edited by mr momo on Friday 25th August 21:48
That red looks superb, and nice without the upper black pack


Original Poster:

431 posts

256 months

Monday 28th August 2023
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Great to hear people are happy.

We’re you guys new to lotus, or have you had them before ?

Main issue for me is the 45 miles to a dealer for service/ issues .

Any idea if they collect ?

Thx Wayne


Original Poster:

431 posts

256 months

Friday 8th December 2023
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Bullitt 1 said:
45 miles, get a grip and man up
Issue is not usual servicing but any smaller warranty issues means a day off work each time to get things sorted.

Also relying on people to drop off and pick up if it’s in for a while . All a bit of a faff I could do without.