296 GTB launch events…

296 GTB launch events…



Original Poster:

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230 months

Monday 31st January 2022
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… are these picking up pace? (I’m aware of one coming up towards the end of Feb. in the South West..)

No sign of any press cars being reviewed as yet - are the first UK deliveries still likely to come through in Q2?


Original Poster:

2,987 posts

230 months

Monday 31st January 2022
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Crikey - perhaps we’ll all hear a bit more when the latest quarterly stock market report comes out later this week (on the 2nd Feb).


Original Poster:

2,987 posts

230 months

Monday 31st January 2022
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Thanks - I guess there will be a number of pre-production 296 GTB’s doing the rounds to keep interest up, while attention swings towards the Purosangue…