Dpf clean location?
Hi looking for some advice on dpf clean, this is a Peugeot partner 2018 that I just purchased, a warning light has came up for dpf and needs cleaned, looking to do it myself with a can of dpf cleaner, all I need is someone to confirm the location?
Can't seem to find a way of uploading a picture of location.
Where I think it is is directly underneath facing from side loading door on passenger side, there are 2 thin pipes leading to a nut that to my understanding needs unscrewed and to insert the tube to clean with the cleaner, is this correct?
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
Can't seem to find a way of uploading a picture of location.
Where I think it is is directly underneath facing from side loading door on passenger side, there are 2 thin pipes leading to a nut that to my understanding needs unscrewed and to insert the tube to clean with the cleaner, is this correct?
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
So I took it to a garage, they forced a regen and it worked...for about 1mile, lights came back on and went into limp mode, now talking about cleaning the dpf with a can of dpf cleaner and take it from there, if anyone has any other suggestions...thanks
Was still considering cleaning it myself but need to know where it's located to spray the cleaning solution.
Was still considering cleaning it myself but need to know where it's located to spray the cleaning solution.
Megaflow said:
There are two ‘life’s’ to a DPF, there is the soot load, once this reaches a threshold, the engine should trigger a regeneration event to burn off the soot and reset the system.
Then there is the ash load, when the system is regenerated the soot is burned and becomes ash, the ash doesn’t go anywhere, it stays in the filter. Once that level is reached a new DPF is the only answer.
How many miles has it done?
98,000Then there is the ash load, when the system is regenerated the soot is burned and becomes ash, the ash doesn’t go anywhere, it stays in the filter. Once that level is reached a new DPF is the only answer.
How many miles has it done?
GreenV8S said:
That isn't how DPF cleaning works.
It's said that there is a location on the cat/dpf that you spray the cleaner into, a foam spray and leave to soak then take it for a run the next day, Just needed to have the location CV informed where to spray it into, all I know is that there is a sensor to be disconnected and a nut yo be unscrewed to put the tube into and clean it that way.
Going to take some of your advice and pass it onto the garage,
I've decided not to go with cleaning the dpf as it's not directly indicating that's it's the dpf but it's saying "risk of particle filter blockage.
Just trying to diagnose the issue without having to take to the garage,
The first garage I took it to forced a regen and now I'm slightly worried that that was a mistake going by what Stevemcs says, then the garage says he can spray it with dpf foam cleaner which you are saying is a waste of time/money and what I was going to do in the first place.
Taking to another garage who will have a look, so I'll give an update later.
Thanks all for advice so far
I've decided not to go with cleaning the dpf as it's not directly indicating that's it's the dpf but it's saying "risk of particle filter blockage.
Just trying to diagnose the issue without having to take to the garage,
The first garage I took it to forced a regen and now I'm slightly worried that that was a mistake going by what Stevemcs says, then the garage says he can spray it with dpf foam cleaner which you are saying is a waste of time/money and what I was going to do in the first place.
Taking to another garage who will have a look, so I'll give an update later.
Thanks all for advice so far
P2KKA said:
Diesel Peugeots!!
Could be a myriad of things based on my time in parts. Get a good garage on it. I never saw a blocked one on a partner but
countless NOx sensors, adblue pump faults, additives empty, urea injectors........
Garage is checking over on Monday, says possible sensor issue, maybe even a dpf clean, will figure it out one way or another he says.Could be a myriad of things based on my time in parts. Get a good garage on it. I never saw a blocked one on a partner but
countless NOx sensors, adblue pump faults, additives empty, urea injectors........
So a quick update, at this moment in time the van is running.
Took it to a garage that I was confident they would find the issue and sort it out to then get a potential bill of £3000, £1400 for a new dpf as they said omissions were passing through it meaning it wasn't doing its job and around £1600 for a new turbo, something to do with end stops and they had difficulty getting off and maybe this model you can't, even though the turbo itself was running fine.
So as soon as I heard this I got onto the phone to the guy I bought it off, he has his own mechanic and said to bring it to him..after a few days of going over it his mechanic realised that the pat additive for the dpf was empty, so hoping that was all it needed to clear up issue with dpf, he reckons that it wasn't coming up as a warning light because if it was done before they didn't programme it in so I that could let you know if it was low or empty next time.
He also replaced the actuator for the turbo and now all seems good..will be doing a 200mile trip up north tomorrow so If I get through that with no issues then I'll be comfortable knowing it's okay.
Took it to a garage that I was confident they would find the issue and sort it out to then get a potential bill of £3000, £1400 for a new dpf as they said omissions were passing through it meaning it wasn't doing its job and around £1600 for a new turbo, something to do with end stops and they had difficulty getting off and maybe this model you can't, even though the turbo itself was running fine.
So as soon as I heard this I got onto the phone to the guy I bought it off, he has his own mechanic and said to bring it to him..after a few days of going over it his mechanic realised that the pat additive for the dpf was empty, so hoping that was all it needed to clear up issue with dpf, he reckons that it wasn't coming up as a warning light because if it was done before they didn't programme it in so I that could let you know if it was low or empty next time.
He also replaced the actuator for the turbo and now all seems good..will be doing a 200mile trip up north tomorrow so If I get through that with no issues then I'll be comfortable knowing it's okay.
Jazoli said:
This was mentioned earlier, it’s a very common thing, shows how much certain garages take the piss, a new dpf and turbo and the original problem would still not be fixed!!
This was mentioned earlier, it’s a very common thing, shows how much certain garages take the piss, a new dpf and turbo and the original problem would still not be fixed!!It's possible they seen me in a vulnerable position being that I needed the van asap..dunno but it does make you realise that that's a good idea to build up some knowledge.
Maybe when the last garage forced the regen that's why it never came up on the diagnostics or on screen fault.
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