BMW "eco pro mode scam"

BMW "eco pro mode scam"



Original Poster:

777 posts

72 months

Thursday 13th June
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Hello gang

just hit 25k miles on a 640d.

per fill up i have always seen 500/550 miles using 90% eco pro and probably 70% motorway.

for whatever reason the last fill up i have decided to test never using eco pro and comfort only

600 miles on the first try. same driving. nothing new.

why and how ?


Original Poster:

777 posts

72 months

Thursday 13th June
quotequote all
Maxus said:
More than just throttle calibration. It also reduces power of the A/C (which can allow stop/start to be operative for longer) and allows the car to coast when off throttle or brakes.

Switch between comfort and Eco Pro whilst rolling down a hill - it's like a brake has been released. This is only when it isn't charging the battery. You can see this on the dash graphic. A tap of the accelerator will often switch it from charge to coast when in Eco Pro.

Over 60k miles i've averaged 45 MPG in my 640d. I stay in comfort 99% of the time but there are a couple of long hills followed by flat near me where I switch into Eco Pro to try and roll to a roundabout about 2 miles away. Just about possible with no traffic. Good game smile

ETA - I get about 650 miles a tank.
what percent is motorway?

is it mapped?