Dashcam issue - Drivepro 200


The Flying Ox

Original Poster:

400 posts

182 months

Sunday 26th October 2014
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Not sure if this is the best place for my question, but here goes.

I've got a Transcend Drivepro 200 which has been fine for the last few months, but now won't turn on. I just get a quick blue flash from the LED and that's it. I've tried to return it but the store wants the entire package, box, cables, everything back. My two year old son has hidden most of the cables, and the box has long since been recycled. All I have is the camera and the 12v car power cable thing.

I've searched Google for the problem, to no avail, and there's nothing relevant on the Transcend website. Any ideas?

The Flying Ox

Original Poster:

400 posts

182 months

Sunday 26th October 2014
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Thanks, I'll give that a try.