Thursday 6th September 2001

Hydrogen Mini

Are hydrogen powered cars about to make an impact?


Captain Chaos

393 posts

281 months

Wednesday 24th October 2001
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I think you miss the point, old boy. Firstly, the new Mini is not meant to be the groundbreaking car the original was. It is made by BMW, so, so what?
The shape apes the original because the look was so good. Many successful designs evolve over the years and designers use each others' ideas.

Secondly, you miss the irony that of course a hydrogen powered car IS groundbreaking (like the original) and Alec Issigonis & Dr Alex Moulton would no doubt be very interested in a hydrogen powered vehicle - whether it looked like a "mini" or not.

Go back to driving your old 1275GT or else get a life...


1,143 posts

282 months

Wednesday 24th October 2001
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Hmm, a hydrogen powered Mini, lets hope they sort out that nasty fuel filling / static electricity problem first. Or it could be Hindenburg, R101, Mini...


682 posts

287 months

Thursday 25th October 2001
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Just out of interest - how much energy does it take to turn the hydrogen into a fuel from whatever it starts out as?

And what emissions/by-products does that produce?

Geniune query BTW, not *just* trying to make a point.



1,143 posts

282 months

Sunday 28th October 2001
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WRT ShadowFax's original comments..

I used to be a huge Mini fan (owned one of the ERA Mini Turbos) and would agree that the new Mini is not a real Mini. Granted that it is an excellent car, but I kind of wish they killed of the Mini name and just created the BMW 100 class or whatever.

The problem is that the majority of people that buy and have bought Mini's are after the Britishness and character which, quite frankly the new Mini doesn't have.

Let's face it the old style Mini was a great car and fun to drive but compared to modern day equivelants (spell check please!!) its crap, the engine is pile of shite and the body work is rust prone, don't get me started on subframes!!

In short, new Mini - great car, but not a Mini

Rant over,


Paul V

4,489 posts

282 months

Monday 29th October 2001
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BMW but it just doesn’t have the appeal of a mini, yesterday I spent most of the day fixing the girlfriends mini, her car cost £50 we got it through it mot nearly a year ago, she is slowing add bits to it to make it into the car she wants, yesterday we added chrome spot lights and a roll cage, next will be bucket seats, this is the fun of owning a mini. I must say her £50 car put as big smile on my face as my S2, that is what a real mini is about.


1,143 posts

282 months

Monday 29th October 2001
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I hark back to the days (especially this time of year), working on the cooling system in some shape or form, knackered water pump, knackered radiator (accidentally flushed, forgetting that you rad welded it a couple of weeks back. And who can forget those swimming pools in the foot wells corroding the floorpan.

Sniff, makes me nostalgic.

I was really tempted to buy one as a 3rd car to get me to the train station each morning, you can pick up 2-3 year old coopers for reasonable money.

A friend of mine (also a Mini fan) had a raz in the new Mini, said it was bloody marvelous, other than the Metro style whine that it makes!



1,143 posts

282 months

Wednesday 31st October 2001
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That'll strengthen the US market.

All the Bentleys and RR that I've ever seen are driven by pikeys or homeboys (yer, uhuh, yo, and all that R&B shit).

Still a sad loss. Whats next Land Rover / Range Rover?



8,053 posts

277 months

Wednesday 31st October 2001
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I hate to rain on your parade Steve, but Land Rover was bought by Ford a while ago (and rumours are they're going to share platforms with Ford light trucks!)


1,143 posts

282 months

Wednesday 31st October 2001
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Cheers FatBoy!


15,763 posts

275 months

Wednesday 31st October 2001
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Aston , Jaguar , both better companys with better products since being brought out by the yanks , who knows about Bently , Rolls , i agree that it was a pity that RR and Bently went to the germans but the car biz is global , i read some place that in 5-10 years there will only be like 5 car companys world wide . like the look of the new mini , and if they can make the hydrogen thing really work , well maybe there is a future

Edited by marki on Wednesday 31st October 16:07

Edited by marki on Wednesday 31st October 16:08


28,377 posts

289 months

Wednesday 31st October 2001
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The good thing about this hydrogen engine is that it would be possible to produce near zero emissions performance cars. Can only be a good thing for those who hope the days of sports cars aren't numbered.

Of course. Damn thing won't be environmentally friendly until the hydrogen is produced by cracking sea-water at coastal plants using electricity generated by wind/tidal/geothermal methods.

Mind you. Good ol' Nuclear power produces little waste actually. Its just what it does produce is very, *very* nasty.


274 months

Thursday 1st November 2001
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I recently read this article about the hydrogen powered mini. The article states that the vehicle runs on supercooled hydrogen and that the denser cooler hydrogen produces a higher output of energy at the cylinder head when combusted. This all makes sense to me. But in order to maintain hydrogen at that temperature does it not follow that the hydrogen must be storred at extremely high pressure?

T1 * P1 = T2 * P2

At what pressure is the hydrogen stored in the vehicles tank? How large and heavy is the tank? What material is the tank constructed of? What is the approximate range of the vehicle?

I have also recently been reading about graphite nanofibers. Has the team that developed the vehicle considered developing a tank that applies this technology in order to increase the amount of energy stored by volume and weight.

Why not use a fuel cell instead? Many of the articles I have read claim it is or will be more efficient than combusiton. Combustion approximately 20% efficient and fuel cells theoretically at 40 to 60%.

I apologize for sounding negative. The truth is my hat is off to this group for really building something that works. I have trouble getting a 5th grade science expeirment like electrolysis to work. So I am amazed that they can develop a vehicle that operates on liqiud hydrogen.


274 months

Thursday 1st November 2001
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I recently read this article about the hydrogen powered mini. The article states that the vehicle runs on supercooled hydrogen and that the denser cooler hydrogen produces a higher output of energy at the cylinder head when combusted. This all makes sense to me. But in order to maintain hydrogen at that temperature does it not follow that the hydrogen must be storred at extremely high pressure?

T1 * P1 = T2 * P2

At what pressure is the hydrogen stored in the vehicles tank? How large and heavy is the tank? What material is the tank constructed of? What is the approximate range of the vehicle?

I have also recently been reading about graphite nanofibers. Has the team that developed the vehicle considered developing a tank that applies this technology in order to increase the amount of energy stored by volume and weight.

Why not use a fuel cell instead? Many of the articles I have read claim it is or will be more efficient than combusiton. Combustion approximately 20% efficient and fuel cells theoretically at 40 to 60%.

I apologize for sounding negative. The truth is my hat is off to this group for really building something that works. I have trouble getting a 5th grade science expeirment like electrolysis to work. So I am amazed that they can develop a vehicle that operates on liqiud hydrogen.


4 posts

275 months

Thursday 1st November 2001
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yesterday we added chrome spot lights and a roll cage

A Roll Cage?


4 posts

275 months

Thursday 1st November 2001
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All the Bentleys and RR that I've ever seen are driven by pikeys or homeboys

Sir, are you calling me a "pikey" or a "homeboy"?

Paul V

4,489 posts

282 months

Friday 2nd November 2001
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yesterday we added chrome spot lights and a roll cage

A Roll Cage?

Yep, there are a few reasons, first is obviously looks, my girlfriend wants the rally car look, second if you’ve ever seen a mini crash anything to give a bit extra protection is welcome, I’ve only fitted the rear section at the moment but will get around to fitting the front part soon.