Tuesday 19th December 2000
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How about rubbing some "Thick Head" on your scalp,and with the money you save on pom-pom hats you could get your hair platted "Bob Marley style!:p


1,362 posts

292 months

Tuesday 19th December 2000
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Too late for me I'm afraid.


7,702 posts

292 months

Thursday 21st December 2000
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Pikey has got a hat that fulfils one of your criteria. It keeps his head warm. Unfortunately, it also makes him look like a complete knob.
Snow? Baaah.... TAKE THAT ROOF OFF!!!


28,377 posts

292 months

Thursday 21st December 2000
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Pikey! That hat, that HAT! FAAAANTASTIC! But could I bring myself to wear one - errr no. But I admire the British spirit demonstrated in your photo! Why is it that we Brits just love being cold, wet and deafened....?


1,362 posts

292 months

Thursday 21st December 2000
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That isn't Pikey. It's his 12 year old nephew Nigel. He doesn't have a roofless car any more anyway. He's one of those namby pamby Cerbera owners now.


2,977 posts

292 months

Thursday 21st December 2000
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Wimps the lot of you! I wear a fur-lined deerstalker-type hat. Yes, I look a berk. Yes, I get to drive with the roof off when it's freezing. Yes, I stay warm. Two pluses, one minus....


11,468 posts

292 months

Thursday 21st December 2000
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You need to find a nice (or should that be not-so-nice?) young lady to wrap her legs around your ears! There you go . . . nice and warm! It helps to wear a scarf to stop any moisture travelling down your neck!
Thursday 21st December 2000
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And a toothpick for any stray hairs!!!!!!!


28,377 posts

292 months

Friday 22nd December 2000
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Really. You lot. Disgusting! I was thoroughly put to shame today as I had my roof on whilst my mate prised his off despite it being frozen on. I may never get over it.....


1,905 posts

289 months

Friday 22nd December 2000
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Out today with the roof off,Santa hats on,sun shining. Then it got misty & dark, garrumph! The hats seemed to make everyone else on the road much friendlier - wonder if the same would be true of Plod?


28,377 posts

292 months

Saturday 23rd December 2000
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Out today with the roof off,Santa hats on,sun shining. Then it got misty & dark, garrumph! The hats seemed to make everyone else on the road much friendlier - wonder if the same would be true of Plod?
I am now in awe. Coulda, shoulda, woulda gotta Santa Hat! Damn. Any pictures of this glorious event because I, for one, would laugh until I fell over at the sight. Please, please post a pic. Go on. Don (with some admiration)


1,905 posts

289 months

Saturday 23rd December 2000
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Sorry, didn't take any pix. Was too busy catching some rays.