Special Scimitar



Original Poster:

2,628 posts

215 months

Tuesday 4th March 2008
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Has anyone else noticed the innocent looking Scimitar currently in John Dolbear's place on North Road?

The glass roof gives it away as something special and I think it's an Ogle GTE prototype. Badges and interior are different plus some headlamp cowls and that special moulded glass roof. Wasn't there also a 'Triplex Special' with a full glass roof used by Prince Phillip?


69 posts

235 months

Friday 14th March 2008
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It sounds like the one off "Ogle Scimitar GTE" from 1968.

Ogle Scimitar GTE:

Indeed there was also the Triplex Scimitar GTS (Glazing Test Special) from 1966 that Prince Philip had for a couple of years. The Scimitar GTS is now in the USA frown

Triplex Scimitar GTS:

Dave Poole from www.sporting-reliants.com

52classic said:
Has anyone else noticed the innocent looking Scimitar currently in John Dolbear's place on North Road?

The glass roof gives it away as something special and I think it's an Ogle GTE prototype. Badges and interior are different plus some headlamp cowls and that special moulded glass roof. Wasn't there also a 'Triplex Special' with a full glass roof used by Prince Phillip?


Original Poster:

2,628 posts

215 months

Saturday 15th March 2008
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That's the car Dave... and it was Robert Hodge who had booked it into JD's for work.

Always something particularly exciting about finding a special car like this.