Someone senior at David Wilson Homes?

Someone senior at David Wilson Homes?



Original Poster:

82 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Hi guys, does anybody have an email address for someone senior at David Wilson Homes?

Ideally the Managing Director.

I recently bought a house from them and have a legal issue which I am trying to get them to sort out.

To date I've not received a satisfactory response from David Fellowes (Customer Care Manager), so would like to escalate this to a higher level. Director level, ideally.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Does anyone here work for David Wilson Homes, perchance?


Deva Link

26,934 posts

250 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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I think David Wilson is pretty high up there.


5,876 posts

237 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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David Wilson is, funnily enough, Group chairman.

Other IIRC are:

Group Chief Exec: Ian Robertson
Chief Exec Northern Homes Division: Gary Crisp
Chief Exec Southern Homes Division: Greg Locke

Deva Link

26,934 posts

250 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Not sure he is actually. They're owned by Barrat Developments and seem to have a very regionalised structure.

OP: Why not just call whichever region you're dealing with and ask the escalation path? (I know that's sometimes easier said than done).


4,106 posts

215 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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As barratt own David Wilson. why not try Mark Clare - CEO, probably


63,161 posts

210 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Do we get details or are you going to leave us to idly speculate? Before answering, do bear in mind it's Friday and liquid lunches have been consumed.


Original Poster:

82 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Thanks for the input so far guys.

I have asked for the escalation route through the Customer Care dept, and landed with David Fellowes - Customer Care Manager for the region (Cambridgeshire).

Unfortunately, I'm not getting a satisfactory response so had hoped to escalate higher.

Does anybody have a verified, working contact email address for any of the names mentioned?

nb. from the escalation path I've followed thus far, I can tell that they have a pretty random email address allocation policy - some are (for example); jbloggs@, bloggsj@ j.bloggs@, joe.b@, etc., etc., etc.




Original Poster:

82 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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hornetrider said:
Do we get details or are you going to leave us to idly speculate? Before answering, do bear in mind it's Friday and liquid lunches have been consumed.
Right, here goes...

  • *************
Short version:

David Wilson have been negligent in their duty as Landlord in a Lease of Part relating to my neighbours' garage - which forms a part of my property. Prior to me completing my purchase and assuming the title of Landlord.

  • *************
Long version:

The property I bought from David Wilson is in the style of a "Coachhouse". Underneath my property are two garages and a drive-under area leading to further garages.

As the Freeholder, the land my property stands on belongs to me. As one of the garages does not, there is a Lease of Part, where I am the Landlord and my neighbour is the Tenant. Basically, I own the structure and the land, the "space" within the garage is for the use of my neighbour. This Lease contains a number of Covenants.

Before we completed the purchase, we queried the lease with our solicitor and the onsite sales people and all our questions were answered. Solicitor explained it in plain English, sales people told us that there was no electrical supply in the garage underneath my property (my garage does have an electrical supply).

On the weekend we moved in, we saw (through an open garage door) that our neighbour had had an electrical supply installed in the garage - puncturing a fire-safe Party Wall in order to do so.

I immediately raised this as a grievance with the builder.

Anyway, long story short - David Wilson Homes have confirmed in writing (well, email) that neither they, nor their agents or contractors installed this electrical supply.

They also claim that they can take no action as they do not own either of the properties.

My argument is that they DID own my property at the time of the Breach of Covenants, and that as a result they should deal with this as the Landlord at the time of the infraction.

I've written a strongly worded letter to my neighbour which will be sent next week, and have given David Fellowes one last chance to take responsibility and sort it out before the commencement of legal action.

Anybody want to see/comment on either today's email to David Wilson Homes (which I want to forward to someone higher), or the brilliantly (even if I do say so myself)written and cleverly worded letter which should make my neighbour st herself when it lands on her doormat...?


63,161 posts

210 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Oooh, yes, do post!



35,829 posts

276 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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We can't wait.


2,432 posts

258 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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This ridiculous.

You don't get what you want from the Customer Complaints Manager, so you think the next step up is David Wilson himself?

Hello, Mr Natwest? About my rubbish bank account. Yes, you'll free up 30 minutes of your busy schedule to see me despite having thousands of staff employed to do the jobs for you.

You'd do better just asking who to refer the matter up to, next.


63,161 posts

210 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Looks like the inhouse lawyers are lining up to dish out the abuse free advice wink


Original Poster:

82 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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RichBurley said:
This ridiculous.

You don't get what you want from the Customer Complaints Manager, so you think the next step up is David Wilson himself?
I simply asked if anybody could help me refer the matter higher - not for the home phone number of David Wilson himself. Do try to pay attention.

For everyone else:

The contents of the letter addressed to my neighbour (not yet sent)and with personally identifiable bits replaced with <this kind of thing>

  • ****************************************
Dear <neighbour>,

This notice is in reference to the following described lease: Lease of Part relating to Garage Plot 146 <name of DWH development> dated: 16th March 2009 (the “Lease”) between the Landlord (owner Plot 145 (<my address>)) and the Tenant (owner Plot 146 (<neighbour's address>)) in respect of the premises described as: “Garage(s) at ground floor level Plot 146 <name of DWH development> to be known as the garage at <neighbour's address>”.

You are hereby notified that you are in breach of The Tenant’s Covenants as described in Paragraphs 3.9; 3.14; 3.24, and 3.25.

As you have without my knowledge and consent, nor ( I have had it confirmed) with the knowledge and consent of the previous Landlord (David Wilson Homes Ltd.) made alterations in the said property by installing a live electrical supply, punctured the fire-safe Party Wall in order to do so, and damaged the walls and ceiling in order to mount the light fixture; light switch and mains sockets; thereby violated and are still now continuously violating the Covenants of the Lease (which are not waived or condoned by me), I hereby give you notice to remove the unauthorised electrical supply and make good the damage caused during the installation of said supply within twenty eight (28) days of receipt of this notice (as dated +1).

If you do not comply, then I shall enter the Demised Premises and make good the repairs myself as is my Right as the Landlord according to the terms of the Lease (described in detail in Paragraph 3.8). Failure to allow me to do so, or obstructing me or any workmen I might employ to act on my behalf will be a further Breach of Lease. If we cannot resolve this dispute peacefully, then I shall have no option other than to appoint a Solicitor and pursue this matter using any and all legal means available to me according to English Property Law (specifically the Landlord & Tenant Act 1985).

Yours sincerely,


  • **********************
Email to David Fellowes (with a couple of his colleagues cced):

  • **********************

Further to previous correspondence between Sue Buckby and myself on the matter of my next-door neighbour breaching the covenants of the Lease of Part which governs her right to use the garage which forms a part of my property, I shall be notifying the tenant that they are in breach of said covenants and instruct them to put it right forthwith. A copy of the letter (which I shall send via Recorded Delivery during the course of next week) is attached for your reference.

I am, to say the least, extremely disappointed that I should have to handle this matter myself. I would have thought that a company of your size would have a legal team available to assist with matters such as this. Your apparent lack of interest reflects very poorly on David Wilson Homes Ltd.

The breach in the tenants' conditions happened before 11/09/2009 - the date on which I obtained ownership of the property. Prior to this date the responsibility as landlord was with David Wilson Homes, and I note that you have failed to act in accordance with these responsibilities. In my opinion you have been negligent.

I would wish to make a formal complaint that you have failed in the duties vested in you and I look forward to hearing what actions you now propose to take in rectifying this matter. No action is not an acceptable answer.



Deva Link

26,934 posts

250 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Anyway, if it's a legal issue your solicitor should be dealing with DW's legal team or their solicitor. I'm not surprised you're getting nowhere.


Original Poster:

82 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Deva Link said:
Anyway, if it's a legal issue your solicitor should be dealing with DW's legal team or their solicitor. I'm not surprised you're getting nowhere.
Mm, yes. Here's the thing. We completed our purchase back in September. Been trying to get David Wilson to deal with it through the prescribed channels - Site Manager --> Customer Care team --> Customer Care Manager (which is where I am now).

The next step (as I see it) really is to take responsibility as the Landlord and deal with the Tenant myself, then try to take some form of legal action against DWH?

Compensation for the inconvenience and time spent handling what they should have done immediately that I raised the issue with them?


Instruct a Solicitor to get on DWH's case and make them sort it out?

(I don't have huge amounts of money so would prefer to avoid costly legal action where possible)


63,161 posts

210 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Have you spoken to your neighbour, or will they be receiving this letter out of the blue?

Deva Link

26,934 posts

250 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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If they've really punched through a firewall then maybe you could try Building Control at the council. That's probably likely to be the nuclear option for any relationship you have with your neighbour though.


35,829 posts

276 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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ianconscious said:
Dear <neighbour>,



Well done. You now have formal dispute with your neigbour which you'll have to decalre on the paperwork when you try to sell.

That letter just cost you £20k.

Edited by Soovy on Friday 22 January 16:34


Original Poster:

82 posts

195 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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Soovy said:
ianconscious said:
Dear <neighbour>,



Well done. You now have formal dispute with your neigbour which you'll have to decalre on the paperwork when you try to sell.

That letter just cost you £20k.

Edited by Soovy on Friday 22 January 16:34
What would you do in my situation, please?


35,829 posts

276 months

Friday 22nd January 2010
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ianconscious said:
Soovy said:
ianconscious said:
Dear <neighbour>,



Well done. You now have formal dispute with your neigbour which you'll have to decalre on the paperwork when you try to sell.

That letter just cost you £20k.

Edited by Soovy on Friday 22 January 16:34
What would you do in my situation, please?
First, talk to the neigbour and tell them that they're not supposed to do what they've done for safety and building reg reasons. See if you can reason with her. Offer a workaround involving her being able to use your socket when she needs to. Something, anything other than sending her a f ckyou-o-gram outof the blue.

Then if she is off about it talk to a solicitor before you go charging in like a bull at a gate, and don't write letters like that to the company which will only result in your getting a good old laughing at by their inhouse lawyers and being put to the bottom of the "people we want to help" pile.

There may very well be simple solution but you've gone straight in and opened one of these.

Edited by Soovy on Friday 22 January 16:43

Edited by Soovy on Friday 22 January 16:46