PH referendum - Should Scotland be an independent country?

PH referendum - Should Scotland be an independent country?

Poll: PH referendum - Should Scotland be an independent country?

Total Members Polled: 544

Live in Scotland and will vote yes: 5%
Live in Scotland and will vote no: 15%
Live outside of Scotland and think yes: 31%
Live outside of Scotland and think no: 49%


Original Poster:

16,246 posts

204 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Not sure if PH is representative of the Scottish electorate but interested to gauge feelings here.

After 318 votes (70 of which are Scottish residents):

no = 54 = 77%
yes = 16 = 23%

Edited by Lefty on Monday 1st September 07:09


8,505 posts

137 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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I live in Milltimber just outside of Aberdeen, I'm English - will be voting no, the Yes campaign is built of steaming piles of horse st lies - laughable at best, dangerous at worst.


42,794 posts

237 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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English resident here and if a properly federal system were on offer I would vote for that in a flash. But since the only alternative on offer is Scottish devolution, whilst Scottish MPS still have full control over English affairs, it is time for the union to come to an end.


32,414 posts

206 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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This will just get filled with wkers who have been banned from the other threads

Would i like to live in an independent scotland = YES

Would i like to live in the free democratic workers republic of salmondland = NO chance

Am i willing to see the suffering independence will bring with the scottish government at the helm = NO chance


Original Poster:

16,246 posts

204 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Probably, but the poll results are the main aim. The perpetually banned can shout all they like but they'll just get one vote. Unless of course they have multiple logins! In which case hopefully their IP's will be blocked wink


1,819 posts

201 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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We all know ( well everyone with any sense knows) that this site is hardly representative of the.true political make up of the country. Anglo Irish by birth. Live in Scotland. Voting Yes!!!


Original Poster:

16,246 posts

204 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Not many women I'll grant you but a broad section of society as far as 25-50yo men I would guess.


7,266 posts

160 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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I have lived in the Highlands all my life and stayed in Aberdeen for 4 years - I am voting no.


3,091 posts

178 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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I'm English, living in England and voted yes.

Let's be rid of the professional victim whingeing fkers once and for all.

The damage done to my country by scottish politicians can never be undone, so it's payback time.



2,705 posts

236 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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smegmore said:
I'm English, living in England and voted yes.

Let's be rid of the professional victim whingeing fkers once and for all.

The damage done to my country by scottish politicians can never be undone, so it's payback time.

My reason for voting yes too!
Honestly if you really want independence from us evil bds, let us help you kick you out, it's your best bet!


4,071 posts

233 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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If you vote yes you get a couple of years of haggling over finances and how the split will work, but if you vote no you still have haggling over extra powers that could make Scotland almost independent (own tax rates, own spending plans etc.). Plus even with a no vote you are likely to get a large percentage voting yes and another SNP winning election and the argument will just run till there is another vote further down the line.

Don't personally want the SNP in full control so a Yes vote and then some space for new leaders to come through. If you are going to do it better now while there is oil left than in 10-20 years. Plus it might get us out of the EU which would be a win in my book.


1,819 posts

201 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Crusoe said:
If you vote yes you get a couple of years of haggling over finances and how the split will work, but if you vote no you still have haggling over extra powers that could make Scotland almost independent (own tax rates, own spending plans etc.). Plus even with a no vote you are likely to get a large percentage voting yes and another SNP winning election and the argument will just run till there is another vote further down the line.

Don't personally want the SNP in full control so a Yes vote and then some space for new leaders to come through. If you are going to do it better now while there is oil left than in 10-20 years. Plus it might get us out of the EU which would be a win in my book.
Er, that's not quite how things work.....and really I suspect in reality you know this. So what would happen is a yes vote, then some horse trading over the details - then a Scottish general election in 2016. Then after that - who knows, but at least the electorate will not have to wait and see what happens over the border. Even if we get lumbered with a Tory government, it's what the majority of voters in Scotland wanted, so we'll have no complaints.


1,819 posts

201 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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McWigglebum4th said:
This will just get filled with wkers who have been banned from the other threads

Would i like to live in an independent scotland = YES

Would i like to live in the free democratic workers republic of salmondland = NO chance

Am i willing to see the suffering independence will bring with the scottish government at the helm = NO chance
Erudite as ever eh Wibbles?......Oh no silly me, of course not, but feel free to make contributions. Still maintaining this is about Fat Wee Eck eh? Never mind you'll have your chance in 2016 to vote for another political party to take the reins.... As you were Wibbles!!!


848 posts

194 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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So about 4 votes for yes from people living in Scotland. Going by that twitter post the other day from a yes voter who admitted signing the declaration in favour of Scottish independence more than 8 times. I'd say we have one, maybe two real voters there smile.


8,371 posts

139 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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I think once the Scots decide to stay in the union the rest of us should be allowed to have a vote to decide if we want them to stay.

I have to agree with the view its like a marriage and once one side says ohh im thinking of leaving the other side has the right to say ps off then I don't want to be with someone who is not committed to the relationship.


27,621 posts

218 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Pcvdriver, as you're banned from the other thread, I thought I'd just bring this to your attention:

Oakey said:
pcvdriver said:
And just how many replies in are you before mentioning it? The date was what made me make up my mind to bring people's attention to it.... It's nearly a year since it happened, but it seems the police have more important things on their minds.

Let's cats (oops, cast) our minds back about the woman caught on CCTV dumping a cat in a wheelie bin - within a day or two the footage was released to the public and she was quite rightly named and shamed (as well as prosecuted too for good measure)......

As you were Oakey......
That's odd, because the way you phrased your Original Post was to suggest that a politician campaigning for 'No' was getting more media coverage than a 'Yes' campaigner who had been assaulted.

So now, having had it pointed out to you that assault happened a year ago, you're going to try and claim that you knew that all along and that was actually the deciding factor for your post? Despite the fact you never mentioned any of this whatsoever to begin with?

So basically, what you really wanted to know, is why a politician who was egged recently is getting more media coverage than a random pensioner who was assaulted a year ago? Do you think it's for the same reason that all the other assaults that no doubt happened throughout the country a year ago also didn't get widespread national media coverage?

You're so full of st it's leaking out of your ears. Now, don't you have to get back to flagellating yourself with thistles to purge yourself of your English?


3,587 posts

167 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Scot, 31, live near Glasgow.



2,441 posts

206 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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They won't last without our help/money, but we should be better off for it.


56 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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nellyleelephant said:
smegmore said:
I'm English, living in England and voted yes.

Let's be rid of the professional victim whingeing fkers once and for all.

The damage done to my country by scottish politicians can never be undone, so it's payback time.

My reason for voting yes too!
Honestly if you really want independence from us evil bds, let us help you kick you out, it's your best bet!
Sadly, I also feel like this. English by birth, live in South east, with wee Scottish (motherwell) mum.


1,819 posts

201 months

Sunday 31st August 2014
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Oakey said:
Pcvdriver, as you're banned from the other thread, I thought I'd just bring this to your attention:

Oakey said:
pcvdriver said:
And just how many replies in are you before mentioning it? The date was what made me make up my mind to bring people's attention to it.... It's nearly a year since it happened, but it seems the police have more important things on their minds.

Let's cats (oops, cast) our minds back about the woman caught on CCTV dumping a cat in a wheelie bin - within a day or two the footage was released to the public and she was quite rightly named and shamed (as well as prosecuted too for good measure)......

As you were Oakey......
That's odd, because the way you phrased your Original Post was to suggest that a politician campaigning for 'No' was getting more media coverage than a 'Yes' campaigner who had been assaulted.

So now, having had it pointed out to you that assault happened a year ago, you're going to try and claim that you knew that all along and that was actually the deciding factor for your post? Despite the fact you never mentioned any of this whatsoever to begin with?

So basically, what you really wanted to know, is why a politician who was egged recently is getting more media coverage than a random pensioner who was assaulted a year ago? Do you think it's for the same reason that all the other assaults that no doubt happened throughout the country a year ago also didn't get widespread national media coverage?

You're so full of st it's leaking out of your ears. Now, don't you have to get back to flagellating yourself with thistles to purge yourself of your English?
Actually, Oakey - I'm fine about my roots, but thanks for your concern, anyway this whole referendum thing isn't about being anti-English, merely where Scotland is governed from - only fools and agitators (which amount to the same thing) maintain that it is about being anti-English.

Anyway, it appears for most of the afternoon it was all quite good humoured, according to Bob Costello of Yes Scotland - here's a wee quote from him...

Bob Costello said:
I write this in answer to an article in the dundee Courier as someone who was at this event yesterday and also as one of the people used by the courier to atribute comments to ,in the hope that I can put a more balanced view than has been reported in the Courier. It is a great pity that it could not have been reported as it actually was and therein lies the reason for the passion that was brought out during this debate . If we could be assured of a balanced press and media there would probably not be the perceived need for the efforts to put a positive message across in the way that was done yesterday.. The impression unfortunately given in the report by Graeme Bletcher in today's Courier was that of a baying mob bussed in to confront Murphy. this was as far from the truth as could be . So here are the facts. We set up a Yes stall in the city square in early afternoon to distribute information and get people signed up to register for voting (there is a huge amount of people in Dundee ,not eligible to vote). We were asked to move to another position nearer H Samuels because the spot we were using required permission , this we duly did .A similar request was made by a council officer when Jim Murphy's group (bussed in ) arrived in the Square but this request was ignored. So we had been there all afternoon and did not realise that Murphy and his followers were to be there until not long before he arrived. This was the reason that there was plenty of yes posters there and the general public inundated the stall looking to get posters to demonstrate their opinions regarding the way the No campaign was being conducted.I did not recognise the Baying mob portrayal deliberately portrayed by Graeme Bletcher in fact ,yes there was a fair amount of passion but if you watch the Couriers own video you will see that there was also a good amount of humour . I myself made several points and asked various questions which were not answered . I asked what the better together camps plan B was in relation to Trident , no satisfactory explanation,
I accused Jim Murphy of terrorising pensioners by trying to make them believe that in an independent Scotland their pensions would be at risk and this is disgusting , I shouldn't have to be saying these things to Murphy if we had a functioning press because as the press well know there is no risk to pensions after independence and there is letters from the department of pensions to prove this. I pressed Murphy on his party's cover ups on Paedophilia rings operating throughout the Westminster establishment . I can only interpret the Couriers reporting of what I said on that subject as giving this scandal "the light touch"

I was personally assaulted by a woman who was part of the Bussed in No group in a deliberate attempt to cause an incident ,presumably to stop me making uncomfortable points and I had the tell her quite firmly that the police would be involved if she attempted such a thing again. I was constantly hit with posters in an attempt to stop me making the points I was making. But you would believe from the courier report that this was all one way . I could go on but to sum up , there would be no need to take the opportunity to make these points if the press would do their job. I will be surprised if this answer is not taken off the Courier site but I will copy and put it on my Facebook. Thank goodness for social media because without it we would be led by the government propaganda fed to us by a willing press in the same way as the atricle in the Courier has just demonstrated.

I am a local business man and have made available vehicles including a large double Decker bus for canvasing and also a coach to business for Scotland . Last weekend we had a magnificent display with both vehicles in the City square for canvasing although they were informed DC Thompsons were no where to be seen and that is for a local initiative. This tells a tale.
The Courier realy need to wake up and smell the Coffee , they are out of touch with the people of Dundee.

This answer was originally posted on the Couriers web site and surprise ,surprise ,it has been removed.

Does this photograph give you the impression of a baying mob?

Bob Costello

As you were Oakey....