

Bella Smallville

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706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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fluffnik said:
tank slapper said:
I don't think it necessarily has to be corruption. The difficulty from the police's point of view, is that they must receive many complaints of a similar nature when it comes to vehicles being towed away. When the answer in most cases is that it is a civil matter, it must be tempting for that to become the 'default' position that is given when many similar cases are brought to their attention.
We keep hearing of police throwing resources at trivial (non)crimes on the flimsiest of allegations and we keep hearing that they must follow up these almost certainly ephemeral (non)crimes.

Meanwhile a consistent series of credible complaints is being ignored!

The police may not be corrupt but they are of no apparent use either. It's time for replacement either way.
What do you recommend of as a replacement then fella? wink

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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dwspirit said:
BiBs with common sense who know the difference between right and wrong!

There is so much evidence to lock up and charge Stone and Boosey!
Here here!!

I have been told TWO different things from the police today,

1st is that they are having one final meeting with the CC of Essex Police, DI and DC who are dealing with the investigation and also the solicitor who works with Essex Police.

2nd is from the police press office stating that they are no longer investigating the issue and that they have closed it.

So I have tried getting hold of the DC or DI most the day (while arguing with the Finance company) without much luck, on both counts btw!

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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fluffnik said:
Bella Smallville said:
The police may not be corrupt but they are of no apparent use either. It's time for replacement either way.
[quote]What do you recommend of as a replacement then fella? wink
Proper thieftakers without a political arm like ACPO answerable to ratepayers.
If only we could live in a place that was like that smile

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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fluffnik said:
Bella Smallville said:
fluffnik said:
The police may not be corrupt but they are of no apparent use either. It's time for replacement either way.
What do you recommend of as a replacement then fella? wink
Proper thieftakers without a political arm like ACPO answerable to ratepayers.

Edited by fluffnik on Thursday 18th November 01:29
But it's not just the police force that needs to be sorting though, it's the whole court system, how many times do you hear of someone getting off for something or just getting a silly fine frown

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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BDZ said:
Bella Smallville said:
A DI and a DC? The CC?! Either Essex police have nothing to do or someone is pulling your leg. I wouldn't expect any CID, let alone a DI, to get involved in a clamping dispute, and certainly not the CC. It may be true of course but I'd be very surprised.

Personally I would have left the clamping dispute as a civil matter but once they disposed of the car and treated it as their own for me it becomes theft because they've taken a proprietary right of ownership dishonestly and selling the car shows an intent to permanently deprive and I'd lock them up at the very least. Nothing wrong with locking up dodgy clampers the thieving c*nts that they are.

That said the things that are cited as "evidence" on PH and in the press and things are actually evidence in the real world of the courts and the law are two very different things.
I actually met the DC and DI personally when I went upto Southend Station to give another statement about what was in the car, the DC is the guy who came round and took statements from me and my father about this when it 1st happened!!

And the CC is involved now because I contacted my local MP about all this as he has had trouble with LBS in the past do he wrote a letter himself stating he will do as much as he can, so write a letter to the CC asking why has nothing been done yet.

Wow it's hard posting on the iPhone, iPad needed I think tongue out

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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carreauchompeur said:
I agree, this was a civil dispute up to the point they started asking extortionate sums and disposing of the car, at which point they should have been nicked for blackmail and theft/TWOC.
I was told a while back by the DC that they wound look into blackmail, think I mentioned it on here actually but was told 'lack of evidence' FFS!!

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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Red Devil said:
Bella Smallville said:
dwspirit said:
Bella Smallville said:
Oh did you guys also know that Matthew Boosey is now employed by Essex Police as a bailiff as he applied a few days after the car was taken.

Now how is that right?
Do the Police employ bailifs? Do you mean the courts?
Courts oops!
Highly unlikely that he would stand any chance of becoming a High Court Enforcement Officer. It would be as a Certificated bailiff for a private company. And not much likelihood of that either. Part of the process is a CCJ check.. This should flag up the link between him and LBS. If it doesn't there is serious flaw in the system.
I agree that neither of them should be bailiffs but I know for a fact they are as Matthew Boosey had gone into Basildon police station a few days before the car was taken, and found this out through my aunt who works at the front desk there.

I can't see how the fk his managed to become one, but I have gone upto Southend County Court and reported him as he must of lied at some point! And about Mark Stone I'm not to sure but I understand his s bailiff of the same nature frown

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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ZOLLAR said:
Bella Smallville said:
.. and found this out through my aunt who works at the front desk there...
Does that mean your Aunty is a police office on front desk or civilian attached dealing with police documents?.
PC on the front desk.

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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ZOLLAR said:
Bella Smallville said:
ZOLLAR said:
Bella Smallville said:
.. and found this out through my aunt who works at the front desk there...
Does that mean your Aunty is a police office on front desk or civilian attached dealing with police documents?.
PC on the front desk.
If she's a police officer surely she should be able to find out the reasons (other than it being a "civil matter") for why the police are not investigating considering the amount of "evidence" gathered by yourself and other people.
I'll give her a bell later on then but I'm not holding my breath as she was less than helpful when I went to her station the night after the car was taken, but I shall still try thumbup

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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I spoke to the DI not that long ago and he confirmed that they will not be going to do anything more and close the investigation based on that because it's on private property where all this happened so it's still a 'civil matter' and when I asked about how/why they have come to that conclusion he was saying that I don't have and good evidence that they had no intension of giving the car back, so asked him about the change of ownership details so that shows that they had no intension and his view is that it's still a 'civil matter' FFS!!

So just need to wait for some forms I believe and i'll be making a complaint to the IPCC even though I don't like complaining about things frown

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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dwspirit said:
Bella Smallville said:
ZOLLAR said:
Bella Smallville said:
.. and found this out through my aunt who works at the front desk there...
Why can't your Aunt go and arrest Stone and Boosey for theft and assault? This is getting more silly all the time! What were Stone and Boosey doing at Basildon Police station? Is the corruption at a high level?

This is the first time that you mentioned that your Aunt is a BiB!

Does that mean your Aunty is a police office on front desk or civilian attached dealing with police documents?.
PC on the front desk.
Blank? ...

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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dwspirit said:
Why can't your Aunt go and arrest Stone and Boosey for theft and assault? This is getting more silly all the time! What were Stone and Boosey doing at Basildon Police station? Is the corruption at a high level?

This is the first time that you mentioned that your Aunt is a BiB!
1st time mentioned because she's no use what so ever so thought no point in saying about it, my little finger is more helpful than her!!

It was just Boosey who went to Basildon btw, not sure about Stone fella.

From what I understand, she would not go and arrest Boosey as it'll put her in a bad light and then the police while be liable for compensation for wrongful arrest.

FYI - Our family don't speak to each other so wouldn't expected much help tbh frown

Edited by Bella Smallville on Thursday 18th November 09:02

Edited by Bella Smallville on Thursday 18th November 09:03

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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Good smile

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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dwspirit said:
Word of warning to anyone driving a car in the Essex area. If you see a black Range Rover Sport (reg BG58 RNV) driven by fat ugly man with a shaven head; beware because it is a clamper operating in your area. His name is Mark Stone and he is also a car thief.
I wonder if it's got tinted windows and drug dealer wheels driving

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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PintOfKittens said:
Bella Smallville said:
dwspirit said:
Word of warning to anyone driving a car in the Essex area. If you see a black Range Rover Sport (reg BG58 RNV) driven by fat ugly man with a shaven head; beware because it is a clamper operating in your area. His name is Mark Stone and he is also a car thief.
I wonder if it's got tinted windows and drug dealer wheels driving
Not a bad idea to anonymously report it to the police as someone whos dealing drugs from that vehicle...

Im not recommending anyone do that! Just saying whistle

Edited by Bella Smallville on Thursday 18th November 14:46

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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Victor McDade said:
Have to say Bella you've been remarkably restrained over this thing keeping it within the law.

Many others would struggle.....some would be recruiting the services of a local chav or junky to slash Stone's tyres....set of range rover tyres don't come cheap.
Cheers Vic,

Have to say I have been very tempted to take the law into my own hands but once I do that I'm no better than LBS!!

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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Magog said:
Does no one else think that to get that much protection from the Police the people behind LBS must be informants of some sort?
I thought that, think they might be a little bent as well!

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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Just found out some more information that I thought I would share.

On the same date that LBS has filed for dissolution, the land owner on where this all took place sold the land on the exact same date.

Now is it me or is that a bit of a coindence?

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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Cyberprog said:
Bella - why not just find out who they sold your car to from the DVLA's change of keeper, and just go round there and take it back? It's still property of the finance company/you, and possession is 9/10th of the law.
The DVLA won't tell me who the owner is, and when pressed they say it's because of the data protection act!!

Bella Smallville

Original Poster:

706 posts

167 months

Thursday 18th November 2010
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dwspirit said:
Bella Smallville said:
Cyberprog said:
Bella - why not just find out who they sold your car to from the DVLA's change of keeper, and just go round there and take it back? It's still property of the finance company/you, and possession is 9/10th of the law.
The DVLA won't tell me who the owner is, and when pressed they say it's because of the data protection act!!
Re-register it in your name and the last owner's address will be on there!
That's an idea but if I end up going after the new owner who bought the car then it may not look 'good' in the eyes of the court doh!