20mph in London?



42,648 posts

237 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2005
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IanReid said:

Pies said:
First find who,where and how the survey was carried out
There are statsmstats and damned lies

Livingstone is the master of the biased survey. The West London tram link is a classic of the genre. First of all there was an extensive survey of West London residents with leaflets to all houses in the affected areas, and a roadshow. I went to the roadshow, and sent back my reply. Guess what, when it didn't give the result Ken wanted, he commissioned a separate survey, which did give the answer he wanted. Read all about it here:-


This article doesn't really convey it, but much was made of the original consultation at the time. Views would be listened to etc. All crap of course. A similar trick has been pulled on the westward expansion of the congestion charging zone. This 20 mph example is another such example I'll wager. It's absolutely nothing to do with safety, you can find documents on the TfL web site which show that there are actually few casualties around schools, everybody is already thinking of the children there, it is simply another anti car measure, by an anti car bigot.

As the man himself says it wasn't a referendum, which begs the question why have a consultation in the first place, when you already know the answer. All we can hope is London will come to it's senses at the next mayoral election.

On a related topic, that much asked question of what would happen if there were diversions taking people into the congestion charging zone who didn't want to go there. Guess what. It's just happened. See the link. Should be interesting, no.


I think Livingstone will be mayor as long as he likes-He fits most Londoners perfectly-a politician who's every action is determined by envy of those trying to make something of their lives.


3,996 posts

257 months

Thursday 24th March 2005
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JagLover said:

birdbrain said:
I think London must be one of the few cities in the world where the objective is to impede the traffic flow, not to keep it moving.


I read somewhere that even before the congestion charge came into effect the number of cars entering central london was already lower than it was in the 1970s-Congestion had risen due to deliberate policies.

Yes, these fools don't care a damn about the pollution caused by their actions, they just want to cause congestion and then promote a solution which involves money from the driver.