85 in a 70 mobile van - Rant and Questions

85 in a 70 mobile van - Rant and Questions



34,178 posts

124 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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littleredrooster said:
There's about half-a-dozen places between Thirsk - York where they regularly sit, some in lay-bys others on bridges, usually just after a corner so they cannot be seen until the last moment.
I was up that way recently and on the A64 a little beyond York there were two of themon the same carriageway, a couple of miles apart. Now that really is sneaky!


7,908 posts

164 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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Hasn't the OP posted something similar? If not someone has made a very similar post in the past (almost word for word) or am I going mad?


19,474 posts

216 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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I think it was only admiral that asked about courses. I know they now don't.

Lemming Train

5,567 posts

77 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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stargazer30 said:
I was traveling past York last weekend on the section of the A1. It was still the 2 lane part with the odd junction

Are you getting your roads mixed up? The A1 doesn't go within 10 mile of York and it's been 3 lane motorway for the entire length between Scotch Corner and Ferrybridge for a couple of years now.

Julian Thompson

2,581 posts

243 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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Is it legal to use Waze or am I risking prison if I try it by perverting “justice” and lots of other nasties I don’t know about?

I read somewhere it’s now an offence to flash an oncoming car to warn them of the presence of a speed trap. Isn’t telling waze about it the same thing?

Wouldn’t want to end up whacking a PCSO with a frying pan or anything because I wasn’t up to date with case law before I ventured out of the house of a morning.....


226 posts

158 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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Lemming Train said:
stargazer30 said:
I was traveling past York last weekend on the section of the A1. It was still the 2 lane part with the odd junction

Are you getting your roads mixed up? The A1 doesn't go within 10 mile of York and it's been 3 lane motorway for the entire length between Scotch Corner and Ferrybridge for a couple of years now.
Was thinking the same, they were probably on the A64.

Mr Tidy

23,767 posts

132 months

Saturday 18th May 2019
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I used to find 85 a fairly comfortable cruising speed, but don't any more as the 2 motorways I use the most are the M3 and M25 which have cameras everywhere!

As both my cars only register 27 mph when I pass those signs that light up in built-up areas when I'm doing an indicated 30 mph I just stay below an indicated 80 mph now - or an indicated 55 mph on that bit of the slip road from the M25 clockwise onto the M3 west-bound with a 50 limit and average cameras.

It's just more potential aggravation I can do without. laugh

But most of the A3 doesn't have cameras, so that is a welcome relief - but they do park vans on it sometimes so I always keep a good look out for those!

I just wish as much attention was focussed on MLMs as on Speeding - but you can't do that with just cameras I suppose.


4,992 posts

139 months

Sunday 19th May 2019
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LosingGrip said:
Hasn't the OP posted something similar? If not someone has made a very similar post in the past (almost word for word) or am I going mad?
You're probably thinking about this thread which had a discussion about NYP's camera vans


Pit Pony

9,114 posts

126 months

Sunday 19th May 2019
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stargazer30 said:
Years ago when I was young and dumb I got done for 98 on the A1 in Yorkshire. It was a fair cop who told my, "keep it below 80 son and we'll leave you alone" I've took that advice and its worked up until now.

I was traveling past York last weekend on the section of the A1. It was still the 2 lane part with the odd junction and some dizzy woman with no sense of speed pulled out causing me to brake hard and bail into lane 1 to avoid hitting her side on. Now down to about 30mph on a NSL I booted it to get back up to speed. Clear road ahead now obviously. Comes round a slight bend to be met with two cars up ahead doing 50 ish, one up the others chuff not happy about being slowed down. Then I saw the mobile camera van. CCRRRRAAAAAAPPP! Seems I hit 85 on the way back up, fair dos I should have been watching the speedo and not using a large range of swear words at dizzy woman driver. Really hoping I get offered a SAC as I'd like to keep my clean license.

Anyway before I get a cool stary bra, to the point...

WTF camera vans on motorways! Come on thats not playing fair. Was a sunny clear day and light traffic too.

Q1: How do you lot avoid this? By the time you see them they've got you. I'd be happy to stick to 70 but no other drivers do. I tired on the 100 mile trip back home and it was comical getting irate OAPs in Micras and Aygo's up my rear end and anything German going past me like I wasn't moving.

Q2: Do I have to tell ins co about a SAC and if I do will they screw me over. I've googled it and its conflicting advice. Its not a conviction so some sources say no, other's say if you don't ins co can void your policy. As I recall I only was asked about convictions.

Q3: Apparently google maps now warns drivers of mobile units (thanks google) but can you have that working all the time or only when your using it as a sat nav?
It's tempting to show a turn of speed when you've been forced to slow down. It's like we are trying to.prove something. These days I set the cruise to the speed limit using the sat nav and not the Wildly inaccurate Speedo that shows 77 mph when you are doing 70
Having been forced to slow. I sigh.and then press resume. The best thing about an it being an auto is that if it were legal.i could set the cruise at 140 .mph, and at 21 mph I could press resume, and it would kick.down and get me there as quick as it can.


1,164 posts

140 months

Sunday 19th May 2019
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I use Tom Tom personally. Do about 50k a year and not been caught yet. It updates through the mobile connection daily to include camera vans and traffic so saves me time and alerts me if anything untoward is around.

Although tbh I still always stick below an indicated 80mph (76mph GPS) just because I keep seeing unmarked cars flying around and cant be bothered with the hassle of getting stopped.

It’s also handy during the average speed cameras as it displays your average speed so gives you a good indication if you can nudge up by 1-2mph if you need to get past something.

I tend to stick to the following through averages.

30mph (30 GPS) indicated in a 30mph limit
42mph (40 GPS) indicated in a 40mph limit
53mph (50 GPS) indicated in a 50mph limit
63mph (60 GPS) indicated in a 60mph limit
73mph (70 GPS) indicated in a 70mph limit

Always works out bang on and as I say never been caught so far!

80mph on the speedo is about 76mph GPS so


59 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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stargazer30 said:
Years ago when I was young and dumb I got done for 98 on the A1 in Yorkshire. It was a fair cop who told my, "keep it below 80 son and we'll leave you alone" I've took that advice and its worked up until now.

I was traveling past York last weekend on the section of the A1. It was still the 2 lane part with the odd junction and some dizzy woman with no sense of speed pulled out causing me to brake hard and bail into lane 1 to avoid hitting her side on. Now down to about 30mph on a NSL I booted it to get back up to speed. Clear road ahead now obviously. Comes round a slight bend to be met with two cars up ahead doing 50 ish, one up the others chuff not happy about being slowed down. Then I saw the mobile camera van. CCRRRRAAAAAAPPP! Seems I hit 85 on the way back up, fair dos I should have been watching the speedo and not using a large range of swear words at dizzy woman driver. Really hoping I get offered a SAC as I'd like to keep my clean license.

Anyway before I get a cool stary bra, to the point...

WTF camera vans on motorways! Come on thats not playing fair. Was a sunny clear day and light traffic too.

Q1: How do you lot avoid this? By the time you see them they've got you. I'd be happy to stick to 70 but no other drivers do. I tired on the 100 mile trip back home and it was comical getting irate OAPs in Micras and Aygo's up my rear end and anything German going past me like I wasn't moving.

Q2: Do I have to tell ins co about a SAC and if I do will they screw me over. I've googled it and its conflicting advice. Its not a conviction so some sources say no, other's say if you don't ins co can void your policy. As I recall I only was asked about convictions.

Q3: Apparently google maps now warns drivers of mobile units (thanks google) but can you have that working all the time or only when your using it as a sat nav?
Sounds like (from the way you describe your driving) you would perhaps benefit more from improving your observation and planning ahead skills whilst driving, and also perhaps look at any possible anger management issues you have before worrying about speed camera locations.

R Mutt

5,893 posts

77 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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I notice Google Maps now has camera warnings so I've discarded the previously used TomTom speed camera app, which would show average speed while in average speed camera areas, and also crucially have an actual speed read-out. Reckon I should set that up aain to start up when I get in the the car so I don't get complacent with the Google one.


5,016 posts

197 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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I usually wait for a car that's going quick and then tuck in behind it about 50 meters back and use them as sacrificial bait, it's worked pretty well in the past two years I've avoided tickets at least three times due to this from mobile speed cameras.

A900ss said:
I think 85MPH is one of the silly speeds to cruise at.

Do 78MPH and you’ll get away with it. If you want to go faster, go to an indicated 95MPH. Still be 3 points but at least your getting more for your three points....

(The above is said tongue in cheek but does have elements of truth to it).
I pointed that out on my speed awareness course and they weren't very happy.

I was caught doing 84mph and was eligible for the course (just) but for the next three years there's no leeway so you may as well either set the cruise control to 77mph and stay under the limit or raise it to 94mph as anything inbetween will be a 3 points FPN.

Nexus Icon

628 posts

66 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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untakenname said:
I usually wait for a car that's going quick and then tuck in behind it about 50 meters back and use them as sacrificial bait, it's worked pretty well in the past two years I've avoided tickets at least three times due to this from mobile speed cameras.
Always this.


197 posts

75 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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Julian Thompson said:
Is it legal to use Waze or am I risking prison if I try it by perverting “justice” and lots of other nasties I don’t know about?

I read somewhere it’s now an offence to flash an oncoming car to warn them of the presence of a speed trap. Isn’t telling waze about it the same thing?

Wouldn’t want to end up whacking a PCSO with a frying pan or anything because I wasn’t up to date with case law before I ventured out of the house of a morning.....
I believe Waze gets round this by not showing the cameras exact location, albeit it is pretty accurate, but rather a "danger zone". However, even that is unnecessary.

I assume the people who get prosecuted for flashing is under section 89 of the Police Act 1997 - it is offence to “wilfully obstruct a constable in the execution of his/her duty.” And maybe highway code 110 - do not flash anyone unless to alert other road users of presence.

Unsure how simply using Waze could be illegal, you aren't obstructing them by any means if you don't contribute to the app, and just use it. Even if you do add a speed camera to the app, they can still perform their duties, so not illegal but IANAL.

Edit - On second thoughts, I am unsure how flashing other vehicles actually obstructs the police in checking a vehicles speed and how people have been prosecuted for it. It doesn't make sense - welcome to the UK.

Edited by Saudade on Monday 20th May 11:39


3,926 posts

125 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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stargazer30 said:
Years ago when I was young and dumb I got done for 98 on the A1 in Yorkshire. It was a fair cop who told my, "keep it below 80 son and we'll leave you alone" I've took that advice and its worked up until now.

I was traveling past York last weekend on the section of the A1. It was still the 2 lane part with the odd junction and some dizzy woman with no sense of speed pulled out causing me to brake hard and bail into lane 1 to avoid hitting her side on. Now down to about 30mph on a NSL I booted it to get back up to speed. Clear road ahead now obviously. Comes round a slight bend to be met with two cars up ahead doing 50 ish, one up the others chuff not happy about being slowed down. Then I saw the mobile camera van. CCRRRRAAAAAAPPP! Seems I hit 85 on the way back up, fair dos I should have been watching the speedo and not using a large range of swear words at dizzy woman driver. Really hoping I get offered a SAC as I'd like to keep my clean license.

Anyway before I get a cool stary bra, to the point...

WTF camera vans on motorways! Come on thats not playing fair. Was a sunny clear day and light traffic too. Clearly not light traffic though otherwise you wouldn't have had the issue with other vehicles

Q1: How do you lot avoid this? By the time you see them they've got you. I'd be happy to stick to 70 but no other drivers do. whats the actual problem with that I tired on the 100 mile trip back home and it was comical getting irate OAPs in Micras and Aygo's up my rear end and anything German going past me like I wasn't moving.

Q2: Do I have to tell ins co about a SAC and if I do will they screw me over. I've googled it and its conflicting advice. Its not a conviction so some sources say no, other's say if you don't ins co can void your policy. As I recall I only was asked about convictions. some actually ask about SAC's

Q3: Apparently google maps now warns drivers of mobile units (thanks google) but can you have that working all the time or only when your using it as a sat nav? If you can stick to 70 as you claim you can, whats the problem
Edited by Drumroll on Monday 20th May 11:51

Paul Dishman

4,792 posts

242 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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turbojay555 said:
Was thinking the same, they were probably on the A64.
Waiting for my sister-in-law....laugh


15,346 posts

219 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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A few mph more and you would have reached 88mph and you wouldn't have had cause to worry.

For many years I lined the coffers of the local council and now I just stick to the speed limits.


3,609 posts

141 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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untakenname said:
I usually wait for a car that's going quick and then tuck in behind it about 50 meters back and use them as sacrificial bait, it's worked pretty well in the past two years I've avoided tickets at least three times due to this from mobile speed cameras.
Relies on the vehicle in front reacting to the camera van, some don't.

A900ss said:
I think 85MPH is one of the silly speeds to cruise at.

Do 78MPH and you’ll get away with it. If you want to go faster, go to an indicated 95MPH. Still be 3 points but at least your getting more for your three points....
untakenname said:
... may as well either set the cruise control to 77mph and stay under the limit or raise it to 94mph as anything in between will be a 3 points FPN.
It takes a lot less time to slow from 85 to 75 than from 95 to 75 mph. That may be the difference that saves you £100.


12,412 posts

173 months

Monday 20th May 2019
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At the point you've seen them, registered it in your mind, applied the brakes or eased off, they've almost certainly seen and pinged you. They have the advantage of being prepared.