Black Police Officers Association.

Black Police Officers Association.


silverback mike

11,290 posts

255 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
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Messed that quoting business up didn't I


12,885 posts

265 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
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silverback mike said:

superlightr said:
Please correct me (from a other post) I understand that a policeman cannot belong or vote for a particular lawful polictical party ie the BNP.

Is this true? How is this principle justifed?

Yes, I started that thread.

As a serving officer I cannot join the BNP party itself as an active member. However, should I wish to vote BNP then I cannot see how that can be veto'ed. I state 'should' as my politics are not on display and never will be.

However, I posted it to see what the PH opinon on the matter was....I do think however that a Police Officer who is an active member of the BNP, or any far right / left or any party that has 'radical' views is not a good thing. But.....should this influence his or her work? probably not, but I think it would not promote good community / police relationships which is what we are aiming, and in many cases achieving.

Thank you for your reply.

But you can join Labour/Conservative/Greens/ UKIP Monster Raving loony etc?

Byside the rights and wrongs of the BNP - As its a legal party then it seams wrong to tell the polce they cant suport it. Clearly anything done to put the police/employer into disrepute will get a serving officer into trouble as it would any employee but if I disciplined an employee for suporting the BNP but acting within the law, I would be infront of an industrial tribunal.

Just dont like the idea of the government telling anyone who they can suport when its has been deamed legal party.

>> Edited by superlightr on Friday 22 July 10:49

silverback mike

11,290 posts

255 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
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I can see where you are coming from superlightr, and agree with the issues you raise.
Not sure how a rule like this can be officially passed, I am sure nothing is statute, and as a result only internal complaints procedure can be followed.

Don't suppose we will get a test case as no one I know had any intention of joining.


8,741 posts

272 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
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silverback mike said:
Although, yes, I have been racially verbally abused many times.

On foot patrol in St Pauls and Snanz then???? was rather dark when I left brissle 30 odd years ago.....

silverback mike

11,290 posts

255 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
quotequote all
Funnily enough, not St Pauls, but a 'nice' area. A big brawl outside the local pub ended up in me arresting 4 asian chaps about the same age as me (34) that had been causing lots of problems all night. Twas a right old ding dong with glasses and all sorts winging their way towards me (and wpc colleague - who incidentally no-one will generally mess with)

Never heard anything like it, but I guess racism can rare its ugly head wherever it may be, and once the beer is in the real feelings of some people however decent they may seem come out.

>> Edited by silverback mike on Friday 22 July 12:22


8,741 posts

272 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
quotequote all
Funny that, as in the early seventies one caused a ruck at various pubs in Snanz or St Paulz when one wanted a drink and ws told "dis yer is a block pob mon!"...... still as you said alcohol, race, aggro and your job don't mix... keep it shiny side up!

Mind you in those days they also had men only bars (probably illegal now under bLIAR and co!), I remember well one on Cotham Hill (Crockers? Crocketts?) which had an excellent bar on the first floor, silver tankards and all....

>> Edited by JMGS4 on Friday 22 July 12:35


6,930 posts

253 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
quotequote all
gone said:

busa_rush said:

You're talking with that strange accent again . . . oh, I remember, rectumish What's all that about ?

And your helpful contribution to this debate is the above

Perhaps we could have some expert opinion from you in all this?

Do you know what language music scores are written in? (without resorting to a google search?)

Do you have any music qualifications?
I do

The thread is about the black police association.

You however, have hijacked it to have a little jab once again. Whatever turns you on

What's got up your skirt ? Calm down, what's music got to do with the association mentioned ? What relevance is that ? How have I hijacked it ?

I'm starting to get a feeling, just a slight feeling, that you don't like me very much Oh Vey . . .


1,529 posts

242 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
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silverback mike said:

However, I posted it to see what the PH opinon on the matter was....I do think however that a Police Officer who is an active member of the BNP, or any far right / left or any party that has 'radical' views is not a good thing. But.....should this influence his or her work? probably not, but I think it would not promote good community / police relationships which is what we are aiming, and in many cases achieving.

I think it's backwards. I think as a Cop you should be allowed to do what you like as long as it is (i) legal and (ii) doesn't affect your work.

i.e., if you don't like black people, you are entitled to do so as long as you don't attack them or discriminate against them in policing.

I don't like the idea of politicians being able to proscribe legal political parties because they don't like them, however unpleasant they are ; it is verging on thoughtcrime.

I would also say that the Police Services appears to be totally screwed up with the regard to racism, as far as I can see. There appears to be a stream of coppers prosecuted and sacked for things like racist jokes or stupid comments, and even worse for "not taking action against stupid comments".

I agree that they should be disciplined (though I really don't like the idea that a cop can be prosecuted for not taking action against something that isn't actually illegal !), but this kind of thing goes way over the top.

I suspect that this is more about people being desperate to show how anti-racist they are that they go to town.

It's like banning you from voting BNP. How, precisely, are they going to stop this ? Answer would seem to be that they can't. So it's really just a stupid PR statement, isn't it ?

I doubt it works anyway. People are not as stupid as the Police Media Relations department seems to think they are.

I suspect, as with much else, it's actually easier to deal with these minor idiocies than the (tiny) minority of coppers who are "actively racist".


1,529 posts

242 months

Friday 22nd July 2005
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Given that there are quite genuine and probably justified concerns in the Police that ethnic recruits shall we say are "given extra support" as a result of the mindless targetism and PR, is there any reason why one couldn't form a White Police Officers Association ?

Could one form one in say Southall, Brixton or Bradford ?

What would happen if you did ........ no prizes there.


6,649 posts

265 months

Saturday 23rd July 2005
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deltafox said:

Ya know Gone, youve just proved a few things to me that i already suspected of people with your attitude.
1) You dont see.
2) You dont care to see.

Oh dear! I think you had better stop digging. You obviously have no concept of what you're talking about other than your own limited opinions drawn from prejudice,fear and misunderstanding. Much like many of the others posts you supply to PH!

deltafox said:

Let this poor "troglodite" explain his "bigotted" views in a reasonable way that even you can comprehend.

A few facts first though on which to lay my foundations.
1) Black people are the same as us.
2) Asian people are the same as us.
3) Chinese people are the same as us.

I believe this.^^^^^^^^^

This is the point where you fall down and your small understanding of this problem is exposed in all its glory!

Let me explain.
Humans are anotomically essentially the same. There is no arguement about that. That is where the comparison stops.

Different cultures and ethnic origins have different needs within society. This does not mean they should be treated differently than others but as long as the individual need does not contravene British or HR laws, then they are entitled to that support. To have their own support groups is not devisive and within the BPA white officers are welcome. In fact they are positively encouraged. White officers who are partners of black officers are able to have membership with voting rights.

There are certain aspects where race religion and creed are concerned where it is essential that support is given to allow those people to practice their culture and belief. That is the same whether they are Christian white caucasian, Asian Hindu/Sikh/Islam or Arab. It is also the same if they are White Jewish. Support networks within the police are open to all who has an interest regardless of their specific followings and beliefs. Officers who follow Islam are entitled to be given the opportunity to practice Ramadam and have their work hours adjusted so they can comply with the requirements. Jewish officers are entitled to have Saturdays as the Sabbath where exingencies of duty are not exceeded. This happens within the Police service!

This is not a devisive issue. White Christian or white non Christian officers are entitled to celebrate and benefit from the advantages of christian festivals and the holidays that go with them. Black/white and Asian officers who do not fit into practising christian faith groups do not have to forgo those benefits.

deltafox said:

I presume that YOU would concur with the above statements?

deltafox said:

I guess you do. That leads to this question: Why are you supporting treating them differently?
Why should people who ARE the same as us be treated differently?

They are not treated differently!
They are given consideration to allow them to practice their beliefs and customs. Exactly the same as any white officer who has a belief or custom as long as it is compatable with the law. This also extends to those who work within the confines of disability or are Lesbian or Gay. Their individual needs are catered for but they are not given special treatment!

deltafox said:

By applying such treatment to people who are the same as us, you end up MAKING THEM DIFFERENT!!!!
You end up enforcing negative perceptions of them as BEING different!

By posting crap like this, YOU are forcing and re-enforcing your own misunderstandings on other people who read such drivel. You do not know what goes on in the BPA. You are blissfully unaware of Police service policy and procedure. That is apparent from all your inherent ramblings on this site. You do not even understand about diversity issues. If you did you would not have posted the garbage that is in this one!

Have you heard of positive action?
I would say that you do not know about positive action or understand the concepts behind it. Positive action caters for diversity including those of ethnic minority groups and female gender!!

White officers are happy with this situation!

deltafox said:

Now do you SEE? Now do you get it?
You wouldnt treat a woman officer any differently to a male officer,

They are treated differently if there is a need to do so within the law!

I see, you do not! Open your eyes deltafox. You are blinded by bigotry and racism!

deltafox said:

yet youll pigeonhole a black officer and give him his own "club"!

The Police service pigeon holes nobody. You have done that through ignorance!

deltafox said:

You do the same for homosexuals.
Theyre the SAME as US!

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear!

deltafox said:

My mate Andy down the street, i dont see him as being any different to me, to ANYONE. But YOU DO!!!!

Eyes opening yet?

You are indeed a fool!

deltafox said:

If my views are "bigotted" -theyre not-(try looking up the definition next time before using it) then yours are overtly racist due to your support for a "black officers" association and your views (on this subject) are actually at odds with whats being preached by people like you. Conflict of opinions/belief versus actions i believe.


deltafox said:

You (and others) have totally misjudged me, my opinions, my reasons, preferring to jump on specific points of my arguments (the bits you wanted to) instead of considering the whole of whats being said, heck, id have thought you were a little brighter than this, but having said that, my hopes wernt exactly high so im not entirely surprised by your response.

Your posts says everything about you including your very deep routed supicions of diveristy issues and the prejudice and fear that sweeps over you because of it.

I am intelligent enough to have successfully survived in the world and a long time in my career!

deltafox said:

Remember, Theyre the SAME as us NOT different. Stop treating them differently.

I hope you never get into a position where you have to manage staff in the British public or private sector. With attitudes like yours, it would be highly unlikely you would survive the first paper sift! With veiws like yours it would not be long before you were defending a tribunal and losing it!

>> Edited by gone on Saturday 23 July 17:24


1,529 posts

242 months

Saturday 23rd July 2005
quotequote all
gone said:

Let me explain.
Humans are anotomically essentially the same. There is no arguement about that. That is where the comparison stops.

You're not married then ;-)

Sorry, couldn't resist.

gone said:

Different cultures and ethnic origins have different needs within society. This does not mean they should be treated differently than others but as long as the individual need does not contravene British or HR laws, then they are entitled to that support.

Are you sure about this ? I thought this was pre-Macpherson - what is called "Colour Blind Policing" ?

gone said:

"There are certain aspects where race religion and creed are concerned where it is essential that support is given to allow those people to practice their culture and belief. That is the same whether they are Christian white caucasian, Asian Hindu/Sikh/Islam or Arab. It is also the same if they are White Jewish. Support networks within the police are open to all who has an interest regardless of their specific followings and beliefs. Officers who follow Islam are entitled to be given the opportunity to practice Ramadam and have their work hours adjusted so they can comply with the requirements. Jewish officers are entitled to have Saturdays as the Sabbath where exingencies of duty are not exceeded. This happens within the Police service!

Fine, so could you set up a White Policeman's association, which allowed membership to non-white partners of white coppers ?

gone said:

They are not treated differently!
They are given consideration to allow them to practice their beliefs and customs. Exactly the same as any white officer who has a belief or custom as long as it is compatable with the law. This also extends to those who work within the confines of disability or are Lesbian or Gay. Their individual needs are catered for but they are not given special treatment!

Actually, I was under the perhaps mistaken impression that ethnic recruits were treated very differently ....

deltafox said:

By applying such treatment to people who are the same as us, you end up MAKING THEM DIFFERENT!!!!
You end up enforcing negative perceptions of them as BEING different!

gone said:

Have you heard of positive action?
I would say that you do not know about positive action or understand the concepts behind it. Positive action caters for diversity including those of ethnic minority groups and female gender!!

What does this actually mean ? I mean what actually happens in practice - or is it just what you describe earlier ?


6,649 posts

265 months

Saturday 23rd July 2005
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autismuk said:

gone said:

Different cultures and ethnic origins have different needs within society. This does not mean they should be treated differently than others but as long as the individual need does not contravene British or HR laws, then they are entitled to that support.

Are you sure about this ? I thought this was pre-Macpherson - what is called "Colour Blind Policing" ?

I am very sure about this. What is important is the specific individual needs of the person in relation to the belief or custom they follow.

Autismuk said:

gone said:

"There are certain aspects where race religion and creed are concerned where it is essential that support is given to allow those people to practice their culture and belief. That is the same whether they are Christian white caucasian, Asian Hindu/Sikh/Islam or Arab. It is also the same if they are White Jewish. Support networks within the police are open to all who has an interest regardless of their specific followings and beliefs. Officers who follow Islam are entitled to be given the opportunity to practice Ramadam and have their work hours adjusted so they can comply with the requirements. Jewish officers are entitled to have Saturdays as the Sabbath where exingencies of duty are not exceeded. This happens within the Police service!

Fine, so could you set up a White Policeman's association, which allowed membership to non-white partners of white coppers ?

Yes. There are many individual clubs and groups which cater for white interests within the police service. They are open to black and Asian people as well as disbaled and lesbian and gay officers.
These are clubs such as the force rugby team, flying and golf sections!

There is no specific need for a white officers police association as white officers do not have to deal with the sorts of issues the ethnic proportion of the service does.

Autismuk said:

gone said:

They are not treated differently!
They are given consideration to allow them to practice their beliefs and customs. Exactly the same as any white officer who has a belief or custom as long as it is compatable with the law. This also extends to those who work within the confines of disability or are Lesbian or Gay. Their individual needs are catered for but they are not given special treatment!

Actually, I was under the perhaps mistaken impression that ethnic recruits were treated very differently ....

Just goes to show you can learn things by reading my posts!

Autismuk said:

gone said:

Have you heard of positive action?
I would say that you do not know about positive action or understand the concepts behind it. Positive action caters for diversity including those of ethnic minority groups and female gender!!

What does this actually mean ? I mean what actually happens in practice - or is it just what you describe earlier ?

Deltafox would describe this as positive discrimination.

Positive action is allowed within the sphere of under represented groups within a specific area of the work force. It allows for special measures to be taken to attract those from minority groups to seek employment within that sphere or department by offering them extra training or specific open days aimed at recruitment towards the aim of producing a more balanced team. Examples in the Police are women recruited to firearms departments which are traditionally mens rolls. Another would be Black or Asian officers on Dog Section where they are very much under represented.

Positive action is written in to the law on employment.

I hope that helps you understand a little better.

>> Edited by gone on Saturday 23 July 20:17


1,529 posts

242 months

Saturday 23rd July 2005
quotequote all
gone said:

Autismuk said:

gone said:

Have you heard of positive action?
I would say that you do not know about positive action or understand the concepts behind it. Positive action caters for diversity including those of ethnic minority groups and female gender!!

What does this actually mean ? I mean what actually happens in practice - or is it just what you describe earlier ?

Deltafox would describe this as positive discrimination.

Positive action is allowed within the sphere of under represented groups within a specific area of the work force. It allows for special measures to be taken to attract those from minority groups to seek employment within that sphere or department by offering them extra training or specific open days aimed at recruitment towards the aim of producing a more balanced team. Examples in the Police are women recruited to firearms departments which are traditionally mens rolls. Another would be Black or Asian officers on Dog Section where they are very much under represented.

Positive action is written in to the law on employment.

I hope that helps you understand a little better.

Yes, I know, but it's not a black or white situation (perhaps not best use of words !)

I have no problem with the BiB encouraging, persuading, running roadshows etc etc etc to encourage more ethnic recruits. In fact I think it's an excellent idea - and is "positive action" as you call it. It doesn't discriminate at all.

The problem seems to be that there's a reasonable view that it goes beyond that. My position (not cop obviously !) is that once you get into BiB training college, training etc. should be "colourblind" - this doesn't mean you don't make allowances for cultures, but that everyone should be "judged equally"

With the current culture of targetism - and one target is to increase the numbers of non-white cops - there are people who believe that this does not happen, that it is not merely a matter of encouragement and maybe some support, but bias towards those groups. It is human nature ; and the Police (in common with every other public service !) is happy to achieve its targets by fair means or foul.

It would not be surprising ; if there is pressure on training, recruitment etc. to up the numbers, they are likely to skew towards the groups who will up the numbers.

(Things like "extra training" spring to mind ; this is IMO (and doubtless Deltafox's) is discriminating against white potential officers, though I suspect it goes much further than this).

It's a very fine borderline ; it's not just positive action vs. positive discrimination ; there's degrees in the middle.


3,839 posts

234 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
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Gone said:
positive action

Get Mr Politically correct here^^^^^^^!
Call it something else why dont you cos its offensive to me.

Different treatment of an individual based on his colour/sex/beliefs is DISCRIMINATION. It dosnt matter how you cut the cake, that-what-it-is.

As for being a bigot.......
Definition for you:-obstinate and unreasonable adherence of creed or view.
Obstinate i may be, unreasonable im not. Its not my fault if you cant comprehend whats being said.

Racist am i? Im the one defending equality! Youre the one promoting differing treatment based on ethnicity!
Youve obviously not got a handle on the argument if all you can do is shout "racist" as your parting shot.

You accuse me of being frightened and prejudiced.
Not so.
If we need black or other racial groups to be joining the police force, we need them to be joining on an equal footing with all other recruits.
We dont need a BPA to make them feel "good about" themselves or show them how equal they are. We dont need lower standards of entry exams either just to cater for someone who's of less than the required standards...(i suppose youd also support that?).

"Positive action" arse! PCspeak for reverse racism and discrimination.

Your insults have so far proven me to be correct in my beliefs, for why else would you need to use them except to try and prop up an otherwise indefensible position?
Unlike you my politically corrected friend, i tend to call things the way i see em, but out of courtesy ill not say what i think of you or your behaviour.


14,938 posts

241 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
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Here are my thoughts, and they are intended to be humourous.......

There is already a White Police Officers Association - the Masons.

Please guys, don`t jump on me for this - it`s intended as a joke.


14,938 posts

241 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
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Actually, having time to consider my post above, I wonder if the BPOA was started as a resulted of being blackballed (no pun intended) from the Brotherhood ?

the pirate

47 posts

230 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
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My doctor refered me to a specialist for a joint problem, he said I needed scans, his name was Husain, he was black spoke little English.

After a total wait of 18 months, I went back to see Husain at an apointed time, "sorry he has left". After enquiring into this sudden departure seems there is an investigation into his qualifications, and he has gone missing.

See a new consultant, I cannot pronounce his name, he couldnt pronounce my name, he couldnt speak ANY English, though he is "fully qualified" obviously as he doesnt need my scan results the only coppies of which were in his car and went missing the nurse said, and was happy to just prescribe painkillers (now obsolete in this country).

Nothing to do with the police but all this positive descrimination is questionable at best.


6,649 posts

265 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
quotequote all
deltafox said:

Gone said:
positive action

Get Mr Politically correct here^^^^^^^!
Call it something else why dont you cos its offensive to me.

Different treatment of an individual based on his colour/sex/beliefs is DISCRIMINATION. It dosnt matter how you cut the cake, that-what-it-is.

As for being a bigot.......
Definition for you:-obstinate and unreasonable adherence of creed or view.
Obstinate i may be, unreasonable im not. Its not my fault if you cant comprehend whats being said.

Racist am i? Im the one defending equality! Youre the one promoting differing treatment based on ethnicity!
Youve obviously not got a handle on the argument if all you can do is shout "racist" as your parting shot.

You accuse me of being frightened and prejudiced.
Not so.
If we need black or other racial groups to be joining the police force, we need them to be joining on an equal footing with all other recruits.
We dont need a BPA to make them feel "good about" themselves or show them how equal they are. We dont need lower standards of entry exams either just to cater for someone who's of less than the required standards...(i suppose youd also support that?).

"Positive action" arse! PCspeak for reverse racism and discrimination.

Your insults have so far proven me to be correct in my beliefs, for why else would you need to use them except to try and prop up an otherwise indefensible position?
Unlike you my politically corrected friend, i tend to call things the way i see em, but out of courtesy ill not say what i think of you or your behaviour.

It has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has everything to do with complying with the law and understanding the rights and feelings of other people who are minorities. It has everyting to do with tolerance.

You are not a manager, that is obvious!
You will never be a manager if you do not understand concepts of tolerance and understanding!

What do you actually do other than bleat about everything which does not happen to enhance your discomfort with life?

You are a bigot!
You would not last ten minutes in a real job with responsibility and certainly not one where there were minorities as they would see straight though you and you wold be 'gone' . very quickly.

Read the first post from myself and from SBM.
Initially we both were not happy about BPA status until we investigated it more and found out the real reaosns for it!

I really don't give a flying what you think about me either. Just the same as I dont give a flying about those on the other side of a steel door who have a similar opinion.

You know nothing about equality and have based your arguement on a single concept and that is one of a race!

You know little about the law and even less about the policies and procedures within policing and the law. You can rant all you like, to continue just shows how biased you actually are. If your opinions were enacted in society, there would be no minority groups represented. If a minority was absent from a particular role, they would never be encouraged to apply for it and never be within hells chance of achieving it so would not bother, Even if they were perfectly capable of executing the role to a highly professional level.

That is what positive action is about.

I was right. You do refer to this as positive discrimination. The two are completely different and both are catered for within the law! You do not understand, I feel sorry for you about that. You cannot see the wood for the trees, just the same as you do not or cannot see the reasons behind much of the legislation that tries to keep peoople safe on the roads because it does not suit you!

Have a happy selfish life deltafox!

I bet you even have a black friend so you cannot be racist at all

You know lots about jingoism and practice it!

I hope those of minority status on PH who may read this will see you for who you really are! Grow up and move into 21st century Britain, you may even enjoy it when you get there but it will be a big struggle

>> Edited by gone on Sunday 24th July 14:23


14,938 posts

241 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
quotequote all
Nice post Mr Gone.


3,839 posts

234 months

Sunday 24th July 2005
quotequote all
gone said:
It has nothing to do with being politically correct. It has everything to do with complying with the law and understanding the rights and feelings of other people who are minorities. It has everyting to do with tolerance.

Claptrap! Make a new word up to take the sting out of a perfectly adequate word!
What bollox! What total crud!
"sorry, we dont call it that anymore, we call it positive action"....
Ill bet youre the kind of politically corrected guy that uses terms like "geographically mislocated" to describe getting losing your sense of direction.....

gone said:
You are not a manager, that is obvious!
You will never be a manager if you do not understand concepts of tolerance and understanding!

Its plain to see that YOU are though.........a pen pusher who's seen the "pc" light and must do his bit!

gone said:
What do you actually do other than bleat about everything which does not happen to enhance your discomfort with life?

I cant tell you that.

gone said:
You are a bigot!

Again, you havent read the dictionary definition.
Its like calling me something else insulting that im not, like......a cop.

gone said:
You would not last ten minutes in a real job with responsibility and certainly not one where there were minorities as they would see straight though you and you wold be 'gone' . very quickly.

People dont need to "see through" me as what you see is what you get.
Therefore i have nothing to hide that they would need to "see through" me for.
The same cannot be said about you, hiding behind your copy of "Political correctness for policepersons".

gone said:
Read the first post from myself and from SBM.
Initially we both were not happy about BPA status until we investigated it more and found out the real reaosns for it!

I did, i have. Whatever "the reasons" behind it, (which are obvious) its not doing its members any real favours.

gone said:
I really don't give a flying what you think about me either. Just the same as I dont give a flying about those on the other side of a steel door who have a similar opinion.

All these swear words from a public servant. Your halo of professionalism has really slipped this time.
Do you care what black people think of you? White people? Anyone?

gone said:
You know nothing about equality and have based your arguement on a single concept and that is one of a race!

Which IS excatly what the BLACK police association IS based upon: An ethnic difference! Boy you really are blinkered. Are you REALLY a cop??

gone said:
You know little about the law and even less about the policies and procedures within policing and the law.

True. I see enough of your kind of law everyday though so id not wish to get any closer to it for fear of being tainted.

gone said:
You can rant all you like, to continue just shows how biased you actually are.

Yes i can. Its people like you that create division. Its people like me that pull down those divisions.
I straight talk, you talk PC bollox.

gone said:
If your opinions were enacted in society, there would be no minority groups represented.

Pure speculation.

gone said:
If a minority was absent from a particular role, they would never be encouraged to apply for it and never be within hells chance of achieving it so would not bother, Even if they were perfectly capable of executing the role to a highly professional level.

So you reckon that reverse racism-your "positive action" (i cant apply for a black cops job...can i?) is justified then, regardless of whether i could do the job adequately?
Sounds divisive to me, emphasising a racial difference!

gone said:
That is what positive action is about.

Still quoting the PC bible line and verse eh?
Why dont you just call a spade a spade? Positive discrimination=positive action and vice-versa.
Its like youre scared to use the original words for fear of being somehow branded or exposed.

gone said:
I was right. You do refer to this as positive discrimination. The two are completely different and both are catered for within the law!

So they made it legal to apply racism in reverse, so what. It dosent make it right, it breeds inequality and resentment.

gone said:
You do not understand, I feel sorry for you about that. You cannot see the wood for the trees, just the same as you do not or cannot see the reasons behind much of the legislation that tries to keep peoople safe on the roads because it does not suit you!

People like you only EVER see the wood though, thats how shortsighted you are!

gone said:
Have a happy selfish life deltafox!

Why thank you Mr Gone, i will. Id like to wish you the same, but id not be being sincere in my wishes.

gone said:
I bet you even have a black friend so you cannot be racist at all

As it 'appens......
Care to point out the racist parts of my post Mr Politico-correcto?

Definition for you, as if ive made a racist slur then i think you should arrest me; Its illegal ya know!
Racism:-belief in unchanging fundamental differences between races of men.
Clearly its YOU that treats people differently based on race, not me. Now whos the racist?

gone said:
You know lots about jingoism and practice it!

Another insult! How tedious it must be to know you, let alone be you.

gone said:
I hope those of minority status on PH who may read this will see you for who you really are!

I think they will. Im defending them, not your beloved PC bullshit system of emphasising minor ethnic differences to the detriment of another racial group!!!!!!!

>> Edited by deltafox on Sunday 24th July 19:28