Crappy Motorway Policing



6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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mk6fiesta said:
Some interesting comments guys....

I guess my main point of the post was that the BiB in the panda car was creating a much more dangerous situation by keeping everyone at 70mph, and therefore "safe".

That is just a matter of opinion. On this site, we are all aware of what the opinion is!

mk6fiesta said:

It also smacked of hypocrocy (sp?) when he started his postulating (he must have sped up above 70mph to reach me).

Why? The Police can ignore speed limits for Policing purposes. You were breaking the law. They were catching you doing it. There is nothing wrong with that as it is within the law and therefore not hypocritical.

mk6fiesta said:

At the end of the day he wasnt a Trafpol, he was just an average Plod, probably with not a lot of driving training, preaching that to go 5mph over the limit was somehow incredibly dangerous, all the while potentially causing mayhem behind him.

How do you know? I have a top driver quailification. I have retained that last year on a refresher course. I have not driven traffic cars for over 10 years! Many more are the same as me. I do something different now, so do many others. You assume too much!

mk6fiesta said:

I think he eventually realised what a D1ck he was being - as he dropped his speed a little and people were able to get by.

I expect the same opinions were talked about in the car referring to your goodself! the difference is that they were in a position to make you a Dick by issuing you with a penalty which they chose not to do. You were lucky this time, maybe not so the next!

mk6fiesta said:

On a clear motorway, in good conditions, forcing everybody to obey an obsolete limit is crazy and personally leaves me with a bit of a dim view of BiB.

Says who?
It is the limit until it is changed whether you or anyone else agrees or disagrees. It is the job of the pOlice to enforce the law. When the speed limit is raised to what you may consder to be more appropriate, it will not stop others doing exactly as you did and that is 'take the piss'!

Like I said before, Policing is not a popularity contest. I take a dim view of people that take the piss and many of my colleagues do too.

That leaves both of us having a dim view of each other. I say again, the fact that Police have a dim view of you is likely to attract you a penalty. However, the only sanction available to you is whinging on here and that is it!


8,369 posts

245 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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lieber gone said:
So. Having identified the car as a police car and then dismissing the fact it is not a Traffic car, you decide to ignore the uniform presence and exceed the limit to get past him!

You were taking the piss, that is why you got gesticulated at! The limit is 70mph!

Liebchen He was cruising at 75 mph und pretzel in the Panad must have been a lot slower. Thus he breezed by und slowed to the 70 mph in L1.

The pretzel ist oout of order by speeding up to overtake und then deliebrtaly driving at 65 mph - in fullest knowledgedthat to complete a safe overtake und return to L1 at 70 mph our lieber "mkfiesta" will have to blip over the limit again

Yhat ist behaviour. Und a bit petty - nicht?!

lieber gone said:

If people cannot respect the fact that there is a marked Police vehicle travelling at the limit because they feel that the crew are unable to deal with the situation because it is only a ...... not a ......, then they deserve everything they get!

But he was driving below the limit - unlike you who drives down the hard shoulder in search of unexploded doughnuts

lieber gone said:

Why did you not wait until the Police car had left the motorway before you decided to break the law?

For your information, it only takes 2 officers to make an opinion that you were breaking the speed limit for you to be prosecuted. They need no special equipment and no calibrated speedo. They do not even have to be in a vehicle to do this!

To provide evidence ... they will send out helicopters to take aerial photo to corroborate as they did mit the apple guzzling woman... as the officer's video had run out. But he he passed at 75 mph und slowed to 69 mph as soon as it was safe to pull back into L1. At 75 mph in L2 ... may not have space und time to slow to 70 mph uind return to L1 - especially in the prtezel in the panda ist blocking him.

lieber gone said:

Regardless of what you think is a safe progreesive speed for traffic to travel on the motorway, there was a law enforcement presence in the vicinity and it is their job to uphold that law.

By deliberately pulling "I'm bloke in uniform tacics" und driving at 65 mph deliberately - they lose respect... but this falls onto your shoulders ultimately - nicht?

lieber gone said:

They are at liberty to drive at the speed limit or near to it to get to their destination as much as anyone else.

But they were deliberately driving at 65 mph to try to force all traffic to drive at 65 mph - und bunching in L1. But I have passed similar line of traffic tonight. All behind a cop car at 64 mph und we sailed by at - er 72 mph! Und my daughter (the elder one) blew him a kiss. Was a panda wanneb again.

lieber gone said:

If they had decided to drive faster as they may well have done without blue lights, they would attract criticism i.e. 'one rule for them....' If they chose to stick to the actual limit, they are criticised for holding everyone up! They cannot win unless they are relegated to driving at 50mph on motorways so truck drivers can pass them and car drivers can shoot by at 80-90 mph with impunity!

But they were driving at below the speed limit - were overtaken by someone marginally over und delibertately overtook und slowed to below the speed limit again.

Do not know if this was case tonight ... but the driver just smiled und his partner waved a thumb up sign at my daughter. She look a little like me A cute puss cat mit wavey auburn locks.

lieber gone said:

What about the person that has recently been prosecuted for speeding and is sitting patiently behind the Police vehicle at 70mph when YOU drive past it exceeding the limit and the Police driver does nothing to stop you?

The patient driver then records the number of the Police vehicle and your number and complains that the Police neglected their duty to deal with a speeding motorist!

w-w- was he d-d driving und took BOTH hands off the wheel to do this

Liebchen - there are surely no such numpties around who take hands off wheel to complain about police who ignore the chap at 75 mph


1,529 posts

242 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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gone said:

autismuk said:

Mr E said:
Because a whole bunch of frustrated drivers staked up at 69.5mph is sooo much safer than normal free flowing traffic.

My pet hate.

From my POV, it is incredibly dangerous ; not only does traffic bunch up, but because everyone is more or less going at the same speed it's very difficult to make space to perform maneouvres.

What do trafpol think ?

I think thats Bollocks!
What manouvres do you want to perform?
Triple Toe loop?

Overtaking the few slower vehicles. Getting in lane for road junctions. Keeping a proper distance. All those sorts of things.


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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WildCat said:

Loads of absolute crap!

Which just goes to show that she has no real grip on reality and is living in a Swiss fantasy somewhere up a mountain near Geneva.


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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autismuk said:

Overtaking the few slower vehicles. Getting in lane for road junctions. Keeping a proper distance. All those sorts of things.

If they are unable to position safely in the presence of law enforcement and within the legal and national speed limit, then they should not be allowed the privilage of continuing use of British Roads!

It really is not difficult. It just takes a bit of gumption and personal responsibility. that is all.

Quite frankly I don't give a flying what people do when I am not in a marked police vehicle. I also tell them that when I stop and deal with them. When I am in a marked Police vehicle and they take the piss, I deal with them because they are either

1. So unobservant they need waking up and shaking.
2. So arrogant, they need bringing back down to earth.


53 posts

236 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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gone said:

trev r said:
So. If a marked car is doing 70 mph on the inside lane of a m/way with a queue of cars behind it, is the best advice available to simply join the queue until the marked car pulls off the m/way?

Then increase speed to the usual totally safe 85 mph?

What is the point of "pretending" 70 mph is the correct speed by not overtaking the marked car? Is it just to show respect to the police? Everyone knows 70 mph is way too slow, especially at night when the roads are quite empty.

Its not pretending ITS THE LAW!!!

"It's the law"...maybe it is, but just saying so doesn't make the law right does it? - after all, the law is only a set of rules arbitrarily defined by the few to control the masses (much like religeon then - but that's another discussion...).

Fact is, 'the law', if not applicable and representative serves no purpose. FACT.

Speed limits in this country are so far out of date it's almost comical.

Whatever happened to progress?

In an age where the car has been developed to such an extent that higher speeds are possibe in complete safety, in fact, even more safely than when the current limits were imposed all those years ago, why must the motorist be continually persecuted on the basis of draconian thinking for wanting to travel faster so that less time is wasted on the road?

Additionally, since speed limits are hopelessly out of date and increasingly irrelevant, drivers are in effect forced to break 'the law' in order to travel in accordance to the conditions i.e. safely

IMO (and I must add that I am sad that I have been driven to thinking this way), the law is an ass when it comes to motoring and speeding in particular. I have no respect for the current speed limits and will continue to drive at the speed which I consider to be safe and relevant.

I also have no respect for those blinkered few who continue to spout nonsense about the virtues of driving within the current speed limits which serve absolutely no tangible benefit to any single know who you are...

You'll not find anyone on this forum argueing about lower limits in, for example, motorway roadworks, or outside schools and in pedestrianised areas - this is all good stuff (and is another example of the limits being set 40 years ago not being relevant in todays climate and being too high in all the cases I've mentioned). Just a shame many of the 'speeders'(or criminals - call them what you will) targeted are not in these types of area (they are normally found on long wide dual carriage ways in good weather with excellent visibility, no history of accidents and just enough vegetation to be able to hide the Scamera van.

If the Police and the law want respect, don't just demand it because 'that's the way it is', drag yourselves into this century and sort yourselves out.

Fact is, there is no money to be made in progress, persecution becomes impossible and limitless sources of funding (stealth taxes) are immediately removed...

I would like to add that I have no driving convictions, have never been 'pulled' by BiB and have been driving as I deem sensible for 12 years. I drive at a speed I deem fit and will continue to do so.

Drive safe all - the sooner we group together and stop taking this sh*t from all angles the sooner driving will be able to be enjoyed once again without the fear of losing our licences.



8,369 posts

245 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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Lieber gone - take note...

mk6fiesta said:

When I got level with the BiB it was clear to see that it wasnt even a TrafPol, just a Panda car. So I stick to just under 80mph on speedo (75mph in reality), get by him, and settle down in Lane 1 at 70ish.

BiB in inside lane - possibly at 66-66 mph und this guy continues und slows to 70 mph in L1 ( ish?)

mk6fiesta said:

Plod zooms up to along side and passenger Plod is going barmy, gesticulating to slow down etcetcetc.

So he pulls infront and slows down to about 65mph. Everybody has seen this and now no -one will go by him for fear of been tugged or gesticulated at.

That ist petty und silly behaviour on the part of the pretzel. That ist a form of ROAD RAGE in broad terms.

mk6fiesta said:

Yous hould have seen it, there must have been about 30 cars all backed up behind him, spread across the 3 lanes, all getting frustrated and driving on each others arses - basically creating an ideal set of circumstances for a Mway crash to occur.

Sat there for around 5mins, got sick of him and crept by him in lane 2 at 70mph, took about 30secs to get by and eventually managed to get enough clearnace between us to enable me to resume normal cruising speed.

He did not brake a speed limit, lieber gone, But such pettiness ist not in interest of road safety und ist a form of road rage if you like.

That ist not the behaviour I expect from a police officer. Had he blatted by at over 80 mph - then fair enough. But we are talking of a cruisie und the decision to continue at 75 mph und return to L1 at slowere speed in front. Followed by a deliberate overtake, gesticulations und a settle down to a deliberate speed of 64/65mph und creating a potentially dangerous situation of bunched un frustrated drivers.


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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320td said:

"It's the law"...maybe it is, but just saying so doesn't make the law right does it?

I never ever said it was right. All I said was it is the law! People who break the law in the presence of a uniformed law enforcer are at best unbelievably stupid, at worst metaphorically suicidal!

320td said:

- after all, the law is only a set of rules arbitrarily defined by the few to control the masses (much like religeon then - but that's another discussion...).

As discussed many times before on this site and many others. Round and round and round we go!

320td said:

Fact is, 'the law', if not applicable and representative serves no purpose. FACT.

So ignore it and accept the penalties that apply if you are caught rather than whinge about them.

I expect those are the very thoughts of the peadophile and the professional house breaker!

320td said:

Speed limits in this country are so far out of date it's almost comical.

But they are limits and they are the law. If you don't like them, then drive elsewhere than in the UK and catch the train when you are here or accept the penalties if you happen to be caught!

320td said:

Whatever happened to progress?

Don't take up that issue with me or any other Police Officer. That is beyond our jurisdiction

320td said:

In an age where the car has been developed to such an extent that higher speeds are possibe in complete safety, in fact, even more safely than when the current limits were imposed all those years ago, why must the motorist be continually persecuted on the basis of draconian thinking for wanting to travel faster so that less time is wasted on the road?

Cars may have developed at a huge pace. Human bodies and their ability to cope with being struck by them and human brains having the ability to cope with the impact of multi-tasking on a greater scale have not!

There is an arguement for better training which I have always supported but that is unlikely as there is generally a very low standard required so that fairness is addressed. Higher expectations for passing a driving test will see many people unable to achieve them and that is unfair!

320td said:

Additionally, since speed limits are hopelessly out of date and increasingly irrelevant, drivers are in effect forced to break 'the law' in order to travel in accordance to the conditions i.e. safely

Bunkem. No one forces anyone to break the law unless they happen to be involved in an offence where violence or intimidation against them or some other member of their family is used to commit the principle offence.
Speeders break the law voluntarily!
Travelling fast is not always unsafe. Many people are not able to assess the right places that they can do so!

320td said:

IMO (and I must add that I am sad that I have been driven to thinking this way), the law is an ass when it comes to motoring and speeding in particular. I have no respect for the current speed limits and will continue to drive at the speed which I consider to be safe and relevant.

Then you must consider that you could attract a penalty if you are caught or caught out!

320td said:

I also have no respect for those blinkered few who continue to spout nonsense about the virtues of driving within the current speed limits which serve absolutely no tangible benefit to any single know who you are...

If that is a blinkered attempt at a pop at me, then you have missed by a yard!

The virtues of driving within the current speed limit are that if you happen to be in the presence of a marked Police unit, you will not incur their attention (mostly)!

I do not care how fast you drive. I do care if you happen to drive faster than you should past my marked unit because it shows that you don't care or that you are stupid! Either way, that needs addressing!

320td said:

If the Police and the law want respect, don't just demand it because 'that's the way it is', drag yourselves into this century and sort yourselves out.

Yeah right. What do you know about Policing anyway other than what you read on here or in the gutter press?

320td said:

Fact is, there is no money to be made in progress, persecution becomes impossible and limitless sources of funding (stealth taxes) are immediately removed...

And that is the fault of the Police?

320td said:

I would like to add that I have no driving convictions, have never been 'pulled' by BiB and have been driving as I deem sensible for 12 years. I drive at a speed I deem fit and will continue to do so.

I wish you luck with your unblemished record. Long may it continue!

320td said:

Drive safe all - the sooner we group together and stop taking this sh*t from all angles the sooner driving will be able to be enjoyed once again without the fear of losing our licences.


And when you are caught I expect you will say " I will never help the Police again"

>> Edited by gone on Monday 7th February 20:34

rude girl

6,937 posts

261 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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Ey up Gone

I see you don't take mails any more (wonder why that might be ). Lost your mail address - want to drop me a line?


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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WildCat said:
Lieber gone - take note...



Take note!
Were you there?


You have only the description about the speeds which may or may not have been accurate by our friend.

The fact that he drew attention to himself by passing the Police vehicle tends to suggest that the were of the opinion that he had done something wrong. The reported action from our friend tend to suggest that they had made the opinion he was travelling faster than he should have been. They therefore dealt with that!

Would you have been happier for our friend to have been pulled over and reported for an offence or would this also have been unacceptable behaviour in your opinion?

My point is that if you overtake a marked Police presence which is travelling at or near the limit on a motorway or dual carriageway

1. You are stupid
2. You are drawing attention to yourself
3. You do not know about the experience or qualifications of the crew.
4. You do not even know what equipment might be concealed in the Police vehicle!


8,369 posts

245 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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gone said:

mk6fiesta said:
Some interesting comments guys....

I guess my main point of the post was that the BiB in the panda car was creating a much more dangerous situation by keeping everyone at 70mph, and therefore "safe".

That is just a matter of opinion. On this site, we are all aware of what the opinion is!

It was cuaisng bunching und I doubt many were keepin a two second rule!

gone said:

mk6fiesta said:

It also smacked of hypocrocy (sp?) when he started his postulating (he must have sped up above 70mph to reach me).

Why? The Police can ignore speed limits for Policing purposes. You were breaking the law. They were catching you doing it. There is nothing wrong with that as it is within the law and therefore not hypocritical.

If he was really promoting road safety he would have realised that the guy settled to a 70 mph cruise in front of him. At 75 mph - ist a blip as opposed to blat! Und if they were so mithered - why did they not give ticket!

Nein - they just wanted to "show muscle because they were in uniform und that ist not very professional.!"

gone said:

mk6fiesta said:

At the end of the day he wasnt a Trafpol, he was just an average Plod, probably with not a lot of driving training, preaching that to go 5mph over the limit was somehow incredibly dangerous, all the while potentially causing mayhem behind him.

How do you know? I have a top driver quailification. I have retained that last year on a refresher course. I have not driven traffic cars for over 10 years! Many more are the same as me. I do something different now, so do many others. You assume too much!

Rather think someone trained properly would not behave like a pretzel. Of the three UK cousin BiBs - one ist trafpol training wally und other two also Hendon trained but work in other fields - but do the refresher doo-dahs. None would behave like pretzels either.

gone said:

mk6fiesta said:

I think he eventually realised what a D1ck he was being - as he dropped his speed a little and people were able to get by.

I expect the same opinions were talked about in the car referring to your goodself! the difference is that they were in a position to make you a Dick by issuing you with a penalty which they chose not to do. You were lucky this time, maybe not so the next!

It would have been a bit petty at 75 mph when a talivan would give him 79 mph....

But then again - he might actually have looked in mirror und seem a build up of traffic bunching mit clear road ahead.... und Sally Traffic did mention a traffic jam on M62.... That was caused by our pretzels in the Panda - nicht

gone said:

mk6fiesta said:

On a clear motorway, in good conditions, forcing everybody to obey an obsolete limit is crazy and personally leaves me with a bit of a dim view of BiB.

Says who?
It is the limit until it is changed whether you or anyone else agrees or disagrees. It is the job of the pOlice to enforce the law. When the speed limit is raised to what you may consder to be more appropriate, it will not stop others doing exactly as you did and that is 'take the piss'!

But ist no excuse for overtaking und dropping speed to 65 mph or whatever it was just to slow down all traffic on the road. That ist still a form of road rage.

gone said:

Like I said before, Policing is not a popularity contest. I take a dim view of people that take the piss and many of my colleagues do too.

Und abuse of power und generally silly childish behaviour really commnads rescpect of course

Surely better to have ackmowdged that guy overtook und settled in front at speed limit cruise in front - rather than speed ot above limit himelf und then deliberately drive well below it after making cofffee bean type gestures.

As said - overtook one such line at 72 mph in L2 tonight. They were following Panda type at 64 mph or so. He had no problem mit my gentle overtake at 72 mph. He did not come charging after me mit his lights flashing - he just smiled und waved at us und his partner did blow a kiss back at my daughter as well.

But he may have noted some certain stickers


53 posts

236 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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Gone - that was NOT a pop at you (I just used your comments to prove my point, nor was it a pop at Police (it's the government that ultimately set policy after all)).

You seem to have missed the point though - I couldn't give a flying if I get caught speeding. I refuse to 'drive in fear' and will continue to drive sensibly and in accordance to the prevailing conditions...that'll be safely then.

And if you, as a Police officer, freely admit that (perhaps) the law is incorrect, instead of just blindly enforcing it why not campaign for change - after all, it is the Police who have the loudest voice when it comes to enforcing law and policy...just a thought...

Perhaps then the Police would start earning some of their hard fought respect back...

Police enforcing laws not even they believe are outdated, irrelevant - whatever - it's a joke.



8,369 posts

245 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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By the way Liebchen - we are from Appenzell - actually come from village called Wildhausen shich translates "Wild Houses!" We are far more colourful than those boring ol'farties in the West

They are too French over there anyway ....

Besides - we have the better the North East

lieber gone said:

WildCat said:
Lieber gone - take note...


Would you have been happier for our friend to have been pulled over and reported for an offence or would this also have been unacceptable behaviour in your opinion?

But how much of an offence was it - if it was really dangerous und worthy of note - then they should pull und give the acid lecture und so was. ....

lieber gone said:

My point is that if you overtake a marked Police presence which is travelling at or near the limit on a motorway or dual carriageway

1. You are stupid
2. You are drawing attention to yourself
3. You do not know about the experience or qualifications of the crew.
4. You do not even know what equipment might be concealed in the Police vehicle!

I still overtook one tonight Und he did not bother ... but he was heading a queue in L1 und L2/L3 were both empty.

But he was travelling at 64 mph or so und I was at 72 mph ...


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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WildCat said:

It was cuaisng bunching und I doubt many were keepin a two second rule!

They don't need a marked Police vehicle in view to make them do that They do it all on their own most of the time

gone said:

If he was really promoting road safety he would have realised that the guy settled to a 70 mph cruise in front of him. At 75 mph - ist a blip as opposed to blat! Und if they were so mithered - why did they not give ticket!

Because they dealt with it to their satisfaction. the message was put across and obviously understood!

wildcat said:

Nein - they just wanted to "show muscle because they were in uniform und that ist not very professional.!"

That is just a matter of opinion!

Wildcat said:

It would have been a bit petty at 75 mph when a talivan would give him 79 mph....

Ah yes. The beauty of discretion! Still we all know that PH want more discretion. The big problem is that when discretion is used against their favour, the moans start eh Wildcat?

Wildcat said:

But then again - he might actually have looked in mirror und seem a build up of traffic bunching mit clear road ahead.... und Sally Traffic did mention a traffic jam on M62.... That was caused by our pretzels in the Panda - nicht

It will not have caused a problem. If people are unable to drive within the limits sensibly and safely, they should be removed from the roads. If they cannot do it in the presence of a marked Police vehilce, they probably will be. There is no need to bunch up like they do other than they want to get a move on. Tough luck! sit back, relax and chill for a few miles until they disappear and then re-join the Mway GT!

No one complains in a GrandPrix when the Pace car comes out do they?

Wildcat said:

But ist no excuse for overtaking und dropping speed to 65 mph or whatever it was just to slow down all traffic on the road. That ist still a form of road rage.

If they were travelling at 65mph I cannot see why there was a problem in passing the Police vehicle. We only have our friends word on this and nothing else!
In fact the Police officers would not have been in a psition to do anything about it anyway if that was the case!

Wildcat said:

Und abuse of power und generally silly childish behaviour really commnads rescpect of course

Abuse of power????? You need to watch more TV cop programmes to understand abuse of power Wildcat

Wildcat said:

Surely better to have ackmowdged that guy overtook und settled in front at speed limit cruise in front - rather than speed ot above limit himelf und then deliberately drive well below it after making cofffee bean type gestures.

Where does the original post state about coffeee bean gestures?
You're making it up Wildcat!!!!

Wildcat said:

As said - overtook one such line at 72 mph in L2 tonight. They were following Panda type at 64 mph or so. He had no problem mit my gentle overtake at 72 mph. He did not come charging after me mit his lights flashing - he just smiled und waved at us und his partner did blow a kiss back at my daughter as well.

But he may have noted some certain stickers

Then you were lucky is was not me! I dont take kindly to having the piss taken out of me regardless of what pussy is puckering her lips!

>> Edited by gone on Monday 7th February 21:02


13,841 posts

233 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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gone said:
My point is that if you overtake a marked Police presence which is travelling at or near the limit on a motorway or dual carriageway

1. You are stupid
2. You are drawing attention to yourself
3. You do not know about the experience or qualifications of the crew.
4. You do not even know what equipment might be concealed in the Police vehicle!

Hmm - don't agree with you though. If trafpol is doing 68mph and I want to do 70 I'll go past and do 70.

It's not taking the piss unless I'm obviously speeding (77+ real, not indicated), I'm just overtaking.

In fact I've done this many times and to slow down and trail behind just draws attention. Never had a second look from trafpol, obviously the guys I passed were not insecure and had nothing to prove, they just saw someone wanting to overtake. Big deal.


653 posts

278 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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Each and every police officer applies their discretion when it comes to the law. If they didn't, then they wouldn't be able to do their job. Each law is different and must be enforced in different ways - you cannot expect the same zero tolerance for speeding as you might expect with other more serious offences - and it's ludicrous to suggest such a thing. It's all a matter of priorities.

You don't stop arresting a violent drunk on a Saturday night because you've spotted someone speeding. But you might ignore a speeder for that drunk you just saw battering the living daylights out some poor sod.

With that in mind, Mr Gone, you can perhaps appreciate why people here find it incredibly petty-minded for police officers to engage in this kind of behaviour in the line of their duty. And holding aloft the torch of "IT IS THE LAW" just doesn't cut it.

What we need is less of the 'toeing the line' and more sensible, considered policing. Why on earth that damn mobile phone law was introduced is beyond me - what was wrong with careless or dangerous driving? It's very much the same with speed limits - I don't need to be shown a speed readout on some bloody gadget to get a tug - i'd much rather that a copper pulled me to one side and told me to stop driving like a dickhead. This is all within your discretion.

But this isn't what happened in this case, so we have an ambiguous situation - was it serious enough for the coppers to pull the car over? Obviously not - I guess he wasn't driving dangerously - so why the theatricals? If it were me, i'd be angry too.


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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Globulators said:

Hmm - don't agree with you though. If trafpol is doing 68mph and I want to do 70 I'll go past and do 70.

I have no problem with that. I have a problem with people that exceed the limit to get past and then creep away into the distance when I am at or near the limit in a marked vehicle.
I also have a problem with those that go past and then slow down in front of me! What was the point in that FFS!

Globulators said:

It's not taking the piss unless I'm obviously speeding (77+ real, not indicated), I'm just overtaking.

One day, you might find someone who thinks that you are!

Globulators said:

In fact I've done this many times and to slow down and trail behind just draws attention. Never had a second look from trafpol, obviously the guys I passed were not insecure and had nothing to prove, they just saw someone wanting to overtake. Big deal.

I am not insecure. I am happy with myself. I like me
What has something to prove got to do with it?
I have nothing to prove. I do have a book full of tickets though


6,649 posts

265 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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futie said:

You don't stop arresting a violent drunk on a Saturday night because you've spotted someone speeding. But you might ignore a speeder for that drunk you just saw battering the living daylights out some poor sod.

I have not often seen a violent drunk battering the living daylights out of someone on a Saturday night on a Motorway. It has happened but very rarely. When I did, I ignored the speeders thrashing past

futie said:

With that in mind, Mr Gone, you can perhaps appreciate why people here find it incredibly petty-minded for police officers to engage in this kind of behaviour in the line of their duty.

Oh yes. I appreciate how they feel and what their opinions are. That unfortunately is 'hard cheese'
When Policing a motorway or fast road, there are specific rules which need to be obeyed! Failure to obey them can lead to penalties because they are aginst the law.
Mr Futie. For your information I have on several occasions been to multiple deaths and multiple pileups on major motorways in the South of England.
Much of that carnage could have been avaoided if people had been abiding by the rules but they don't because they think they are stupid and because they stick their thumbs up their arses when they are ignoring the rules.

If those people cannot understand that the job of the Police is to enforce the law even on roads, then they either end up with a ticket, an insurance claim or an undertakers bill!

Futie said:

And holding aloft the torch of "IT IS THE LAW" just doesn't cut it.

I am afraid it does when the chips are down in the wood panneled room with the coat of arms over the big chair!

Futie said:

What we need is less of the 'toeing the line' and more sensible, considered policing.

You mean the chance to talk your way out of something Thats what you really mean!

Futie said:

Why on earth that damn mobile phone law was introduced is beyond me - what was wrong with careless or dangerous driving?

Because a fair few of our motoring public would not identify the act of driving carelessly with a mobile phone. Therefore if the Govt bring in an offence about 'MOBILE PHONES', people understand that it is an offence to use a MOBILE PHONE because that is what the law now says!

Sect 2 and 3 were adequate to deal with mobile phone use. The problem is that many members of the motoring public did not understand what that meant.

Futie said:

It's very much the same with speed limits - I don't need to be shown a speed readout on some bloody gadget to get a tug - i'd much rather that a copper pulled me to one side and told me to stop driving like a dickhead. This is all within your discretion.

I bet you would
I bet you would not like being told "stop driving like a Dickhead, here is your endorsable FPT" though would you

Futie said:

But this isn't what happened in this case, so we have an ambiguous situation - was it serious enough for the coppers to pull the car over? Obviously not - I guess he wasn't driving dangerously - so why the theatricals? If it were me, i'd be angry too.

The officers dealt with it to their satisfaction. They got their message across. They did not need to take any other remedial action. If someone feels angry about that, then we can live with it!

If it had been me, I would also have been angry


797 posts

239 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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gone said:
I am afraid it does when the chips are down in the wood panneled room with the coat of arms over the big chair!

A classic....


653 posts

278 months

Monday 7th February 2005
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I'm not sure why you mention the pileups you have attended. Do you think that witnessing these things first hand means you are more able to construct a formula for their demise than I? Infact it would appear that your argument is for simply enforcing the law, rather than actually questioning its validity. This is what concerns me - perhaps you think the motoring laws as they stand are succeeding in reducing accidents?

Sensible, considered policing refers to an attitude where I am confident that policing is accurately targeting, educating or removing dangerous drivers from the roads. Targeting someone for driving at between 70 and 80 mph on the motorway is not achieving either of these goals. It is simply petty.

I say it again - it is your discretion which is the key thing here. Discretion is present throughout the law - it is how otherwise ridiculous situations are avoided. The bobby on the street uses discretion when tackling a situation and the courts use discretion when deciding a verdict. If either one of these processes is removed we are liable to create a situation which is unsustainable. I refer the honourable gentleman to the trial and conviction by Gatsometer.

Neat point about the panelled room. But convince me that isn't just a way of showing how powerful you are and what mighty backup you have.

Oh, and for your information, I have indeed been stopped by one of your colleages for speeding. We had a chat, I didn't argue, and took my penalty. Fact of the matter was that I didn't see where he came from and so I was driving like an arse - in rush hour too.

I have no problem with this kind of policing, and my licence has stayed clean every year since, so I would contest that it is effective policing. The behaviour by the chaps in the panda on the motorway does nothing but aggravate and frustrate. And you think the officers got their message across? I couldn't disagree more.