Has Tyson Fury commited a hate crime

Has Tyson Fury commited a hate crime



12,285 posts

190 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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He doesn't have a great personality anyway!


20,195 posts

122 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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Billsnemesis said:
I am not left wing, not PC and not professionally offended but I am worried...
Well try not to be. Reasonable people understand the boxer in question to be an outspoken showman. He's not the first and he won't be the last.


56 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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popeyewhite said:
Well try not to be. Reasonable people understand the boxer in question to be an outspoken showman. He's not the first and he won't be the last.
Agreed, he's a bit of a handful but hats off to him for winning against that brick sthouse 2 weeks ago it's hardly as though he didn't deserve it. As sport goes it beats playing darts with a beer in hand or lycra clad cyclists on drugs.
Just cut him some slack we've seen many times worse on PH and no one blinks so why does everyone go all righteous as soon as its someone like Fury.
Just get over it and move on.


8,765 posts

147 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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I think his comments are unpleasant and distasteful but I don't want to see him prosecuted. It's enough that he should face social opprobrium from anyone with an ounce of decency.


4,250 posts

255 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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To my mind he is an idiot as any other religious idiot is with extreme views. However, we live in a free society and in no way has he incited anyone and if you read his comments he was articulating a view that many hold, but would never say.

He said if you had been told in the 50's abortion and homosexuality would have been legalised, many then would have said it was unthinkable and yet here we are with something many feel is wrong, and not just a few.

As for his pedo comments, again if you look at some of the growing communities, what we see as wrong they allow in their culture. Marrying children off is not seen as abhorrent at all, as demographics change will we see the lowering of the age of consent further?

But do his comments make him unworthy of a nomination, no. He has achieved something that is a milestone in a sporting arena. If we were looking at any of those nominated whilst SPOTY has been going, from a moral point of view, we have had wife beaters, drugs cheats, drunks, adulterers etc. etc. By feeding the social media they actually give his views more of a platform, than ignoring him would do, leave it to the public to vote for the worthy nominated.

For me I would rather have the gay friends I have than any number of knuckle draggers like he is. They have tolerance and understand that those with views against them are based on fear and in some cases jealousy.


3,701 posts

164 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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Legacywr said:
He doesn't have a great personality anyway!
Remind me, who was SPOTY in 2013?


1,172 posts

131 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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Fury is currently 25/1 to win SPOTY, if the campaign against him continues, I would not be surprised if there's a back lash from fellow God Squad voting for him in support.

Incidentally my work colleague and I were discussing Tyson's comments and his call to Jeremy Vine today, his view was that now days people do not seem to be allowed to have an opinion anymore without a campaign being begun against them.

It's worth noting he's a full time transvestite


5,136 posts

213 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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You can take the boy out of the caravan....

He can't be all bad, he likes dahhhgs.


4,946 posts

136 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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rohrl said:
I think his comments are unpleasant and distasteful but I don't want to see him prosecuted. It's enough that he should face social opprobrium from anyone with an ounce of decency.
Agreed, but I'm also irritated by the BBC's lack of balance. If he'd replaced the words "homosexuals" with "black people" he'd have been out of SPOTY on his arse by now. Bigotry is bigotry, regardless of whom it's aimed at.


1,042 posts

188 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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Has he called for anyone to be attacked? Has he incited violence? Patently no. He has his views and he is entitled to them.

Things are going too far and the "tolerant" left have a lot to answer for when men are being hounded out of their jobs for upsetting feminists and the use of #killallmen doesn't end in a prosecution.

You only have to do a quick search on Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube to see just how tolerant liberals are when it comes to people who hold a different opinion, and I seem to remember that there was a furore recently at Oxford University because the LGBT Students Union banned white Cis gendered gay men. Cis gendered for the uninitiated is people who identify as the sex they were born with. When it becomes cool to attack people just for being (dare I say it) normal, then there is something seriously sick going on. The hashtag #diecisscum is also quite popular at the moment on Twitter and Tumblr.

The mind boggles.


18,120 posts

129 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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He's a massive tt with offensive and stupid views. That's not and shouldn't be a crime.

The obsession with taking offence in this country is pretty sad, but I think taking offence at this kind of nonsense is understandable. If I were gay, I wouldn't enjoy what he said.


12,285 posts

190 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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Yes, he is a massive tt! It's a pity Spitting Image isn't still around! smile


13,400 posts

190 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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ORD said:
If I were gay, I wouldn't enjoy what he said.
You don't need to be gay to not enjoy it. I have close friends who are gay and I didn't like it.


18,120 posts

129 months

Wednesday 9th December 2015
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Devil2575 said:
ORD said:
If I were gay, I wouldn't enjoy what he said.
You don't need to be gay to not enjoy it. I have close friends who are gay and I didn't like it.
A fair point. I agree.


18,120 posts

129 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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I was amazed that he won the other night. He looks like a big and slightly fat buffoon to me.


12,883 posts

265 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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JustinP1 said:
And this is the reason why people are up in arms.

However, out of those people complaining, I would bet only a tiny fraction heard or read what he *actually* said - including you. Otherwise, you'd know he said nothing of the sort.

He's clearly a devout Christian. Homosexuality and abortion do not align with his religious beliefs. That's his choice, and many people have those same religious views.

What he stated was that years ago, those acts were illegal and no-one would have thought that culture would change and those acts would become lawful. As a counterpoint, he said that if culture were to change again and as a result paedophilia would be made legal that this would metaphorically cause the 'devil to return'.

I don't particularly like Fury as a person, nor do I think he's good at talking. However, I don't believe is disliking someone because I might be better educated, a better orator, or have different religious or cultural beliefs.

In the run up to the fight, he would have done hours and hours of interviews. The press have picked up on two sentences, and instead of reporting what he actually said which is a bit of religious fervour, have simply reported that he 'compared' homosexuality and abortion to paedophilia.

In the very loosest sense of the word he might have used all of those acts in his analogy, but to even suggest he 'compared' IMHO purposefully suggests that he has said something he has not.

The problem is that what he really said isn't interesting, and, of course, 99% of the people holding the placards and signing the petition didn't actually read what he actually said - otherwise I don't think they'd bother.
Agree - distorted and bad reporting. Its not a hate crime to have thoughts or to just speak about what a person does not like. If he thinks the world will have gone to the Devil if homosexuality, abortion to paedophilia came to all be legal so what? if he finds all 3 abhorrent to him then so what? He is not asking anyone to commit violence, he is not attacking anyone. Others may have different thoughts.

Edited by superlightr on Thursday 10th December 01:01


1,370 posts

145 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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I have nothing against him. If he doesn't like poofs then that's his business. Doesn't make it right either just a bit `backward`.

He's in the limelight because he beat an aging 10 year or whatever reigning champion and he's lapping things up. It'll end as soon as a half decent heavyweight comes along.

Edited by bigkeeko on Thursday 10th December 00:55


12,467 posts

170 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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eatcustard said:
I think I will vote for him just to ps off you Looney leftwing tts.

What he says is nothing to what hook and and co say about the UK.
And you get upset about him saying what must of us blokes say (when the wife is not listening of cause) smile

Leave the Gippo to his stupid comments and get on with your life.
don't presume you speak for anyone other than yourself ...


12,467 posts

170 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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anonymous said:
as opposed to ignorant (likely) white, heterosexual, cisgender, 'nilla, male failing to appreciate just how much 'banter' is grossly offensive ...

the irony of course being that most of the perverts, deviants and 'sex peoplke' are considerably more respectful than the average 'nilla...

Edited by mph1977 on Thursday 10th December 01:26


20,035 posts

188 months

Thursday 10th December 2015
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Maybe someone should tell the dinnerlady that the big boy has been calling people names.