Drink Driving - a question!

Drink Driving - a question!


Smart Mart

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217 months

Monday 26th November 2012
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BliarOut said:
£30 for 8 kids,? You gave twelve year olds Happy Meals, didn't you you old skinflint biggrin

Well done, sounds like you've got it all in hand thumbup

Rumbled.... they could have whatever they wanted out of my extensive budget of, er, £31, but yes there was five Happy Meals in there, one McChicken Sandwich meal and two Chicken Select meals.... thumbup

Back on topic though and had a reaction this morning from the older twin who in the past has been more upset than his brother when things go wrong. He's not gone to school this morning as he was really upset, didn't get a lot of sleep last night and is generally in a bad way. I'm not going to force him off to school and the Head of Student Relations, who will see his absence, was in the Child Protection meetings last year so may realise what has happened.

Smart Mart

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11,922 posts

217 months

Tuesday 1st January 2013
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Smart Mart a year ago said:
Just when you thought it was safe to leave the thread... rolleyes

Had the boys overnight and went out geocaching this morning. Just about to get started when a phone call from ex's daughter informed me that mum hadn't returned her calls and was meant to be picking her up in 45 minutes. Well Devizes is about 40 minutes from her house so raced back to pick her up and take her to her house.

Mum, upstairs and having drunk three quarters of a bottle of vodka this morning, threatening to self harm. Calmed her down, shut the boys in the front room out of the way and after chatting (as much as you can if you're that drunk!) with her daughter, the ex came downstairs. Then took a knife and went to go for her wrists with it.

Got the knife off her, daughter rung the mental health crisis team who wouldn't come out as she wasn't sober! mad Ended up with daughter calling police who rang ambulance to check her out. Just left there now after getting to her house about noon.

Have both the boys and her daughter now at my house. I cannot keep the daughter here without her permission obviously but she seems happy enough to stay for the time being. The boys are a different story and as they're mine and I have parental responsibility for them, I have decided (regretfully) to not let them back into the house. Both kids have said they want to come and live with me which will be as a result of being constantly let down by her. Maybe this will be the wake-up call she needs; I almost don't care any more but those kids deserve better than hearing their mum surrounded by policemen and ambulance men, while arguing the toss and screaming at them.

The saying goes, you have to be cruel to be kind. Not quite relevant here because my only concern is for two 11-year-old boys welfare but at the end of the day, although this may appear harsh, the end of my tether has been well and truly reached.
Just wanted to thank everyone who read and lurked or read and posted on the thread last year.

Without going all ghey on you, the amount of support, goodwill and help I received since the original post went up has been fantastic. I've been a member here for several years now and know how supportive PH can be at times but this thread, very personal to me, has highlighted once again the good side of human nature. Thank you very much indeed from the three of us.

It will be a year ago tonight (Tuesday) since the boys moved in with me. I remember taking them back at lunchtime (see post above) and just about managing to keep them away from their drunk, self-harming mother that day. An awful lot has happened in the intervening twelve months but thankfully I've managed to shield them from most of it. I can't protect them from everything but they have a greater understanding of the situation now.

Things still go wrong now and again. Their mum is about as reliable as an Aston Villa defender right now and in truth is further away than what she was last year, rejecting the support put in place for her. I can't afford to worry and get upset with her any more; cruel, I know, but my energy must go into supporting the three of us. The old saying about leading horses to water comes to mind, I'm afraid. Her daughter and I still get on well; she has just joined the same gym as me so I give her a lift when we're going there at the same time.

It's not all been bad though. The twins have settled in well to living with me full time and moved to secondary school three months ago just 100 yards from where I live. School is going well and their marks in tests haven't suffered. Their football team which I manage is top of the league halfway through the season and we've managed to take in a shedload of football matches, two T20 cricket games, a Premier League darts night, an Olympic football match and a short break to the coast at October half term.

Financially we've coped too and hopefully things will improve in 2013 as I will be having a book published in November by the football club. We have tough months, we have easier months but on the whole, we're coping okay.

So thanks once again to everyone who has contributed to the thread. I really mean it when I say the advice, the support and the general sense of wellbeing has truly helped me get through the toughest time in my life. I hope the storms have gone now and the sun will come out!

Happy New Year everyone.

Martin & the boys


Original Poster:

11,922 posts

217 months

Tuesday 31st December 2013
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So it was two years ago today that the little men left their mum's house and came to live with me. They'd stayed at mine over the weekend but when things blew up on New Years Day, they returned home with me and have never stayed overnight since.

What have the two years brought? Well, first the bad stuff. Lots of heartache, a Child Protection Plan was set up, hundreds of abusive texts, many long drawn out nasty phone calls and her daughter coming, going, coming again and going again. Really hard financially at times, a failed residency case and dozens of occasions where she hasn't had the boys when she's meant to.... . She has also just finished a relationship with a guy who was sixteen years older than her who was married! She met him when she was working via Adultwork (don't Google it, it's basically prostitution!)......

..... but on the good side, the boys are happy. Their transition from primary to secondary school has gone really well and they remain in the "gifted and talented" group who currently attend the local Uni on a six week Mathematics course. They have made lots of new friends there too. They now have their own bedrooms now which meant I lost my office but such is life, they needed their own space and they're happier now.

The twins still love their football, playing and watching and we got a table tennis table for Christmas and they've shown a real talent for that now. They have a wonderful relationship with my older two children (now 22 and 18) and see them several times a year.

They see their Mum fairly regularly nowadays but it still goes in fits and starts. November was a bad month where she missed four or five times when she was meant to have them in a row. But right now, she's seen them four times running on the correct days.

Her daughter is still doing A levels at sixth form and working in a local fashion store. I still give her lifts now and again when Mum is drunk but we maintained contact through it all.

I got my book published in November and all 500 limited edition copies were sold before the book was printed which was better than I had hoped. I got a fixed fee for the job so sadly no bonus now the book is being reprinted but there you go.

Other than that, all is quiet. Work is busy with a second book on the drawing board plus I'm doing more website administration work nowadays and I've also started working for a second football club doing their media and commercial management. I'm planning to get involved with a local nature reserve who are trying to get an environmental project under their control which might mean I can rent a free office within the reserve as a result of my work. This would be fantastic but wouldn't happen much before next Christmas.

Thanks for all your comments. I've loved nearly every minute of these past two years and I hope the three of us stay this happy for a lot longer yet.



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11,922 posts

217 months

Thursday 11th September 2014
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Still going here, normally update around Christmas time but thought I'd go early this time.

Boys started Year 9 at secondary school last week. Both doing well at school and among the brightest in the year. They both did a six week course at UWE earlier this year for gifted and talented mathematicians and loved it; I can see a career as an accountant for one and a journalist for the other. They'll be fourteen in November, crazy to think they were ten when this thread started... eek

The daughter (now 18) has left sixth form now with some great exam results in her A Levels and in a way, I am so proud of her and the boys for not letting all the crap affect their schooling. She finishes work at the fashion shop this weekend and is going travelling with some friends for the next twelve months. She passed her driving test third time lucky and she's turning into a great little adult!

Mum? Probably best not to ask. Suffice to say that things are looking tough at the moment for her. Saw the boys five times during the seven weeks of summer holidays, missing 75% of the times she was meant to see them. Still drinks, has made no effort to rebuild her life through rehab or counselling and if anything is getting worse. Had a phone call from her daughter last night saying that yesterday, her mum slept with a local well known "bad guy" and got paid £200 for it. "Bad guy" saw some pictures of the daughter and asked the mum if she'd be prepared to sleep with him for £200 as well so Mum actually asked her!! Pimping her daughter out is a new low, I think. Daughter thinks I should probably make it supervised visits only from now on.

As for me? I'm good. Lost six stone last year (planned) but put five stone of it back on (not planned). Taken over as secretary of my local football club, started a second under-14's youth football team up and continue to keep busy. Had a date earlier in the summer but not sure I'm ready time-wise to get into a relationship. One of the young boys who's joined the football team has a yummy mummy who would be perfect but it's early days yet ha ha. Happy working from home and boys are happy too which is the main thing.

Will sign off now but thanks once more for all the support you gave us over the past 3.5 years. It meant, and still means a lot, conidering you're all internet strangers! hehe


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11,922 posts

217 months

Thursday 11th September 2014
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Vaud said:
GloverMart said:
SHad a phone call from her daughter last night saying that yesterday, her mum slept with a local well known "bad guy" and got paid £200 for it. "Bad guy" saw some pictures of the daughter and asked the mum if she'd be prepared to sleep with him for £200 as well so Mum actually asked her!! Pimping her daughter out is a new low, I think. Daughter thinks I should probably make it supervised visits only from now on.
Isn't this something for the local child protection team - assuming the daughter is over 18, the other kids aren't?
Yes, it probably is. Daughter wouldn't fib about something like this..... but what sort of home am I letting my boys back into? They should be round there Tuesday & Thursday evenings plus Sundays from 2pm till 9pm. Not sure it's the best environment for them, never know who they'll meet.


Original Poster:

11,922 posts

217 months

Monday 22nd December 2014
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That year went by quickly, didn't it? Another update but not really that much to mention really.....

Boys are still thriving at school, gaining good marks and well mannered and popular too. Recently went to a parents evening and teachers seem really content with how they are and how they behave which has always been important to me.

They are 14 years old now, they had just turned eleven when they arrived on my doorstep, so to speak. Life hasn't changed that much over the past year for them; we still live in the same house, same friends, steady routine etc but I believe they need stability and not more upheaval at this time of their lives. Still playing football for their little team, still coming to watch Yeovil every week and of course getting excited for the big FA Cup tie against Manchester United in a couple of weeks.

Their sister turned 18 in July and left home to work in Spain as an au pair for three months, coming back two weeks ago. She's all grown up now and deals with everything throws at her well. Not sure what she is going to do with her life but she's picked up a marketing job in the meantime while she decides.

Probably the biggest change is that the boys see less and less of their Mum. In the last two months, I'd say she has seen them on average less than once a week instead of the three times a week. She is still drinking heavily and to top things off, she has now resorted to prostitution and escort work for money. I didn't believe it at first but having checked out a website after a tip off, she has a profile on there that states she is a returning member, so obviously she's done it before. Quite sad really but nowadays, I have washed my hands of her completely.

As for me, I'm fine. Put a lot of weight back on this year which I must get back off again as my little men need me. Still heavily involved in football, business is building up quite nicely and there isn't a Mrs Mart on the scene, which I'm happy with really. No time for having a partner, they'd take something away from my life at present which I don't want. Maybe in a couple of years when the boys are older, I might consider it but there's no hurry.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts and wishes. We are all doing fine and the three of us would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Oops, sorry, I mean party


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217 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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Not sure if anyone is still out there so I'll keep the message as brief as possible.

Five years last week when the whole thing blew up. It's been hard at times but it is worth it when I get up in the morning and go in to wake up two lazy teenagers for school. Not that I will be for much longer as amazingly, they finish secondary school in five months time!!

Things haven't gone too bad this year really. The twins had work experience at the football club I work at in June and loved every minute of it. They now work there on matchdays, earning themselves a few quid for their trouble which I set aside in an account for them; includes their Christmas and birthday presents too so they have nearly £200 in there by now.

They still play football on a Sunday afternoon for my under-16's team. We have our off days, we have arguments and we have problems but no more so than any other family. Their Mum is still about although she didn't see them for a month recently. Had a great Christmas where they met up with my older two children at my ex-wife's house and we stayed there till 1.30am opening presents....

Their older sister (not mine) is now studying at Swansea Uni and sees the boys now and again. She's come out of all this quite well considering although she lost her grandad last March and was obviously really upset about it (was only 63).

Just really hoping for another quiet year. We are off around the 92 Premier and Football League grounds in April during the Easter holidays to raise money for two charities and the boys will start at a local college in September studying sports journalism (probably) so things are going well.

Can't believe it's been more than two years since the last update.


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11,922 posts

217 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Thank you all. In the beginning, people's advice and good wishes were absolutely invaluable as if no one had replied, I'd have known I was on my own. Thankfully, that didn't happen and there are some great folk on this thread and all three of us are very, very grateful for every single piece of advice offered.



Original Poster:

11,922 posts

217 months

Wednesday 5th July 2017
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Time for a brief update? I know it's not Christmas, and nothing terrible has happened but.....

.... the boys have left school!

Picture taken ten days ago before their prom in Bristol. They were a bit nervous ahead of their big night, hence their expressions, but they had a good night in the end. They're happy chappies most of the time although a little worried about their exams. All taken now, 8-9 GCSE's each, just a question of waiting till their results come in. Subject to those grades, one is staying on to do 3 A Levels at school while the other is doing a two year diploma in sports journalism.

Mum is a bit hit and miss but has been with this bloke now for a little while; he's 17 years older than her. Seems stable enough but I still get the odd blip from her. Boys and I went around all the 92 football grounds in April, raising money for two cancer charities by selling the signed memorabilia we collected along the way. Ended up with a brilliant trip, a lifetime of memories and £2,500 in funds.

Nothing else changed really. I'm still single, boys work with me now at the football club on matchdays so they've started earning for themselves. They've stopped playing youth football now as the club they played for has folded but we might look out for a new club come September.

Other than that, the usual big thank you again to all who chipped in advice, help, money etc on this thread. The boys don't know this thread exists, and I'll never tell them, but if they knew, they would be genuinely moved by how brilliant you have been in helping their Dad and them. We all owe you a massive debt of gratitude...

Peace out

Martin x

Edited by GloverMart on Thursday 24th August 20:36


Original Poster:

11,922 posts

217 months

Thursday 24th August 2017
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Another brief update as it's GCSE results day today.

Youngest one passed 9 out of 10 exams, missing out on PE. Got an A*, 2 x A's and a "9" in Maths so he's staying on at his school's sixth form and doing three A Levels, probably in Maths, Further Maths and Economics.

Older one rescued his results from a tricky situation. He's always been the one more affected by all that's gone on and a few months ago, he was at a junction educationally where he could have gone either down the route of failing most of them or getting his head down and working hard to improve. He needed 5 A-C's to go on and do his diploma in sports journalism and pleased to say, he got 8 out of 9, so did it comfortably. Gave me a big hug this morning as it will have come as a relief to him to pass. Mostly B's and C's admittedly but he's passed and passed well.


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11,922 posts

217 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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Just by means of a possible final bookend on the thread, eight and a half years on from the original post.... hehe

The last two years have quietened down an awful lot to be honest. The ex is now in a housing complex filled mainly with older people but also with a few folk that struggle a little bit with their issues. The good news is that it is about a mile from my house so the lads can see her whenever they want although she still struggles often with the drinking. But she is in a much better place than she was when I last posted, I think.

Her daughter qualified as a paediatric nurse a few weeks back and works & lives locally nowadays. She seems to have come through everything pretty unscathed which is surprising really but full credit to her. One tough cookie!!

The boys? Saving the best till last with the news.... both of them passed their exams with flying colours and are now at Uni.

The younger one went to London ten days ago and starts his study next week at UCFB doing a degree in Football Business & Finance. Took his stuff up & he's come back for a couple of days before he gets down to work next Monday. He passed his three A Levels in Maths, Further Maths and Business with an A* in the latter subject.

The older one left home on Saturday and is now at Solent Uni, Southampton and his degree is in sports journalism; he passed his diploma in the same field after a two year stint at his local college. They've settled in well and both doing some part time work covering their local clubs for Opta Sports on the analysis side of things.

Relationship with them is stronger than ever which will help now they have left home. We are all about 2 hours from each other in a triangle of Bristol / London / Southampton and they've become quite adept on the trains & tube so no doubt I'll see a lot of them even though they've moved away.

Thanks again for all the support over the past eight years, I am very grateful. There are some great people on here. clap

PS I'm still single! rofl


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11,922 posts

217 months

Monday 16th September 2019
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TwigtheWonderkid said:
GloverMart said:
The older one left home on Saturday and is now at Solent Uni, Southampton and his degree is in sports journalism; he passed his diploma in the same field after a two year stint at his local college. They've settled in well and both doing some part time work covering their local clubs for Opta Sports on the analysis side of things.
That's great. You might recall we had some direct email correspondence a few years ago; my eldest is a successful sports journalist, and now quite well known in his particular sport (started off in football but moved into covering a different sport), despite only being in his early 20s.

It's great that your lad giving it a go but it's very competitive and hard to break into. I wish him all the best.
Remember it well, Twig, really appreciated your message and fantastic to hear that your lad is doing so well. I guess sport is a wide enough subject that you can move sideways from football into other stuff if you pick up the knowledge.


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217 months

Sunday 22nd September 2019
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Of course, one thing that I hadn't considered when being so proud of them both getting into Uni was the feeling of emptiness when they left, and when they go back after returning home briefly.

I'm sure it will get better and I'm lucky that I have such a good relationship with them but boy, it hurts! frown


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217 months

Saturday 27th August 2022
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Thought it might be time for a brief update now it's been almost three years since the last one.... thumbup

It's been a bit of a strange three years to be honest. The boys went off to their respective Uni's in September 2019 full of hope and optimism and a new exciting life ahead of them. Within six months though, they were back home living with me again as the COVID pandemic struck. I think they spent the best part of eighteen months here at home, more or less half their Uni time which impacted their social life if nothing else. The older twin was in halls in Year 1 then house shared in Years 2 & 3 with five others including his best mate. The younger twin stayed in halls for all three years albeit the last two years were in a 5 bedroom flat so similar to a house share.

Anyway, despite COVID etc, they both have come out of their Uni's with degrees. beer

One ended up with a 2.2 and the other got a First, so very proud of them both after what they put up with over the last decade. Not just the COVID stuff but everything else they've faced that could have derailed them. They are still level headed, polite lads and that makes me burst with pride. cloud9 Younger one graduated last month, the other one's ceremony is in December.

As far as the future goes, the older twin moved back home from Uni in the summer & has now moved to the South Coast. All of us work for the same data collection company covering football matches so the older one has moved to where his team is and got a part time job and his own flat. The younger twin is back home with me, travels to cover his games and is looking for full time work. He and his flat mates went on a mini football tour of Europe a few weeks back taking in games in Belgium, Czech Republic and Germany.

Their mum? Still in the same flat, she has good periods and bad periods but is still around. Didn't make the older twin's graduation for the obvious reason but it didn't spoil the day for him. The daughter, now 25, is settled in a job and good relationship so is thriving.

Me? I lost a shed load of weight in 2019/20, nearly six stone but COVID came and it affected me mentally. I have no idea why, I'm not even sure I have even had it. But it took something out of me that I haven't got back yet and I've put all that weight back on again, pretty much. I did look pretty good for a big guy at one point but I'm back to square one again. Will continue to work on that though.

Thanks as always for everyone's comments on the thread over the years. You genuinely have no idea how helpful, comforting, inspiring and knowledgeable they all were, both at the time and even now a decade later. You're all bloody stars!


Original Poster:

11,922 posts

217 months

Sunday 28th August 2022
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Thanks for all the replies, really appreciate them. clap

Twig - that's a great analogy and yes, you are 100% spot on. Will be getting to work on it almost straight away! hehe