Elite: Dangerous


Lurking Lawyer

4,534 posts

227 months

Friday 2nd March 2018
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I haven't really bothered with the Thargoids so far. Dropped into a few unknown signal sources when the last update pre-3.0 dropped just to see them, then went back to what I was doing.

I fancy trying my hand at taking one down - just one of the smaller scouts. Can anyone comment on whether that's do-able solo and, if so, just how heavily engineered a ship I'm going to need. I have a pretty-heavily engineered FdL but I suspect I might need something bigger. I'm resigned to having to engineer a load more hull reinforcement packages and so on for the Anaconda or Corvette, unless someone tells me that the AX weapons have been beefed up.....


1,436 posts

153 months

Friday 2nd March 2018
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Picked up my first Federation mission, wanted to start ranking up to be able to buy more ships. It was a "strike" mission to go Jill a pirate lord in a nearby system, something I've done before however this time I couldn't find the target anywhere on the system. Despite going to every location, USS, nav beacon in the system he didn't turn up at all between the time he was supposed to be on the system. Does this normally happen? Before with the assination type missions I've always found them fairly quick.

Really hacked off as it paid 1. 5m credits too


1,340 posts

237 months

Saturday 3rd March 2018
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Third reply in this Reddit thread has a method of getting mission targets to spawn. Haven't tried it myself being out exploring Guardian space.


1,436 posts

153 months

Saturday 3rd March 2018
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Wayoftheflower said:
Third reply in this Reddit thread has a method of getting mission targets to spawn. Haven't tried it myself being out exploring Guardian space.
Cheers! I'll remember this. Picked up another one with a 4.5m reward plus bounties on.. 28 pirates! Hopefully the system has a RES or compromised nav beacon.


1,340 posts

237 months

Saturday 3rd March 2018
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anonymous said:
First step would be to unlock Felicity Farseer to Grade 5 and get yourself a mega boost to jump range.

After that from what I've read engineered stuff is only an absolute must have for PVP.

I've been in Guardian space although doing the old mission which has bugged out since last week's update. The new Guardian mission should be ok.

Thargoids as spooky feckers, need special weapons to take on the big ones. Interceptors (little ones) are vulnerable to regular though apparently.

The Beaver King

6,095 posts

197 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Just a heads up for anyone farming the 'Skimmer Missions'; looks like FDev are aware of the huge payouts it is generating and are likely to drop a hotfix in the next couple of days.

Reddit is not happy, but FDev don't appear to like anything that drops considerable amounts of credits.

Einion Yrth

19,575 posts

246 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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The Beaver King said:
Just a heads up for anyone farming the 'Skimmer Missions'; looks like FDev are aware of the huge payouts it is generating and are likely to drop a hotfix in the next couple of days.

Reddit is not happy, but FDev don't appear to like anything that drops considerable amounts of credits.
Well, while I don't care much myself - it is a stupid amount of available credits if you can be bothered with the grind.


88,824 posts

286 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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The skimmer missions are actually working as intended, there are however a handful of the many thousands of places where the defences don't do what they are supposed to do. So we will see if they actually fix these few or just do their usual blanket nerf of them all. If you do them by SRV there isn't an issue anyway, seems that no one at FD realised you can kill them using missiles from your ship at those few sites where the defences don't work against anything other than SRVs.

Just to add, it is the same with all procedural generated locations in Elite, planetary stations you can see in orbital cruise 150km up stay the same but the ones that don't appear until you are virtually on top of them (around 10km) spawn every time you approach, do the mission and then pull back beyond a certain point and approach again and it's all been rebuilt. Been this way since Horizons first appeared so I don't know what they are going to do, if they do a blanket nerf on skimmer missions then another type will take it's place because they all use the same mission/target building.

Edited by FourWheelDrift on Monday 5th March 10:38


1,340 posts

237 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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I'd be pretty annoyed if they prioritised fixing this "issue" over all the stuff that is broken with 3.0.

Currently I'm stuck at 88/101 of the epic Ram Tab mission because 3.0 bugged a third of the guardian ruins.

Even more annoyed I can't play again till the weekend to take advantage of the temporary credit piñata.curse


1,732 posts

163 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Stealing from Reddit, but this is pretty much bang on the money IMO:

Reddit said:
I think the sweet spot for mission payouts is 20mil an hour for specialized, casual playing.

That is to say, moving 500+ tons of cargo in a hit, using an anaconda for mining, flying combat, or exploring.

And if you Focus on doing those things, IE, grinding them out, the payout should go higher to like 30 mil an hour. 30 mil an hour means you can buy an anaconda in five ish hours. You can get an A-rated module in 6. etc etc.

The problem with the money fountains is that the baseline gains from all gameplay activities is 5 mil an hour or so if you're playing casually. Or even lower! If you're focusing you can get like 10 mil an hour. but that's grinding and boring as fk.

If the baseline credit rate was brought up to 15-20 mil an hour for casual activities, people wouldn't bother with these 'Midas events'. They'd be able to work towards getting what they want with the tools they already have.

The fact that everyone rushes to this new Midas event shows that baseline credit earnings is way too low. They should get rid of things that pay out a hundred million an hour, because that's ridiculous. But they have to look at WHY these 'exploits' are so popular: which is, to put it shortly and sweetly; grinding credits is fking cancer.


88,824 posts

286 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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It's really screwed up.

What would you choose?

Kill 12 skimmers, which you can do in 2 batches of 6 using only 2 or 3 missiles (multiple explosions) from your ship hovering about a target base for 6.5m credits. Time taken, 10-15 minutes including FSD jump to system.

Or massacre 184 pirate ships for 5m credits. Time taken ~1-2hrs or longer? Depending if you take it as a wing mission or not.


3,523 posts

83 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Been tempted to get this since I got my Rift, does anyone of you play it in VR? I wandered how good it was for this, I have read mixed reviews so far.

Also seems like a steep learning curve to get to know the game, is there good in game tutorials to show you how it all works at the start?


9,270 posts

141 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Plenty of us play in VR and its a pretty good experience depending on your GFX card! I only have a 760 and can get it to 90FPS easy enough but I do lose some detail compared to a screen when I get 60 FPS with everything on high and some bits on Ultra


13,223 posts

167 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Lazermilk said:
Also seems like a steep learning curve to get to know the game, is there good in game tutorials to show you how it all works at the start?
I got this on a Steam Sale and have only played it a few times. While I loved the original game and the idea of the new one, after playing it a few hours I realised what a MASSIVE time sink it would be.

Unless things have changed it has very basic tutorials and then you are pretty much on your own in a very big universe. Accessibility was the biggest problem for me, the learning curve is more of a vertical cliff. If I was single I'd be all over it but I just don't have the time you'd need to invest in it to get the most out of it now.

I just think it could do with a bit more structure, at least when you are first starting out. Some scripted missions which you could choose to engage with or not and a bit of hand holding through the first few hours would go a long way to make it a lot more accessible.

The Beaver King

6,095 posts

197 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Lazermilk said:
Been tempted to get this since I got my Rift, does anyone of you play it in VR? I wandered how good it was for this, I have read mixed reviews so far.

Also seems like a steep learning curve to get to know the game, is there good in game tutorials to show you how it all works at the start?
I only started playing a few weeks back.

VR is not only supported, but actively encouraged. Lots of people playing in VR and using HOTAS set ups.

The learning curve really depends on what you're used to playing. If you have any experience of EVE Online, the 'X' games or similar, it won't feel too alien. It is a much easier learning curve than EVE.

That said, it doesn't spoon feed you the answers either and will probably require you to read some of the forums and ask some questions. It really depends on how heavy you want to get into it and how quickly you want to progress. Reddit has a very active community and most answers can be found using Google.

Ultimately the game is a 'space sim', so the point is to enjoy the activities associated with that, like fighting space pirates, mining, trading, exploration etc. If you don't enjoy flying around doing virtual jobs, you'll probably not like this. If you're expecting a big climactic final boss battle and another game to tick off the list, this isn't it.

It is difficult at times and it can be a bit of a grind, but if you like semi-realistic space games, with decent graphics, an active community and developing content, this is really good fun!


1,732 posts

163 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Skimmers already killed. Reddit Linky.

Basically can't select the missions anymore. I wonder if its the server falling over rather than FDev actually fixing any thing.


1,340 posts

237 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Guvernator said:
Lazermilk said:
Also seems like a steep learning curve to get to know the game, is there good in game tutorials to show you how it all works at the start?
I got this on a Steam Sale and have only played it a few times. While I loved the original game and the idea of the new one, after playing it a few hours I realised what a MASSIVE time sink it would be.

Unless things have changed it has very basic tutorials and then you are pretty much on your own in a very big universe. Accessibility was the biggest problem for me, the learning curve is more of a vertical cliff.
I'm up to about 180hours played since buying in November so I think the training wheels are mostly off but still a lot to learn.

There's about eight or so training mission that give you the very basics but the player made guides and videos are much more comprehensive.

I read the subreddit a lot and think it gives a slight skewed view of the game as there's frequent posts about the PvP PvE meta, end game ships and gankers in open play etc. I've thankfully only come across one ganker so far and I escaped with 10% hull but there's always the option of Solo play or non-PVP groups to avoid them entirely (I switched to solo briefly yesterday as I was carrying 20+MC in exploration data and was in no mood for any "emergent experiences") but mostly people playing are friendly and will give advice.

If you can stand the work you need to put in to get going and the odd irritating bug it is an amazing game I can't see myself tiring of for along time.


1,270 posts

145 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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Dont think I am going to bother doing any more combat missions - Just feels that the combat mission rewards are massively disproportionate to the potential risk.

I took a combat mission - wasn't highly rated and only paid 250k. Tried to take the NPC target down and was obliterated in short order. Simply didn't stand a chance. Shields were gone, various malfunctions and hull down to nothing literal seconds into the fight.

So I was left with a 4m bill to replace my Python, and then when I canceled the mission I was fined a further 170k.

Whats the point in taking the risk, when I can shuttle boom shipments around and get paid 2.5m a 3 min run with zero risk.


1,436 posts

153 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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FourWheelDrift said:
It's really screwed up.

What would you choose?

Kill 12 skimmers, which you can do in 2 batches of 6 using only 2 or 3 missiles (multiple explosions) from your ship hovering about a target base for 6.5m credits. Time taken, 10-15 minutes including FSD jump to system.

Or massacre 184 pirate ships for 5m credits. Time taken ~1-2hrs or longer? Depending if you take it as a wing mission or not.

I though the one i picked up for 4.5M for 28 ships was bad in comparison to skimmer missions, but 184 for 5m? Even taking into account the potential bounties on each one that seems pretty screwed up.


1,340 posts

237 months

Monday 5th March 2018
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moustachebandit said:
I took a combat mission - wasn't highly rated and only paid 250k. Tried to take the NPC target down and was obliterated in short order. Simply didn't stand a chance. Shields were gone, various malfunctions and hull down to nothing literal seconds into the fight.
Crikey! What was your target flying? I've not tried combat since 3.0 but before that I could complete 200kC pirate hunts in my minimally engineered Cobra.