Destiny (PS4)



1,598 posts

179 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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TL:DR - doing alright in Crucible, having fun. Something changed, now being stomped repeatedly, no longer much fun, don't know why

Over the last few days, for something to play if nothing else, I've been grinding some Crucible bounties which this week are Clash and Rift. Now, I'm an average PvP player and haven't really touched it much unless I absolutely had to for quests and what not, but I've been doing alright and my K/D has gone up a few points, but that's largely irrelevant as I've been having some fun playing these modes (well, Clash mainly, see later about Rift)

Then yesterday afternoon, it's like someone flicked a switch and I am now being totally stomped by the opposition, properly kicked like I'm playing a different game. Nothing has changed from my end, I'm using the same weapons, I'm using the same sort of approach but nothing I do is now effective

Spawn, hail of gunfire before I'm even properly up and running - dead
Turn a corner, close the gap, take some health, melee the other guy, he does the same - I die, he doesn't, EVERY SINGLE TIME
Getting the upper hand one to one, guy pops super - dead, which is fine but ....
Fight the same guy 1 minute later, he's got his super again, how? - dead
Pop hammers, warlock melee - dead out of super
Pop hammers, throw 3 hammers at one guy - he doesn't die, some other person pops me with a sidearm from across the map - dead out of super, AGAIN
Snipered, shotgunned seemingly out of nowhere, people appearing on radar behind me at the last second, where do they come from?
You don't spawn with sniper ammo, how come you are killing me with a sniper shot 30 seconds into a round? No, it wasn't Ice Breaker

Now, I'll take that some of it is down to me, but it's suddenly all feeling incredibly one sided and I am wondering what the flippin' heck has happened? Had I suddenly been matched against some elite group of MLG bods or something? Has SBMM decided I should be playing with people who are clearly way above my pay grade? Is this the infamous lag that people blame every crap performance on?

Looking the roster on the way in, there did appear to be a greater than average number of people sporting 5000+ Grimoire scores, with quite a few up at 5500+.

Here are some numbers - last 8 games, all losses, average k/d was 0.37, average number of kills per match 4.4. The 12 matches before that, 50% win, average k/d 1.42, average number of kills 14.2.

In other news, once I get my last 6 primary kills to complete the bounty, I'm never playing Rift again - what a hateful, stress filled, rage inducing game type that is .... hey, team mates, how about actually picking up the damn spark instead of looking at like it's some sort of mystical object. FFS


3,455 posts

218 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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And you wonder why I don't bother with the crucible...;)


1,598 posts

179 months

Tuesday 20th June 2017
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Some normality restored today probably as a result of taking a beating yesterday

However, maintenance today (that said no downtime and no impact to activities) put paid to further testing as first Control match saw me booted mid game with "anteater" errors

I'll come back tomorrow getmecoat

Dick Dastardly

8,315 posts

265 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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Moog72 said:
Here are some numbers - last 8 games, all losses, average k/d was 0.37, average number of kills per match 4.4. The 12 matches before that, 50% win, average k/d 1.42, average number of kills 14.2.
It's SBMM (skill based match making) so it sounds like you were bumped up a league after the first 12 good matches into a group of stronger players.


1,598 posts

179 months

Wednesday 21st June 2017
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Dick Dastardly said:
It's SBMM (skill based match making) so it sounds like you were bumped up a league after the first 12 good matches into a group of stronger players.
You're probably right Stimps and the difference in skill level really was quite astonishing. Bit like when I strayed into Doubles a while back, it was like I was up against a couple of the aliens from Predator for a couple of matches - where the heck did that shot come from??? Dead, dead and dead again. I'll never be a Trials player ...

Appears that I've been bumped down again thankfully as it was altogether more comfortable this afternoon


3,455 posts

218 months

Thursday 22nd June 2017
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Moog72 said:
You're probably right Stimps and the difference in skill level really was quite astonishing. Bit like when I strayed into Doubles a while back, it was like I was up against a couple of the aliens from Predator for a couple of matches - where the heck did that shot come from??? Dead, dead and dead again. I'll never be a Trials player ...

Appears that I've been bumped down again thankfully as it was altogether more comfortable this afternoon
If SBMM is a thing in Destiny, I suspect I would eventually be matched with a bunch of people panic grenading their teammates then trying to snipe the grenade thinking it is an enemy from 2 feet away, then repeatedly running around in circles or into walls smile


1,598 posts

179 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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Speckle said:
If SBMM is a thing in Destiny, I suspect I would eventually be matched with a bunch of people panic grenading their teammates then trying to snipe the grenade thinking it is an enemy from 2 feet away, then repeatedly running around in circles or into walls smile
You really should give the Crucible a fair shot Specks, I was so anti for ages that I've missed out on a lot of stuff. With the lack of PvE activities, it does provide a nice change of pace

I'm currently trying to get the third and final class void based Crucible quest done on the Titan (yeah, the one that has quite literally been available from day 1) after which I'll swap to the other classes for some variety. All this whilst mucking about with different guns for the Crucible bounties node in the book. Who knew I'm quite handy with hand cannons ...

Unless there is some raidage going on, I'm probably in PvP more often than not these days. Says a lot really, for me at least


1,144 posts

154 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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I'm using the Destiny lull to catch up on other games. Finished Horizon Zero Dawn (which was absolutely fantastic) and am now on Persona 5 (which is also terrific). I did see Bungie had made a post about getting some emblems for Destiny 2 based on D1 accomplishments, which piqued my interest, but unsurprisingly I've gotten all of them already, so that didn't do much to tempt me back.

As above though, always up for raidage.


1,598 posts

179 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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I suspect that interest in Raids and general raidage has now all but gone. I didn't get on much over the weekend, but is was totally dead, nobody about

Which, I guess, is to be expected. D1 is now definitely at end of life and doesn't offer anything really for those of us who have sunk hundreds or even thousands of hours into it

Lessons learnt though - strike while the iron's hot. I've missed out on a ton of stuff through not wanting to run certain things with randoms for instance, or shying away from Crucible tasks, a misjudgment I won't repeat for D2

I'm not bothered by emblems and stuff like that because, let's face it, who is going to be using them far into D2 anyhow? Too many "I wanna be recognised as a veteran" types out there which, sadly, Bungie pay far too much attention to. It's a video game guys ....

Nah, I'm going to retire my Titan for now and concentrate on the much, much weaker classes tongue out and give them some game time. Got to play something between now and beta after all


2,850 posts

137 months

Sunday 25th June 2017
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Still plenty of people on LFG to do raids etc with, general skill level and understanding of the task is fairly high too. But it's at the point where I won't rush to finish something or change plans to hop on and do a raid, I'm at the point where I'm playing purely for the hell of it and to chat with friends, letting 99% of drops just go to the postmaster to eventually be lost forever.


1,598 posts

179 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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Digitalize said:
Still plenty of people on LFG to do raids etc with, general skill level and understanding of the task is fairly high too. But it's at the point where I won't rush to finish something or change plans to hop on and do a raid, I'm at the point where I'm playing purely for the hell of it and to chat with friends, letting 99% of drops just go to the postmaster to eventually be lost forever.
There is no incentive at all to raiding with a bunch of randoms on LFG, I'll only run them with people I know and can have a laugh with. Loot and rewards are all but meaningless, so there is no carrot there

What this means is that I'll probably never complete King's Fall (not at all bothered by that) or Wrath of the Machine (not sure how I've missed out on that one) at any difficulty, but hey ho, c'est la vie

Instead, I'll spend my time bumbling about in the Crucible wondering why when I'm not a warlock, Nova Bombs kill me even when I'm seemingly out of range and behind a wall yet when I am a warlock, my Nova Bomb can't hit someone who is right in front of me and instead sails over their head and into oblivion ....


832 posts

197 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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Moog72 said:
What this means is that I'll probably never complete King's Fall or Wrath of the Machine
Not a big deal (not that you are bothered). smile

I never set foot into WotM. Not even as a solo player to see what the place looked like. eek

I recall firing up Destiny to find 2 party chats up and running. i entered one to find a 3 and a 2 grinding Omnigul for exotics in order to get to the necessary light level for the raid. I was offered a spot with the duo to grind. I looked at the time the party had been running.

3 hours.

3 hours hearing those screams. 3 hours of Eris Crunt on repeat. 3 hours repeating the same 4 steps to get items which would then be replaced with raid items soon afterwards.

It was then that I knew I was done with it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed aspects of RoI but not enough to be bothered. I declined and fired up summat else. smile

Glad to read that D2 will purposefully be less grindy.



3,396 posts

190 months

Monday 26th June 2017
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I am in the same space, never done a single raid, none of them.

Maybe there might be appetite for a run through the raids for a PH group before D1 finally dies?



3,455 posts

218 months

Tuesday 4th July 2017
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I still dabble. I'm only playing 2 characters these days, both Hunters of course (#masterrace). One is at 393 and the other at 380. The lower of the two is on an alternate account and has never set foot in either a raid or the crucible. Took 47 hours to get to 380, yet it took the other Hunter (my original main) over 550 hours to get to 393 confusedhehe

I never completed WoTM either. Got to the final fight a few times in the early days when we were all still at a light level that made things rather challenging but, never crossed the finish line. Genuinely not bothered though as I found it to be the least enjoyable raid of them all (which I think puts me in the internet minority).

I still enjoy running strikes occasionally, just for giggles. Haven't really got anything else I want to play at the moment so, just killing time until the D2 Beta thumbup

Edited by Speckle on Wednesday 5th July 11:50


3,455 posts

218 months

Saturday 8th July 2017
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I think I may be the only one using this thread these days tumbleweedhehe

Anyway...having waited patiently for my nephew to get his backside in gear and get online when I am (which still hasn't happened because he is 11 and easily distracted), I abandoned my patience and got my Baby Hunter up to a mighty level 20.

I then had a jolly marvellous time running around with Y1 Fatebringer, Praedyths Revenge and Gjallahorn - the loadout of Gods!! All of the fun with none of those silly 390 challenge mode VoG raid requirements shootthumbup

I had forgotten just how good arc damage, outlaw and firefly are together! biggrin


1,144 posts

154 months

Saturday 8th July 2017
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Nah, Year One Fatebringer, Black Hammer, Gjallarhorn, all before the nerfs, was the Godly load out. There's only like ten days now until the Destiny 2 Beta releases, so whilst I think I'm unlikely to be back on D1, I'm hugely looking forward to 18th!


3,455 posts

218 months

Saturday 8th July 2017
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SimianWonder said:
Nah, Year One Fatebringer, Black Hammer, Gjallarhorn, all before the nerfs, was the Godly load out. There's only like ten days now until the Destiny 2 Beta releases, so whilst I think I'm unlikely to be back on D1, I'm hugely looking forward to 18th!
Ooh, I forgot about black hammer but, will obviously still be nerfed so, not point dragging that out of the vault. Praedyth's has always been my favourite sniper though, the large mag and fast reload are just delightful after using Devil's Dawn a lot recently.

I'm actually playing loads of D1 at the moment. Just running SIVA strikes & Nightfalls mostly. No idea why I'm not bored of it actually, I should be!

Yes, I'm looking forward to 18th - Anton must be getting sick of my daily 'Have the beta codes arrived yet' text messages (which I have been sending him for the last 2 weeks! hehe

I am very much aboard the Destiny 2 Hype train thumbup


787 posts

166 months

Saturday 8th July 2017
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Speckle said:
Yes, I'm looking forward to 18th - Anton must be getting sick of my daily 'Have the beta codes arrived yet' text messages (which I have been sending him for the last 2 weeks! hehe

I am very much aboard the Destiny 2 Hype train thumbup
You not got them yet !! oooofffttt sweaty palm time


3,455 posts

218 months

Saturday 8th July 2017
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shocks said:
You not got them yet !! oooofffttt sweaty palm time
I have been assured by Anton that the week before beta is perfectly normal and that I have nothing to worry about.....but, I've only known him for almost 30 years so I'm (quite rightly) still trying to decide if I can trust him hehe


1,144 posts

154 months

Sunday 9th July 2017
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I've had nothing regarding Beta access either, but as I've ordered my copy of D2 from the PlayStation store, I believe I get access automatically anyway.