Alien: Isolation



2,209 posts

143 months

Wednesday 15th October 2014
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GT Kodiak said:
Playing on medium.

It's challenging but there are fairly easy routes around stuff, there's also obvious areas where on Hard I'd imagine there'd be an extra guard standing or patrolling.

As for the Alien... I've only been killed by it once so far, and that was when I'd fumigated an area to allow me to sneak through it and I ended up not seeing our glossy black friend dangling from the ceiling.

The androids are creepy... and relentless... and infuriating... and chilling... and... and... basically it's these guys that put me on edge, not being sure if you've been spotted by them is really tense. I've almost resigned myself to the fact that 70% of the time the alien is going to kill me if it spots me, but these guys, they always give you that moment to run away but you're not sure if you should.

This is a 9/10 game for anyone that's undecided.
The Working Joes drove me nuts. Never worked out how to actually kill them (finished the game last night). Stun Baton or EMP and then hit them with the wrench was supposed to be the idea but it never seemed to take the fkers out properly


181 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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krunchkin said:
The Working Joes drove me nuts. Never worked out how to actually kill them (finished the game last night). Stun Baton or EMP and then hit them with the wrench was supposed to be the idea but it never seemed to take the fkers out properly
2 hits with the shotgun seems to work but bullets are hard to come by but the flamethrower does kill them, after them being in fire for a few seconds they do drop down dead


13,850 posts

167 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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I've been avoiding this thread for fear of spoilers, I'm on mission 6 now (I think).

The good:
  • By far the most faithful recreation of an Alien-esque environment ever put in a game. You can tell that the people that made this really loved the franchise.
  • Brilliant graphics
  • Amazing lighting
  • Can be tense
  • Great sound effects and score
The bad:
  • Looking at the environment is more fun than the gameplay
  • Androids are fking st. Hostile human interaction is st. They couldn't resist making an Alien game without needing to put human and android enemies in it. What a fking blooper.
  • Alien appearance seems random and far too common. Seem to spend more time evading the alien than exploring. Ripley manages incredibly improbable amounts of time in close proximity to the alien without being located
  • Alien ability to locate player seems entirely random. Sometimes the "perfect organism" will detect you from miles away, with no line of sight, without you having moved. Other times it will walk past you in the open like you're not there.
  • The save system is absolutely, completely and utterly fking dreadful. It's not a source of tension, it's a source of frustration. The only tension I feel is "If I die now, I've got another 20 minutes of doing the same thing again just to get to where I am now. This is a complete disaster in game design. Having fixed locations for save points, is it 1998 again?
Overall I'm enjoying it in bursts. I wish I'd started on easy mode, though I'm only on normal. It's hard play for long sessions as once you've died 5 or 6 times in a row just trying to navigate through the same rooms and corridors it wears a bit thin.


2,209 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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anonymous said:
stick with it - as you'll see how my posts changed as I got into it. The first few hours are very generic and "seen it all before". You need to get to the point where you have the motion tracker and madame is hunting you down and clanking through the vents. It's not about exploration - it's about desperately trying to sneak from room to room before she decides to come and eat you


2,209 posts

143 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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The hospital level is basically when it gets into its stride


13,850 posts

167 months

Sunday 19th October 2014
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anonymous said:
The hacking doesn't come up all that much. It's not like Bioshock where you're hacking something every other minute. Either way, it shouldn't be a problem, it only takes about 6 seconds per hack so it's not massively time-consuming.


1,730 posts

204 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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Hi All,

Reading the topic with interest.

I am a huge fan of the Alien franchise. It's the only 'scary' monster from a movie imo. All to do with watching it when I was 10-13 (Alien, Aliens, predator etc.). Lost a good few nights sleep over the Xeno and it's imprinted for life (born in good 'ol 1977).

I have completed the game over two weekends and a few hours after work each day on the Ps4 on Hard. This involved really digging in and several very long shifts at the game.

The environment (Sound, gfx, tension etc.) are second to none IMO. The work that has gone into recreating such an amazing environment must have been huge. You truly feel like you are crawling around one of the movie sets.

The tension as you sit there in relatively safe locker, hearing the alien rushing around in the corridors outside the room you are in. The panic when finally the door of the room you are in opens and it comes in for a snoop around. You really really feel like you are being hunted. Trying to decide when to open your 'safe' hiding place and expose yourself to the potential of bumping into it...terrifying. Emotioanlly you go through the exact same symptoms as if you were actually there..

I felt playing it on hard was only fair as an interaction with a Xeno should be a nearly unsurvivable situation. It was immensely frustrating dying over and over and over. It took immense dedication and the desire to finally 'beat' the unkillable Xeno that has given me the creeps for the last 25 years, to get me to the end. Using up flamethrower fuel which is in such short supply and finding you really needed it later is very tough, but I feel that would be exactly what it would be like IRL (lets suspend reality for a few mins longer..). The AI is rarely stupid on hard. I think the AI on lower levels is purposefully stupid to give you a greater chance of survival. I was often stalked around and around a key area over and over without and give at all.

It's a very very tense game when you earn your way to a new location and start praying that the Alien doesn't appear before you get to another save point.

Highly recommend it. Dig in on hard and just keep going.

ps - Most of the times it spotted me as I was trying to creep away, it screamed in anger and charged, I didn't try and run, I didn't even turn around to face it, I just submitted to my fate and the anger of the alien, dying quietly... Bloody terrifying :-)



Edited by Steven_RW on Monday 20th October 16:06

Edited by Steven_RW on Monday 20th October 16:17


6,074 posts

268 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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I played this on the Oculus stand at the PC show @ Earls Court last month. I'm not really in to PC games, but the mate I went with is, and I just went along for a day out.

How can I put this.... The game was fking terrifying and brilliant! I was almost tempted to get the DX2. But apparently the release version will have a higher resolution. Maybe 4k. So I'll wait smile

On the whole, I was gob smacked with the Rift.


13,850 posts

167 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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Steven_RW said:
Hi All,

ps - Most of the times it spotted me as I was trying to creep away, it screamed in anger and charged, I didn't try and run, I didn't even turn around to face it, I just submitted to my fate and the anger of the alien, dying quietly... Bloody terrifying :-)
Sounds more like you were waiting to get bummed by it tbh hehe

Beati Dogu

8,968 posts

141 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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You're all gonna die. The only question is how you check out. Do you want it on your feet? Or on your fkin' knees... begging? I ain't much for begging! Nobody ever gave me nothing! So I say fk that thing! Let's fight it!



17,202 posts

231 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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So, currently working through the hospital level, so still early on...

I disagree about the working joes being scarier. Yes they are a pain, but I managed to outrun one (at risk of drawing alien), whereas the moment I spotted the alien when I was out in the open I didn't stand a chance.. Dead...

And currently spending a lot of time in lockers watching it stalk past, checking the motion detector, thinking it's safe... Coming out, checking detector... Diving back in again...

And that nerve racking moment when it looks straight at your locker...


3,937 posts

151 months

Monday 20th October 2014
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If anyone has this on Xbox One or Playstation 4 and wants to sell it to me for a good price when they're done, PM me!

I wouldn't mind giving this a try!


1,730 posts

204 months

Tuesday 21st October 2014
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TREMAiNE said:
If anyone has this on Xbox One or Playstation 4 and wants to sell it to me for a good price when they're done, PM me!

I wouldn't mind giving this a try!
I traded mine in for £25 at Game yesterday. Would have happily sent it your way for the same.

Even though I lost £25 from purchase to sale price, the 24 odd hours I played the game solidly (probably a few more as I died loads on two key points) was easily worth £1 per hour.

Good luck getting a copy.

One thing that did strike me was that the game really would be brilliant on co-op. If they came up with some DLC that allowed co-op lurking around a space station trying to evade the alien whilst solving issues, I would re-buy the game.



1,730 posts

204 months

Tuesday 21st October 2014
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Mastodon2 said:
Sounds more like you were waiting to get bummed by it tbh hehe
Harsh.... but fair hehe

I just couldn't face even trying to run away. The futility of it added to the generally terrifying effect when the room is dark and the surround sound up really loud. Intense...



1,334 posts

144 months

Tuesday 21st October 2014
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TREMAiNE said:
If anyone has this on Xbox One or Playstation 4 and wants to sell it to me for a good price when they're done, PM me!

I wouldn't mind giving this a try!
Same for me as well please, on ps4 smile

2nd in line of course.

The Beaver King

6,095 posts

197 months

Wednesday 22nd October 2014
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Anybody playing this on the PC having crashing issues?

I got this as a free game with my new GPU, installed fine and running on ultra graphics.

The issue is that everytime I die (I admit I haven't played the campaign yet, just the Alien vent scenario) and it comes up to load to the last checkpoint; the game crashes and throws up an AI.exe crash report.

I've checked Google and it seems to be a common issue.

Annoyed, to say the least...


17,202 posts

231 months

Wednesday 22nd October 2014
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So, I'm on mission 10.. The project kg348 part..

As krunchkin said, the first couple of hours are slow and "seen it all before"... And the first two alien encounters are obviously scripted, and you wonder what all the fuss was about...

It does start to come into its own at the hospital level, and From there just got better (or worse)... It isn't a survival horror like resident evil, silent hill or even codemned...

Infact, I wouldn't say its survival horror at all, it's a cat and mouse game, where you are a small terrified mouse desperately running from hiding spot to hiding spot, checking your motion detector constantly...avoiding conflict...

I had one where as I entered an area, a guy started shooting at me, I just hid behind boxes, he shouted and shot again, I just waited, then the scream.. And I just waited, hoping it wouldn't come looking...

And it does... There are times you do something, set off an alarm, or activate equipment, you hear it come, hide, and you could swear it knows you are there... And is trying to find you, hunting you out!

I think my worst deaths were where I had just stunned a working joe with the baton, beat him to death, and just as I finsihed the last blow, heard a squelch, and you look down to see the tail through your stomach..

The other was in the current level, I was using the underfloor tunnels, I could hear it above, watching the exit waiting for it to leave... Then appears at my side... Had got in the tunnel, seen me and struck without a chance to get the flamethrower out!!!


2,348 posts

124 months

Wednesday 22nd October 2014
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The Beaver King said:
Anybody playing this on the PC having crashing issues?

I got this as a free game with my new GPU, installed fine and running on ultra graphics.

The issue is that everytime I die (I admit I haven't played the campaign yet, just the Alien vent scenario) and it comes up to load to the last checkpoint; the game crashes and throws up an AI.exe crash report.

I've checked Google and it seems to be a common issue.

Annoyed, to say the least...
No crashing, but it refuses to throw out full 5.1 and there's a really annoying distorted bar across the bottom of the screen when playing through a TV.

I bought it on the PC because it was £15 cheaper than on the PS4, but the Xbox joypad (used on the PC) feels crap and it's not entirely bug free. I'm starting to wish I'd paid the extra and bought the PS4 version.


8,253 posts

248 months

Wednesday 22nd October 2014
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Deadliest species in the Galaxy, noisiest closet doors in history.

Damn thing opened the door and ripped me out of one! It also didn't fall for the old 'I bet it can't get me in this vent and will only spot and react to me if I put a foot outside of this enviroment'.


5,229 posts

188 months

Thursday 23rd October 2014
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Its a damn good hunter! Just as terrifying and efficient as you would expect it to be, maybe more so. I think they did a pretty good job with the Alien.