Nottingham Council Traffic Department pro cyclists gone mad

Nottingham Council Traffic Department pro cyclists gone mad



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106 months

Thursday 17th November 2016
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I'll have a word with next door who is a computer programmer as I am not absolutely clear re uploading
the explicit photos I have of all these junctions. This will not happen immediately but it will happen.

Don't tell me you live 100 miles away from here so that I would wonder why the interest in something that is applicable to Nottingham. I do realize though that these dangerous junctions like the workplace parking levy which attacked working drivers may well gain momentum when the Authority realizes that no challenge is made on them therefore the hassle will continue here and further afield.


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106 months

Thursday 24th November 2016
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Thanks Rich888
Mr Morgan attended a meeting at Wollaton Park Residents association September/October. The ladies there were
infinitely more aware of both road safety and the errors of the road junctions than him. He was completely and
utterly out of his depth when he was asked about the safety audit that should have covered that project he said the
alterations were experimental! His statement therefore says that the council can experiment as to whether or not
accidents may or may not happen regarding what they have engineered.This underlines the fact that they are not a professional organization.
The Labor councilors are suggesting futile trimming of hedges etc to obtain more vision of an approaching vehicle
(car or bike or pedestrian). All replies from them has been a fob off. One thing that is patently clear is that Nottingham
is to become a cycling city come what may hence certain aspects of road alterations not being adequately safe & that is
because ideology is obliterating road safety.
I do hope they get to see all of these writings and if they do react upon it in a positive manner and alter what has been
done so that the engineering of these junctions are safe for all road users using them and not a one sided affair but one of equality.


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106 months

Thursday 15th December 2016
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Dear Doc Your writings are the most accurate and truthful to date but it is a sorry state
of affairs to say that you are one among thousands who cycle.
The only item that is ridiculous in the project that has been created is blatantly anti motorist
and has been designed by a person or persons who have no concept whatsoever of safety
to any one having to cross the junctions that are in question.

As I said in the first posting if an 'oncoming' cyclist or indeed a running pedestrian could
clearly be seen then the give way is valid. Due to that not being the case at all on several
of these junctions the double give way road markings must be removed to enable a valid
equal responsibility to all those negotiating these junctions.

The equal response to road safety has existed since 1927 without major mishap but
Mr Morgan and those at the so called Road safety Dept Nottingham come along and think they will do the militant cyclists a favor by their continuing degrade the driver campaign.
What he/they do not know is that the alterations have not done anyone any favors at all,
and that most definitely includes cyclists.


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106 months

Friday 16th December 2016
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It has been said that I am imagining the fact that Nottingham's Council
will do any mortal thing to get drivers out of their cars but I firmly believe this to be their intention.

In 1998 I telephoned the County Council and the head of the Transport/
Safety Dept told me word for word ---- Don't you realize it is Government(Labour) policy to get you (everyone) out of your car &
there fore that directive must be implemented........
The year after came the speed cameras, the incessant road works,the traffic lights that seem to be sequenced for maximum stop go......
I have a letter that is a reply to a complaint to traffic lights dept re
Wikinson Street traffic lights that admit there was a mistake re the traffic lights at the Park & Ride there. It states that the sequencing is wrong whereby all traffic has to wait far too long when a tram is 100 yards away and even when it's gone everyone is sat there looking at each other wondering when the lights will change to allow them to get on with what they are doing....
A poor excuse was that the sequencing is difficult to alter which is patent nonsense because any electrical system can be altered at will
and they would not have to dig anything up to sort it out. Timewastiong disruption by intent is the name of the game..... These designers have very thick skins.


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106 months

Sunday 18th December 2016
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Tigger We agree on some of my points then raised at the beginning of my post. I can assure you that I realize I am not always right but I have not gained 54 years NCD by being unobservant.

The fact is that due to the Council's Road Safety department ( how dare they call themselves that?) hating drivers of any description their misguided ideas have done no one any favors whatsoever but the problem still exists. Some would get a blck paintbrush out but that is as you know illegal so the alternative is to have to go to great lengths publicizing their lack of professional road safety acumen.
This is the way of the world unfortunately but the removal of the give way lines must occur so that all cyclists realize fully that they do not have right of way at any junction & that they must be cautious as are motorists, well usually. ( In a perfect world , with butterflies settling gently etc etc)

One item that I have acquired ( good advice from the noteworthy Keith Peat) is a dash board CAMERA & it has already been put to good use on two occasions within but a few weeks.It would most definitely benefit every decent driver to have one.


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106 months

Wednesday 28th December 2016
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The very reason for the initial post was to publicise the fact that whoever
designed the new road junctions is not road safety orientated.
The facts have emerged that the person designated to design these junctions that
are derogatory to motorists is inexperienced.
The reasoning the junctions have been designed to give way to cyclists has been done
supposedly to make cyclists safer which it does not.
As said before anyone who has not seen these junctions as regards the fact that motorists cannot adequately see an approaching cyclist that will come into a vehicles path
cannot possibly give comment as to the fact that road safety has not been adequately
adhered to when the junctions have been designed at the design stage of the alterations.

The over riding factor due to ideology is to degrade the motorists rights and liability
irrespective of the legality and above all the common sense of the issue.
How right is the saying-----better to be alive than have the right of way!
In other words take note of the Highway code that states -- All road users at all road junctions


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106 months

Thursday 29th December 2016
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Steve It's a very long time ago when a lady, now second in command at the Nottingham Transport safety etc refused to acknowledge that driving either way round an island locally was not safe. Some time later my proposal that it should be keep left for the safety of all who negotiated that island was eventually corrected.
I doubt very much it was her that did the right thing because she obviously has a hand in these ridiculous give way road markings.

As I have said anyone capable of designing such road junctions does not know a deal about road safety, if anything at all.

The world went mad about the time of the drive round Farndon Green 'any way you like' era and
common sense does not come into many decisions made by those in authority. They should of course know better but they do not & quite how they get into important positions is inexplicable especially as all individuals should be able to rely on their attention to safety.
I'll try to get these few photos onto this site as they are well worth publishing.


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106 months

Thursday 7th December 2017
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Very nice postings that made me smile no end.......... The Council and all that goes with it think that ordinary people are too thick ( as they are) to realise we did not all fall off christmas trees and in fact we do notice their real hate for drivers of every description.......
Don't get me going but that bloody thick skinned speed cam was at it's usual position A52 Clifton Boulevard Sunday lunch time and he would have had loads of customers due to quite a bit of traffic. The men in the van are absolute cretins because they know full well what they are doing = screwing drivers who are not doing wrong.


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106 months

Friday 8th December 2017
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Damn right---- I go past that speed camera position and put it on FIX MY STREET because they got the position wrong. The old position was publicized opposite Queens Med Rear Entrance....... A long time ago a motoring solicitor stated that the speed cams along the ring road
should be extended but that has never been done.... That confirms that the speed camera crews dish out blatant lies tp make money =NOWT ELSE....... Their ploy is that that position is for accident reduction..... my arse.


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106 months

Saturday 9th December 2017
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I still have the letter from a miss Stylianou who was an ordinary safety officer for the Nottingham CityTraffic Department. She is at least
2nd in command now. She refused to accept that traffic should go left on Farndon Green - Wollaton Park. This roundabout is quite large and when we were motor cyclists we thought it best to go left incase someone ran into us - ever because although anyone could go
whichever way they pleased we though they would be deemed wrong in the event of an accident. A man in a three wheeler ran into the door on my land rover and due to me going left & was hit by the front of his bonnet his insurance paid for my drivers door ! I wrote to the safety office & she Miss Stylianou said it would not earn her the respect of local drivers if she made them go left! After a couple of years the blue keep left signs quietly appeared to my utter amazement.

There is at least one lady 'ordinary' safety officer who listens to common sense because she agreed that the Forest Road onto Mansfield
Road is a dangerous junction & she put traffic lights at that junction within a year of my complaint and a couple of other people who noticed
on many occasions 30 or so cars were waiting to get into Mansfield road........ It might be worth mentioning that the Police Headquarters
are situated at the next junction towards Nottingham about 500 yards away from said junction !

It is interesting to note that John Bann does not see much wrong by his replies to complaints that cyclists are misusing the cycle paths
by riding next to occupiers front gates & while doing that are 'on the phone or texting! quite a few are seen to be riding no handed.
He mitigates that by saying car drivers often misbehave so that levels the problem! It might be worth a mention that his design of the cycle paths in Sheffield were it says the most dangerous in Britain and have been removed........ Now he has descended onto Nottingham to lavish his skills on us I would expect problems for us vehicle users.


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106 months

Sunday 10th December 2017
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I hope you won't mind me saying but the lights at the Forest Road/Mansfield road junction were installed because of the very real danger caused by traffic trying to get into Mansfield road. If you look on Google Earth it might be worth counting the cars there on the photo.
I have seen an accident at that junction on a Sunday. I thought someone was killed but the Council said no one was killed. That junction would have caused death and that is not the only fault that has been incorrectly designed such as the junctions re cyclists given priority
when the motor vehicles cannot see what they are giving way to.
Those junctions have not obtained what is called the final safety audit. There seems to be a great amount of stupidity in that legislation whereby the Council representatives are saying that they will complete all works therein and then apply for the final audit........
As several careful lady drivers residing in Wollaton Park Estate pointed out------ at the meeting with Keith Morgan ( only one of the Nottingham Traffic cycling ideologists) ----- You'll shut the door then when the horse has bolted? He was most likely far too young to have heard of that saying but more importantly -too stupid to absorb it's meaning. One of the issues is that there are far too many people who are illogical and without it seems a fraction of expertise who impose there will on those who have far more reasoning than they themselves have and have been shown to prove they can make gastly mistakes. The 'Butterfly' island to this day is traffic mayhem due to the fact that no one knows which lane they should be in when trying to get onto London Road from Castle Boulevard.
Apparently that Island was designed by some bod from Birmingham - quote me different if that is incorrect? There was a lot said about that island when it was new....... quite a few swear words as well..... chuffing hunt and the like !


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106 months

Tuesday 12th December 2017
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I might as well stick my neck out by saying that I have seen it stated in an article on the internet that a John Bann is the chief designer of the Nottingham ring road priority for cyclists cycle paths. There are more - many more than him though. He is said to be the designer of Sheffield's most dangerous cycle path in britain which does not now exist! How can this happen? In my diving days the saying which the so called Safety Dept in Nottingham is not at all familiar with is Murphy's Law = If it can happen it will happen.


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106 months

Friday 5th January 2018
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This Abbey Bridge post mention is interesting because lets all not forget that the chief
ideologist cycling pro is John Bann and his merry men have dropped a clanger re the cycle track
combined footpath is going to be moved to the other side of the road as it has been complained about by the residents! A spokesman of which there are many unnamed secret service personel
at the Road Safety department of the Nottingham Traffic Department has stated that this alteration will not come from the rates but is being paid for by the £6. + million given to this group of ladies and gentlemen to fund their ridiculous ideas..... How on earth can this happen when there are far more important and needed works that need doing.

I saw a statement in the press on the internet that Mr Bann has moved from Sheffield where he designed what the writer said was the most dangerous cycle track in the country. Someone with cocum has removed that track he designed so there must have been errors within that
project... The alterations will start 15 Jan 2018 but the council are dishing out apologies for the disruption but in private they are p-ssing themselves with laughing because their jobs are safe as houses. If they really were sorry they would have sorted the crap sequencing of the tram traffic lights Wilkinson St which makes drivers sit there whenever a tram is within 100 yards of Vernon Road....... Any switching of lights can be programmed at will & yet they say that is not possible. That man who said that is a liar......
A long time ago Jeremy Clarkson found councils out that they were sequencing traffic lights to hold drivers up and give them hassle at all costs.


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106 months

Friday 5th January 2018
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All I know is that money is going to be spent re the BBC article that all readers can see.
I realize that the subject is off topic apart from the fact that the council is very able to make big mistakes but quite how they get away with their antics is beyond comprehension..

The Abbey bridge saga does not come near the Middleton Boulevard alterations to junctions that were forced onto the residents here. These stupid junctions with the inherent dangers built into them remain unaltered and I am told it may well take a petition as well as other formal actions before common sense will prevail and all junction users have equal responsibilities again as they were since 1927. Other road alterations that have been carried out with the cycle track has caused quite a test for drivers to be able to keep to their side of the white lines when tuning into the drives off Middleton Bvd.......
The council like that situation and deem it to be 'traffic calming'. That is pure Bull shine. The roads off the ring road are 14ft 6in wide and that alone causes drivers to go very slowly in any case........ The council operatives are obviously oblivious to those facts or is it their hate for drivers that is the issue?


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106 months

Thursday 7th March 2019
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Nottingham Council no longer looking at complaints on FIX MY STREET. It was an excellent way of bringing problems to the council publicly....... They don't like that! I saw three cyclists on the massive cycle lane which has destroyed Castle Boulevard which was one of the few decent roads in Nottingham going to and from the City Center........... It would not surprise me at all if a lorry hits a tree on that road because there is hardly any room for them on the road which has been made far too narrow. Who are these people who are supposed to be road safety experts.

One of the 'leading lights' designed a cycle track in Sheffield that was deemed to be the most dangerous ever..... It does not exist now but I'm surprised the 'give way to cycles' on all the junctions on the Nottingham Ring Road that he had a big hand in designing, have not been
removed due to all of them being stupid.