Too much angst

Too much angst


Henry Harris

Original Poster:

566 posts

201 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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I make no apologies in starting this thread.

I notice over the recent months an increase in the level of angst being demonstrated on the Pistonheads and TVRCC Forums. Maybe it is the public in general exercising their prerogative following the Brexit vote, I don’t know.

Where do we go from here?
  • Put up or shut up
  • ignore it
  • Join in
  • Something else
What are your thoughts?


3,412 posts

127 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Henry, I've been thinking the same for some time now but unsure what to do. Obviously I've commented on the situation but as to what to do I'm not sure. I've mates with Chimps and S series and their groups certainly don't have the same "angst". It does take the shine off Wedge ownership for me these days.


18,563 posts

167 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Hi Henry

Please note:
This is my own personal view which is what I personally feel which does not mean it is how it is or how it should be!..

I say this because whenever I try to voice an opinion that matters to me from an inside looking out perspective it gets misconstrued as:

1. Aggressive
2. Sniping
3. Rude
4. Argumentative
5. Childish
6. Moaning
7. Manipulative
8. Having some kind of hidden agenda
9. Lying
And finally ...
10. Dramatic

Well pardon me for being a passionate unselfish caring loving human being...

You all know my history but for those of you who don't...I was ill for a very long time..28 years in fact which started with a drunk man coming through my windscreen..Rolling off the bonnet and dying right there in front of me!..I need say no more...That was when I was 25 years old...Engaged to be married..Had a wonderful job and a wonderfully bright future ahead of me...Im now 53...Do the maths.

Unfortunately this was the second that changed my life forever...The girl I was engaged to could not cope with the trauma I was going through so left me...The job had to "Let me go" and now suddenly there was a heaving black cloud that darkened my life.

If it wasn't for the love from my dear mother and the strength of a close friend I would not of managed to get through some of the darkest days in my life when I did not want to be here anymore and you and everyone else in this crazy world would not be sitting there reading this right now.

"Do the maths" Does sound rude I grant you but I say this because if anyone was observant enough to see that the crap hit the fan for me 28 years ago..(In fact @ 1730hrs on 17th December 1988) And I'm now 53...(As of 11.23am on Sunday 16th October 2016) then that means I'm still suffering from the fallout from a bomb sent from hell to destroy me..Whoops there I go being "Dramatic" again...

I joined PH in June 2010 as i couldn't afford to join the club, PH was part of my therapy to living some kind of normality...The Irony!

At that time I did not own a Wedge but was bubbling with enthusiasm and how you say angst as up until that point I had suffered an illness which meant I physically could not leave the house so was very daunting realising that I will be owning and driving my first convertible car...But not just any car...A car i fell in love with on a warm August evening in 1986 with the girl I believed to be my future wife and the mother of my children.

We had a night at Ronnie Scotts that a friend had sorted for me which was exciting enough as my other passion is playing the sax.

We were in Leicester square when I suddenly heard thunder..Or I thought I did..Then a red Lamborghini Countach and a red TVR 350i with cream leather interior came rumbling along...My heart was pounding like a fox being chased by a dog..My jaw hit the floor and i froze with awe.. music "Wub bam a loom a wub bam boo"...(Famous words of little Richard smile )

My girlfriend had to literally drag me away...After the jam session at Ronnie Scotts I was higher than a soaring eagle..Just on life....No I didn't take my sax although I wished I

So moving forward to June 2010 I came onto this forum looking for advice which was all crazy..Unrealistic and totally mad surrounding Wedge ownership, I knew straight away I was in the right place..The car that I believed would be one of those that will always be one that I would never own..Only dream to was becoming a possibility.

And then after Wyn posting the footage of his jaunt out in a red 350i I was buzzing with the realisation that this is becoming a reality..So my search for my first TVR was underway...You all know about Delilah and yes I should of listened to a lot of you as regards to not throwing money into a basket case and buying something already done...However money was unimportant to me then as getting my life back to some kind of liveable condition was.

The forum was a sober place until I joined so I apologise if I came on here and made it a bit more exciting...Well actually a lot more judging by the amount of emails from total strangers saying how they looked forward to coming home and reading my latest as regards to Delilah as it made their day...I was even asked to write a book on it..hehe

My first Wedgefest was a very moving experience for me..No-one saw or heard me crying in my room...However this was with happiness...And copious amounts of alcohol...drunk as I had found a wonderful group of people..Some who had also had some awful shyte happen to them but were still beautiful people..Even the ones that I didn't get along I held a lot of respect for.

The help and support that you have ALL given me as regards to the Wedge and in effect my life over the years will NEVER be forgotten and when I was voted...YES "VOTED" in to take over the running of your annual meeting of Big Bad Wedges I was again in tears as never before had such an honour been bestowed upon me..

There has been a lot of water under the bridge since I joined..But also a lot of sadness and things I have tried to mend that got broke along the way.

Sometimes things are out of our control and we must just accept it the way it is...I for one know how that is.

I will always pledge to bring to you a wonderful and beautiful experience at the Big Bad Wedge Fests that I'm honoured to organise to reflect what you have given to me...

I know I do not get it right all the time but I have tried from deep within my soul to do so...I have had to battle among the strange perceptions of a very small minority..."BANG"...I missed so I wasn't sniping as I would of got

Now the TVRCC....I joined the club as I honestly thought it was the right thing to do...We also needed the support of the club when I was organising my first BBWF in 2014 but I was also fully aware of the history between the club and Wedge owners so I had a tough job ahead of me as Im not going to for one minute destroy all what was fought for in the early days..We must always remember the struggles as it helps us to soldier on...Would you forget the millions of brave young people who sacrificed their lives so that we could live ours???..Im certainly not going to!..

Anyhow the clubs supports was minimal...If you remember we had half a leaky gazebo..Fellow Wedge owner Keith brought the sides of one which was a blessing and Dominic brought a leaky top which again was a blessing...The club gave me some leaflets...And afterwards the event staff offered two very large advertising boards from an early motor show that was auctioned on here...Sorry to those again who missed out...We obviously was supported by the PLI of the club which Im still very grateful for and the advertising in Sprint was both beneficial to the event and the club, Although I had made it clear that the BBWF was NOT a TVRCC event and never will be as long as I live but was agreed as a "Recognised National TVRCC event".

The TVRCC were more like a Sunday snooze after dinner with the paper falling off your lap type place which I enjoyed as it was a welcome break from the mania of PH.

Unfortunately this has now all transpired that maybe this was through apathy and not the process of years of hard work and people just sitting back on their laurels and maybe the "Donation" of the advertising boards were just to clear out a cupboard..A fine place to keep Wedge memorabilia..Hidden away in a darkened room..

However there were no funds in the account when I was voted in so the event had to pay for itself..I bent over backwards to create an event that you would enjoy, Unfortunately numbers were dropping to a non-viable low and I knew that if this fantastic event was to survive the test of time then it needed to change...Dramatically..So I decide to look for a new venue, It was a bit daunting as efforts by previous organisers had been fruitless even though I was helping to look.

The attendee list staying over was only 29 in 2014..In 2015 it rose to 42..This year we saw 82..Next year...You will have to wait and

Up until now my TVR journey has been amazing..Yes there are bumpy roads but if your Wedge can't handle them then turn back cos I'm going forward...The BBWF now makes a profit and can afford its own PLI..Gazebos..Flags..And other assets AND also gives a healthy chunk to a needy cause each year.

I spend every minute of every day of my life working to put money into your fund so that you can have the best weekend each and every year..If I die tomorrow then all of these assets belong to the next organiser of this fantastic event, However I do not intend dying just yet so until that fateful day I swear my allegiance to you all and that I do because I want to.

It is very difficult to type how you feel so being misconstrued is normal..I would prefer an apple strudel ..laugh

There are certain people on here who have been my mentor and have been my backbone throughout some very trying times however we should be able to talk..It doesn't matter if we are moaning..Even bhing because we have been giving a voice by people who gave their life for the privilege ..So lets revel in it...If you cannot stand the heat keep out of the kitchen.

I do not excuse my passion and it has been a painful time biting my lip to defend not only my own sanity but yours as well..So please allow me to express myself now and again without being condemned.

Do any of you watch politicians in the houses of parliament?..Do they just sit there and mumble quietly amongst themselves?..Do the fk...They tear into each other..They laugh in each others face..Even when they are discussing our future..Im so surprised that there is never a massive punch up..Although banning the consumption of alcohol on television was probably a good catalyst..

So if you have a problem..FFS get it off your chest..Do not just turn your back and walk away..That is easy to do and does not solve anything....If you feel that other models of TVR..In fact all other car forums of classic and modern do not act like this then you are seriously misguided...Trust me I have experienced these other groups and as much as I love them they too are the same as us..Sometimes worst as they do not turn and walk away.

I love you all like brothers and sisters and I thank my mother and dearly departed father for creating me so that I can be here now writing this to you my friends...Tomorrow is another day and life can change in an instant so lets revel in it while we can..Warts and all...

Viva la TVR..Viva La Wedge

The time now is 13.06 and I have been sitting here writing this ..Probably the longest post PH has ever seen...laugh to explain my feelings and thoughts to you...I could of kept it short and said.."bks to that"..But I didn't so thank you to Henry for starting this thread and thank you to all of you who have been sitting there reading it...I think I need a nice cup of tea...

So thank you to all my friends and fellow enthusiasts ..You really are wonderful people.

Bless you


Edited by mrzigazaga on Sunday 16th October 13:11

Edited by mrzigazaga on Sunday 16th October 13:17

adam quantrill

11,544 posts

244 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Zig - wow what a post! May I be the first to congratulate you on how you punctuation has come along since your very first post all those years ago ;^)

Personally, Henry, I just let it wash over and pick the good bits out from between the tantrums.


18,563 posts

167 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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adam quantrill said:
Zig - wow what a post! May I be the first to congratulate you on how you punctuation has come along since your very first post all those years ago ;^)

Personally, Henry, I just let it wash over and pick the good bits out from between the tantrums.
laugh Thanks Adam...But even Neanderthal man had to change...


2,228 posts

212 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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mrzigazaga said:
But even Neanderthal man had to change...
It transpires he actually interbred with Modern Humans - now there is a thought!

In response to the original poster, I’m no longer a wedge owner (but don’t rule out the possibility of owning one again), but I do follow the wedge forums as they are unique vehicles, still deep in my blood.

I personally ignore the jibes, from wherever they come, although I have to admit to being tempted to add some equally wise words of wisdom on various occasions.

My advice is to keep comments to the cars and be helpful to all.

Henry Harris

Original Poster:

566 posts

201 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Just in case anyone missed my point, albeit this forum has had its fair share, there are many others that are having similar confrontations.

Please Mark take care about reacting too much to the issues that cross your path. There are many others that I have seen on TVR threads here and elsewhere. It is that which prompted me to ask the questions, what is going on and why? I tend to stick my head above the parapet just to enquire, so don't knock me.

Number 7

4,103 posts

264 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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A well worthwhile observation Henry, although I fear that the heavy hand of zealous moderation will be hovering at the hint of any criticism of certain things, if you get my drift.

We might blame Brexit for many things, but I'm not sure that we can lay the blame for any dissatisfaction on the electorate.

For me, there is a growing concern over the way in which the TVRCC have, and are, handling certain matters. I have raised some of these in that quarter, and will continue to do so. However, there are things that have taken place that affect non-members as well, or may dissuade others from joining in the first place, so this may be one place to air those feelings. Until such time as these issues are resolved, questions will continue to be asked, and explanations sought - some of which may appear to constitute the negativity which both Keith and you refer to. Stifling debate is certainly no answer to these problems, and neither is ignoring these situations, or pretending that they don't exist.

Maybe it's the "rebel" in some Wedge owners which makes some more prone to challenging things than others, rather than just following the herd. I tend not to get involved in TVRCC events these days, for a variety of reasons, and prefer to participate in things with friends and like minded people, whether Wedge owners or those with other varieties of TVR. However, that doesn't mean I'm about to five up my membership (1988 and counting as a Wedge owner).

To answer your question, if someone has genuine and strong feelings about something, it is right to voice them. Choosing the right platform may take some careful thought, but ultimately I believe that is the right thing to do, rather than keep quiet, perhaps expecting someone else to do the talking.


2,391 posts

131 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Have you guy's come across this recent Wedge owner? Looks a right character... Made me smile anyway.


3,412 posts

127 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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TVRJAS said:
Have you guy's come across this recent Wedge owner? Looks a right character... Made me smile anyway.

Spotted the video the other night. Made me smile too. He's also got a video of a tunnel run which sounds great.


2,391 posts

131 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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KKson said:
Spotted the video the other night. Made me smile too. He's also got a video of a tunnel run which sounds great.
Yeah i watched that tunnel one,Sounds lovely.... and he's got one unveiling the Wedge on collection day.


2,714 posts

167 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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I have nothing to add to what has already been said. I now ignore all the negative and rude comments and just keep to the subject. If the rudeness is on a personal level as it has been on a couple of occasions, then I inform the mods and let them deal with it.

Tony. TCB.

Big Al.

68,992 posts

260 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Number 7 said:
if you get my drift.

Not sure I do? If you have a complaint about the moderation of any forum on the site then take it up directly with Jack Mansfield here I'm sure he'd love to hear from you. smile

Number 7

4,103 posts

264 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Big Al. said:
Not sure I do?
It's a Wedge owners thing. Get one and all may be revealed during the initiation.

Big Al.

68,992 posts

260 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Number 7 said:
It's a Wedge owners thing. Get one and all may be revealed during the initiation.
If owning a TVR is a pre-requisite to enable me to moderate a TVR forum, then I have all the relevant qualifications. smile

jon haines

950 posts

248 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Wow Zig that really is a post and very moving. Look we live in a democracy apparently and that means we are all entitled to voice opinions and that means sometimes we wont like what we read. Personally I dont give a s**t but when personal attacks start thats when I stop reading the posts because I dont want or need that in my life. We all have wedges and love them for different reasons so lets not forget that.

Number 7

4,103 posts

264 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Big Al. said:
If owning a TVR is a pre-requisite to enable me to moderate a TVR forum, then I have all the relevant qualifications. smile
I'm sure you do, but I was referring to Wedge owners, which I would strongly encourage you to become, before prices go stratospheric.

Big Al.

68,992 posts

260 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Number 7 said:
I'm sure you do, but I was referring to Wedge owners, which I would strongly encourage you to become, before prices go stratospheric.
Nah, nice cars thumbup

But far too hands on and mechanical for me. smile

Number 7

4,103 posts

264 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Big Al. said:
Nah, nice cars thumbup

But far too hands on and mechanical for me. smile
Fair enough - for me that's part of the enjoyment - the challenge of getting stuck in - as long as you know your limitations.

Big Al.

68,992 posts

260 months

Sunday 16th October 2016
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Mechanically my limitations are low. However I have a degree in engineering just not with spanners and stuff!