PH Run this weekend?



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285 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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Just thinking, anyone keen for a drive this weekend? forcast is looking pretty good, maybe if a few of us have some free time we could throw some ideas around for a blat in the countryside?

Just a thought



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285 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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On this, I've just remembered that this sunday is the last sunday of the month, so I'll be going for a meeting/run with the TVR boys. We should integrate this with them. I'm gonna suggest to them we do the run up northwest of Albany out in the countryside up there as there's some great roads

Again, if we have more than 2-3 people interested, we'll start to talk about meeting places etc

So far it's Me and Graham... anyone else?


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285 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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If we end up doing something with the TVR club, generally we meet up at McCafe greenlane for a cuppa at 10am, chew the fat for a bit (those who order burgers can take this literally) and decide where we wanna go for a drive.... then go there.... generally it's more about the drive than actually ending up somewhere


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285 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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Richard Gee said:

Never mind Mr Gee, you'll be up here for the next one...


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285 months

Wednesday 20th September 2006
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Cool, well you tell me where phil's is, and I'll suggest to Jim (TVRCC Pres) that we stop by on our way out


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Wednesday 20th September 2006
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Well we usually natter at greenlane til about 11 before heading off on a run so just before midday sunday?


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Wednesday 20th September 2006
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Kylie, the more the merrier


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Thursday 21st September 2006
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If I suggest to Jim that we do the north loop on Sunday, we'll be up around the back of albany... perhaps if you can suggest a nice speedbump-free carpark for all the northeners/westerners to meet up at, I could bring the TVR crew along from greenlane at around 11:30ish for a meet-up and a blat out from there?


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Thursday 21st September 2006
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I was thinking maybe the peak road up north.... it's a good long round trip, plenty of twisties and some nice straight bits where you can poen it up (to legal speeds)


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Thursday 21st September 2006
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sounds good to me. NH stadium is a good meeting place


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285 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Weather forecast still looking good thumbup, but watch out for this if you don't have a roof

And especially if you don't have a roof, helmet or hair


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285 months

Friday 22nd September 2006
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Hi guys... well if we say 11:45? If yu gather there about then, I'll being the others along about this time. We'll be meeting at McCafe in Greenlane about 10:20am, having a coffe and a natter then heading off for north shore stadium

Will have to have a think about where we end up... remember there was a place we ended up with the TVR club once, was nice


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285 months

Saturday 23rd September 2006
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Plan for tomorrow is that I'll be meeting the TVR guys at greenlane at 10:30ish at Greenlane McCafe.... all welcome to join us. We'll have our cuppa and chat and head up to north harbour stadium for around 11:45 where we'll meet anyone who didn't venture down to greenlane and we'll go from there

See y'allon the morrow


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285 months

Sunday 24th September 2006
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HEhe 4 topless Elises and no rain... that's gotta be a first.

Yeah, sorry about the Navigation.... the people from the TVR club that have taken us on that run before (know the roads like the back of their hand) were otherwise engaged today (as were most of the TVR club). I'm thinking that a GPS unit might be on the list of things I need for christmas.... especially one I can just datalog runs I do and any that stand out as having good roads, I can programme them in for recall later Shame you guuys didn't come back with the Elise convoy, we had a bit of fun on the way home.... Dean and I were thanking our lucky stars for the radar detectors though, alerted us to a nasty little plainclothes speed trap.... which we duly passed through at the obligatory 105km/h

Great company, Graham your machine is MANIC, I LOVE it... and when you hammer up through the gears it's just magical... Kylie, it was great to see your beast in tandem with Nick's.... following both of you I was watching for the flmes spitting from your exhausts... the pops and bangs you guys give on the downchange is most fun for people like me following

Jim put another 100 miles on his 111R, so he's now about haldway to having it run in.... he kept up rather well for someone who was having to shortshift at about 5000RPM (which is just above idle speed in a 111R).

Pretty good run all up given that it wasn't really planned and was such short notice.... I just saw the forecast was looking solid so figured I'd try my luck.... nothing ventured, nothing gained. Maybe next month if the weather's looking good we'll try another one eh?

Might see some of you at the CLNZ meet tomorrow night (I believe it's bowling out east?)


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285 months

Sunday 24th September 2006
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Yeah Kelly,s usually a good navigator, sadly, she was at home yesterday selling her old car

Doesn't the Esprit suffer from "red clutch hose" syndrome like the Elise? I know when the Elise gets hot, the plastic clutch hose gets hot and makes engaging gears troublesome. If you've not swapped this for a braided hose, maybe this is a (relatively) cheap thing to try before you go delving into the gearbox?


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Sunday 24th September 2006
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Aah ok... because it sounds clutchy to me rather than gearbox... but yeah, certainly, if the fluid is old (and has absorbed some water) and then it gets nice and hot and that water becomes vapour in the system, then you're not likely to get good clutch engagement. I'd be trying a bleed and a fluid flush to start.... start with the cheap fixes and work up from there


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285 months

Monday 25th September 2006
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
roger A said:
not only is it sealed, it has kerbs!-like suburbia (I may have nudged one gently)

Excellent. I know what I'm doing next weekend if it's fine. driving

If you need a passenger *whistles innocently*

I also have an "intelligent automatic organic XTR2 reverse mode" function, which could come in handy


Original Poster:

6,370 posts

285 months

Monday 25th September 2006
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Hehe cool Graham,

Give me a yell on oh two one two nein three two se7en nein ate If you end up going

The 4-elise convoy that took the long way home encountered a BiB or two... one of which was trying his best to cunningly disguise himself


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285 months

Wednesday 27th September 2006
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I got a couple of quick snaps at Waitoki, but that's about it sadly I've not uploaded them from the camera yet but I know they're going to be crap... The lunch stop I was hoping to find at Matakana was GREAT for photo-ops, but that'll have to wait for another sunny weekend (and better navigational aids)