TVR Chimaera 450S Turbo 2000 W176EOL

TVR Chimaera 450S Turbo 2000 W176EOL



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785 posts

164 months

Tuesday 16th April 2019
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I came across this one as well. Enquired about it at the end of last week but missed it as it had been sold:

However it was for sale @ Hairpin when I enquired about it last week:

Looks like the exact same car to me. Not sure when it was sold though so could have been a while ago.

I am guessing Greenside bought it trade from Hairpin trade maybe and have popped it up for sale with a price a little further north?

I would have been interested in that at a lower price but £30k is a bit more than I can justify to myself at the moment. Unless they want to give me £20k for mine!!

Anyone know anything about this one?


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785 posts

164 months

Tuesday 16th April 2019
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ianwayne said:
I'm fairly sure that first one used to be owned by 'mcdeb' on here? Put a lot of time and money into it.
Thanks. Yes, indeed it is after a bit of digging. Weird it has gone from one dealer to another. Not sure what it is worth. Any ideas?


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785 posts

164 months

Tuesday 16th April 2019
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N7GTX said:
It definitely looks like Macdeb's old car. It was the best Chimaera I've ever seen and had around 576bhp. It was usually found at major shows i.e. NEC on the TVR stand. It was as near perfect as you will ever get. The build specs are phenomenal. It is a one off car and 'ordinary' turbo ones are around £18-£24k.
As it is such a one-off, the asking price is, to me at any rate, about right.
Thanks. It does indeed look a cracking car. The Chevy Sportmotive Evo one seems heavy in comparison but I guess it does that the Evo chassis. ANy ideas on what cost the Evo chassis adds?


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785 posts

164 months

Wednesday 17th April 2019
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Belle427 said:
I'm assuming you already have one of some kind but why don't you just send it off here if your happy with the car.
Probably save yourself some money for other work.
Thanks. I will take a look.

Yes I have a 1998/S Chimaera 400 in Amaranth with Speed 6 headlight conversion. I bought it from Ian @ Sportmotive last year.


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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Just revisiting this one as it looks like it is still for sale. It has been up for ale for quite a while now but I guess the market for something like this is very small.

Just trying to work out some man maths as to if this would be a crazy idea to buy @ circa £30k?! Of course it is crazy but trying to lessen the impact in my head at the moment......not currently having any success!!

I could sell my Chimaera and my 4200 and nearly get to £30k ish with a few k. Maybe an Alfa GT 3.2 V6 Busso would make up the rest.

Question is would it be totally crazy or possibly somehow be worth anything like £30k?


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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TR4man said:
As you correctly state, the market for such modified cars is very small (and that is not taking anything away from the quality of this car) but you have to think ahead of when you want to come to sell it. Could you wait months and months for the right buyer to come along without taking a big hit on what you've bought it for?
Agreed. It doesn't of course make an ounce of sense really.....but sometimes the best decisions happen this way!

I have no issues sitting on a car until it would sell if I ever needed to. Not sure it makes sense to have circa £30k a piece tied up in 2 cars that would sit in the garage and not be used too much though. I have a mint as new 2007 Maserati 4200 in the garage as well.

The most sense will be to keep my Chimaera of course but where is the fun in that?!


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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phazed said:
That is Macdebs previous car.

An absolute stunner and perfectly built! You won't find better.

As to the value, it's always down to finding the right person for the right price.
I have done a bit of digging and research on the car and can see it is one of the best if not the best around. Quite unique. Sold for £29k in 2017 it seems. I wonder if it has been for sale ever since? Possible. If so that would be a concern as if someone can't sell it in 2 years then either the price is too high or nobody wants to take the jump to something that manic. Maybe a bit of both.


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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N7GTX said:
Macdeb is sometimes on here. He will happily tell you all you need to know. PM him - he doesn't bite, he's a really nice genuine bloke.
Thanks. I'll drop him a line. I can see he came out of this and went Aston V8 Vantage 4.7 by the looks of it. I think he had the right idea as something like that seems to make much more sense.


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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I don't doubt the car as it is clear it is very nice.

Wonder if it has had any chassis/outriggers or any respray? Or simply didn't need it as was nice and stayed nice on original chassis and paint maybe.


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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I'm starting to learn that. I didn't have a great starting point as the most sensible child of the 3!


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785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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It's MATHS! Sorry for my pedant! Can't stand Americanisms.

Doesn't make sense to me either but I guess only 2 people will ever know 😉

I was aiming to spend up to £20k on a nice 450/500 which I think is well achievable. I'd pay more for this but can't get myself anywhere near wanting to pay over £30k.


Original Poster:

785 posts

164 months

Saturday 10th August 2019
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Been liaising with Greenside a smidge about this one. There are some options on a deal and it isn't a zillion miles away from where I would like to be at the moment. Could mean my Chimaera going + some cash or possibly my 2nd 4200 + Chimaera + cash.

Waiting to hear back from the guy about the rebuilt red Chimaera 500 but not heard back yet. I had offered to take it but at a price I think he has hoping to achieve more.

Decisions decisions.......


Original Poster:

785 posts

164 months

Tuesday 13th August 2019
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A quick update on this one as there has been a development since my last message. Also a further development after this as well.

After some discussion with James @ Greenside Cars in the last few days we agreed a verbal deal using my Chimaera and 4200 + cash for me to take Macs old 450. James is in London on Weds and coming to me on the way back up on Thursday morning to see my Chimaera & 4200 to confirm all is OK. I am OK to take Macs car with Chimaera + cash, both the Chimaera & 4200 + cash or just a straight cash sale so it is just a case of what option is used.

Well that was all until I just received a call to say that someone else wants to buy the car now so my deal is now off.

A little disappointed but maybe it just wasn't meant to be.


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785 posts

164 months

Tuesday 13th August 2019
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I'm pretty upset, angry, disappointed and more at the moment. I need to digest it as I was geared up taking the car.

I wouldn't be too upset normally but I have probably spent 30 or 40 hours or likely more directly related to this car in research and getting myself over the line. All unpaid for time that I will never get back. That is more of my issue.

To me a deal is a deal. Need to digest 😭


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785 posts

164 months

Tuesday 13th August 2019
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I do agree Alun but the seller is a dealer not a private person. He has had the car for months and not had a sniff of a buyer it seems. Then I come along he offers me a deal and I accept. All done and dusted in writing. Maybe I'm old school but a deal is a deal.

I asked for his bank details to send a deposit and he didn't give them. I don't know what is wrong with this world. I still have a morale compass and my word is my bond. Money is not my key driver.

It was a fair deal and it seemed he was happy to sell a car he had been stuck with for some time.

I don't know what to think to be honest. I don't work this way. If the boot was on the other foot if would be very different. I couldn't do that to someone.


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785 posts

164 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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N7GTX said:
If its Greenside Cars in Norfolk then it has gone from the gallery. What a coincidence that after all this time unsold that suddenly there are 2 buyers.

(Don't suppose the other interested party was Mac himself? biggrin)
No, it isn't. I have been spending lots of time liaising with Mac and he has been amazing. He has given me so much of his time and helped me so much get this over the line in my head. That is what makes it worse for me is that not only have I wasted goodness knows how much time on this myself....maybe 40-50 hours but I have wasted many guys time on here and also lots of Macs time.

Mac is not buying the car back. I did think the same thing and checked with Mac. If it had have been Mac I would have happily stood aside and let him have his baby back.

It is a guy from Yorkshire apparently.

I am not happy and have thrown James @ Greenside an olive branch to do the right thing but will wait and see what happens.

Edited by rockits on Wednesday 14th August 11:21


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785 posts

164 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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Classic Chim said:
Yeah, what a nightmare.

Really disappointed for you but in the car world cash is king and loyalty rather lacking, many people pull out of deals with dealers too I suppose so it must work both ways. A mate of mine only cares when money is in the bank and before that deals are in principle only.

Salesmen are very clever, let him get back to you now.
Well it is disappointing but not life or death so in perspective I'll survive.

I like to look after people and do the right think whenever I can. I have made some mistakes in my business life and some bad judgements but I would never do something like this. I have also learnt from these situations and rarely make the same mistake twice. In my book to this is a moral issue and we all know people have varying degrees of morality.

I don't think salesman are very clever though. Very much the opposite in my experience. Some rare exceptions to the rule though.

I had offered to transfer cash but not been furnished with the bank details to send the payment. I suspect there was a 2nd deal bubbling in the back ground either all along or after we had agreed a deal but before James was due to visit me.

I am a rare old school person in the minority it seems naively. When I say I'm going to do something pretty much 99% of the time I am a man of my word. is what it is. Maybe Karma should be king.......

Edited by rockits on Wednesday 14th August 21:34


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785 posts

164 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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I think your are right. The old ways and people are a dying bread....literally....well I hope not in my/our cases! Not for a couple of years yet!!

I made a decision many years ago once and once only to give a supplier a contract that was on balance better for me than the company I was working for at the time. I am not proud of it and it wasn't right. However I did this once, haven't done it since and would never do it again.

I don't do things for personal gain and need to put my head on the pillow at night each night and sleep well. As long as I can do that I am content. I don't want to live my life looking over my should or waiting for a knock on my door.

I suspect some people these days don't have such a nice sleep and have to worry about a knock on the door at some point or keep looking over their shoulder. Are they happy? Who knows.


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785 posts

164 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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Well I have not heard anything back yet from James @ Greenside Cars.

I dropped him an e-mail this morning just to see if he could respond to let me know if the sale was/is/had gone through with the other buyer. I just wanted to know as I have other cars on my shortlist I would like to pursue before they were sold as well.

I followed this up with a second message just before 5pm to chase and ask to confirm please. Nothing yet. Maybe he has been busy handing over the car or something. I will give him a phone call in the morning.

Just really want to confirm if the deal is completely off or possibly still on really.


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785 posts

164 months

Wednesday 14th August 2019
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Thanks. I'm OK just little disappointed. They say time is a great healer so I'm sure I'll be fine in a few days. I'm going to Festival Italia @ Brands Hatch on Sunday in the 4200 with my son so that should be the perfect tonic. Maybe I'll add some Gin to that when I get home wink

I'll try not to get personal or talk anybody down. I don't want to lower myself to other people's levels. Rise above it all I say.