Whats the funniest, maddest race you've had?

Whats the funniest, maddest race you've had?



Original Poster:

89 posts

259 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Hi all,

I was just woundering what is the funniest/maddest moment you have showed another car up?

Things like what you have blown away not even trying to give it any or other things similar to that!

Any one out there got any stories they'd like to share?



7,848 posts

262 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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I once had a cracking "race" (racing on the roads is stupid and against the law, BTW, young man!) all the way down the M2 from London to Canterbury once. Passing and repassing. Grinning at each other like loons. I was driving a Morris Minor and he was in a 2CV. I doubt we got over 50 mph the whole time.


30,259 posts

286 months

Wednesday 29th January 2003
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Hi all,

I was just woundering what is the funniest/maddest moment you have showed another car up?

Things like what you have blown away not even trying to give it any or other things similar to that!

Any one out there got any stories they'd like to share?


Not sure if this counts, but ...

couple of years ago I was waiting at a roundabout in the middle lane, somebody came up in the right hand lane in a white van (don't you just know what happens next?) and pulled onto the roundabout without stopping, cutting me up in the process. So obviously I gave it plenty of right foot and took after him with tyres squealing like mad, leaving the cars around me for dead. After about six feet the half shaft sheared leaving me to try to coast to the side across two lanes of traffic who were looking at me through a big cloud of my tyre smoke. How much of a prat did I feel?

Sometimes it works, but the times when it doesn't more than make up for that!

Peter Humphries (and a green V8S)


108 posts

267 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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I had a sublime moment about 8 months ago when stopped at some traffic lights near Alderly Edge. I was at the front of a queue of about 10 cars. Stereotypical t****r in a 911 with 3 very attractive ladies squeezed into it screaches to a halt in the outside lane (the right turn filter) obviously too important to queue with the rest of the plebs. He guns it away from the lights in a plume of blue smoke with the ladies squeeling with delight, only to find that a grinning, (slightly) overweight balding man in a blue Griff 500 had set off with out too much fuss at all and was smiling across at him from exactly adjacent.

Not to be shown up by a plastic wheelbarrow from Blackpool he continues to gun the 911 for all it is worth, with yours truly just happily keeping along side him. By this time we've done a 1/4 mile, he's still on the wrong side of the road and there is a corner approaching rapidly.

With the grin still attached I floor it and suntanned laughing boy is forced to pull in behind me.

After the corner I slow down, wave him past and blow his girlies a kiss. If I could have framed the look on his face, I'd post it on here for all to see.

TUS 373

4,588 posts

283 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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NICE EH - would that have been from the temporary lights that were outside of Brazzingaman's (sp?) - then heading back towards Wilmslow??


6,809 posts

280 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Lat year, whilst still running the Tamora in, I found myself on a dual carriageway, behind a 911 - older version, M-reg or something of that ilk. Naturally he gunned it, so I followed him, keeping to my (then) max of 5000revs. I overtook him (oh, it was raining as well), and he tried to follow me, but I gave it a bit more welly, round the next roundabout, and he saw that I'd opened up a 70 yard gap, at which point he gave up. I also blew away a Boxster, it overtook a lorry, and when he hit top speed I engaged warp drive and made him appear like a lorry. I've got that one on video....


5,107 posts

286 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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this morning in my golf vs. a bloke on his byicycle. He won



56 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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I work near to two Ferrari garages so theres always loads of them about. One day I was just coming off the motorway onto a dual carriageway and I saw a 360Modena flashing people to get out of his way, basically driving very aggressivly........

I thought I'd see how he liked it so drove up behind him and flashed him to get out of my way
I think this annoyed the 'rari driver.
When the car in front of the 360 finally got out of the way the guy floored it, as did I.

The cars were very evenly matched and I just sat behind him flashing him to move over (just to be annoying), I think he was a bit gutted that his £110,000 car was about to get beaten by a £30,000 car !

Eventually he pulled in and then I saw why, there was a large and tight left bend approaching very quickly . The Ferrari slammed his anchors on and locked up (tyres were smoking), I did the same but hit the corner quicker than he did. The car made it round OK but there was a loud clunk.

Basically one of the engine mountings snapped

I'm not proud about what I did........ but it was kinda fun, just to see the 360's bloke face as a car 1/4 of the price tore past him.


7,692 posts

285 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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A friend and I had a ride on lawn mower race. We couldn't figure out how to turn the blades off, so it was a bit risky during contacts!


7,918 posts

263 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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I was sitting in the Griff at three-lane traffic lights late one night, no other traffic, 60 limit, when I looked in my rear-view and saw two cars full of Novaboys hurtling towards me, obviously racing each other. I was in the left lane, they pulled up alongside in the other two lanes ready to carry on their race when the lights changed.

The lights turned amber and they were away. I waited until the green and then pulled away nicely in first, then changed up to second and floored it until I reached 60. Then I smiled sweetly and waited for them to catch up.

You don't always need to do illegal things on the roads to have lots of fun.


108 posts

267 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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TUS 373 said: NICE EH - would that have been from the temporary lights that were outside of Brazzingaman's (sp?) - then heading back towards Wilmslow??

It was indeed.

I also had a little spat with a scotsman in a DB7 coming down the A34 towards wilmslow. Sadly for him and his £80k car, he couldn't corner quite as quickly as blackpools finest, and slid it off the roundabout and straight into a signpost causing untold £1000's of damage.

What made it amusing was the fact that it was right outside the Atlantic Ford dealership. He could nip straight in for a quote.....


46,630 posts

277 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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The three legged, egg and spoon race at junior school. Age 10.


3,005 posts

286 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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I pulled up to some lights in my chim, roof off, sunny day. A 15yr old metro with teenager and girly in revved away at engine, tooting horn, I turn to look, he has the window down, grinning widly, shouting "come on let me have a chance at racing a TVR" ; on green I dropped it into a loverly sideways slide with tyre smoke, I look back to see him laughing at how pathetic his attempt was!

and for a laugh, I bet my mates I could get from brum to blackpool faster than them - without speeding.
they had a lancia integrale and was allowed to speed, I had a peogeot 406 estate rental.
It was an august bank holiday and the motorways were sluggish.
I employed lane swapping to get passed middle/outside lane hogs, and my pal used legal "sit in the outside lane que" methods.
I won by 30 mins (3 hours in total) not bad!!

3rd) I was coming back from a pub (cola for me) on my bike, at above the speed limit. car headlights came up behind me flashing away, and I thought it was the cops. I went for it, and started to get away, I dived into my rear garden, slammed the gate, and ripped my leathers off
just as I was about to lock the gate, I heard footsteps and a face appeared above the fence, I sh't myself, "bugger Ive been collered" turned out it was my mate and he wanted to stop me and say hi. git!!!
he did compliment me on my advanced high speed riding skills..
oh well it was only a 600 bandit, not suprised I didnt get away from him.

>> Edited by s2ooz on Thursday 30th January 11:34


9,699 posts

276 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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130mph-ish sprint with a brand new BMW M3 convertible, after they had just been released in this country, from the M42 sliproad at solihull/coventry down the M40 towards London.

The race itself was ok, the hilarious bit was watching (in my rear view mirror) the hooray-henry driving the M3 clearly feeling upstaged in his P&J, and his blonde girly cooly sunning herself (hood was down in February FFS) suddenly finding herself at 130 mph, hair all over the place and seeing them arguing about it in the car


12,248 posts

284 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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s2ooz said I employed lane swapping to get passed middle/outside lane hogs, and my pal used legal "sit in the outside lane que" methods.

Very impressive, if I'd been in my Jeep pulling back into the inside lane with my baby in the car I'd have had no qualms whatsoever about pushing you onto the hardshoulder as you undertook me. (assuming I hadn't seen you)

Drive like that on clear roads/track but not on motorways where people might not be paying enough attention to realise the importance of you undertaking to beat your mate.


108 posts

267 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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swilly said: 130mph-ish sprint with a brand new BMW M3 convertible, after they had just been released in this country, from the M42 sliproad at solihull/coventry down the M40 towards London.

The race itself was ok, the hilarious bit was watching (in my rear view mirror) the hooray-henry driving the M3 clearly feeling upstaged in his P&J, and his blonde girly cooly sunning herself (hood was down in February FFS) suddenly finding herself at 130 mph, hair all over the place and seeing them arguing about it in the car

Did something similar going up to the lakes last year. My Griff, a Chimp and a Cerbie in convoy up the M6. Not bothering anybody in the outside lane sat at about 95ish (although I'll deny it in court) when a rusty old F reg XR2 decides to muscle in on the fun. cuts up the Chimp in the middle and sits on the back of the Cerbie.

Well two phone calls later and the plan is hatched. The speed is gradually wound up, then at about 115, all panels shaking, smoke billowing from the exhaust, the XR2 pulls off at the next junction.

We come off shortly after, stop to take roofs off/little chef breakfast/refuel and set off again. about 10 miles later, the XR2 joins the dual carriage way again, and the female in the passenger seat is still bending the ear of the driver who was clearly not well endowed with brownie points.

Despite several suggestions as to his masculinity, he refused to go above 60!

Some people have no spirit.


9,699 posts

276 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Craigw said:

s2ooz said I employed lane swapping to get passed middle/outside lane hogs, and my pal used legal "sit in the outside lane que" methods.

Very impressive, if I'd been in my Jeep pulling back into the inside lane with my baby in the car I'd have had no qualms whatsoever about pushing you onto the hardshoulder as you undertook me. (assuming I hadn't seen you)

Drive like that on clear roads/track but not on motorways where people might not be paying enough attention to realise the importance of you undertaking to beat your mate.

I was under the impression that on motorways you were obliged to keep left, and only use the outer lanes to overtake or as the volume of traffic increased.

I keep left as much as possible, but lets be honest traffic jams start nowadays in the third lane and work inwards ??, so when i pull out of the first lane into the second to overtake traffic in the first lane, i am also inadvertently overtaking traffic hogging and jamming the third lane also.

The key here is that if a vehicle can overtake in a lane inside of you, then why are you not already in that space and not hogging the outer lanes.


12,248 posts

284 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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fair point swilly but if I'm already overtaking someone who is either in the slow lane or middle lane I don't expect some idiot to be undertaking me to save a cars length. As soon as there is space I move over. Get off your soapbox 'cos you know what I meant


62 posts

268 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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back in the days of TVR ownership , me and a mate in my 4.0 chimaera gunning our way to paris to visit an exile. saw off a late 80's 911 at about 130mph (top bloke driving it), but later neck and neck with corvette over many miles in excess of 150mph. foot to the floor, but he got away in the end. if only my passenger hadn't been in the region of 16st, i'd have been ok! would have been interesting in the cerbera.


9,699 posts

276 months

Thursday 30th January 2003
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Craigw said: fair point swilly but if I'm already overtaking someone who is either in the slow lane or middle lane I don't expect some idiot to be undertaking me to save a cars length. As soon as there is space I move over. Get off your soapbox 'cos you know what I meant

whoops lost me balance