Jealous People



Original Poster:

104 posts

264 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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Anyone had any abuse from jealous drivers, general public whilst cruising? I've got to tell you a funny story. I was at some lights when this guy stoned out of his head asked for light. When I told him I didn't smoke - he chucked a handful of grass into the car. At first I thought about flattening him but I laughed it off when I saw him giving other drivers grief as well as trying to pick a fight with a set of traffic lights!!

On top of that, I've had other sneering remarks from other drivers and other stupid people. Anyone else had simmilar experiences? I know its the car and not me!!


213 posts

286 months

Tuesday 25th June 2002
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yes whilst on my way to pick my girlfriend up after a boozy night out(girlfriend not me) i was flagged down by a bloke who thought i was a taxi!! theres not many TVR S2s used by lucky 7 taxis in our neck of the wood


26,815 posts

267 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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There seems to be a strange new culture of people shouting at one as one cruises by. It's almost an annoyance to have to reduce the volume of the Compact Disc player in order to listen to the riffraff.
Only the other day I was harangued by several 'teen-agers' who evidently were highly experienced motor car critics and expended considerable breath in advisng me that my car was 'sh*te', whatever that may mean.
Youngsters, some hardly out of napkins, cease their juvenile shenanigans and gather at the kerbstones to let me know that I drive a 'mint car mate'.
Yesterday, two young gentlemen in a Ford Fuckup or similar, showed their appreciation in no uncerain terms: one grinned and shook his head at me, and the other made yawning gestures. Perhaps they found their own interminably tedious transport so soporific and thought I might care to be made aware of the fact.
Last weekend, having just moved off from rest at a pedestrian crossing, I observed several -what can best be described as 'druggies'- in a perambulator, waiting at an adjacent junction. Sorry, it was an Escort Cabriolet. The driver was approaching a puce shade as he screamed several epithets in my direction, almost climbing over the top of his door in a vain effort to project his verbal diahorrea above the sonorous tones of my 4-litre engine venting its gasses through a length of stainless steel that not only undoubtedly cost more than his transport, but which will still exist long after he has died from an overdose of something nasty, it is to be hoped; such as inhaling a lungful of Ford steering column after he collides with a non-compliant object, probably due to brake failure brought on by his preferrence for coloured LEDs and bass bins over DOT5 and Mintex pads.
So it is a relief, therefore, to receive a nod or wave from a like-minded soul in some equally esoteric, or perhaps eclectic, vehicle, such as the Cobra driver tonight, 'making progress' as the Police say, on his way across the North Yorkshire moors, still finding time to appreciate and yes, TOLERATE another man's passion, without need to pass any form of verbal comment or criticism.
Long may it so remain.



399 posts

285 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I pulled up slowly and carefully to our local Wimpy once and a group of youths walked past and were laughing (rather forced I thought) and pointing to my car and although I could not make out all of what they were saying I heard "...TVR..." (must have known what it was which is something). Quite bemused by this reaction I carried on with the important task of feeding my face only to see the sad lot squashed into a small French bolt-on special.

Also passed some scrotes once who were standing around in an empty street (discussing how sh1te life is I suppose) and copped a few four letter expletives from them. Never mind, mostly its positive.



5,933 posts

265 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Whenever I see one the reaction is always positive (if a little jealous!!)

Usually accompanied by a rapid rolling down of windows and a dreamy smile appearing on my ugly mug.

Followed by a trip to the local dealership to press my nose against the window, blag some brochures and try to wangle a test drive.(It will be mine)

TIV's are something to aspire to, not resent, and they're British! not like all the Jap cr4p that all these Granny Tourismio addicted yoofs want to get their sticky little paws on.

Young people today etc...



252 posts

281 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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A "junior slapper" (slagette?) walked past my car and said to her young friend "TVR - they're really unreliable, I wouldn't have one"!!


1,397 posts

265 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I have had the lot.

Mister White Van Driver with Igor his passenger yelling delightful phrases involving my hand to gentital stimiulation, bt then again he may have just been talking about his own love life loudly or offering his friend a favour.

But I have to say the idots, seem to be out weighed by the people who are interested, just yesterday a school boy (14 ish) asked if they where as unreliable as he had heard, so I said no, and he said he just loves them. So there is hope yet of the current generation buying a decent car.

I even had a couple of police men wave at me yesterday as I sat at some lights, and one gave the thumbs up.
So its not all bad out there.

David M5 TVR


6,809 posts

280 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I've had nothing but positive comments - the one's I've actually heard anyway. I parked next to a couple of reps in a car park yesterday, doing their dealing from their car boots, and as I wandered past, one said, "that's really nice" and "tasty" seemed to be the other comment - and no they weren't eating.


28,377 posts

286 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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You do get all sorts of reactions. Some very positive some very insulting. I have discovered from experience that our TVR tends to attract a reasonable amount of jealous, unpleasant comments but absolutely nothing compared to our Porsche.

With a TVR people see the car. With a Porsche they just see the money. (Only the idiots in both cases).


2,690 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Wedg1e, top post.


16,613 posts

273 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I parked next to a couple of reps in a car park yesterday, doing their dealing from their car boots,

Nubbin, are you sure they were reps? They sound like conmen flogging bent gear ...


217 posts

267 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Fortunatley I've only received positive comments so far, like this morning when a builder asked me if I'd swap my Chim 500 for his works

But I was quite taken back when a German guy came and spoke to me in Halfords car-park (he drives a 911 and Z3M) about my car, wanted to look under the bonnet, in the boot, helped me take the roof off, wanted to know how fast, BHP, cost was kinda flattering...


62 posts

266 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I have had two positive...and the other negative (or just true!!). Yesterday I was accosted by two youths in an old Escort at a Shell Garage. They hung around until I had paid and then following the..."is this yours mate" were so complimentary I was embarrased. They were even bowled over by simple things like how the doors open (unless they wanted to knick one!). They even asked me start it, to wish they gave an audible wow!!...anyway a pleasant experience.

The other happened some time ago. I was waiting at some temporary traffic lights, lid off, when a post office van went the other way. As the driver went past he shouted "big dick". I was stunned that he could see that far into the car!!


24 posts

270 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Driving home from work late in December, stopped by traffic lights and Father Christmas bent down to peer through the window at me gave thumbs up said "nice car mate". The other 15 Father Christmas's with him didnt say anything though!!


20,854 posts

277 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Wedg1e - Top post!!!

But, I must remind you in promulgating your esoteric cogitation or articulating your superficial sentimentalities, and amicable philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity.

Let your conversational communications possess a compacted conciseness, a clarified comprehensibility, a coalescent cogency, and a concatenated consistency.

Eschew obfuscation and all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement, and asinine affectations.

Let your extemporaneous descanting and unpremeditated expatiation have intelligibility and voracious vivacity without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast.

Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolificacy, and vain vapid verbosity.


2,690 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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15,763 posts

272 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Imagine the scene im in Manchester visiting a mate who i also do business with , i am a passenger in his 966 convertible it a beautiful day .

We pull up at a set of lights along side a prison wagon all of a sudden all hell breaks lose with the scrotes kicking the inside of the wagon and screeming their heads off , can not quite hear what they are screeming but it was something about my Mum and Dad i think , i bet that was more punishment than the beak gave them ahhh sweet freedom


1,165 posts

284 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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I bet you've notched up a few awesome scrabble scores in your time with vocabulary like that. An avid countdown fan, maybe?


23,747 posts

286 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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But, I must remind you in promulgating your esoteric cogitation or articulating your superficial sentimentalities, and amicable philosophical or psychological observations, beware of platitudinous ponderosity.

Let your conversational communications possess a compacted conciseness, a clarified comprehensibility, a coalescent cogency, and a concatenated consistency.

Eschew obfuscation and all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement, and asinine affectations.

Let your extemporaneous descanting and unpremeditated expatiation have intelligibility and voracious vivacity without rodomontade or thrasonical bombast.

Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pompous prolificacy, and vain vapid verbosity.

You've just exhausted CarZee's vocabulary allocation for whole day


2,690 posts

269 months

Wednesday 26th June 2002
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Teachers used to comment on how extensive my vocabuar, vocabuarl, vocbular...........bugger.