Right or wrong / Good or Bad at Neil Garner Open Day

Right or wrong / Good or Bad at Neil Garner Open Day



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Monday 29th September 2014
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In order to learn and improve always for the following year, as one of the co organisers, I thought I would put out a post for any constructive criticism re the Open Day last Saturday at SN16 9SH. We have so far heard nothing but positive reports which is very encouraging for us organisers - even the new TVR owners were full of praise.

We personally believe after the first two shows, this one, was by far the best...

However, we realise that it is not a perfect world and there will always be something inevitably wrong somewhere, so this is your chance to tell us.... If it is something we can learn by and put right for the following year, we no doubt, will do our best.

Over to you.........


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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sgrimshaw said:
OK, first I will say it was a great event thumbup

I know these events take a lot of effort to set up and run smoothly, well done everyone.

However, there were a couple of things I'd suggest could have been done better and basically both revolve around the lack of information prior to the event.

1. I was personally disappointed that some of the traders that were "advertised" as coming weren't able to make it. It would have been nice to have an updated list on the TVRCC site.
One of my main reasons for coming along was to take advantage of seeing the guys from Surface & Design and asking them to look at my car with a view to gettng a quote for some tidying and a full respray. One of the auction items that was promoted, not sure if it was offered in the end as I left early, was the 20% discount on a respray - another factor in my decision to come along.

2. A list of the workshop content and their times would have helped plan the time spent at the event. I specifically asked for details of the workshops on the TVRCC site and received no reply whatsoever.

I welcome your comments and thank you for taking the time to reply....

1. Totally with you about the 'advertised' traders, I am responsible. I tried here, but was told NOT too, so had to abide by the Pistonheads rules. For what ever reason, may it be personal or what ever, it is hard work and soul destroying to give up 'ones' free time to organise and get positive replies from traders saying they are coming, only to end up ..... not coming! With regards to D&C and S&D for matters which I will not disclose and honour their wishes, they kept me informed all the time as they so wanted to come and left it to the VERY 'last minute' that they had both had to cancel. With less than 12 hours to go it was impossible to tell one and all out there. However, they were other suppliers who were coming and just never turned up, that I'm afraid is beyond my control and can only be described as frustrating!
I am not a web builder, but in hindsight to the last few weeks, I personally think for the future event our own web page would be good, or even Facebook -then again its another volunteer to man that. With regards to the TVRCC site - yes agree with you, perhaps we should look into that for the future.

2, Did you by any chance pick up a goody bag or even go to the club stand? As there were programmes (a bit late to tell you now, I know!) these were given out free and included a full listings of the workshops and there timings.

Regards P


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Thanks guys for your comments - we are noting everything here, some things we can do, somethings we can't, but positive feedback all the same. Any further postings still very much welcome - The idea, being we (the organisers) will sit around the table, makes notes and discuss while they are still fresh in the mind and then start planning with hopefully some new ideas later in 2015.


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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LordGrover said:
More nekkid ladies please. And beer.
Funny that..... Other have requested that as well! You know who you are!!


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Byker28i said:
I'm interested in the More. Does that mean there was some?
Wishful thinking!


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Tuesday 30th September 2014
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iac60 said:
Yes they were all drooling over my Tamora thumbup
Bet you wished you'd gone to Spec-Savers!


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Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Guys... can we back on track! As it seems there is a hijacking of the thread!!! (He say's walking on egg shells!!) The topic is all about Right or Wrong / Good or Bad at Neil Garner Open Day ! Thanks!!

Comments as of before most welcome


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Byker28i said:
I remember why I stay off TVRCC forums now...

Do we have to get all parochial now Local event for local people, you're not from around here are you... biggrin

Yes it benefits Neil Garner with publicity but he works hard to provide the site and other input. For those extra miles he goes for the TVR owners whose vehicle he works on I'm glad to help. Just don't all book your cars in when I need work done please.

Yes it benefits the other traders who turn up, most of which have come some distance and I thank them for that.

Yes the organisers work bloody hard, not just on the day but for weeks before - thanks.

Believe it or not it benefits the TVRCC as I pointed at least 4 people to the stand who wanted to join that day and suggested to others they join.

Yes it's a bloody good day out to meet similar minded people and put faces to names from the forum.

Win/Win all around

Edited by Byker28i on Tuesday 30th September 16:12
Top man! Couldn't of worded it better my self!!


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Tuesday 30th September 2014
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macdeb said:
Girls, girls, put your handbags away. I can't fail to be amazed by the 'you said this' and 'who said what' that appears.
One BIG point that is missed is the fact that if your Pro-PH or pro-TVRCC [ I'm both, does that make me 'bi'? ] there is one common interest, and that is keeping TVR's on the road which for me is what it's about.
It's this sort of bickering that loses PH it's wealth of knowledge and free help/advice and many well respected people no longer post here because of the pointless bickering. I don't blame them and it's our loss.

Back on topic;
GOOD = decent turnout, 'some' interesting cars, catch up with friends, excuse for a drive, bagged a prize! hehe
BAD = Parking details given out were incorrect and frankly disappointing, lack of interesting cars that didn't show, some traders I was hoping to see didn't show.
Overall, will go again and appreciate volunteers time. hippy
BAD - We would like to know more about the BAD parking details = perhaps you would like to email me and I will pass it on. Remember, there is only so much space we have on the day.
Interesting cars..... Yeah we welcome more. However, Again we only have a certain amount of room during the peak hours - and if we invite more cars and they can't park - rightly so they would not be happy coming from a great distance - mainly that is why we have kept it a TVR event as much as we welcome unusual and interesting cars on the day - For example the Hot Rod which turned up totally unannounced and was after all a great crowd puller, especially on the rolling road, (perhaps something to think about in the future) . As said, before the most disappointing thing for me as organising the traders, were the traders who promised that they would come and either didn't communicate towards the date or simply just didn't turn up when we had them booked in. In this modern technical world, it would of been nice for a phone call or an email to simply let us know.


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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LordGrover said:
Guess that would've been Dilligaf? I must've missed him but a popular local petrol head and rodder. thumbup
That's the fella! He and his wife were 'Top' couple - So grateful to be allowed in and within minutes of parking up, wanted to offer an auction gift. That V8 sounded the 'nuts'


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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Also another star attraction along with the Nekkid Ladies would be a car wash....but not a normal one, i think Babes in bikinis will do and the charity box would overflow I’m sure.....biggrin

Are you offering to organise???? Mind those alloys, girls!!!!



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239 months

Tuesday 30th September 2014
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Now for next year I really need to bring some Ear defenders as its getting louder every year.


And I want to publicly say a huge thank you to my three Essex friends, namely John, Rob and Jon for yet again taking the day off on Friday in preparation to run the loud noise contest. We guys from Wiltshire, salute you. Thanks guys. With new ideas already coming, I think you're need the ear defenders for next year! Best regards p


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Wednesday 1st October 2014
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MPoxon said:
As I have already said in the other topic, I really enjoyed the day I think this is the best TVR event I have been to all year. So much to see and do with the traders, talks, Rolling road, noise comp, demonstrations, auction etc. Really well organised and a great turn out.

My only suggestion would be and I have no idea how practical this is but perhaps look at having all main attractions on one side of the business park as the main traders area was the other side to the noise comp and Rolling road. It would be nice to see these all together as I kept thinking whatever side I was on I was missing out on something going on the other side. I am not sure whether is would be practical to have the parking the side where the traders are and the other side for the Rolling road, noise test, traders and demonstrations. Just a thought.
Matt. Although we like change from year to year to keep the event fresh with ideas, we keep the noisy end away from the Traders for the reason they can talk and do business. The idea is to spread the event as much as possible making use of the site. After 3 years, this year we felt we had everything right. The workshops were new and look like they were a success. This will only make it easier next year, knowing exactly where every thing is, with possible minor tweaks. Besides this year the rolling road worked well next to loud noise comp and we also need access for electricity close by which one kind business gave us for the rolling road. This also makes it ideal for nearby parking too. Personally I think we have the lay out spot on. However, there are one or two suggestions about the parking on one side which we organisers may well discuss.


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239 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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ukdj said:
A thoroughly enjoyable day lots of positives already mentionedso wont repeat them again,

only negatives for me were the parking arrangements which were a bit all over the place with some nice TVR's hidden right out the back, whilst the euroboxes were taking prime spots out the front, and seeing Tim the Tuscan Challenge Winner & his race car stuck out at the side with other miscellaneous vehicles almost as an afterthought - Surely this should of been in the main compound pride of place.

Again not knocking a great day out, just suggestions for improvements for next year.
Point taken, but in order to keep new ideas, we had the theme of race cars last year. However, your comments have been noted . Thanks


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Wednesday 1st October 2014
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LordGrover said:
marz92 said:

Over to you.........
Dunno if Baz mentioned it to you, but NorthLondonDyno rolling road was on a slight incline - I think if they could get a flat spot it would be appreciated.

Baz didn't raise it - although we knew this from the beginning because of where he was situated and the use of 'free' electricity - it was the only place - Realising this. I knew he could of blocked it up to be on the level - I will speak to Baz for the future use of the rolling road. Thanks for pointing this out! P


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Wednesday 1st October 2014
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That's a bad idea I think .. when the lambos turned up revving their engines off the limiters we couldn't hear ourselves think never mind hold a conversation .. to have the rolling road and noise testing next to the traders would mean nothing would get heard.
I thought the event was great .. I got two walks around during the day but was tied to the trade stand for 99% of it.
Neil is a nice guy too, first time I've met him.
thanks to all the volunteers. In fact I'd go so far as to say cut your ties with the TVRCC and go it alone, the event is big enough and good enough to stand on its own two feet. From a technical stand point it's the best show of the year.

Agreed for the sake of the traders... it won't happen. After three years we have it mainly mapped out now - however, there will always be some tweaking we will need to do. But on a massive scale and the obstacles that we have around us (other companies' building etc) we believe we pretty much sorted on the main layout


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239 months

Wednesday 1st October 2014
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LordGrover said:
^^ Bugger. Missed you Jools, where were you hiding?
Should of gone to Spec-Savers! Sorry LordGrover, just could not resist! If only you had asked when we were chatting in the trading area - you know the Panto line, I would of used............. He's behind you!!! LOL


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Wednesday 1st October 2014
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Sireatalot said:
I attended. Must say, was a very enjoyable day out and really glad I came along..

For the first hour or so, hung around the entrance area and the DB shootout area, - didn't realise there were other areas around the back.. or front ??? I know we were given the leaflet with all details on when we arrived but this was placed on car seat whilst parking and not looked at until later on..

Possibly more signs / directions dotted around may have been helpful..

A little disappointed my mate wasn't allowed to park 'on site' in his Audi - I know it was a TVR event but there were other very interesting cars resigned to the field next door which would have been worthy of display at any car event.. - a little variety never hurt..

Will definitely be attending further events, well done to the people involved organising.

Edit - Does anyone have the results from the DB Shootout including the lambos..

Edited by Sireatalot on Wednesday 1st October 14:45
Sorry for the disappointment - this is a tough one - as we will never have an idea on numbers because of what ever reasons people don't commit to the last moment blah blah blah. Last year we had close on 300 cars and at the peak period we were bursting at the seems - This year it was some what easier. Yes it was/is a TVR event - but we had to be fair and say TVR's and any other low frame car gets priority over parking. This will however, will be discussed amongst the organisers