New forum, club for pre war owners - thoughts please.

New forum, club for pre war owners - thoughts please.


Mr. Magoo

Original Poster:

686 posts

233 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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First off I am a BIG fan of PH.

I am rather unusual in that I am 40 and my chosen classic is a pre-war car. My car club is very good and does a lot on a shoestring but the age profile of 90% of them sadly puts me off social engagements.

I can't believe I am the only person with a pre-war car that knows who One Direction are (knows not likes) and therefore I wondered if there are any takers on here to build a community geared towards some of the more youthful vintage car (pre-war) owners?

I would be keen to hear from you or your thoughts generally.



7,911 posts

158 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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You can't be alone. The owners die out, but the cars keep on going. I'm not in your lucky position yet, but I've always had a hankering for an Alvis Speed 20 Vanden Plas tourer, if anyone's got one they no longer want.


1,469 posts

275 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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You could ask the Mods for a separate area for Pre War cars, but Ted wasn't keen on too many sub-sections and ... tumbleweed

Anyway, the VSCC is at Prescott "mud plugging" tomorrow (Cotswold Trial) and at Bicester Airfield in a couple of weeks. Typically all ages are represented on a trial; enthusiastic bouncers are desired.

We're going along tomorrow probably in the modern tin car and BiL is entered at Bicester in the wife's A7. I think Prescott is open to non members. Previous Bicester area events (Winter Driving Tests) were on MOD sites and were members only.


52,483 posts

289 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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davepen said:
...Bicester Airfield in a couple of weeks...
What's happening at Bicester Airfield? Surely there's no hills there?

ETA - Found it smile

Edited by RichB on Friday 21st November 18:19


12,452 posts

247 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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There's a lot of pre-war action on Rick's forum: - he's occrj on here.


52,483 posts

289 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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droopsnoot said:
There's a lot of pre-war action on Rick's forum: - he's occrj on here.
I'm on there, I didn't realise Rick was occrj smile

Roy C

4,190 posts

289 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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RichB said:
davepen said:
...Bicester Airfield in a couple of weeks...
What's happening at Bicester Airfield? Surely there's no hills there?

ETA - Found it smile
The Winter Driving Tests at Bicester Heritage are members only according to the VSCC.


52,483 posts

289 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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Roy C said:
RichB said:
davepen said:
...Bicester Airfield in a couple of weeks...
What's happening at Bicester Airfield? Surely there's no hills there?

ETA - Found it smile
The Winter Driving Tests at Bicester Heritage are members only according to the VSCC.
Ah, that's rif-raf like me out then wink


1,469 posts

275 months

Friday 21st November 2014
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RichB said:
Ah, that's rif-raf like me out then wink
Oh well, I think BH are doing some more open days soon.
The Brooklands Driving Tests are open.

It wasn't my intention to hijack the original thread, just to say there are some events on which might appeal to the more youthful.

Back to the OP's idea....


1,469 posts

275 months

Sunday 30th November 2014
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The Telegraph yesterday had a spread on the VSCC Lakeland Trail.

Now Online.

Frazer Nash and A7 Ulsteriod on Drumhouse section.

Mr. Magoo

Original Poster:

686 posts

233 months

Tuesday 2nd December 2014
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back on topic - I instigated this for a couple of reasons:
1)so that the vast majority of elderly vintage pre-war owners have a recognised generation of enthusiast to pass the baton onto in terms of knowledge.
2) when there are major events likes Goodwood / Le Mans etc we are able to co-ordinate gatherings

I would like to say I am really active with my club but I am not. Principally because I have a job which occupies most of my time and then family at weekends. I can't be too different to most people in their 30's, 40's or 50's.

The club events that I have been to, bless them, 90% are retired or coffin dodgers (no offence but my father was one until he passed away in 2009). There seems little youthful involvement. We need younger people to become interested in these cars or they all just end up in museums/collections.

There has to be plenty of people with pre-war beauties bequeathed to them and they are looking for some friendly outings.

I have thought about chipping mine in for a modern but everytime I drive it I know why I don't do this. SO COME ON - see you on the front row of GFOS 2015!


4,346 posts

216 months

Thursday 4th December 2014
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Lakeland Trial pix here


339 posts

121 months

Thursday 4th December 2014
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Great photos thanks for sharing.


14,910 posts

202 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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Six years on, aged 33 and looking at 'post vintage' offerings, I thought I would bump this up.

By other hobby is steamboats, and Westfields, so I feel your pain in being half the age of the rest of the club. I'm currently trying to get them to engage in emails as a form of communicating with members.


Riley Blue

21,430 posts

231 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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dhutch said:
Six years on, aged 33 and looking at 'post vintage' offerings, I thought I would bump this up.

By other hobby is steamboats, and Westfields, so I feel your pain in being half the age of the rest of the club. I'm currently trying to get them to engage in emails as a form of communicating with members.

I'm 70 and PH is just one on-line motoring forum of several that I belong to. Most of the ones for older cars, especially the Facebook groups, are full of elderly internet savvy enthusiasts and youngsters alike, some still in their teens. The VSCC events I've been to regularly have crews in their 20s and 30s with husband and wife teams quite common. In many cases their cars have been handed down from generation to generation in the same family and I know of one 12 year old girl who can't wait to be able to drive her grandfather's pre-war two-seater sports car and to have a FB account so she can join in the car chat.


52,483 posts

289 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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Riley Blue said:
The VSCC events I've been to regularly have crews in their 20s and 30s ...
Mr Magoo (Alec) started this thread several years ago and a lot of what he says rings true with me. The LAgonda Club is mostly people in the 70s, I attend some of the smaller events because of my interest in the cars but it would be good to see a younger generation coming through. My favourites are smaller pub lunch type meet & chats. As for a dedicated sub forum, I suppose that is what this is "Classics and Yesterday's Heroes". I belong to several specialist Facebook Groups too and some of the forums Riley Blue belongs to smile

Riley Blue

21,430 posts

231 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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RichB said:
Riley Blue said:
The VSCC events I've been to regularly have crews in their 20s and 30s ...
Mr Magoo (Alec) started this thread several years ago and a lot of what he says rings true with me. The LAgonda Club is mostly people in the 70s, I attend some of the smaller events because of my interest in the cars but it would be good to see a younger generation coming through. My favourites are smaller pub lunch type meet & chats. As for a dedicated sub forum, I suppose that is what this is "Classics and Yesterday's Heroes". I belong to several specialist Facebook Groups too and some of the forums Riley Blue belongs to smile
I agree, "Classic Cars and Yesterday's Heroes" is a home for all ages of enthusiast, there's no need for sub-forums or dedicated 'youth clubs'.

The only club I belong to is in Scotland, I live in Derbyshire but its annual rally is well worth the 600 - 800 mile round trip. Apart from that I'm finished with clubs, almost all my driving is just the two of us, in our '63 Riley with three or four local charity drives to fill up the summer months. Pub based 'noggin & natters' make me shudder - sorry...

Allan L

793 posts

110 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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One of the more attractive features of playing with old motorcars is that the age of the player is irrelevant. I have never seen the attraction of age-defined organisations - I was never tempted by a Youth Club (or the boy scout movement) and half a century or more later I wouldn't be part of an old people's club.
There is a slight worry that the age profile within the VSCC and one-make clubs is not as even as it was, which is partly because the cars are expensive now. At about the time when I didn't join the Youth Club I bought a 1930 MG because it was cheap enough for me to do so.
I admit to being a member of a club for people who worked where I did and as the place closed in the mid 1990s we are all getting old, but it's not our age that defines our Club.


25,764 posts

248 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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I often wish to see more pre war motoring topics in here, wether it’s technical advise or ‘where can I get this part made/purchased. Sharing events and mishaps, in fact anything of general interest or amusement. Trust is it’s down to us,


14,910 posts

202 months

Saturday 24th October 2020
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Oh yeah, I'm mean please don't get me wrong, I don't think we need separate ph sub-forum, nor do I really think an age related owners club is helpful, unless it's an affiliated program within a large club like the NTET 'steam apprentice club'.

A lot is moving to facebook groups, which a great for sharing events and photos, and quick advice, but too transient for complex discussion or building up a portfolio of infomation. That said, and recommendations grateful received.

I've tried to join as it looked reasonable however it appears you have to be manually added, so I guess it's down to as and when the email gets processed.

Much of the advice is to 'join the owners club first' but is that the VSCC which appears to mainly be about racing, they all appear to be manufacture or even model special, which when you are still trying to decide if you want a Austin 16/6 , a Bullnose Morris or a Humber.
