Dating websites, rubbish wenches, and the vanity of men

Dating websites, rubbish wenches, and the vanity of men



56 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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MitchT said:
stovey said:
If these guys are such great catches why are they having to resort to internet dating in the first place?

Convenience. It's like Auto Trader... you just input the age, milage, colour, location, etc. and up come some matches, immediately removing the hit and miss of traipsing round dealerships (pubs and clubs) in the hope that what you want happens to be there on the day that you are!!!

Aren't you then having to go out with someone that you've never actually 'met' before? How do the connoisseurs of this internet dating handle a situation when they have clearly chosen poorly.

Do you sit through a meal with someone thinking censored I can't wait to get out of here?

Do you meet in a public place and if she has indeed 'falsely advertised' herself, just run off?

Do you just say "look I think I've made a mistake, perhaps you should update the picture in your profile?"

At least if you meet someone in a bar ,pub, wedding, funeral. . whatever you have the option of just buggering off without too much fuss.


8,353 posts

273 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Harry Flashman said:
stovey said:

If these guys are such great catches why are they having to resort to internet dating in the first place?

Not actually a valid point – iDatingTM is no longer the preserve of the desperate. My friend Sophie, who I wrote the profile for, is an attractive, stylish and successful woman. She’s sexy too – I have been there myself on quite a few occasions in the past, and I don’t do mooses (unless I’m drunk, when I may have, er, made some errors of judgement in the past).

Did you write in the reference - "I've shagged her loads, but she's not quite good enough for me" or is she a total arm loser?



17,202 posts

231 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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stovey said:

Aren't you then having to go out with someone that you've never actually 'met' before? How do the connoisseurs of this internet dating handle a situation when they have clearly chosen poorly.

Do you sit through a meal with someone thinking censored I can't wait to get out of here?

Do you meet in a public place and if she has indeed 'falsely advertised' herself, just run off?

Do you just say "look I think I've made a mistake, perhaps you should update the picture in your profile?"

At least if you meet someone in a bar ,pub, wedding, funeral. . whatever you have the option of just buggering off without too much fuss.

I would imagine you would approach it like any date/meeting with a woman you don't really know.

You arrange for an early evening drink in a bar/pub - you buy her said drink, and see if you get on, if she's interesting, interested in you etc..

If things are going well, you get another drink or two.. and depending on time circumstances, you can, if you want, then offer to either buy her dinner that night, or a following night to continue the conversation..

If you don't get on, you only have to finish the drink you have before making your excuses and leaving, the same for her.


56 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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john_r said:
Harry Flashman said:
stovey said:

If these guys are such great catches why are they having to resort to internet dating in the first place?

Not actually a valid point – iDatingTM is no longer the preserve of the desperate. My friend Sophie, who I wrote the profile for, is an attractive, stylish and successful woman. She’s sexy too – I have been there myself on quite a few occasions in the past, and I don’t do mooses (unless I’m drunk, when I may have, er, made some errors of judgement in the past).

Did you write in the reference - "I've shagged her loads, but she's not quite good enough for me" or is she a total arm loser?


"I fancy her rotten but alas she knows I'm a bit of a cad."


56 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Fidgits said:
stovey said:

Aren't you then having to go out with someone that you've never actually 'met' before? How do the connoisseurs of this internet dating handle a situation when they have clearly chosen poorly.

Do you sit through a meal with someone thinking censored I can't wait to get out of here?

Do you meet in a public place and if she has indeed 'falsely advertised' herself, just run off?

Do you just say "look I think I've made a mistake, perhaps you should update the picture in your profile?"

At least if you meet someone in a bar ,pub, wedding, funeral. . whatever you have the option of just buggering off without too much fuss.

I would imagine you. . . . .

Yeah right, you're all at it.


15,974 posts

211 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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stovey said:
Aren't you then having to go out with someone that you've never actually 'met' before? How do the connoisseurs of this internet dating handle a situation when they have clearly chosen poorly.

Easy, you just meet in your local city/town centre for lunch and if you don't get on she can go shopping and you can go to the pub. Sorted! Having been matched by criteria that you consider important you have a better chance than you would with some random chick that you've just eyed up in a club. You just consider your first meeting the way that you'd consider the first chatting up if you met a total stranger on a night out - albeit with the benefit of knowing up front that you might suit each other. Take all the hit and miss out.


3,321 posts

225 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Hmmm, I've been thinking about interweb dating myself. I had a poke round that site Harry's on about and tbh there were too many things that set my bunny boiler alarm off. Firstly, pretty much every girl I looked at was really, really fit. How can it be that girls that fit need to advertise themselves online?! Surely they'd get enough offers in the real world? Unless they have voices like Jade Goody or Janet Street-Porter. Or maybe they smell funny, have a twitch or they're right princesses? Or maybe something even more sinister that I've not yet discovered?!

Then there are the descriptions from their girly mates, most of which are also advertising themselves on the very same site. That'd be like Clarkson heading up the press office at Ford, then using his Sunday Times column to thoroughly recommend a very undesirable 1.1 Fiesta. They all start or end with "Guy's she's such a catch!" and include a response from the profile owner along the lines of "Ooh that's a lot to live up to." If she's such a catch, why hasn't she been caught? And the prospective perpetrator's admission that she might not be all that is surely a sign that you should steer clear?

All smacks of a carefully planned conspiracy to find and entrap us unsuspecting, genuine men who have considered or turned to online dating because every chick around them is a bit of a nutter.


5,591 posts

244 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Whats the ratio of men to women on that site? Most of them are about 1,000 guys to every one woman, the guys know they have to make more effort because the girls can pretty much take their pick.


17,202 posts

231 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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stovey said:
Fidgits said:
stovey said:

Aren't you then having to go out with someone that you've never actually 'met' before? How do the connoisseurs of this internet dating handle a situation when they have clearly chosen poorly.

Do you sit through a meal with someone thinking censored I can't wait to get out of here?

Do you meet in a public place and if she has indeed 'falsely advertised' herself, just run off?

Do you just say "look I think I've made a mistake, perhaps you should update the picture in your profile?"

At least if you meet someone in a bar ,pub, wedding, funeral. . whatever you have the option of just buggering off without too much fuss.

I would imagine you. . . . .

Yeah right, you're all at it.

not a chance, after 8 years I wouldn't know where to start, plus the missues would probably have something to say

and no, she wont be reading this


17,517 posts

212 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Fidgits said:
stovey said:
Fidgits said:
stovey said:

Aren't you then having to go out with someone that you've never actually 'met' before? How do the connoisseurs of this internet dating handle a situation when they have clearly chosen poorly.

Do you sit through a meal with someone thinking censored I can't wait to get out of here?

Do you meet in a public place and if she has indeed 'falsely advertised' herself, just run off?

Do you just say "look I think I've made a mistake, perhaps you should update the picture in your profile?"

At least if you meet someone in a bar ,pub, wedding, funeral. . whatever you have the option of just buggering off without too much fuss.

I would imagine you. . . . .

Yeah right, you're all at it.

not a chance, after 8 years I wouldn't know where to start, plus the missues would probably have something to say

and no, she wont be reading this

I think the words would be....I have already packed your bags for you


42,631 posts

266 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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I have a feeling i'm on the same dating site, the mention of 'a reference' gives it away..


Now.. where does she live laugh


56 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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vixpy1 said:
I have a feeling i'm on the same dating site

I rest my case.


13,541 posts

233 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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vixpy1 said:
I have a feeling i'm on the same dating site, the mention of 'a reference' gives it away..


Now.. where does she live laugh

Cant be, this thread is about the vanity thing, Charlie, which counts you right out hehe


17,202 posts

231 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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randlemarcus said:
vixpy1 said:
I have a feeling i'm on the same dating site, the mention of 'a reference' gives it away..


Now.. where does she live laugh

Cant be, this thread is about the vanity thing, Charlie, which counts you right out hehe

oh come on, i bet he wore his best jumper for his picture hehe

Flat in Fifth

44,356 posts

253 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Thanks for starting this thread Harry.........

Now I'm going too have to be careful what I say here as occasionally Mrs FiF has a browse.

I have a question which is directed mainly at the female PH'ers but no doubt you unworthy male scallywags will want to put 2p in.

Now I have a number of friends around the world, you might not believe it but I do, and shock horror probe, some of them are of the female persuasion. Yes some of them are what one might call girlfriends, but not girlfriends in that sense of the word. Honest.

:aside to Mrs FiF:
You can trust me on that dear honest!

:Aside to PH:
Think I'll get away with it?

:Back to question:
Anyway, every so often one of these female friends, gets a bit close, realises for whatever reason there is nothing doing, just want to be a friend.

At that point, I then get the, "Oh you must meet my friend malarkey." To be honest some are munters, and some are not at all bad. There is one at the moment.... no better not go there.

:aside to Mrs FiF:
You really really can trust me on this dear honest!

:Aside to PH:
Still think I'll get away with it?

Back to question.
Why is it you birds try and fix us up with your mates all the time, and make it so bloody obvious it's a set up! FFS if there is going to be a Buzzcocks moment it'll be a Buzzcocks moment without your interfering and pushing.


32,091 posts

252 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Riiiiiiiight, I'm back

So, Harry my man I completely know what you mean about the bloke-aspect of them. But again there's 2, maybe 3 types...and I've spotted this on MySpace, which is as near as dammit a dating site anyway....

You get the muscle-clad ugly feckers who's sole life experience is gym>work>gym>work>gym>work (and, importantly, they say that in the profile; must mention that, oh yes).

You get the genuinely nice guys that have had someone take a photo or two of them, they say an awful lot about themselves (sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not)...but they have spent time on their profile, that's for most girls searching internet sites (when all of a sudden they think they're premiiership footballer material) they get brushed over, they look too nice.

The final ones are, what I like to affectionately call, the ccensoredts. No more explanation needed.


42,631 posts

266 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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TonyHetherington said:
Riiiiiiiight, I'm back

So, Harry my man I completely know what you mean about the bloke-aspect of them. But again there's 2, maybe 3 types...and I've spotted this on MySpace, which is as near as dammit a dating site anyway....

You get the muscle-clad ugly feckers who's sole life experience is gym>work>gym>work>gym>work (and, importantly, they say that in the profile; must mention that, oh yes).

You get the genuinely nice guys that have had someone take a photo or two of them, they say an awful lot about themselves (sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not)...but they have spent time on their profile, that's for most girls searching internet sites (when all of a sudden they think they're premiiership footballer material) they get brushed over, they look too nice.

The final ones are, what I like to affectionately call, the ccensoredts. No more explanation needed.

Tony H in looking for guys on the net shocker yikes


2,145 posts

210 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Harry Flashman said:
This is because all women lie about their single female friends

Couldn't agree more.

Out of all the times I have tactfully asked any of my female friends about one of their single friends, only ONCE was the reply "ooooh noooo, you don't want to go there".


17,202 posts

231 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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vixpy1 said:
TonyHetherington said:
Riiiiiiiight, I'm back

So, Harry my man I completely know what you mean about the bloke-aspect of them. But again there's 2, maybe 3 types...and I've spotted this on MySpace, which is as near as dammit a dating site anyway....

You get the muscle-clad ugly feckers who's sole life experience is gym>work>gym>work>gym>work (and, importantly, they say that in the profile; must mention that, oh yes).

You get the genuinely nice guys that have had someone take a photo or two of them, they say an awful lot about themselves (sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not)...but they have spent time on their profile, that's for most girls searching internet sites (when all of a sudden they think they're premiiership footballer material) they get brushed over, they look too nice.

The final ones are, what I like to affectionately call, the ccensoredts. No more explanation needed.

Tony H in looking for guys on the net shocker yikes

cant say im that shocked tbh!



42,631 posts

266 months

Monday 8th January 2007
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Fidgits said:
vixpy1 said:
TonyHetherington said:
Riiiiiiiight, I'm back

So, Harry my man I completely know what you mean about the bloke-aspect of them. But again there's 2, maybe 3 types...and I've spotted this on MySpace, which is as near as dammit a dating site anyway....

You get the muscle-clad ugly feckers who's sole life experience is gym>work>gym>work>gym>work (and, importantly, they say that in the profile; must mention that, oh yes).

You get the genuinely nice guys that have had someone take a photo or two of them, they say an awful lot about themselves (sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not)...but they have spent time on their profile, that's for most girls searching internet sites (when all of a sudden they think they're premiiership footballer material) they get brushed over, they look too nice.

The final ones are, what I like to affectionately call, the ccensoredts. No more explanation needed.

Tony H in looking for guys on the net shocker yikes

cant say im that shocked tbh!


I've always had my suspicions yes