What's the most genuinely shocking moment in a film?

What's the most genuinely shocking moment in a film?



3,960 posts

200 months

Friday 7th March 2008
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American History X gets my vote too, also a must see film !

Planet Claire

3,328 posts

211 months

Friday 7th March 2008
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A few of the films have already been mentioned but mine are
1. Kerb scene in American History X
2. Needles and eyes in Audition
3. Rape scene in Man Bites Dog

Not a film, but on TV recently one of the most disturbing things I've seen is the Crack Fox in The Mighty Boosh, he scares me. "I want to make you wear a little dress and hurt you".


27,646 posts

260 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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Sorry to dredge this thread up again, but I was watching Get Carter last night, and the way he kills the women who groomed his underage neice in the porn film are both pretty harrowing. Not gory, but horribly final. One is left locked in the boot of a car for hours, just stationary, then it's suddenly pushed into the Tyne.

But the worst one is at the end. He stalks her home from the bingo hall, forces her into his car, takes her to some woodland, forces her to strip, she thinks she's going to be raped, he gags her, then slowly, meticulously, measures out enough heroin for an overdose, injects her with it, then leaves her face down in a pond to drown - just so he can get the police to go round and bust Kinnear's party.

You can understand why he does it, due to what he's been through in the film, but it leaves you with absolutely no sympathy for him when he gets shot at the end and it's clear that in the criminal underworld everyone's as bad as each other.


1,852 posts

201 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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Kevin Spacey getting shot in LA Confidential.

He was sitting there all smug and then BAM! I didnt see that coming.

See also Kevin Spacey in The Usual Suspects


27,646 posts

260 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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alfabadass said:
Kevin Spacey getting shot in LA Confidential.
Weird - I watched that the night before.

Most shocking moment in that film has to be Russell Crowe finding the rotting corpse under that old woman's house vomit


8,959 posts

224 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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2001 the whole film, stargate scene takes some beating.


  • a nod to the the future maybe?
Just what do you think you're doing, Dave? Dave, I really think I'm entitled to an answer to that question.

HAL begins to plead for him to reconsider:

I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now, very confidently, that it's going to be all right again. I feel much better now. I really do.

The soundtrack is filled with Bowman's heavy breathing inside his space suit as he penetrates into the huge space of the "brain room" - filmed with a hand-held camera to communicate a 'subjective' perspective. HAL asks him to calm down and reassess the situation, recognizing and deducing ("see"-ing) his emotional state from his actions, expressions or other indicators. Bowman is empathically affected by HAL's remorse and pleas for his life as he destroys the machine:

Look, Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission and I want to help you.

Dave floats through the computer's memory bank, de-braining, lobotomizing, dismantling and disconnecting HAL's higher-logic functions. He ejects components of HAL's auto-intellect panels (shaped like tiny white monoliths). Although the rectangular prisms slowly emerge from the bank of terminals, they remain connected to it. HAL pleads and protests with Bowman - in a programmed voice - as his 'mind' gradually decays and he becomes imbecilic and returns to infancy. HAL's poignant death is agonizingly slow and piteous, and although the computer maintains a calm tone - it still expresses a full range of genuine emotions while dying. His voice eventually slows and sounds drugged:

Dave, stop. Stop, will you? Stop, Dave. Will you stop, Dave? Stop, Dave. I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a-fraid.

HAL's brain reaches senility, and then a second childhood. He calls up his earliest encoded data-memories as physical parts of his mind are pulled away:

Good afternoon gentlemen. I am a HAL 9000 computer. I became operational at the H A L plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January, 1992. My instructor was Mr. Langley, and he taught me to sing a song. If you'd like to hear it, I could sing it for you...

Dave replies - with some regret in his voice for the dying super-computer: "Yes, I'd like to hear it, HAL. Sing it for me." HAL then sings his swan song, one of the first songs he learned - Daisy, or A Bicycle Built For Two - until the words entirely degenerate with his voice rumbling lower and lower into distortion. He slides into his innate tabula rasa state - and then there is utter silence:

It's called, 'Daisy.' Dai-sy, dai-sy, give me your answer true. I'm half cra-zy, o-ver the love of you. It won't be a sty-lish mar-riage, I can't a-fford a car-riage---. But you'll look sweet upon the seat of a bicycle - built - for - two.

Edited by superkartracer on Wednesday 19th March 15:47


6,463 posts

209 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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Twincam16 said:
Sorry to dredge this thread up again, but I was watching Get Carter last night, and the way he kills the women who groomed his under-age niece in the porn film are both pretty harrowing.
I agree murder isn't a wholesome subject, but the fact these two slappers had been involved in corrupting/ degrading his niece (who could be his daughter) and so indirectly causing the death of his brother justified his actions for me, is it that he kills women that you find disturbing (and to be fair it's not his fault the car is pushed in the river), because he kills some men as well? Or the fact that he's played by Michael Caine, who often plays lighter roles?


27,646 posts

260 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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Strawman said:
Twincam16 said:
Sorry to dredge this thread up again, but I was watching Get Carter last night, and the way he kills the women who groomed his under-age niece in the porn film are both pretty harrowing.
I agree murder isn't a wholesome subject, but the fact these two slappers had been involved in corrupting/ degrading his niece (who could be his daughter) and so indirectly causing the death of his brother justified his actions for me, is it that he kills women that you find disturbing (and to be fair it's not his fault the car is pushed in the river), because he kills some men as well? Or the fact that he's played by Michael Caine, who often plays lighter roles?
It's not necessarily the fact that he kills the woman, it's the way he does it and the calm, collected look on his face as he forces her to strip, drops his knees down hard on her arms, shoves a towel in her mouth and injects the heroin.

And yes, I suppose I do find the sight/concept of a man cold-bloodly killing a woman quite disturbing.

As for Caine himself - not really. He'd been an absolutely loathesome bd in Alfie, and was a lot like Bond when he played Harry Palmer, but Carter was his masterpiece IMO.


4,950 posts

216 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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qube_TA said:
You see horrific violence in films all the time which you just sit and watch without caring, but that bit in 'The Big Lebowski' where the police chap throws the coffee cup at The Dude's head is the only time I've thought, 'that must really hurt'!
I found the fact that he didn't return with $1000 for Tara Reid more shocking!


815 posts

222 months

Wednesday 19th March 2008
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jvaughan said:
Dr G said:
American History X, Edward Norton, Head, Kerb, Stamp.

Ouch eek

That crunch noise is haunting.
Seconded.. cannot imagine putting my teeth on the curb. truely a fked up moment in what was a superb film
I have to agree, we watched this for the first time at the weekend. There were several `wince' moments of which this was the worst! Enjoyed the film though!


3,269 posts

216 months

Thursday 20th March 2008
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For me it is the Serpent and the Rainbow when Bill Paxton is buried alive - concious but unmoving and then comes around in complete panic in the dark.

Scared the billies off me that one.


4,316 posts

212 months

Thursday 20th March 2008
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Has Schindlers List ben mentioned yet? Although we have all seen photos and archive footage of what happened in those concentration camps the movie was still incredibly shocking and depressing.

Lots of the 'Band of Brothers' series can be counted IMHO. Knowing that everything in the series is on the whole accurate can make it shocking.
An example would be the 2 episodes that cover the Bastogne Forest and seeing Warren 'Skip' Muck and Donald being blown up in their fox hole...their popularity with the other men, their days in training and their survival of other battles is built up throughout the series only for them to be completely wiped out in 1 second with 1 round.

I am a real WW2 nerd and find some documentaries to be shocking and very very sad. Some of the battle footage is just unbelievable. The most memorable to me is footage of an urban tank battle.
You see one American tank get hit just a few feet in front of the camera...the hatch flies open and one bloke climbs out and drops dead...the next one pulls himself out and rolls on to the engine cover at the back of the tank minus his legs and he to dies. No one else comes out.
The next scene is taken from an elevated position and is looking down on a German tank...1 round comes in and smacks in to it...again the hatches open and people start bailing out. The hatch on the turret opens and the commander starts pulling himself out with the stumps that were his arms...WHACK another round hits the tank and the commander is blown in to the air and lands back on top of the tank minus his legs. The tank now bursts in to flames and engulfs the commander.

Seeing footage of infantry being shot is so sad...you can never make out their details. Just a grainy sillouhete(sp?) that just drops to the ground and I can never help but think about who he was, who his family was, what was he thinking at the time?

As much as WW2 fascinates me war is a disgusting, barbaric thing and I hope none of us have to go through anything like it!!


8,885 posts

198 months

Thursday 20th March 2008
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There are a lot of shocking scenes on this thread. One that made me gasp (then laugh) in the cinema recently was in - Hot Fuzz where the stone is pushed off the chuch on to the reporters head. I think it got everyone else in the cinema as well.

There are also a few good ones in Robocop. (they're making a new one by the way) Where ED209 kills the corporate brown nose and where murphy gets his hand blown off.

And perhaps most shocking of all was the scene / scenes where te US won the battle of Britain single handed in Pearl Harbour.


590 posts

213 months

Thursday 20th March 2008
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srebbe64 said:
The scene where Bambi's mother is shot - horrific, chilling and so realistic.