London Blasts – Off Topic Posts/Discussion

London Blasts – Off Topic Posts/Discussion



Original Poster:

22,227 posts

235 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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All of you will by now have heard the news about what has happened / is going on in London.

As said can we please keep the main thread started by dazren just for updates on the news, for messages to PHer’s we know personally, short messages of support, and the such like.

If anyone wants to relate experiences they had of previous emergencies, or loosely related posts please put them here, or anywhere else other than the main thread.



[small] If a mod thinks that this topic is unnecessary please just delete it.


1,693 posts

234 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Good call Rude boy!
The news had me close to tears whilst watching some poor bloke on a stretcher getting his heart pumped by a paramedic.
Keep the side notes on this thread people.
As with all things like this there must be a clear passage of imformation for people who need to use it.


1,693 posts

234 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Well i have to say that for once i am glad that Blair is on the ball after his speach. Moreover i mean to say he did very well. Glad he is returning to london today as we need leadership in times like these. He has displayed that in spades on this instance imho.
All his speach was unscripted and to the point as well as full of emotion.


7,073 posts

252 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Blair: not so good without someone preparing his notes
I know he's probably shocked, but a politician, let alone a "G8 world leader" should be better than that.


31,319 posts

243 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Whats Blair said?.... Even roughly?

Mr Whippy

29,146 posts

243 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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I just hope the British public don't choose the path of retaliation, which will obviously become apparent from Bliar over the coming weeks.

Even his speech just now goes on about how we won't be defeated.

ID cards, an reinvigorated war on terror etc etc.

In his speech he said we shouldn't give up our freedoms and our ways of life because of terrorism, so why have ID cards to help prevent it?
Surely thats changing our way of life around their actions?

Interesting how stocks markets have fallen quite a bit across Europe, and G8 stands to impact the oil producing nations quite hard too!

So much more to it than Al Queda being angry extremists. More like there is a shed load of power and wealth behind them, driving their actions!



12,689 posts

259 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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This is really strange - so quiet here. Pulling all the shutters down to help limit glass ingress should there be an explosion (I sit RIGHT next to a window! ). HR walking around doing a head count/name register.

Don't feel safe at all!


2,820 posts

254 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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I think this is a terrifying tragedy, but it will give Bliar a chance to attain a real strangle hold on this country, using "emergency powers"

oh well,


11,800 posts

237 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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I fear that with Blair gone others may take the opportunity to duck the work that the G8 was supposed to do. Let's hope this strengthens resolve and the relief for Africa that Blair was pushing doesn't fall victim, otherwise this attack will have many more indirect victims.

Mr Whippy

29,146 posts

243 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Yup, emergency powers to put army men everywhere and tanks at airports to scare us all even more!

All the stuff since Sept11th in the USA and all the extra precautions and camera's, and look how vulnerable we are still.

I can see people loosing even more freedom in the name of "war on terror" in the coming months because of this.

This is shocking, but what happens next I fear is what will really effect the people of the UK!



2,289 posts

233 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Missed the liverpool st incident by 20 minutes. Just got back to essex after hailing a black cab, 90 quid later. Oh well. Tomorrow off work I guess.


12,689 posts

259 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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My sister in laws colleague (I've met him a few times) was on the Aldgate train. He's made it too the office now but it covered in soot and shaking like a leaf apparently.


27,646 posts

260 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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I wonder who did it?

it wouldn't surprise me if it was anticapitalist anarchists - think about it: Police are all in Scotland, Londoners are out celebrating the Olympic bid, they attempt to knock out strategic centres of capitalism. Also, the likes of al-Qaeda and the IRA usually own up to a bombing after it goes off.

I seriously hope there isn't a huge death toll. When we had a big bomb go off in Manchester back in the '90s, miraculously no-one was killed, although many people were injured by glass and shrapnel.

I am seriously worried now. In Manchester earlier I saw 4 fire engines flooring it through the city with their sirens blaring. I hope it's an isolated incident.


8,790 posts

284 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Islamist website claiming responsibility


2,372 posts

268 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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I just woke up and saw this on the news. Hope everyone here at PH and their loved ones are OK.

You're all in our thoughts over here.


27,646 posts

260 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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thunderstruck said:
Islamist website claiming responsibility

Then again, often terrorists claim responsibility for actions that aren't actually theirs to gain infamy.

IIRC after the Madrid train bombing there were about 15 terrorist cells claiming responsibility. Sick, sick people.


39,731 posts

286 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Just finished with my old company on friday, I used to work at St Pancras, Euston and Kings Cross! I would normally have been there, getting no replies from work colleagues

Feel so sorry for London, for this to happen after yesterdays elation


4,689 posts

242 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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posted this on the other thread
"Just phoned my mate, who is a met special. He's OK, but too close for comfort thank you!
He phoned his work to tell them he's going in to help. Their reaction?...."we'd like a bit more notice than this".............TWATS !!!!
He told them, "fk you"!

Phil "

My blood is boiling here!!


31,319 posts

243 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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I cant say i'm surprised this has happened. How long have bombs been going off and killing 10 - 20 people every few days in Iraq. It's not slowing down and our press were not giving it the attention they wanted. It was unlikely they'd give up, but more likely they'd change tactics. And to me it appears thats what they have done. If we truely are in a "War on terror" then we can expect terror to have a war on us as well.


18,789 posts

230 months

Thursday 7th July 2005
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Perfect timing isn't it.

As has been mentioned before, everyone out on the streets celebrating the olympics success, security probably not so tight as the G8 is going down in Scotland and thats where the resources will be.

Really hits you hard when its in your own back garden doesn't it.

I hope Blair isn't too over the top with things now.

I feel sorry for people in London, and really feel for the dead and injured in what has been a pointless attack.

Makes the blood boil a bit doesn't it!