

Original Poster:

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Tuesday 9th March 2010
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T40ORA said:
yzf1070 said:
Anyway this thread is about Pascals S/C FFF and I can't wait to see the results.
Oh - so it isn't about Dom's opinions then? wink
Told you so.....


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221 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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Sure, we are all entitled to an opinion - especially on a public forum.An this is simply my opinion.

I can't be the only one that has noticed, however, that Dom has hijacked this thread and all his posts are of a derogatory nature towards both RG and RG's products. Find me one thing which truly supports RG's proposed developments. The only time that he did anything of this nature was when I pointed out earlier that he is continual berating what RG are doing.

If his product is that good, then why is he bothering to comment so vociferously? Just let the owners and drivers add their comments. And as Graham said, this thread is about Pascal's car. NOT about any TVR Power development. This thread is about a company trying to do something totally different. What Dom is doing is obviously effective, but it is not of the same order of magnitude as RG. So this is like an R&D thread.

So why dismiss everything all the time? And as for "blokes down the pub", that ribbing really doesn't add any value.

Maybe it's me; maybe I'm of an age. But in my profession I would never bad mouth in any way a competitor. It simply is not professional. Although sadly, the whole country from industry through to sport through to politics seem to be doing that these days.

Dom may have a really good product, but I do not think that he is acting in a reasonable and professional manner on here and that alone would put me off wanting to do business if I were still in the market for a rebuild.

Dom now has a 4.5 build; good stuff. Good luck. But do we need to hear about it on here as dig at RG?

And why should RG bother to post on here? There is no need for them to do so. Their specific Super Charged installation is the first of it's kind and is still in development. They have nothing to say that can't be said by others; Pascal is kept informed of what is happening and likely to happen. They don't need to get involved in any slanging match about mine is bigger than yours.

And I haven't, to my knowledge "boasted" about this development. I started the post because it looks an amazing bit of kit, and subsequently sounds and promises to be fantastic. And of course it isn't just about the power it will deliver, but also about the engineering that has gone into ensuring that this is a viable long term proposition. And neither has Pascal really boasted. The figures that he is touting have been published as possible from this installation. But Pascal is understandably excited, which I am too if truth be told, as the thought of a passenger ride in such a car is exciting.

So in summary Mark, I am just fed up with the negative jibes, the number of posts on the thread that do nothing constructive, the childish "mine is better than yours" comments. It all smacks of the same sort of tribalism that you get when attending a football match. It's just scoring points when we don't need to score any. There is enough cake to go round for everyone. Apologies for mixing my metaphors.

As I say - maybe it's me, maybe I'm just either too sensitive to these things or maybe just caught up too much in what I think is acceptable professional behaviour.

BTW My original comment was made in a wry, possibly ironic, manner. But behind it are the above reasons.

Dom - bloody good luck with your developments. Just please notice that at no time has anyone from a "competitor" biase hit your threads with negative comments or tried for some free advertising.

Edited by T40ORA on Wednesday 10th March 10:22


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221 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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Crikey. I understand most of the words but I'll have to digest this slowly over a pint and draw myself a simple picture to figure what that means in terms of acheivable maximums.....


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221 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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Johnny Two-Jags? Mark Two-Jags? Are you implicating sombody in something? wink


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Wednesday 10th March 2010
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PascalBuyens said:
Tvr Power said:
im working out the big bang formula and that is 3 cylinders fire at the same time just like the formula one bike engines , loads of torque loads of asperated hp smile

Next thing you'll be telling me you're developing a boxer engine? wink
Don't be daft; Gravimetric Field Displacement Manifold Engines running on Di-lithium Crystals. Ye canna change th' laws o' physics.....


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221 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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Tvr Power said:
Just a bit of banter Dom biggrin


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221 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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PascalBuyens said:
Take us to Warp factor 9 mister Price smile
Aye-aye Cap'n Buyens.

PS I have to fit in the other two phrases; "It's life Jim, but not as we know it." and "It's worse than that, he's dead Jim."


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221 months

Wednesday 10th March 2010
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Tvr Power said:
im getting a little concerned about you and Pascal sperm:

Very unkind to call Pascal sperm, Dom.nono


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221 months

Friday 12th March 2010
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yzf1070 said:
No worries dude it's only a bit of crack smile
I wish you'd spelled that the Gaelic way. Now I have a horrible vision of a Dagenham Cleavage.. hurl


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Friday 2nd April 2010
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Does that mean I get first dibs on the Speed 12?


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Saturday 3rd April 2010
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Monday 12th April 2010
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Any Project Managers out there? If so, you'd know that this sort of thing is fraught with delays and problems.

You have new developments from a number of different suppliers having to be manufactured, supplied, bolted together and tested. Supplier management, contract management, relationship management, R&D, unit testing, link testing and a shed load of other things to be coordinated. And any individual bit can go wrong and cause a problem to the whole.

When you are a small player, dealing with all these different threads, you have to expect delays. So being impatient wouldn't really help.

Yep - hang in there Pascal, right time not quick time.


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221 months

Monday 12th April 2010
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Targarama said:
For me the lack of comment from the engine builders themselves speaks volumes.
Why? What good would it do? They'd only get a load of grief on here.

Anyway, it isn't the engine that has failed. The engine is solid and sound. It was the S/C which has been supplied by an external company, so now you have the contractual to-ing and fro-ing.

Like I said - any Project Managers on here would know how difficult this sort of thing is. RG's only crime is that they didn't treat it as a Project and employ a skilled Project Manager.

Project difficulties and product difficulties are very different things.


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221 months

Monday 12th April 2010
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Targarama said:
I never said the engine was a problem, but the 'product' is obviously not yet ready. Boeing get blamed when a Roll Royce engine or a Ratheon component fails in their plane - the product. I sincerely hope this turns into a stonking engine and lives up to Pascal's dreams, but it does not exist yet.
True. As I said, the major problem as I see it is lack of management of the affair. And that isn't to dis the guys that have been doing the work but to highlight that Projact Management is a particular skill-set that is often assumed to be simply common sense.

I genuinely think that it will deliver a stonking good engine as I've seen the stuff that RG are doing to it (Pascal is more qualified than I to give details though). It's just a shame the way that the process has worked out so far.


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221 months

Monday 12th April 2010
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JonRB said:
If he's content to let it meander along at its own pace then that is up to him and not a reflection on Racing Green.
Yep to all except that it isn't really meandering along... I've been at RG a number of times and seen the desk-banging and hair-tearing frustration over the 3rd Party Supplier issues....

I wish to f**k I'd offered my services as a PM for this (for a consideration of course biggrin)


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221 months

Monday 12th April 2010
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JR said:
T40ORA said:
Yep to all except that it isn't really meandering along... I've been at RG a number of times and seen the desk-banging and hair-tearing frustration over the 3rd Party Supplier issues....
Except that this isn't like buying paper where you have many suppliers. RG decided to design the third known supercharged engine using a specific design of supercharger which meant a specific supplier. The choice was RGs who, as mentioned above, are responsible for the project.
That doesn't change the situation. They chose the supplier based upon the qualities of the product being supplied. If you believe that there is only one suitable product (and I don't profess to know anything about which S/C is better than the other - as far as their own marketing is concerned obviously each one is the best) then you either compromise, or accept the fact that the niche players that you are working with can exert massive power in any wrangling, supply issue, arguments over failures.

Again, it's a matter of Project (and risk) Management. Simples.


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Monday 12th April 2010
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dvs_dave said:
T40ORA said:
Any Project Managers out there?
Yes...me wink
Then you'll appreciate the need for that role to have been defined and allocated on this project. It can be a full time role and if it isn't planned for, it doesn't get done. Hence the problems, at least that is what I think.
dvs_dave said:
Hence my comments regarding the ridiculous timescales involved with implementing a common aftermarket modification.
I'd very much disagree that in this case it is common, or there would be a shed load more S/C's Speed 6 engines around. All Projects are unique (that is an effective part definition of a project) and when you are looking at (a) an engine of this type (Dom's ducked out of even trying for a S/C option as he obviously realises that it is a major challenge) and (b) building in all the additional modifications, you have a serious piece of work to be dealth with.

As a PM you know what I mean; proper rolling wave planning, contract management up front, adequate risk management including early warning indicators. Quality assurance of (a) contractor work, (b) own work,(c) integration work. QC of all the above too.

Yeah OK, hinsdight (or in proper PM terms the Lessons Log and Lessons Report) make it easier to ID the management deficiencies. But that is what I think the delays are. RG have done and are doing an excellent job technically. They just under estimated how much management was needed.

But, in terms of timescales, haven't I read that the few other S/C applications for a Speed 6 took a similar time overall?


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221 months

Monday 12th April 2010
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T350 Al said:
I think my wife would have divorced me or had me thrown in the looney-bin by now!
A rare advantage of being a singleton biggrin


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221 months

Monday 12th April 2010
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JR said:
T40ORA said:
the few other S/C applications for a Speed 6 took a similar time overall?
That's an interesting throw away comment. I know of yzf's and the factory's, any others? Did Shaun fit one in the end?
I thought that yzf had said that the total turn round time for his was similar. I have to say, I'm not sure about any others just a vague remembrance.


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Monday 12th April 2010
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dvs_dave said:
....so I wonder how much knowledge sharing has gone on?
I can guess at a big fat zero! biggrin