Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!

Jiu Jitsu discussion / complete beginner!



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188 months

Friday 12th October 2018
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Hah, Ezekiel from top guard by any chance? you only get caught with that once biggrin (or twice in the case of your partner last night!)

Glad the muscle memory is still there, onwards and upwards from here pal.


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188 months

Tuesday 16th October 2018
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Its Tuesday which means training night. I've had this horrible virus flu thing for the past week that has been doing the rounds...not full blown flu but enough to make you feel like crap. Fingers crossed I'm over it now.

Forgot to mention during my last post about my experience grappling with a high level 70kg brown belt....he absolutely destroyed me, an absolute education in weight distribution, off-balancing and timing. Swept me with ease, had a counter for everything and made me feel like a white belt. loved it.

Hows everyone's training going? Anyone competing at Nottingham? (unfortunately I'm away)


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188 months

Tuesday 16th October 2018
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Forgot to add onto my last post my efforts with Yoga. It hurts. I'm not as flexible as I thought I was.

Still, I'll stick at it and see where it takes me!


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188 months

Wednesday 17th October 2018
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Decent advanced session last night. puke.

4 minutes on the bottom in each position, changing partners every 2 minutes. Guard, side control, mount, back mount.

Reset if there is a sub, escape or pass. Properly broken by the end, however, it highlighted some weaknesses in my back mount escapes and choke defense. Side control escapes not too bad, mount escapes not too bad.

Need to speak nicely to Wifey tonight and see if I can swing open mat biggrin

Tony - Any chance of a copy of the vids?


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188 months

Sunday 21st October 2018
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Good shout on the documentary, I watched the African wrestling one, quite enjoyed it but hoped it would have covered the final bout a little more. On the same subject I also watched 'my destiny' focussing on the career of Micheal Bisping - the amount of knock backs and nearly theres this guy went through is incredible to consider he finally came good and won a title.


In jits news, I was given a stripe on my blue belt Friday night, one step closer and all that jazz.

Hope everyones well.


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188 months

Monday 29th October 2018
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4 days until I head out to Austria for 4 days of BJJ. Fully expecting to come back a broken man!

Had a good run of training lately, feeling confident and dare I say it....like a blue belt? A little gutted about missing Nottingham but it is what it is, I'll try and get some smaller comps in.

Hows everyone doing?


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188 months

Tuesday 30th October 2018
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If you can get good at a couple of take downs you'll generally be OK in most tournaments. I've done a 'little' bit of Judo previously, but mainly Judo for BJJ e.g. leg grabs, same side lapel holds etc.

I have a little Uchi mata - ankle pick - hip throw combination that I can catch most people with, failing that the old faithful tomoe nage or drop seoi nage covers 'most' bases. Unless I come up against a Judo BB...in which case I'm pulling guard.

It's definitely an area I'd like to improve on myself, as you've already said though its a matter of time...or rather lack of!


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188 months

Tuesday 6th November 2018
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Well then, back from Austria.

4 days, 20 hours of mat time (technique and rolling) and lots of aches and pains.

Would I go again? absolutely.

Had in-depth classes on Triangle set ups, 50/50 guard, pressure passing and old school submissions, lapel chokes and deep half guard.
Got in lots of rolls with other blue, couple of purples, brown and black belts. Felt I held my own pretty well against the blue and purples so time to enter a couple of comps.

It might sound daft but the stand out point for me was a littler detail I was taught regarding the double under stack pass - Something I employ quite often but I've always neglected to grab the back of the pants once I have the shoulder grip thus preventing movement/inversion and giving me full control i.e. crush them down or take side control.

A couple of days off is needed really to let my knees recover...but I'm supposed to be training tonight....


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188 months

Thursday 8th November 2018
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Hah, its certainly a case of coming back and decompressing everything. I've had to write a lot of it down so I don't forget!

I made a conscious effort to attend every session (including the 615am one!), being away from my family it didn't feel right skipping out. DIdn't make it to training Tuesday but I'll be back tomorrow night ready to go.


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188 months

Monday 12th November 2018
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I was pretty much going to post the same thing as BRR.

It's true that there are certain Judo throws that translate into a no-gi application, others not so much. Wrestling is king in no-gi for me.

When sparring whilst I was away I was caught with a sublime double leg.....on the flip side I caught him with a Tomoe Nage, was an interesting clash of styles.

I particularly like using the head in wrestling, if you've not done alot of wrestling its always a bit of a shock to be butted biggrin


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188 months

Wednesday 28th November 2018
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A cautionary tale about tapping early coming up....

Free sparring two weeks ago, I end up partnered with a white belt, much lighter, woman. Obviously this is an opportunity to go super easy, put myself in difficult positions and work on technical escapes.

So I give my back up and she gets seatbelt control with the overhand holding my opposite lapel, going for the bow and arrow. At this point I'm not too worried, everything is fine, I'll start to strip the grips and turn in a moment

Then silence. Or I became aware of a static, white noise type sound.

Followed by the sound of gurgling. At the time I thought it was strange someone was making that noise...turns out it was me. She let go shortly after, and it took me a good 30 seconds to come back to reality and realise where I was and what I was doing.

I'd left it too late to initiate the escape or tap, resulting in going out for a couple of seconds. Oddly enough, quite a nice sensation and full marks to her for applying the submission perfectly. No ego from me, nice to explore the limits I guess!


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188 months

Friday 30th November 2018
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Hi Carl,

Firstly, there are generally two main sets in the UK - 'traditional' Jiu JItsu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ).

This thread is (obviously) devoted to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which can also be focused in the following areas:

Self-defence / MMA applications - lots of emphasis on not getting punched, distance control of your opponent and using strikes to set submissions up
Sport / Competitions - less emphasis on getting punched, but arguably more technical since there is a bigger focus on grips, technique, provoking reactions and countering your opponents efforts.

There is a cross over between self-defense and sport Ju Jitsu i.e. some techniques work well for both (but not all). I've done both so I feel that I have a little appreciation for the nuances here.

In terms of BJJ for kids, I'd absolutely recommend not only for the physical exercise benefits but also the confidence kids take away knowing that if they got into a scuffle they could handle themselves. My daughter started 2 years ago and I've seen a massive difference in her.


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188 months

Monday 3rd December 2018
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Great posts Ben.

Depends where abouts in Northampton you are really, heres a couple of options:

Roger Gracie Academy, very well respected, super legit and fantastic lineage. Roger Gracie is widely regarded as one of the GOATs in BJJ - https://www.rganorthampton.com

BST Academy which looks to be under Kev Capel. Another one of Rogers students, I have a friend who has trained with / under Kev for a while and as I understand he is highly rated - https://www.bstacademy.co.uk/mma/class/bjj

MC2 BJJ - I don't know too much about this one. Head Coach is a purple belt (don't let that necessarily put you off). He looks to be under Peter Richardson who I have taken a class under previously in Aberdeen, nice guy and great teacher - http://mc2-bjj.co.uk

Gracie Barra Milton Keynes. I think Tony trains at a Barra club, probably the biggest affiliation in the UK. Great curruculum and generally excellent teaching - http://graciebarramk.co.uk

Theres a couple of options, hopefully you can find something. Always feel free to post up a link to a club you are considering and we'll steer you right (hopefully!).

Anyway, its 5am Monday Morning (up since 4, couldn't sleep!) Time to squeeze in a quick gym session before work! Have a good one all.


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188 months

Monday 28th January 2019
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Excellent, another victim...I mean practitioner.

Seriously though, pleased you've (re)started again, keep us informed on how you're getting on.

Any news from anyone lately? Our head instructor took gold in his category at the Euros 2 weeks ago, modest sod won't even have his medal up!


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188 months

Monday 11th February 2019
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Still plugging away every week, I'd like to say it's getting easier....but its not.

Nothing of any real note to tell you - my focus at the minute is on guard retention and passing guard as I'm finding this to be more important as I go up against the more advanced guys.


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188 months

Tuesday 12th February 2019
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ben5575 said:
Coming up to three years now Pete, you should be proud of yourself. Most people have given up by now smile

You're in the hard slog; beginner gains have gone and you can't see any real improvement. I'd like to tell you it gets easier soon, but it won't, not for a while I'm afraid.

It's about the mental side of things now. All that wushi/journey/finding yourself nonsense is about sucking it up, plugging away and grinding it out. Very few of those that are left, stick with it. I remember the anger, frustration and fatigue well. After a long long while you simply stop caring, accept it, resign yourself to your fate and adopt a 1,000 yard stare about it all.

That's when you get the tap on your shoulder and..

You've hit the nail on the head there. Just had a look back at when I started this thread, I didn't realize it was coming up to 3 years (I actually thought it was longer). I don't do myself any favors to be honest, hitting the gym hard most mornings makes it difficult to muster up the enthusiasm to do BJJ on an evening but as you say, its that time to knuckle down, grind forward and accept it will be this way for a while.


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188 months

Wednesday 13th February 2019
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You know those nights where every fiber of your being is saying "just go home, you're not up to BJJ tonight", well last night was one of those.

Felt very depleted all night but strangely I had quite a good evening of fundamentals, sparring and advanced, even to the point of topping it off with a final roll after advanced with a friend of mine.

I'm paying for it today though, god do I feel rough. Well deserved rest day and a bit of a lay in (which doesn't appear to have done anything!).

I've been working alot of quarter, half and Z-guard lately. Alot of the time I end up getting passed or smashed out but I am having some success so I'll stick with it for now.


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188 months

Wednesday 20th February 2019
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BJJ is going really well right now, I'm rolling well, feeling good and consistently hitting 6 hours a week.....of course I've developed a suspicious looking rash on my neck (possibly ringworm) which is going to put me out a week or two.

Doctors tomorrow for confirmation but going to start on the Canesten today. It's one of those things really, just frustrating.


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188 months

Wednesday 20th February 2019
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AJB88 said:
Got Ringworm on my arm at moment, started out as a small rash its now a perfect circle annoying as hell, first time I've had it as well.
Isn't it just. OTC Canesten is 2% Clotrimazole, although the doctor can prescribe a stronger cream if necessary. There's also a couple of other things you can do, although I'm not sure if they've been proven to help. I hear anti-dandruff shampoo is quite good at killing it off.

With it being on your arm you have the option of covering and wrapping with tape etc. to continue training. Mines just below my jawline so I'll have to take time off, annoyingly.


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188 months

Wednesday 20th February 2019
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Excellent stuff. Make sure you take time at various points in the future to look back on how you feel now compared to where you are then (if that makes sense). Even 3 years in I know I have loads to learn and perfect yet in another 2 years I'll probably be a different grappler again.

CaptainSensib1e said:
About a month in now. Really enjoying it and have bought a gi.

Starting to appreciate how much training will be required to become even a moderately competent BJJ practitioner. There's a long way to go!

Also hopeing t some point I stop bruising so much, I can't weat t-shirts at the moment as my arms are like a patch work quilt of bruises!