The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint

The Triathlon thread - Ironman, 70.3, Olympic, Sprint



1,628 posts

170 months

Saturday 24th September 2016
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Ironman Wales Report from me.

First ever Triathlon for me not even done a sprint before so a bit of a baptism of fire! haha


By far my weakest discipline but a practice swim on the friday in perfect conditions gave me some confidence and a mate who is an awesome triathalete (10hrs 40mins this year) commented that the current was perfect between the 1st and 2nd buoys and likely to produce quick swims. Put myself in the 1hr 25 sector despite doing 1hr 40mins on Long course weekend and doing very little swim practice after this as i really don't enjoy it.

The first buoy always seems to be a bit of a long drag for me but as predicted the 2nd buoy came up fast. Came out of the water 1st time seeing 41 mins on my watch so was delighted and straight back in again and tried to tag onto the feet of someone who seemed to know where they were going direction-ally and on my pace too. Out of the water in 1hr 29 mins a PB and under target of 1.30 to 1.45

Transition stripped straight out of wetsuit washed my feet off and ran through town in just swim shorts, quick dry off and change into bib shorts and cycle top and off i went.


Took me a good hour to get the HR under control and this slowed down what i was hoping would be a quick (18mph avg) for the 1st couple of hours which is the flattest of the course. 30-40 miles in i was struggling though, first i was feeling sick and dry heaving and back side was already very numb (schoolboy error of using new bib shorts i think) and the reason i had to have 2 stops for a few minutes to ease off, tried to persevere but things got darker approaching Wisemans bridge the first time and spend from about mile 50 onward fighting cramp in my thighs. Big thanks to the fella who come along side me and asked if i was taking water or electrolyte drink and with my response of half and half he said just take energy and it should help and water will sit in the gut and be absorbed slower. From mile 80 on i improved dramatically and Wisemans and heartbreak hill were much easier 2nd time round. Didn't hit my target of around 7hrs for the bike and came home in a bit of a dissapointing 7.25.


The relief of being off the bike and a now much more settled stomach was brilliant and a big boost, quick change into running shorts and vest and i was off (i may experiment in future if i do more tris but given the distance of this one i went for comfort rather than tri suit all the way round). A mate who is a solid runner and completed IMW before advised "if you think you can run 8's straight off don't and ease back a touch as you'll pay for it later on." advice that was true last year as the solid triathlete mentioned above suffered for not taking the advice and hit the wall at about mile 18.

First mile was an 8:30 and felt very good but heeding the advice i pulled back a touch when hitting the first big uphill which may have been good as a quick twinge of cramp made me think "here we go again" having suffered for so long with it on the bike. After that though nothing and the run was an absolute dream! comfortably in the 9's most of the way round, walk the feed stations and ran everything else. Save for having the pee a lot and a couple of slow miles at about 21&22 i can honestly say i had tougher times during the 16-18 mile training runs.

Being my strongest discipline the run was where i hoped to hit target of between 4 and 5 hours, I did 4hr 20mins and in hindsight could have ran quicker as i still has plenty left in the end even managing a big kick up the finishing straight lol.

Final time 13:35 and within target of sub 14 hours. Will I do another one? no commitment yet as the missus will have a major whinge so the winter is about concentrating on improving my cycling in turbo classes and I'm even keeping the wet-suit for now despite being adamant it would be sold the day after Ironman Wales haha.

My local course so i know all about the support but until you're competing you just don't know or appreciate it and it is phenomenal on the run and it must make everyone run at least 30 secs a mile quicker than they either think they can or that they actually want to!

Ironman Wales 2017? Who Knows? sub 13 is a goal.


2,099 posts

201 months

Tuesday 27th September 2016
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Well done fella! I wondered how you'd got on.

Pretty good run after the swim and bike leg.

I had a pretty good day. Swim 56 minutes, Bike leg 6hrs 30ish and slightly disappointed with 5hr 15 for the marathon, plus a couple of mins slower in transition this year.

The swim was fast, but actually not quite as good for me as last year. The time was quicker, but I went slightly off course at one point and came out of the water with a fellow club member who I would normally be ahead of. 130th ish compared to 102nd last year. With Isoman in July I'd done a lot of swimming so hoped I'd be similar, but I should not be complaining, 56 minutes is great!

Out on the bike with the plan to keep steady power and heart rate on the flats, easiest gear and spin up hills, saving the legs for the second lap. I sort of let that plan go as I was overtaken by another club member approaching Sageston who's a slower swimmer but quicker cyclist, and much faster runner, going for a sub 12 hour time. We'd shared a tiny bit of banter before (My aim was to get to the run before he overtook, his response, "Dream on, fatty!"), so a little pick up of adrenaline, I increased my pace, and kept him in sight. Down the hill from Templeton was a highlight, being local helped me take the corner at Narberth Bridge flat out which carries you past the steepest part of the hill into Narberth. I must have overtaken about 15 people before my momentum ran out, and with the burst of adrenaline I flew up that hill, catching the other club member as we passed up Narberth High street. That was about 15 miles or so after he'd overtaken me, I was quite pleased to still be with him. (He finished in 11hrs25min ish, and lapped me on the run, so it didn't last!) I enjoyed the descents perhaps far too much, but managed 16.9mph average according to Strava, 6 hours 35mins, a PB for me on that route by 15 mins.

The run... I went slower than last year with the aim of running more. I'd also not struggled with any injuries since June; last year I lost most of August, so was much better prepared. It felt weird therefore to feel I needed to walk the hills. Putting it down to perhaps going harder on the bike than I had planned I carried on, then toward the end of the third lap... I was not even thinking about time, but was aware that I had gone quicker in the swim and bike... So wondered if a sub 13 hour time was do-able. Started to run again, and ran pretty much the whole last lap. Didn't quite get there! 13hrs 5 mins and my marathon time was exactly the same as last year. However, last year I remember the stiffness afterwards and into the next day, which also happened after Isoman. This time, relatively speaking, I was fine. Able to get up of the sofa without issue, the next day the legs seemed to recover quickly... I think with the benefit of hindsight I could have pushed the run much more. Still, a great target for next year!

It's probably a familiar story in Ironman circles by now, but the support around the course is truly remarkable. My events this year have been fantastic, but I think IM Wales is still my favourite! Highly recommended. I'm sure I'll be having another go now it's confirmed for 2017. biggrin


1,628 posts

170 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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Cheers mate, well done yourself I can only dream of Swim times like yours.

How is your run training? is it a case of there's not much room for improvement because of injury etc or just hampered training?

The run was always going to be my strength so just wanted to get through everything else and have the ability to run. I probably had maybe an extra 10 mins in me too had i had some experience of triathlon before.

Winter i think im going to have a few more swim lessons and try do the pool once a week to see if i can improve enough to justify another crack at it next year to myself i'll never be a 1 hr swimmer for it but if I can find another 10-15 minutes in those conditions then i'd be happy.

Same on the bike some turbo classes and fight for some winter improvement then if it comes IMW2017 will be considered. If Barcelona was not full this year i'd have probably done it as the fitness is there now.

I really didn't enjoy the training towards the end so I think i'd look at that next year and think i can get away with getting more out of less training if that makes sense? return to |Running training at go to some cycle clubs and get advice and work harder rather than plod on solo rides and get bored like i did last eyar.


2,099 posts

201 months

Wednesday 28th September 2016
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briangriffin said:
How is your run training? is it a case of there's not much room for improvement because of injury etc or just hampered training?
Last year it was injury concerns which hampered training, then over did it in November attempting the November challenge, a brutal 1 mile on day 1, 2 on day 2, up to an ultra 30 miler on day 30, which I attempted and failed. I was still feeling pains and so on when I started training again in February. (I didn't really stop to be honest, perhaps I also should have taken a better break.)

I didn't try to improve pace; merely built up the distance steadily to ensure i could get through a marathon distance. It went ok, but I was doing a lot of hills on the bike for Alpe D'Huez, long swims for the Isoman swim, and running, and picked up a calf strain which flared up in May. I didn't really do any running until the Isoman Tri (it flared up again during the Forest of Dean in mid June) but was fine after Isoman, and didn't trouble me again. I built up the distance during August and was doing 20-30 miles per week, compared to very little in August last year.

briangriffin said:
I really didn't enjoy the training towards the end so I think i'd look at that next year and think i can get away with getting more out of less training if that makes sense? return to |Running training at go to some cycle clubs and get advice and work harder rather than plod on solo rides and get bored like i did last eyar.
I think that's the key. I wanted to make sure my legs could manage the mileage but wasn't bothered about speed, and given my lack of suffering afterwards it probably worked, but I was still slow. I hadn't wanted to push it as that was when I got injured last year, running too hard into and down hills.

Quality not quantity for next year, perhaps...


1,628 posts

170 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Yeah sounds like you've smashed in a hell of a lot this year mate. I've got massive respect for anyone doing an isoman the swim is ridiculous.

Did my first run since IMW this week and still feeling the after effects although I did go boxing training the night before so that probably didn't help. Glad that I've fobbed off the Cardiff half this wkend now.

Is that you done for the year now too?


2,099 posts

201 months

Thursday 29th September 2016
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Triathlon wise I think so. If I see a late season Olympic or sprint I may have a go, but nothing booked.

Oh, and the Cardiff Half this weekend. biggrin


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

192 months

Saturday 8th October 2016
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Heads up for Kona - live coverage starts 5pm at with MPro going off at 5.30pm thumbup


12,548 posts

214 months

Saturday 22nd October 2016
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Just a heads up.

Bike Channel (on VM and Sky) is showing an hour highlights programme from Kona 2016. It's been repeated several times in the last 48 hours. So if you're interested smile


2,099 posts

201 months

Thursday 29th December 2016
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A short while since any posts, I guess you can tell it's the off season! biggrin

Happy Christmas & New Year!

Now the New Year is just about here, plans for 2017 anyone?

I've booked the new Ironman 70.3 in Edinburgh, and will almost certainly do Wales again. Plenty of others I'm tempted by...


1,628 posts

170 months

Thursday 29th December 2016
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Dimski said:
A short while since any posts, I guess you can tell it's the off season! biggrin

Happy Christmas & New Year!

Now the New Year is just about here, plans for 2017 anyone?

I've booked the new Ironman 70.3 in Edinburgh, and will almost certainly do Wales again. Plenty of others I'm tempted by...
Same to you bud!

Plans for 2017 so far i've signed up for An SAS style half marathon-ish run over Pen-Y-Fan with Full Bergen, love the SAS are you tough enough style shows so thought i'd give it a crack. A bit fat after Xmas so need to motivation to train. Will only be about 75KG for it so carrying a 22KG Bergen will be a task so some Weight training begins in the new year to strengthen the upper body and back.

Also then signed up for a 46Mile ultra over the Beacons in November so that'll be another box ticked and hopefully i'll start enjoying my running again once i get the fitness back and return to running club.

IMW2017 is still a possibility but il reserve judgement till later in the year i think.

Was tempted by the Edinburgh one but put off a bit when i found out it was a half, its all or nothing for me haha


Original Poster:

1,697 posts

192 months

Thursday 29th December 2016
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Dimski said:
A short while since any posts, I guess you can tell it's the off season! biggrin

Happy Christmas & New Year!

Now the New Year is just about here, plans for 2017 anyone?

I've booked the new Ironman 70.3 in Edinburgh, and will almost certainly do Wales again. Plenty of others I'm tempted by...
Yeah, sure can tell it's that time of year!

My fundamental plan for 2017 is to have a significantly better year than 2016!

In short, this year has been terrible for me - courtesy of my (then) 18 month old starting nursery, I contracted THREE consecutive severe cold/chest infections starting mid/late January. I got over the last one in late April. It had been so bad I went to the doctors thinking there was something seriously the matter with me. He laughed when I said I had a toddler just starting nursery!!

Started training again at the beginning of May (for IM Switzerland on July 24th), had 2 months solid training and then sustained a shoulder injury (AC joint). It was so painful I couldn't even run. LSCS, was told I had to wait until late September for an interventional Radiologist's appointment. Goodbye Switzerland race and goodbye the rest of the season. Absolutely gutted.

Shoulder is now ~85%, but I'll take that compared to what it was like just a few months ago.

Not got any races planned just yet for '17, but will get some booked soon. Just looking forward to being able to train properly again! biggrin


2,953 posts

168 months

Friday 30th December 2016
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Anyone doing IM Austria 2017?


1,329 posts

207 months

Saturday 31st December 2016
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Well 2016 was a bit of a disaster - smashed my ankle at a running race in March and that was pretty much game over - limped around Weymouth 70.3 slowly - that was that.

2017 will be different - am doing Frankfurt - and the outlaw half. Sub 5 in Nottingham and sub 10 in Germany is the plan - we'll see - Nottingham would be a pb by 2 minutes so thats possible - Germany would be a PB by 48 minutes - thats going to be way more difficult.

A lot more time on the bike required - loose a little weight Jan / Feb - get my TT bike position nailed in March and then just train train train - have joined a club for some motivation and am running the Brighton Marathon in April - sub 3.30 there is the aim for a good start.


2,953 posts

168 months

Saturday 31st December 2016
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Good luck!

Do you train with a club?


13,851 posts

240 months

Saturday 31st December 2016
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Outlaw half and full for me in 2017.

E91 Gaz

384 posts

115 months

Sunday 1st January 2017
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Desperately wanted Barcelona but the wife said no because we're due a holiday to florida.. unreasonable at best !

So I've just booked IMUK instead, I'll sign up for new forrest swashbuckler and try fit in another 70.3 later in the year.

My first venture into full distance so yet to see what I'll make of it


2,042 posts

186 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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I've been doing some turbo trainer sessions over the winter and always look to Youtube for a bit of inspiration. Found this video, guy said he does single leg intervals of 5 minutes each leg repeated. Meh, doesn't even sound hard!!

Turns out Joe Skipper is a bit of a beast, probably should have Googled him. Err, I chose to start at 1 minute intervals and once my legs recover I might even try it again! Lols.


5,778 posts

246 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Now into week 7 of the fink intermediate plan for the Lakesman in June.


5,256 posts

248 months

Monday 23rd January 2017
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0 - Sprint - Olympic in a year?

Just started what is quickly becoming a bit of an adiction and I have only done one session in the pool.

Got bike out of the shed at the weekend ready for the first Turbo Session on Wednesday, but relishing the idea and looking for a Sprint to ease me into it.

Ultimately I'd like to complete an Olympic this year, but I'll see how I go.

Anyone here also at SMTri (Stoke Mandavile Tri/ Aspiring Performance), if so say Hi.


dirty boy

14,724 posts

211 months

Thursday 16th February 2017
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Some great reading here, well done those who have competed recently thumbup

Quick Question time....

I've signed up to do a Sprint Tri in June.

I've started swimming (I'm no swimmer, but my son is 11 yrs old and a county standard swimmer, so if I hadn't learnt something from watching him swimming 12 hours a week, something was seriously wrong)

Anyway, gone from doing 40m and hanging, to doing 800m non stop f/c in 6 weeks (takes about 16mins - no push - 20m pool) so pleased with progress.

What i'm concerned about mostly, is what on earth am I supposed to wear? I don't want to spend a fortune, as I'm not likely to win anything, so marginal gains not necessary.

I do drag my heavy ass in the pool, so if there's an opportunity to wear something buoyant in the lake, that would be nice, but I hear conflicting stories about what is and isn't allowed..

Some pointers for a beginner welcome! THanks