Goodwood Fos - 2016 Photos

Goodwood Fos - 2016 Photos


Nik da Greek

2,503 posts

152 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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As always, McLaren were stalwart FoS supporters with all manner of exotic and sometimes barn-door vehicles on show

For when any old boring Ferrari simply isn’t exclusive enough


Just beautiful. Even in the pissing rain

The one millionth MX-5. And that’s a lot. Like, really a lot, especially when you consider it’s a two-seat sportster, not a unbiquibox Mom’s Taxi

Actually, there were a lot of MX-5s around the Festival, come to think of it. As usual, Mazda cough and shuffles its feet nervously if their glorious Rotary heritage should be mentioned. Kinda like weird Cousin Cleetus who lives in the attic and feeds on any live pigeons he can catch, we don’t talk about the wankel…

Still the lap record holder round Brooklands. Guess it always will be, unless someone buys the land back from Tesco. Heritage site, you say? Where’s that then? *cough* Monza *ahem*

Ooooh, look, a rotary! All hail Saint Steve of Hislop

^^ Old. Icon.

^^New. Hideous

Hydrogen powered Pininfarina…yayyy!...concept. Boo

Gotta love Hahhhnda. They even make their heroic failures look epic

This was early Thursday. Eerie. Even the Rollers weren’t yet wearing their Ladies

…but even without their Spirits (or Ellie in Her Nightie, if you prefer) this is still THE photo that defines FoS for me; ludicrously valuable cars nonchalantly parked up on some muddy grass in front of a mock-whatever-the-hell-it’s-meant-to-be stately home (it’s only the stable block, FFS). Superb

Oooh, look, a rotary, yayyyy!...RX-8. Booo

Fiats. But not as we know them

Non-skid!? Are you sure?

Nik da Greek

2,503 posts

152 months

Thursday 4th August 2016
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Like, how did this never catch on?

You think yo got dish, homie? You ain’t got dish. You ain’t got nuttin

Can’t decide if class or arse…

Achtung! Panzer!

Nice weather for turtles

Hang on a mo, I’m having a crisis!

Hnnnng. No apologies for excessive amounts of photos of the Type C Auto Union. What a bloody thing!

The good thing about being there early on Thursday is that many crews are still setting up, so I took full advantage of sticking my lens in where it wasn’t wanted as they were sorting the Type C before the barriers went up. The fearfully polite German techs were far too civil to tell me to bleedin’ do one whilst I ligged around inches away from a genuinely priceless icon

That car is just pure art. There’s nothing on it that isn’t utterly essential but everything on it is awe-inspiringly beautiful. Engineering craft raised to an artform. If it doesn’t get you wet you may be already dead

…and another piece of pure filth. Just downright car porn

Why’s he taking photos of a tree and a helicopt…oh. I see. That’s not normal…

Probably the most gorgeous shape never to see production? I reckon it’s a close contender

Same could be said for the quad-cam, really

Damn, that went on a lot longer than I expected! Sorry about that. There’s (as always) too much to select just a couple of photos. Something for everyone, then, I hope. More (much, much more) here

Take a look, if you’ve time to burn, lol

… and the last word; proof, were it ever in doubt, that an RX-7 actually is practical family transport. Four-up, so there (admittedly two are small and one’s tiny, but nonetheless. And it never got stuck in the mud!)


538 posts

167 months

Sunday 19th February 2017
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