Back on the saddle...


Liquid Knight

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185 months

Friday 14th November 2014
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Great minds eh?

I'm not sure that a sign on a black bag would be as effective but it's the same principle.

Anyway the blog is as neglected as my bike this week. No I'm not sulking due to the backlash, I've popped my ribs again doing some heavy bag work with my nephews. rolleyes

At last the weather's turning. Should be cold enough for some quick times soon.

There is a section of my route that is under two inches of mud again. The lack of mud last year compared to this demonstrates tradition crop rotation is alive and well in modern agriculture. Fields that had rape and wheat last year are having sugar beet harvested now. Hopefully this weekends rain will take care of that for next week where I'll be back on the saddle once more. smile

Liquid Knight

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185 months

Monday 17th November 2014
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That's all my retro BMX stuff is going on eBay. I'll never be that good. rolleyes

1965? Wow! bow

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 20th November 2014
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Fog this morning so...

...I took my Alfa. driving

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 25th November 2014
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...followed by freezing fog...

...with rain later.

So that's...


...followed by suicide...

...with I can't be arsed later.

This morning on my drive home there were half a dozen cars driving with main beams up in fifty meters visibility, several with only one fog light up front, even more with only one headlight and a few with the letter box of ice cleared from the windscreen and side windows open a bit. rolleyes

My new front light arrived yesterday. 1,800 lumen isn't enough for some I now have 5,200 "just in case". wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 16th January 2015
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Okay I've neglected this thread for a while and it's because I've neglected my bike. The weather has been crap, the roads still covered in mud and way half the people with cars driver round here I'd have them arrested for attempted murder. rolleyes

Also I managed to pop my ribs again and have an Alfa GTV at my disposal so my bike isn't exactly appealing.

This month I have a new mask, new gloves on the way and the only thing that has been bugging me about my bike apart from the lack of suspension are the pedals. I'm after a set of DMR V8's or similar that are as wide as my foot and strong enough not to flex.


2,625 posts

261 months

Friday 16th January 2015
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Can't beat a pair of V8s. smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 17th January 2015
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AndyWoodall said:
Can't beat a pair of V8s. smile
I never rated V12's either. For double the price you didn't get much in the way of a difference.


...are a little (less than a stamp) cheaper than V8's (on eBay at least) 122mm x 950mm x 26mm.

The V8's do come with service kits and better colours but one of my resolutions this year was to stop living in the past and try new things. Cycling to work when it isn't foggy wasn't one of my resolutions obviously as I'm not doing it yet.

Quick vote before I buy a set these...

...or these?

It's more luck than anything I've narrowed it down to two (another resolution was to be less indecisive). hehe


1,745 posts

206 months

Saturday 17th January 2015
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I've been using Wellgo MG1 pedals on my mountain bike for a few years. They don't get a massive amount of abuse from me, but I seem to remember buying them due to them getting great reviews at the time. Lightweight compared to the V8s, I think?

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 18th January 2015
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Are those the ones with the plastic centers?

How about this for a little bit of motivation...



Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 19th January 2015
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Ready for Norfolk's roads?

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 27th January 2015
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So this happened Sunday night...

Liquid Knight said:
On the way into work last night I observed a driver who was all over the place. + or - 10mph of th speed limit, drifting over the centre line running over a couple of catseyes before jerking back to the left.

I have a rule about these things...

"If I were a Police officer would I pull this guy over?"

...if the answer is yes I call 101 hands free immediately and report it.

There were units close by so I gave a running commentary as the driver nearly hit cars coming the other way before clipping the curb the other side. I lost my view briefly as he jumped a real light and had to use a bus stop lay by to avoid a collision. CCTV had him at this point. From the lights I got to a straight just as he turned right into a side road and CCTV lost him. I followed and he parked up outside a house and I managed to give the operator a full description of the driver as I went past. I got to the end of the road ready to turn around and keep an eye on things until the Police unit arrived and my mirrors filled with blue lights. cop

If you report someone you believe to be a drink driver today; you save a life tomorrow.

The arresting officer was a friend of mine and swung by work to get a statement, tell me the driver was five times over the legal limit and was being held over night due to the black bin bags of freshly cut cannabis that were in the boot of the car. He didn't tell me exactly how much but it was a "custodial amount". judge

So a top tip for any apprentice drug lords out there. Make sure your transporter drivers are sober enough not to attract attention.

...and I had two thoughts running through my mind.

1/ Somewhat selflessly "This guy's a bloody menace and needs to be taken off the road before he kills someone".
2/ More selfishly "I'd be cycling about here, around now; For Fcensoredk Sake!"

I got a little carried away on a project last night but today my bike and I are ready to go now, I've deliberately left my Alfa on empty and barring any sudden meteorite impact I will be cycling to work tonight.


72,857 posts

241 months

Tuesday 27th January 2015
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Good work thumbup

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 27th January 2015
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New for 2015

I've left my motorbike gloves in the cupboard carbon fibre knuckle dusters have been replaced with hi-viz and reflective comfort grip thinsulate gloves. Should be better for me and better for other road users to see my (various) hand signals.

The most hi-viz and reflective helmet I could find. With my lights front and rear.

As well as the redilite II and solar light on the back I'll have my 1800 Lumen on low and dipped (ready to strobe) and my new 3000 Lumen main beam (just in case).

Still no airhorn as they tend to provoke (wake up) drivers and I'm sticking with the old pedals as I ran out of money this month.

I will be wearing my deathmask as usual for two reasons. The roads are still very muddy and now with added salt grit and as I've said countless times before you can wear all the hi-viz and reflective stuff in the world but if you want to be seen wear a mask.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 28th January 2015
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Good news; bad news.

My new gloves are brilliant. Superb grip, soft, warm and I'm sure my hand signals were noticed more last night and this morning than ever before. As well as being a lighter colour my new helmet weighs noticeably less and my new main beam front light is like riding down the road with a camera flash stuck on. woohoo

The bracket on my rear helmet light broke. It's two years old and doesn't owe me anything so no real issue there. I've replaced it with red reflective tape. For the last couple of weeks I've felt like I was going down with a cold/flu; the ride in was good to clear my system but the disadvantage of wearing the Deathmask there was nowhere for the phlegm to go.

Apart from that it was the usual no wind at half four but as soon as I got on my bike it was a blasted head wind. rolleyes

Forty three minutes there and thirty six home in a tail/head/side/head/side/tail wind. I guess my Lusso has made me lazy. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 3rd February 2015
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I was planning to cycle tonight but the number of cars on the road without having the snow cleared off properly this morning put an end to that idea.

I don't have knobblies and the snow/slush with fill the gap between my tyres and guards anyway. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 5th February 2015
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New pedals!

Okay I didn't get V8's or V12's I thought I'd give the new ones a try.

Compared to the old ones...

...they are much lighter, smoother and look like they'll take a healthy chunk out of my shin when I start snapping chains.

The colour is a close contrast between the dark and light grey on my bike.

I ordered black ones but these are better.

One issue of legality. There is nowhere for reflectors to go. scratchchin

I took the four from the original pedals...

...and superglued them inside...

...not quite legal...

...but better than nothing. wink

I've also been looking at killing two birds with one stone as far as luggage and dangerous overtaking are concerned.

A sidecar. If I make it on a spring loaded hinged frame I should be able to lean into corners and have enough suspension to take a few bumps. I'll look into the idea tonight at work and probably dismiss the idea by morning.

Tonight is the last drive of my Alfa GTV. I sold her on for a little profit and to be honest sh was far too good for me to use for work. So I'll be cycling more often as well. smile

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 9th February 2015
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Interesting commute this morning. Nobody tried to kill me to death and I made it in thirty eight minutes. Not bad considering how unfit my Alfa has made me.

Okay I have made myself in the Alfa. rolleyes

This evening I thought I'd do my good deed for today. As I approached a hump back bridge I looked behind me and a double decker bus was on its way so I tucked into a side road to let the bus through. Headlight flash and wave for job well done. There was a car waiting the other side; that's right some tool in the Highways Planning Department put a "T" junction on the blind side of a bridge with a blind bend leading up to it from the other side. So I waved the guy out and the driver of the Corsa looked at me as if I had wiped my arse on his necktie. It took a while for it to penetrate the gorm and I didn't even get a signal of thanks.

If I meet him tomorrow he'll have to wait and sit behind me over the bridge and blind bends. hehe

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Tuesday 10th February 2015
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What is it about Tuesdays?

Yesterday was fine, nobody tried to kill me. Today it was one near life experience after another. rolleyes

This morning's freezing fog was an adventure and a blessing is disguise as I had forgot my battery charger I only used my smaller light. I used the battery from my main beam light to get home. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 11th February 2015
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Nothing really to report from this morning. A few pillocks but not as many as yesterday (yes I'm counting).

This evening. I gave way to traffic on the hump back bridge (I would post this on my Good Deeds on the road thread but I'm barred from it) and my Barn Owl friend is following me along some of my route. smile