Stupid New Years Resolution!

Stupid New Years Resolution!


Liquid Knight

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185 months

Tuesday 24th January 2012
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The weather forecast lied to me again last night. rolleyes

The rain wasn't predicted to start until nine. Luckilly it was snow just after six and the rain hit just after I started work. wink

If we get any proper snow (never by my standards but enough for England to grind to a halt) I'll put my knobbles back on and leave ten minutes earlier.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 25th January 2012
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Drizzle. Grrrr! It's not proper rain but you still get wet.

Okay having had a crack at drivers here are the the five types of cyclist you get on the roads...

1/ PoB "Pedestrians on Bikes". No lights, reflective gear, helmets or any road sence whatsoever. Ropey, neglected bikes that if there were a pedal powered M.O.T would fail on at least a dozen different things. These are a menace to any other road user even other cyclists. The will turn into traffic without looking or incapable of looking due to wearing a hooded jacket, deliberately wobble when you overtake and if you do hit one they have injury shysters for you on speed-dial.

2/ Ecocyclementalists. Ever stopped at a red light and a tramp looking hippy type on an old basket bike (probably nicked from the nearest Post Office) taps on your window and asked you...
"Why don't you cycle to work? Your car puts out the same amount of Carbon into the atmosphere every day as burning down a football field of trees".
...if so then you have met an ecocyclementalist (or Rob Newman). If you say anything other than...
"Really? How interesting; I'll look into that, or didn't you used to be the funny one in the Mary Whithouse Experience? How is David Bladybum?".
...they will wobble in front of you for the next half an hour at a steady three to five miles an hour. If you manage to overtake, you will be bombarded with abuse. "You've just killed another tree you censoredcensored sideways with a censored cabbage!"
Whatever you do, never point out the Carbon footprint of making a bicycle. wink

3/ DoB's "Drivers on Bikes" or BaC's "Born again Cyclist". New Years Resolutionists, midlife crisies and people who can't afford Petrol anymore. As drivers they are well aware of the hazards both the road and cyclist present. Wear more hi-viz than is strictly necessary and are lit up like Blackpool pleasure beach. One problem with DoB's is whatever little things that annoy you in a car with be the most irritating thing in the world when you cycle. I think it's because in a car you're traveling several time the speed you are on a bike so when you see something in a car you barely have enough time to roll your eyes, on a bike you can dwell a little too much about it. Weapon of choice for DoB's (like me) is dual suspension (due to the potholes) mountain bike with slicks or a Hybrid. BaC's are in for a shock. Probably haven't been on the saddle for twenty years and the shock of doing exercise, not being in their nice warm cars and bikes never used to chaife when they were younger. Means for the first couple of weeks they'll be covered in sweat and walking around like a George Michael fan. Needless to say after three weeks they'll be back in their cars waiting for fair weather or the bike will be on eBay.

4/ Lycralists. Usually hunt in packs and ride three or four abreast on country lanes. Several thousand Pounds worth of metal under them. Looking over their shoulders often, not for hazards or traffic but for the imaginary Mario Chipolini, Lance Armstrong, that Scotish bloke who sells Wheatabix (Mark Have-a-dish?) chasing them (other cerials are available and some even taste better than the box). Single L.E.D lights to save as much weight as possible when it gets dark so SMIDSY's waiting to happen and it's never their fault. In towns and cities Lycrlists will not use cycle lanes as they are for lesser cyclists and treat the road like their own private overtaking lane.

5/ Cycle-antees also known as Cycyoutube-ists, Basically a bunch of aholes with cameras strapped to their bikes (front and rear views) or their helmets. If you drive with the tinyest lack of consideration expect your numberplate to appear on a Youtube search with "cut me up, tailgated me, left hook, failed to this, failed to that"...
Completely self absorbed and with an air of smuggness that makes the Ecocyclementalists look easy going. Preaching the gospal of the "Road Traffic Act" to every single driver they come across who puts a foot wrong and then posting videos of themselves doing between 5 and 10mph over the speed limit in other clips. With the excuse "Section eighty-something of the RTA 1988 says "Motor Vehicles" and cycles don't have engines so we are above the Law" dispite the fact you are on the road you are Traffic and since the Road Traffic Act was reviced in 2006 to include all Traffic something else you can thank the G-Wizz for. Criticising drivers on one video whilst showing a disregard for the same set of laws in another in my book makes them tts of the highest order. Some even stop and have a go at drivers only to edit the video in such a way the number plate will appear later with "road rage cycle hater" in the title. A classic case of something that started out as a good idea, posting videos to help raise awareness; that has sadly become a battle to get Youtube views and Twitter followers, tuning their commute into a popularity contest for the wrong reasons.


Edited by Liquid Knight on Wednesday 25th January 10:59

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 26th January 2012
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Grrrr! Three miles in and this happens...

...two problems with Leeches. 1/ They don't work if the tube's wet and 2/ They're not big enough to cover Inch long side wall splits.

Bloody salty roads. frown

Needless to say I had to run home and drive in today. rolleyes On the plus side I do have my first Petrol Station sausage rolls of the year. smile

The cyclists I pass every day were sat at the side of the road last night so I stopped to have a chat. They're a team of five commuters who mostly ride fixies. Not my cup of tea but a nice bunch of lads. They's stopped for a puncture as well.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 27th January 2012
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Felt rough this morning and the return of the headwind didn't help. Feels like someone's trying to pull my left eye out of its socket with a sink plunger. Bleaugh! headache

Borrowed the tyres off Catsarse II...

...look smaller than the red ones but are just as good. smile

Tailwind home and straight to bed if I don't feel any better.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 28th January 2012
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Good morning to the....

2/ The "I've overslept and now I have twenty minutes to drive a forty minute journey". After three cans of Redbull and four Pro-Plus these guys will take back roads to avoid the authorities but don't use them offen enough to know the road well. Slowing to 20mph for bends and driving up to 100+mph between corners.

...driver of the dark blue Merc' 200 with stupid Aluminium plates who decided to try to kill me this morning. If my lap top wasn't working right now you'd be reported as a hit and run driver and I'll be hammering at your door after work this evening for your insurance details.

If he had stopped it wouldn't have been a problem, but because he did I lost my temper, took it out on my pedals and got to work twenty minutes early. Grrrrr!

Getting to work early on a Saturday? censored

Yes I'm more pissed off at being early for work than the "Sorry mate I didn't see an LED lit, flouressent yellow, power ranger, with a reflected green helmet and Joker mask"!

...and breathe out. wink


Edited to add "hit and run" is accurate as my handle bar clipped his mirror and I had to put the bike down in the grass verge.

Edited by Liquid Knight on Saturday 28th January 08:29

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 28th January 2012
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Twelve hours of enhancing my karma and I'm ready to venture into the battle zone that is the Cambridgeshire Norflok boarder. If you don't hear from me; I regret nothing. Apart from wearing shorts under waterproof gear, it was like cycling to the Torture Garden earlier. silly

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 28th January 2012
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Four cars failed to dip their headlights on the way home. No big deal in a car but when you basically won't be able to see for a few hundred Yards later it's the most annoying thing in the world. So I put my right hand up in front of my eyes and drifted into the centre of the road so I could see road beneath me. I would do this until either the lights went down and the driver actually paid due care and attention or the driver had to stop. Two did, one thought I was a Police officer in my flouresent power ranger outfit, the other didn't see me. rolleyes

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 30th January 2012
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Driving without due care and attention, driving without corrected vision (if they couldn't see you), driving without due consideration of other road users.

I have a plan. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Mobile updates this week. My laptop did die, but it was caused by Uniblue instead of a hit and run driver. Uneventful morning. Three drivers failed to dip their headlights, two because they couldn't see me through the one by three inch square of ice they'd cleared from their screens. rolleyes

Looking forward to the snow if we get any. ;-)

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Wednesday 1st February 2012
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Headwind going home and felt colder than it was.

My Barn Owl pal followed me for about a half a mile as usual. She flew about six feet off my left shoulder before swooping down and grabbing something that squeaked loudly. I wouldn't get to see that in a car. smile

Setting my alarm half an hour early in case I need to change to snow tyres.

Edited by Liquid Knight on Wednesday 1st February 20:24

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 2nd February 2012
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Looked out of my window this morning at four o'clock and went back to bed for half an hour. :cloud9

Cycled in without incident on my slicks and an hour later it's snowing. rolleyes

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Thursday 2nd February 2012
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Sorry guys forgot the recap.

Jan 2012

Miles covered 482.4 (ish the speedo' isn't waterproof)
Average speed 12.6 mph
Maximum temperature 11'C
Minimum temperature -6'C

Best time to work thirty eight minutes
Worst time to work an hour and ten minutes following a blowout, run home and drive. wink

Punctures 2
Collisions 1
Other issues 0

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Friday 3rd February 2012
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-2'C when I left this morning.
-2'C when I left this evening.

Snow tomorrow night so do I put knoblies on yet?

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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Set a new record this morning. woohoo


Took an extra ten minutes and every time I tried to go more than 15mph it felt like my front brake was engaged. Bloody knobly tyres. Hope it snows enough for them to work later. ;-)

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Saturday 4th February 2012
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Rubbish ride home. It started snowing heavilly about an hour before I set off and by the time I was half way home it had dulled to that crappy powdery drizzle snow. Perfect for boarding by not a lot of use if you're running knobblies.

Barking wind though so in the tailwind section I held th bike at a steady 17mph, side wind 14mph and headwind between 11 and 12 I was too busy paying attention to what the rest of the bike was doing to look to be honnest.

A combination of rightly so caution drivers and numbties. One made such a hash of getting past me it took him half a mile to straighten his van out again. rolleyes

I'll set off ealier in the morning. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 5th February 2012
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I was happily cycling in the snow but within three miles there were six cars in hedges, dykes or other cars. So I turned around and drove to work instead.

Glad I did as well because I spent the first two hours digging and gritting pathways. rolleyes

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 5th February 2012
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I thought I did well. Trouble with fresh snow is the road looked flat. Happily trundling along when you hit a hidden pothole or other object then you get a wobble on that cuts into the snow making difficult to straighten out.

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Sunday 5th February 2012
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Drove the cycle route home and the road was clear as a bell. My put my slicks back on for tomorrow, unless we get the freezing fog or more snow overnight. wink

Liquid Knight

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15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Knobblies are rubbish! Pump the tyres up fir the road and they're useless in snow and slush. Let them down for snow and slush and they're useless on treated roads. Grrrrr!

Either way it feels like I'm towing a trailer with flat tyres. The slicks will be back on for work Friday.

Liquid Knight

Original Poster:

15,754 posts

185 months

Monday 6th February 2012
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Another new record today. Fog was coming down so I got my head down with it. 42 minutes on knobblies. wink

Still putting the slicks on as soon as because my legs are censored , lucky it's Friday for me.