Tour of Cambridgeshire

Tour of Cambridgeshire


Banana Boy

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Wednesday 3rd June 2015
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Went for my last spin before the weekend... almost wish I hadn't tbh, strait from work fully laden fuelled with a chocolate spread and peanut butter sandwich and a cup of coffee. I was a bit slow, low on motivation and had to stop half way round to stretch out some impending cramps! smile

Saw plenty of people out on the course running full on TT bikes etc. starting to worry I might make a fool of myself on Saturday rocking a pimped out, stripped back tourer... frown
(I'm going to try and stick to my plan, focus on me, my bike and the clock with two aims; 1. A 45 minute lap. 2. Finish ahead of someone else in my age group. - Both will be very tall orders I think?!)

Also, has anyone else looked at the Enervit ToC food pack for <£14? Has anyone tried it in comparison with SiS etc? I was thinking it might be convenient to pick it up on the day rather than taking stuff with me? (I only live a few miles away so I won't be taking the car)

ETA: ToC Website twitter feed reckons that there are now 6000 entries for the Gran Fondo!!! Sunday will be 'busy' I suspect?! smile

Edited by Banana Boy on Wednesday 3rd June 21:41

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Friday 5th June 2015
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SixPotBelly said:
Good luck at the Chrono tomorrow, Banana Boy. Don't worry about all the sperm-hats. You never know, you might surprise a few of them.

Let us know afterwards how you got on. Be interested to hear what you thought of the event set up too.
pembo said:
Scrap that.... 13.53.... I'll be half way around Rutland Water by then!Good luck!!
Thanks for the encouragement guys!

I also went and registered today, turns out there was a bit of a glitch with the email system that couldn't seem to cope with sending two emails (one for the TT and another for the GF) to a single email address?! Which is why I only received my TT email..

I looks like it will be a good show, the exhibition hall was taking shape when we were there. Lots of shiney stuff to get all gooey over! wink

The TT ramp looks cool, and a little scary... although I don't think there's a flying start to be had. We're strait off the ramp onto polished indoor concrete and a fairy tight (probably similar radius to a smallish round about) 180 degree right hander out of the hall and into the car park leading out onto the course.

Pembo, your mate must be the very person in front of me?! I'm number 180, heading off the ramp at 13:53:30!

My obsession with yellow has also turned white and blue for some reason? smile

ToC TT - Race Ready... by Ben Magee, on Flickr

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Saturday 6th June 2015
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No worries matey, I misread your post! smile

Nearly time for 'the plan' to swing into action... BBC weather app says 19mph wind from the south west! Looks calm here in the Ortons, I'm hoping they've got it wrong! Although that would ba a strong tail wind all the way up the bullock road and back towards the showground. smile

Tomorrow looks nice though, sunny intervals with a 9mph wind from the north west?

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Saturday 6th June 2015
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It was bloody windy! A full 19mph south westerly, which meant cycling into a head wind for the first 5th of the lap, a short cross-tail wind up the hill towards Morborne, back into a head cross wind through Morborne and Folksworth and all the way to the bottom of the bullock road. At which point it was a cross wind at best until the bullock road hill decent when I finally got to enjoy some tail wind upto the round about back into the showground and back into a head wind... It was pretty savage tbh! smile

I don't think I disgraced myself with a 49:04:02 and I finish in front of some people! smile

Finished 96 out of 103 in the 19-34 age group:

TT Finishing Times by Ben Magee, on Flickr

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Saturday 6th June 2015
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Cheers people, I hadn't worked out my average speed but yeah, I'm happy with 34.239kph in those conditions! smile

Something to aim for next year... Watching the BBC interview last night the organiser says that they have the franchise for the event for three years and the opportunity to bid for the world championships! I sincerely hope that today is considered to be a success and that tomorrow goes off as well as possible - this really could be a great event for years to come!

Tomorrow is forecast to be 'only' 9mph wind from the north west?

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Saturday 6th June 2015
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SixPotBelly said:
Banana Boy said:
Something to aim for next year... Watching the BBC interview last night the organiser says that they have the franchise for the event for three years and the opportunity to bid for the world championships! I sincerely hope that today is considered to be a success and that tomorrow goes off as well as possible - this really could be a great event for years to come!
The organisers want to host it annually, the UWCT have sanctioned it for the next three years, and we want to ride it. The one thing that might scupper it happening again next year is if Cambs county council think the road closures were too unpopular this year.

You're a Cambs resident, IIRC, and your view will count as much to them as that of any other Cambs resident. I'm thinking if you were to write in support of their decision to allow the event, and supporting the necessary road closures, it might help a little by cancelling out one complaint. Certainly it couldn't hurt. The more positive feedback they get from local residents the better!

Edited by SixPotBelly on Saturday 6th June 22:21
Ah ok, I think generally the local response has been positive, there were residents of Morborne and Folksworth sitting out on their front lawns cheering people round and clapping which was nice.

I'll definitely be writing to the local council to express my pleasure! I would think all positive feedback will be useful, especially from those visiting the area and being part of the potential £1.2m contribution to the local economy this weekend!

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Sunday 7th June 2015
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What an absolutely EPIC experience!!! smile Congrats to all competitors! It was incredible, probably the best thing since actual sliced bread!

My Strava time looks to be around 04:18:00! Averaged around 31kph which I'm totally chuffed about! I think my official time will be about 04:24:00? which is immense as I was aiming to come in at 04:30:00 smile
Taken along with multiple riders and groups I PB'd loads of segments! Probably went a bit hard in the first half of the ride but I had a plan to take advantage of the wind while I had it behind me and then 'manage' the 2nd half as it came. Overall I'm please with the way it worked, caught the draft of a couple of large groups late on and took as best advantage as I could! wink

Have to say it was a brilliant challenge both physically and mentally, the biggest group I've ridden with until today was 3 (including me!) I probably spent as much time looking over my shoulders as I did looking ahead!

Physically I'm spent! biggrin - The last hour and fifteen minutes or so I endured cramp after cramp through various muscles... at one point I cramped across the top of my knee and couldn't sit back down until it went!

Only had a couple of 'moments', turned in far too late for the left hand bend at the bottom of the Wood Walton Hill! Fully leant over and feathering the brakes I have no idea how I got it round! Later in the Fens I nearly came a cropper against a sudden cross wind whilst taking some gel! smile

Finally I just want to express my huge gratitude to all concerned for an incredible day!

From the organisers to the volunteers, the other competitors and the local residents who supported us so vocally! (I almost got a little choked hearing the cow bells early on - it was bloody brilliant!) I especially want to thank the residents who didn't particularly want the event through their lives but didn't take any action to ruin the day. Who knows, we may have changed a few minds?! smile

Tomorrow I'll be writing to various people and local authorities to express my gratitude as both a competitor and a local resident!

I'm going to sleep well tonight... smile

ETA: I was 3716 today in white/blue/black with a small denim musette aka 'the bin bag' Just in case anybody saw me as they flew past smile

Edited by Banana Boy on Sunday 7th June 20:22

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 8th June 2015
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Gruffy said:
Wrote a brilliant account of his race...
That sounded epic Gruffy! My plan for next year (optimistically assuming that there will be a next year...) is to get some racing miles in my legs and target 3.5hrs!

I too loved the feeling of working in a group, and also found myself in the wrong place in the cross wind a couple of times.

Fuelling is definitely the key to a good performance. I'm so glad I did some research and overcame my old school notions of Bananas and Flapjack ( although I did scoff a banana at the 1/2 way feed station!smile )

What a day, still buzzing! biggrin

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 8th June 2015
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Gruffy said:
Wrote a brilliant account of his race...
That sounded epic Gruffy! My plan for next year (optimistically assuming that there will be a next year...) is to get some racing miles in my legs and target 3.5hrs!

I too loved the feeling of working in a group, and also found myself in the wrong place in the cross wind a couple of times.

Fuelling is definitely the key to a good performance. I'm so glad I did some research and overcame my old school notions of Bananas and Flapjack ( although I did scoff a banana at the 1/2 way feed station!smile )

What a day, still buzzing! biggrin

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Monday 8th June 2015
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Some great race accounts on here already, looking at the photos on the Sportgraf website I must have been really quite close to the front of Pen#2 (I was nearly at the corner with the coffee vans and toilets?!) By the sound of it I'm quite glad I queued from about 10:30ish!

Spent most of the morning emailing as many people and local authorities as I could think of including the ToC team and local councillors and MPs!

I have already had some replies including one from Steve Count, Leader of Cambridgeshire County Council and Councillor for March North who said:

Steve Count said:
Dear Ben

I have just opened my inbox and discovered there are already over a 100 emails expressing thanks for helping the Grand Fondo come to Cambridgeshire. I really must take the time to thank you for expressing your feelings as I am much more used to hearing complaints, rather than compliments and the messages pouring in have made my day. I will pass on your thanks to all concerned and look forward to welcoming the event back again next year.

Regards Steve
I just hope we can all ride this wave of positivity through to next years event... smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 9th June 2015
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johno_78 said:
Has everyone else checked out the pro pictures? The ones of me are very good, thanks to Tony Hetherington for teaching us the Rapha pose thumbup
God I wish I hadn't! Got woken by the email arriving to say that they were up so couldn't really go back to sleep...

The quality of the pics is great but I can't escape the fact that I still look like a rather rotund hairy gnome! The pics from the TT are particularly damning, I can't see any evidence of the howling 19mph wind and I just look like I'm being pushed along be the chief commissaire ( who was probably cursing the fatty grinding it out at the back of the field - but I'm grateful that the dread and fear of him losing his rag and ploughing me off the road spurred me through to the painful end! smile )

My eldest (who's nearly eight...) summed it up perfectly for me 'well done Daddy, at least you're not the only Teletubbie here!' - my reply after 4 and a bit hours of masochistic torture... 'thanks mate...' smile

Next years plan consists of less body fat, more strength and stamina and 12 months of practicing at looking heroic for the cameras! (if that's even possible?!) smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Friday 12th June 2015
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2016 list

1. SixPotBelly
2. PeteB0
3. Gruffy
4. Banana Boy

Email arrived at 10:55, mobile internet issues meant that it took almost 15mins to get my place!

Aiming for sub 4hrs, I'd like to see 3.5hrs but we'll see how the winter goes? I think a turbo trainer will be on the shopping list along with a something shiny and carbon framed... biggrin

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Tuesday 16th June 2015
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TBH the way I read the application form with regards to 'do you have a race licence?' and 'do you intend to race without one?' (or words to that effect) I thought maybe they would have three pens: Pen#1 for race licence holders, Pen#2 for those targeting a fast time / qualification who don't have a race licence and Pen#3 for the sportive bumblers?

It will always be a tall order to filter 4.5-5000 people through what was a fairly narrow channel. I'm still not sure what the fenced off bit of road was for to the side of the start/finish strait?!

Either way, the ToC team seam pretty switched on and keen to iron out the minor wrinkles for next years event.

Roll on June 2016! biggrin

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Wednesday 17th June 2015
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JagBox said:
Banana Boy said:
TBH the way I read the application form with regards to 'do you have a race licence?' and 'do you intend to race without one?' (or words to that effect) I thought maybe they would have three pens: Pen#1 for race licence holders, Pen#2 for those targeting a fast time / qualification who don't have a race licence and Pen#3 for the sportive bumblers?

It will always be a tall order to filter 4.5-5000 people through what was a fairly narrow channel. I'm still not sure what the fenced off bit of road was for to the side of the start/finish strait?!

Either way, the ToC team seam pretty switched on and keen to iron out the minor wrinkles for next years event.

Roll on June 2016! biggrin
None Taken
Sorry matey, I didn't think I was being rude or presumptuous? I was under the impression that there were a number of participants who weren't particularly 'racing' just enjoying the ride on closed roads etc.?! Although it's anyone's guess as to the ratio of licence holders/non-licenced 'racers' and 'bimblers' smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Wednesday 24th June 2015
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SixPotBelly said:
Here you are, CD. The 'national colours' kit being sold by the ToC's clothing partner:

Edited by SixPotBelly on Wednesday 24th June 00:06
I quite like those! I'd like to say 'maybe next year...' but I think I'd need a serious effort to qualify in the first place and a serious change in fortunes to get to Oz... 'Maybe 2017?' smile

On the plus side I was out on the western half of the ToC course again today for what was going to be an effort at some training but... the sun was shining bright and the gentle 10mph+ 'breeze' turned it into a bit of a pleasure ride - got plenty of time for 'training'!(it was strong enough to blow the tree about! - I think the wind can go do one now! frown)

I might have also narrowed my choice of steed down to either: a Bianch Sempre Pro - Athena, a Trek Emonda - probably SL5 if I can live with GREEN!!! or even a Giant TCR Advanced, although I'm not totally sold on the Giant my heart says Bianchi, my head says Trek... might end up down my LBS for a touch and feel on Friday smile they happen to be Bianchi, Trek and Giant retailers and I want to buy it from an actual shop as opposed to an online delivery smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Thursday 25th June 2015
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yellowjack said:
Banana Boy said:
I might have also narrowed my choice of steed down to either: a Bianch Sempre Pro - Athena, a Trek Emonda - probably SL5 if I can live with GREEN!!! or even a Giant TCR Advanced, although I'm not totally sold on the Giant my heart says Bianchi, my head says Trek... might end up down my LBS for a touch and feel on Friday smile they happen to be Bianchi, Trek and Giant retailers and I want to buy it from an actual shop as opposed to an online delivery smile
Wrote a pretty thorough, real world review of the Edmonda SL6
Thanks for that YJ! Tbh, when it comes to the crunch I'll probably go with the head and the Trek... unless I can work on my physique! (my biggest problem with the Bianchi is that without sounding weird, I worry that I'd look a bit fat/ugly riding what I think is a beautiful bike! - god that sounds odd?!)

ETA: I might have accidentally stumbled into said LBS who happened to have a GREEN! SL5 and a Celeste Bianchi in the shop... I can live with the green! It's quite 'appley' to my eye smile - the numbers are being crunched and I think I might be buying myself a shiney Christmas present this December! biggrin

Edited by Banana Boy on Saturday 27th June 07:48

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Wednesday 12th August 2015
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WinstonWolf said:
Heads up, the entry for next year is open this Friday...
Reading through the email, it would appear that they have come up with some interesting solutions to last years issues. Can't wait! smile

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Wednesday 1st June 2016
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I'll be 'Sport'ing it up again this year, be a bit rude not to, seeing as I live a few miles from the start/finish! smile

Did 4hrs 18 last year on the Dawes Galaxy but this year I'm aiming for 3hrs 59 or less on the Emonda... just hoping the 'training' will pay off?!

If nothing else all this rain will wash the roads nicely...

For anyone doing the time trial, The Council have 'resurfaced' the Morborne hill climb and through to Folksworth - when I say 'resurfaced' I mean that bloody awful chippings and tar stuff they tip on top and leave cars to flatten rolleyes, it's fairly compact on the driving line now but is still bloody rough (the damn stuff makes my fingers numb with the vibration through the bike!) and there's loose patches in the centre where very few people have driven. With any luck they'll send a sweeper through before hand?!

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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SoliD said:
... hope the weather improves by Saturday!
It bloody wants to! This last three days of fking wet grey weather has completely destroyed my mood! frown

According to the BBC weather app, it's supposed to have warmed up by Saturday and Sunday might even be sunny?! Looks like a 10-12mph wind from the North West though which won't be very warm!

Banana Boy

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467 posts

115 months

Thursday 2nd June 2016
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yellowjack said:
Ye'll be reet.

I did this... ...on Bank Holiday Monday just gone. Drizzle in the morning, grim'n'grey all afternoon, the whole day with about 20mph worth of Northerly, or North Westerly wind blowing, a good deal of the route with it in my face. And I rode well into the dark hours, it was nearly 11pm when I got back to my hotel.

Similar part of the world, even if a good bit further south and with a bit more shelter on the rolling lumpy bits, but I'm sure ye'll all be reet...

Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine too, just on a bit of a mong at the mo. The blue sad face frown sums me up perfectly this week! (Although I fully realise that I have nothing to feel sad about really!)

j00pY said:
We had 13mph+ North wind last time IIRC. The weather looks okay for Sunday. I guess my current plan is to find a fast(ish) group, do some turns on the front and stick with them especially on the open flats into the wind where I struggle a bit. I couldn't find any big groups to work with that was a similar speed last time so hopped up from group to group never quite having the speed and energy at that point to tag onto the very fast groups coming through. I've set myself a time goal and I want to qualify again, but last year I just rode it for fun not aiming to qualify and had a blast, so have to keep reminding myself to enjoy it.

Hopefully there are signs out this year, but for new riders please watch out for speed bumps on the runway. I saw a group crash and lots of broken bikes by the side of the road last year and was pretty annoyed they didn't indicate that hazzard. Also, some of the junctions had heavy gravel.
It was a good 10-15mph north westerly last year, which is nice at the start when you're feeling fresh and heading south. To be fair it doesn't matter which way the wind blows in the last 3rd, it swirls like a bastid out in the fens!

My plan is to also tag on to (a) similar paced group(s) if I can, altough it will be interesting to see how the new pen grouping will affect the spread of talent?! Last year there were plenty of fast riders and groups caught at the back from a slow get away. My plan is to queue as early as possible again to try and negate being dropped by the faster riders too early. I'm aiming to avg 20mph/32.5kph to clock a 4hr ride over the 80m/130km.