The daily "I cycled to work" thread

The daily "I cycled to work" thread


daddy cool

4,006 posts

231 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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Fairly uneventful ride home yesterday (but pleasant in the sun). However, the following showed just how st traffic is around my 'hood: As soon as i leave work, i have a short steep hill, and halfway up i was overtaken by a van - not dangerously, but just where you sense an element of aggression from the steering inputs etc, so i made a note of his reg number.
Anyway, at the top of the hill he was held up by a dithering woman, so i overtook them both. 200 yards on, he overtakes me again in order to get to the back of a traffic jam (which i sailed past). A mile or so later down in Virginia water he overtakes me again. Several miles later, in Ascot, i overtake him again in a traffic jam.
Finally, into Bracknell at the AMG garage - c.10 miles from work, and nearly home - he finally overtakes me for the last time and i dont see him again.

And thats me riding home, which is mostly uphill, before rush hour, at an average speed of 16mph...


779 posts

114 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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Beautiful morning, a nice reminder as to why I cycle to work 3 times per week! I normally pass the usual faces, but as the sun is out so are the fair weather riders! A few of which were on cyclocross bikes.. made me wonder if i'd benefit from one rather than using my 29er HT for commuting duties. (I ride on 90% public trail that probably does not warrant a MTB)


56 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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yellowjack said:
I don't ride to work, as I'm not working at the moment.

But - loads of fun yesterday, in Greenwich Park, watching 'commuter racing' up the hill to the Observatory. Mental. My first time in that part of London in ages, and I didn't realise that there are quite a few tasty hills in London after all.

Generally speaking, though, how do those of you who ride in London manage to do it and stay sane. Between some of your fellow cyclists riding as if it's their first day on planet Earth, and a strong proportion of drivers who are seemingly out to kill you, it seems a stressful thing to be doing.

I watched one woman in an old BMW cabrio last night. She was leaving a side street ahead of me, turning left into solid traffic. Smartphone glued to her ear, no-one moving to let her in even if they wanted to. She appeared to wait, but then, just as a fast-moving cyclist got close on the nearside cycle path, she rolled forward causing him do brake hard to avoid going over the bonnet. He gave the universal "WTF?" shrug, and got a torrent of abuse in return. Once she broke into the traffic flow, she immediately signaled to turn right. And promptly did so against oncoming traffic. But the van approaching got on the horn and forced her to yield. Then she completed her turn anyway, nearly taking out two more cyclists, while leaning on the horn as if it were her absolute right to cross the path of traffic whilst turning right. All the while still on her blasted phone. The male passenger next to her made no attempt to persuade her to put the phone down either.

I'm not saying that I wouldn't commute by bike if I lived up there, but from an outsider's perspective it looks like a very stressful way to get about. Significantly faster than driving, but stressful nonetheless.
Agree, I see some shocking driving and I live nowhere near London, bollcoks to riding on the road, I'd end up throttling someone or lying underneath a car.

oxford drinker

1,872 posts

231 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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First commute of the year today, and a fine morning for it. A bit out of practice so not that quick today, but still did the 16 miles around 20 minutes faster than it took me to drive the same route yesterday!


11,377 posts

181 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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Chain snapped on embankment, fixed it with a link. Snapped again today on st james.


11,591 posts

210 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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yellowjack said:
Generally speaking, though, how do those of you who ride in London manage to do it and stay sane. Between some of your fellow cyclists riding as if it's their first day on planet Earth, and a strong proportion of drivers who are seemingly out to kill you, it seems a stressful thing to be doing.
You just have to get zen-like.

And get a bike with discs.


3,524 posts

220 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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Another frosty start but the swan on her nest stood up to preen herself and could clearly see at least one egg, watching nature is a pleasure of the ride. Home run was helped by slipstreaming a tractor, that made the dodge the potholes game more fun.


56 months

Wednesday 20th April 2016
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AllyBassman said:
Beautiful morning, a nice reminder as to why I cycle to work 3 times per week! I normally pass the usual faces, but as the sun is out so are the fair weather riders! A few of which were on cyclocross bikes.. made me wonder if i'd benefit from one rather than using my 29er HT for commuting duties. (I ride on 90% public trail that probably does not warrant a MTB)
I ride a cyclocross bike to work (in all weathers and right through the winter I might add wink) and I love it. It's such a great bike. Amazing how much quicker it is than the 26" hard tail MTB I was using before, even with similar width tyres. So, do it.


35,227 posts

214 months

Thursday 21st April 2016
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Lovely morning to cycle in. Not too cold (about 7 degrees) but, for skinny me, still far too cold for summer gear!

Legs felt tired after a tough session yesterday but still a 17.3 average over the 20 miles and didn't push too hard.

Porridge with Cinnamon, honey, nutmeg, ginger and Chia seeds for breakfast..... Mr fancy pants hehe

Speaking of pants..... Bloody got to work and realised I had no boxers here so it's commando today like the other chap here the other week! Lol


3,524 posts

220 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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Thanks to you poor unfortunate pants forgetters it is the first item I tend to pack when sorting out the bag for the next day.
Pleased with this week did 4 out of 5 days, which gave me a nice mileage total of 156.9 miles.

Farming on the fens was in full swing yesterday morning with plenty of potatoes being planted and a field of brocoli, by the evening the fields were deserted but did watch a kestrel giving a buzzard some grief, even when the buzzard decided to land the kestrel just kept dive bombing it.


11,591 posts

210 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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AC43 said:
yellowjack said:
Generally speaking, though, how do those of you who ride in London manage to do it and stay sane. Between some of your fellow cyclists riding as if it's their first day on planet Earth, and a strong proportion of drivers who are seemingly out to kill you, it seems a stressful thing to be doing.
You just have to get zen-like.

And get a bike with discs.
Discs came in handy first thing on Thursday morning. A gentleman in a white A4 TDI deliberately pulled right out on my as I barrelled down the hill near my home. It was a close thing.

Apparently where this gentleman comes from a white Audi displays great status and power and bestows in him the absolute right of way over paupers on bicycles.


Black can man

31,884 posts

170 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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AC43 said:
Discs came in handy first thing on Thursday morning. A gentleman in a white A4 TDI deliberately pulled right out on my as I barrelled down the hill near my home. It was a close thing.

Apparently where this gentleman comes from a white Audi displays great status and power and bestows in him the absolute right of way over paupers on bicycles.

I saw one with indicators last night , yea


23 posts

114 months

Saturday 23rd April 2016
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I remembered yesterday why I don't normally cycle at morning rush hour. Stinking bin lorries, exhaust smoke in the face from buses, overtaking a family on a four person bike (mother cycling with three little kids in a city rush hour!), bikes with children in trailers which seem terribly dangerous. I think I will be staying in bed for another half hour before heading into the office from now on.
Cycling home in the evening is much more pleasant.


11,591 posts

210 months

Sunday 24th April 2016
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Black can man said:
AC43 said:
Discs came in handy first thing on Thursday morning. A gentleman in a white A4 TDI deliberately pulled right out on my as I barrelled down the hill near my home. It was a close thing.

Apparently where this gentleman comes from a white Audi displays great status and power and bestows in him the absolute right of way over paupers on bicycles.

I saw one with indicators last night , yea
Other than that heart stopper it was great, though. Capped off with an R1 with an Akroprovic exhaust giving it beans away from the lights and wheelie-ing off into the distance down the Edgware Road


35,227 posts

214 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Probably shouldn't post here because it wasn't a cycle to work (days holiday biggrin) but I did go out for a 27 mile loop I'd done several times before, though not for a while. Very happy with how it went, temperature was nice, though it was a little windy. Wanted to push on, but not kill myself (did HARD session saturday and 53 miles/3750ft climb yesterday) so ended up with an IF of 0.837 and did a 19.1mph average despite some annoying traffic issues!

Steve vRS

4,897 posts

243 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Wet and windy in but a promising looking tail wind for the ride home.

Pants have been remembered recently...



693 posts

123 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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I'm a driver first and a cyclist second, but during the week I cycle. I quite like it, because the route is blessed with cycle paths or lanes on the road so in fact, I get to work faster than I would in my car and with minimal stress apart from a few dappy people wandering around the cycle paths like they've just been beamed down from outer space (who I rather don't mind slaloming around), or drivers who don't look. I arrive at work feeling energetic, and I leave in the evening with a nice ride to take away the stress of the day.

Today I had a guy arrive at the end of a side turning, that joined the road the I was cycling along. He saw me a way off but was blocked from pulling out by other traffic. Naturally, he waited until I was approx. 10ft (and closing) from him to pull out into the smallest gap in traffic and at this point he wouldn't look at me because, if you can't see something, it's not there...right. I did satisfyingly manage to call him a dkhead as his window happened to be open so, at least he knows what I thought, and I'd have said the same in my car.

This actually didn't annoy me so much, it's bad I suppose, but I expect it so I've always got a hand covering a brake lever but, what does annoy me is the number of cyclists around here who think it's acceptable to run red lights at pedestrian crossings. I guess I'm not a true cyclist, because I get irate at them and fully sympathise with the pedestrians, and today I was one of those pedestrians. I stopped dead in the road (crossing still bleeping and lights red) waiting for the collision as he abruptly stopped looking most inconvenienced, with his front wheel almost touching my leg half way into the crossing zone. So, I pointed out that the light was red and that he'd been a bit of a PEN 15, and he wouldn't even acknowledge that I was speaking to him. Seems to be the tactic of many of us cyclists these days who get a ticking off from pedestrians, but then bleat when someone wrongs them and post the clips onto YouTube, doing best to incite hate on motorists and pedestrians.

I never really got the war between cyclists and other users of our highways, but the more I cycle the more I understand why some people just want to mow you down, good cyclist or not.

Edited by 1Addicted on Monday 25th April 16:02


564 posts

123 months

Monday 25th April 2016
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Ended up wetter than an otter's pocket on the way in, luckily I keep a spare pair of socks for times like this... But the thought of putting on cold, wet shoes in an hour for the ride home, is filling me with joy.


2,112 posts

135 months

Tuesday 26th April 2016
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RMT industrial action killed my train service on Southern Railway so I'm going to try and do the double today for the first time i.e. cycle in and out of the office same day. Last couple of weeks I've been trying it out in one day back another <> 30 mile each way.

I made it into the office in good time, nice and bright but pretty chilly.


8,096 posts

252 months

Wednesday 27th April 2016
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Brrr! Glorious morning but a bit fresh.