The first tv/film(s) to scare you



Original Poster:

8,402 posts

247 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Remember when you first saw a scary film and because you were a child you couldn't sleep at night for being scared?

Whilst occasionally a film can leave me a little unsettled (Ringu, Martyrs for example) they can't really actually cause a scare 'cos they're only a moovie see'

However I do remember being absolutely terrified with 'The Legend of Boggy Creek'

It's basically a crap bigfoot film, but it said it was 'based on a true story' and my parents house had a big garden that backed onto a wood, therefore in my head that's where Bigfoot lived. I spent most of the winter evenings looking out my bedroom window convinced he was there!

Also 'Jaws', this premièred on the telly, my folks let me watch the start where the nice lady gets eaten, then tell me it was bed time!

Not a chance in hell of sleeping that night!!


It's a pity in a way that you grow out of being scared, but I thought it might be fun to see if anyone had an equivalent scare when they were too young to know better.


Nom de ploom

4,890 posts

176 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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As a kid the triffids 80s series scared teh bejaysus out of me.

as a slightly older kid the first time I saw "The Thing" i dumped my rubbish.....


8,600 posts

144 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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American werewolf in london.

watched it when i was about 10, on my own, with the light off. When i should have been sleeping


1,345 posts

234 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Nom de ploom said:
As a kid the triffids 80s series scared teh bejaysus out of me.
Yup, I think I must have only been about 6 when it was on, not sure what possessed my parents to let me watch it.


833 posts

137 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Trilogy of Terror had me out in a cold sweat when I was young.

Elroy Blue

8,692 posts

194 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Salems Lot. (The one with David Soul and James Mason) The vampire guy floating and tapping at the bedroom window terrified me for weeks.

northwest monkey

6,370 posts

191 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Honey Boo Boo's mum.

Oh, and the music from Dr Who.


Original Poster:

8,402 posts

247 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Nom de ploom said:
As a kid the triffids 80s series scared teh bejaysus out of me.
Ooh yes, they don't make TV like that any more!


2,707 posts

197 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Nightmare on Elm Street when I was about 10 on my mates VHS player. I did not sleep for days afterwards.


3,785 posts

173 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Older sister made me watch Alien when I was 8, in the days when Doctor Who was considered scary

Scared me stless!

On the other hand, it completely desensitised me to anything I've seen since!


12,754 posts

169 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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IT, when I was about 7 or 8. Couldn't go into the bathroom without putting the plug in.


13,845 posts

167 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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I watched Aliens with my dad when I was about 6, I had really wanted to see it and one night when my mam went to work he put it on for me and my brother. Coolest thing I'd ever seen. It didn't scare me, nothing ever really has. I know that's a generic hardman answer, but I've never had trouble differentiating between real life and what is on the tv.


11,490 posts

165 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Signs. When Merrill is watching the birthday party in Brazil, and the motherfker alien walks past!


543 posts

207 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Quatermass and the pit

Shaw Tarse

31,544 posts

205 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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It wasn't the film, but the record from War of the Worlds!


16,744 posts

219 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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1,738 posts

187 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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Elroy Blue said:
Salems Lot. (The one with David Soul and James Mason) The vampire guy floating and tapping at the bedroom window terrified me for weeks.
Watched this when on holiday in 1985, would have been 11 at the time; scared the st out of me.

Obi Wan

2,086 posts

217 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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The orginal texas chainsaw massacre when i was 12. One of most memorable scenes was when leather face grabs the girl and the steel door slams shut!


1,099 posts

191 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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First scary film I saw was The Innocents(1961), I would have been about 10 years old when I saw it in the 70's - still a creepy film now! Also I remember the Fem-Bots on the tv series The Bionic Woman.....they proper scared the crrap out of me at the time!

More recently though the one film that probably scared me the most was definateley the first Paranormal Activity - watched it on my own, lights off.....didn't dare go to bed after it! From the first moment you see their bedroom door move a few inches by itself.....eek


44,364 posts

199 months

Monday 15th December 2014
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The original, 1930s (?) King Kong film. It scared the life out of me as a five year old.