Avengers: Endgame



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Thursday 4th April 2019
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I reckon, Cap will die, in an heroic act of sacrifice. A la what Frodo intended for himself.
Maybe a Sam/Frodo Tony/Steve deal too, but only one is saved?
Hulk will revitalise...maybe wield a gauntlet?
I don't actually reckon Marvel will have that big role, just a role.
Ant-Man will be intrinsic
Stan Lee cameo.....hope it's good

p1stonhead said:
Thats a point, do I need to see Captain Marvel before Endgame?
Not really.


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185 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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Antony Moxey said:
As an aside, what would be the preferred order to watching all the films? Chronological release order or maybe start with the first Captain America as historically (I think) it was the first? The second option would take a bit of working out though.
As they came out I reckon. Most of the films are timed liked that, with a few exceptions, like GotG both having specific years, and 2 coming in very shortly after 1.
The events of IM2, Thor and Hulk all happen in week I think.


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185 months

Thursday 4th April 2019
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I think the netflix stuff will be irrelevant/forgotten in a few years. Feig never acknowledged anything outside of his domain, though the Agent's of SHIELD has a stronger connection to the films (or actually a connection!) it's still one way traffic and is never referenced by them, and now I don't think ever will be. Bit of a shame for certain characters to be in that black hole.


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185 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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The INfinity Stones are layered throug the whole of the 21 film macguffinery. But as Endgame lite atching, I like

Guardians of the Galaxy 1&2
Avengers: Age of Ultron
Captain America: Civil War
Thor: Ragnarok
Avengers: Infinity War

maybe ANt-Man and the Wasp since there's so much on quantum stuff....and it is a rather cool lil film, and revels there was a goliath as well as an ANt-Man way back when.


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185 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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wjb said:
Halb said:
maybe ANt-Man and the Wasp since there's so much on quantum stuff....and it is a rather cool lil film, and revels there was a goliath as well as an ANt-Man way back when.
I've only seen antman/wasp once, I enjoyed it but I've got a feeling it was underated (if that makes sense), want to watch it again before endgame.
It's a nice lil story, like both AM films have been, yeah it's got a cosmic/quantum macguffin, but the scope is small, like a HItchcock film. I just like Paul Rudd, his performance is a nice counterpoint to others, he's an everyman who has fallen into becoming a superhero, pretty cool! PLus I love Evanlina Lily! I'd hope that there is a nice third film to pay off this trilogy, it'd be a shame if there wasn't, the first two have made money since they're small films, so there is no real reason why there shouldn't be.


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Friday 5th April 2019
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andyjo1982 said:
Reading through last couple of pages, and potential outcomes, and saviours, giving me goosebumps thinking about what they've been through.

Think I need to watch Ragnorok again before Endgame, amongst others.
I think that's a good call as THor3 is one of the few films that directly segues into another film.
I'm a theory nut. When I watched Cap 1 when it was repeated on telly a couple years ago, I saw what happened to Red Skull in a new light, and predicted that he'd appear in IW ( a year before it came out). I'd have to rewatch Ragnarok, but there are so many theories about utilising big hitters for THanos.


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185 months

Friday 5th April 2019
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Amused that they've stuck a smile on Moody Marvel. hehe
Avengers Endgame Special Look BREAKDOWN
Beyond The Trailer Published on 2 Apr 2019

Grace reckons that Endgame could take Cameron's title.
Captain Marvel Billion Dollars - Box Office
Beyond The Trailer Published on 3 Apr 2019

Looking at numbers, MCU now has 7 billion dollar films.


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185 months

Saturday 6th April 2019
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if anything is important about not being spoiled, it's this...what's the weekend gonna be? 300 million?
Not wholly sure, but aren't they opening on all screens? Should be enough space


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185 months

Monday 8th April 2019
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ukaskew said:
So I've managed to avoid pretty much everything, trailers, news, opinion pieces, fan theories. I was feeling pretty smug as I'm going away abroad in a few days time with limited net access, and not back till the film is out. I win!

Then an Avengers Lego set arrives for my nephew, which has a rather significant spoiler right there as a fairly integral part of the build. Doh!
What is it?


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185 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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ashleyman said:
I was having a conversation with a friend on the weekend about how well this movie will do in Box Office Charts.
Avatar didn't have a record breaking opening weekend. I think it opened to $70m or so. Then the word of mouth spread and it blew up.
We all know Avengers: End Game IS going to have a record weekend if the last few MCU films are anything to go by but I'm not 100% sure it's going to break the records people want. I think it's going to be a massive opening night/day and will drop off soon after. I was sure this would beat Titanic and go to $2.3 - $2.5b but now I'm not so sure.
We bought our tickets the day they went on sale and within 72 hours I had friends texting me to ask if I'd booked as they hadn't been able to get tickets until showings on the Saturday & Sunday.
Just had a quick look at our local cinemas and I'm not sure whats happened but the 00.05 showing on Thursday AM is not showing up anymore. In the other local cinema that is doing a 00.05 showing it's fully booked.
Every screen for the Thursday night is still there and nearly sold except for the front rows. Friday is also looking popular but not rammed. Saturday & Sunday nights are looking empty - as you'd imagine if the movie had been out 2 weeks prior.
Ok, the demand is there and I'm sure worldwide it all adds up, but I think it'll hit #3 on the charts and stop there. I'll happily be proven wrong though and would like to see it beat Titanic!
Adjusting for inflation if Titanic was released in 2018 it would have hit $3,872,531,435. Beating that with End Game is unlikely.
Edited by ashleyman on Monday 8th April 23:50
I think it's getting released in far more screens worldwide, fairly sure that's what I read/watched. So emptyish screens are likely, Cap Marvel wasn't rammed when I watched it and that has taken 1 billion. I think Endgame will smash titanic, and for Avatar, I reckon it'll get very close, and could take it, I think it'll do better in China than IW too. It's be the biggest weekend opening yeah.


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Tuesday 9th April 2019
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Guvernator said:
I don't think it will have the legs tbh. Yes great opening weekend but I think it will shoot it's bolt too soon rather than have the stamina to go the distance. Avatar and Titanic felt like they were on the big screen for years. While Marvel have certainly opened up superhero movies to a much wider audience, it's primarily still a certain demographic that are into them, the appeal of the other two where much more universal.
What do you think it's final take will be?


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185 months

Tuesday 9th April 2019
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I don't see how you can not think it'd race past IW! biggrin

Anyhoo...this popped up...I've not watched it yet...it's long!!!!
Every Marvel Pitch Meeting In Order Of MCU Timeline
Screen Rant Published on 7 Apr 2019


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185 months

Thursday 11th April 2019
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I listened a few times, heard nowt and wad gonna post here to ask if this was a joke.
Checked the yt comments first and someone links the timestamp, 50 seconds. And of course it's a whisper.


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185 months

Thursday 11th April 2019
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...could be a sound editor having fun....
well we have Scarlet Witch, and we haven't really delved into her powers. Now the fox deal is done, we may see telepaths in the mcu, a power we have hitherto not seen. I cannot think of the top of my head of any non-mutant telepaths, so it may be a mutant thing....
erm, I've forgotten if SW is dead. biggrin


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185 months

Thursday 18th April 2019
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A friend told me something, but outside of my fave ytubers, I idn't really pay attention. biggrin
I'm fine with being spoilt some things, so long as it's not all. I know that things are better enjoyed when one already knows, but surprises are a sweet experience too.


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185 months

Monday 22nd April 2019
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ashleyman said:
Well. We’re all caught up. Spent the last 2 weeks re-watching the films from the start in order.

Very ready for End Game now!
any changes on opinions on the films in the rewatch?


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185 months

Monday 22nd April 2019
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"new territory"

Avengers Endgame Box Office Predictions - Opening Weekend?
Beyond The Trailer Published on 22 Apr 2019


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185 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2019
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ashleyman said:
Even though it was our second or third time watching some of the movies I still enjoyed them very much. It was interesting to see how certain events were building up for other films and how they all tie together.

I think out of all the films my least favourite was Infinity War. It was interesting, all the different bits and pieces going on to set up the finger snap, favourite scene was probably the NYC scene with Stark, Strange and Banner. It certainly wasn't an Avengers movie, it was Thanos' movie. The deaths felt a bit staged - coincidently we're left with the original MCU characters leading into End Game. Even though we had the snap and a lot of 'deaths' it felt a bit empty. I'm sure once I've seen End Game I'll feel differently.

New Favourite is probably Thor Ragnarok - mostly because I've become familiar with the directors work recently and am a fan!
rewatched certainly coalesce some feelings, and dispel others. ONe only really knows if a film is good after a few watches.
I've only seen IW once...no time to rewatch now. It sits in my top 5 still.
I was having an imaginary chat with Feig the other day, and I told him I loved all the Sakaar Raganrok stuff and was bored stless with Asgard, I would have preferred if THor sacked off Asgard and went and had cosmic curvatures with Hulk. biggrin
But then we did get some good Revengers stuff.


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185 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2019
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Watched Hitchcock...nice film, and then I read this article.
nice lil titbits on secrecy


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185 months

Tuesday 23rd April 2019
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Antony Moxey said:
Apologies for the stupid question, but ‘Endgame’ doesn’t signal the end for this series of films does it, or is it just the end of the Thanos story line?
It's the culmination of this section, and of something they started to mould back around....Thor, I think...
Feig has said that thenext 'ohase' may not be a phase as such...who knows what that means, less connection is something I'm hoping for. Let the creatives off to go and do lots of stuff, while at the same time keeping the tone and universe. I wonder if Feig will be in charge of this thing for another 20 years?