Game of Thrones - No spoilers



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Monday 9th May 2011
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Asterix said:
The dwarf.
Yeh, you could certainly have an ace time with him.


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Monday 9th May 2011
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Christos that was good! The last scene was electric! Was wondering where it was gong and thought that she might be in danger...well that was wrong!


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Tuesday 10th May 2011
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richtea78 said:
Several times I ended up with goosebumps and I know what is going to happen!
Same here, it's good when acting, direction editing comes together.

Just watched GoT:Welcome to the Kingdom, have understood it a little more now. At least it answered a question I had, I kept thinking Bean was the Hound of the King, then they called that big fella the hound (little brother of the Mountain), now I know he is the Hand.
The big fella is called the Hound isn't he?biggrin
Is also fun to see the two blondies as non-blondsbiggrin


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Friday 13th May 2011
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Well so far I haven't changed my mind aboot any charcters I like/dislike.

I think it is suitable for a 15 year old to watch, unless the 15 year old is going to live in an Abbeybiggrin


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Monday 16th May 2011
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Speedracer329 said:
Somehow or other the books have passed by my radar, but I was really looking forward to this. I wasn't around when it was screened though so had to record the first 4 episodes to watch at a more convenient time.
And I have a complaint! I watched them all back to back last night & I am hooked. Great story, interesting characters, superb filming & backdrops, I need to watch more. Now.
that is my complaint as dare they release such a great show in only 1 hour episodes!


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Monday 16th May 2011
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Famous Graham said:
Bloody hell.
I know! How the frack does a show that started so strong just keep getting better?
That last scene was elecric, as was the Eeyrie scene and the dragaons head...and the....etc

And how godsdamn big was the Mountain? His lil brother is 6'5!

My ears must be getting old though, or my telly is ste, I couldn't understand what the sneaky lord said to the young Stark girl just before the boulder brothers got it on, and I didn't get what the gaoler said to the imp either. Even after rewinding a few times.


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Monday 16th May 2011
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richtea78 said:
That bit pissed me off at the end, in the book Jaime doesnt get involved in the fight. The whole point of Jaimes character at that point is he is the best swordsman in the land, it didnt feel right seeing Eddard holding his ground against him.

Eddard isnt meant to be a great swordsman, thats not his thing. The whole fight was changed from the book and I thought the book did it better.
Not knowing the book I was on the edge of my seat for that, and was gutted that Ned 'lost' (by default)


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Tuesday 17th May 2011
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chris watton said:
Would I be correct in assuming that all the bickering families set aside their hatred for each other to fight against the tribes accross the sea?
I wouldn't count on that, it was very curious to see the beard from across the sea chatting to the eunuch...scratchchin hmmmm

Glad to see there wasn't an advert till after 20 minutes in...if this had been on Five it would be two hours long with adverts.


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Wednesday 18th May 2011
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Hmm...I think they covered it well then, no-one actually won the fight and it didn't last long.
From the subtle expressions on the warriors faces Ned was giving it all and enraged and Jamie seemed mildly surprised at first then shook him off for another go. Jamie wasn't trying to kill him and from his character I wouldn't be surprised if he went at it half strength (ala the famous sword scene from The Princess Bride) just to see how good he was, hence the slight face he made in the clinch and being royally pissed off that he wasn't allowed to show Ned up on his own.

I also think too much aboot this sort of stuffbiggrin


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Wednesday 18th May 2011
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Janluke said:
In the book you get a bit more history of the bad blood between Ned and Jamie but spread over several different chapters. I think that scene works well and gives the viewer a sense of that bad feeling without having to include every detail from the book.
two very good actors.


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Thursday 19th May 2011
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I got that. Ned went off when his captain/mate got it in the eye. I think the writing/direction/acting has come together on this so that if you watch it, you get a lot from it.


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Thursday 19th May 2011
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hornetrider said:
Shhhhh wink

What I found interesting last time out was a perceived softening of the Queen when reminiscing with the King. She's been a cold bh so far but it was interesting to see the wistful look in her eye and by god there was even a smile or two.
I was intriguied by that as is well written...cannot fortell how this will falloutbiggrin


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Friday 20th May 2011
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F i F said:
Had a quick squint down the first few pages and I suspect that if I'd opened the book first I might not have watched the series as the writing style is not the sort of thing I tend to stick with.
what is it like?


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Tuesday 24th May 2011
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IainT said:
Famous Graham said:
As for the poster who said Tyrion was the most deep character yet, I have to disagree. He's a manipulative little sod, don't get me wrong, but we've seen nothing of him save his ability to talk people into doing his bidding. Thus far, he's actually pretty two dimensional. A conniving, cunning git.
I think this is an area where the TV really lest us down plus Tyrion's character really develops in the second and 3rd books. What comes out in the books, even this early on in book 1, is that he's very intelligent and has little time for people unable to keep up but is usually undone by being a sarcastic sod.
Have to disagree slightly with that. His actions with Stark's bd and the cripple lad reveal more in him than than just a cunning lil git.


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Tuesday 24th May 2011
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Currently ill at home and rewatched, think this'll will have to be a second viewing programme just to make sure I don't miss stuff and enjoy all the good bits. Didn't realise that Ned only twigged after his two daughters were discussing Joffrey.
Also the scene aboot denouncing Gregor and the gold crown scene were ace, as was the trial and the imps acting with the fkwit gaolerbiggrin


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Wednesday 25th May 2011
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IainT said:
F i F said:
Later during the hunt scene it just struck me that the serf could be a younger Jaime Lannister and wondered if there was a bit more bar stewardry afoot.
You're referring to his page (the lad following him through the forst feeding him copius quantities of wine) - he is a Lannister and foisted upon Robert by his darling wife.

What really didn't come accross in the show so far is just how evil Cersei, Joffrey and Viserys are.

BTW: are we allowed to discuss major plot events after the airing of the episode or would that still constitute spoilery for those with Sky+?
Yeh the page was discussed by Robert a few episodes ago. I like the elder Lannister.
Who is Viserys?
I think it is ok to discuss events once the show has aired from 9pm Monday.
A question, is the elder Lannister different from the one that Ned has sent a raven to at the Lannisters home? I am not sure if I am getting two names that begin with a T mixed up. I am also beginning to warm the Greylove boy, a bit of a pillock but revealing more, this thing is very well written.


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185 months

Wednesday 25th May 2011
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That family tree is most useful, I had forgotten aboot it.
IainT said:
Halb said:
Yeh the page was discussed by Robert a few episodes ago. I like the elder Lannister.
Lancel Lannister is the page.
By 'elder' do you mean Jaime Lannister or the father Lord Tywin Lannister?
I mistook the grey haired gent for Jamie's dad, the bloke who was with Robert on the hunt. He was well kitted out same as Jamie.

IainT said:
Halb said:
Who is Viserys?
Viserys Targaryen - Elder brother to Danerys - the platinum haired chap who got crowned this week.
Ahh yes, thanks for that, he always came across as super nasty without overdoing it, and didn't really have the stuffbiggrin

IainT said:
Halb said:
A question, is the elder Lannister different from the one that Ned has sent a raven to at the Lannisters home? I am not sure if I am getting two names that begin with a T mixed up.

Tywin - the Lory Lannister (father to Cersei, Jaime, Tyrion, etc.).
Thanks, after viewing the tree obviosuly we havn't met Charles Dance yet, it was the fellow I mistook earlier.

IainT said:
Halb said:
I am also beginning to warm the Greyjoy boy, a bit of a pillock but revealing more, this thing is very well written.
He's a relative bit-part player in the first book apart form the scene where he saves Robb and Bran. Much more active in book 2!
Great. A question. In book 2 are there any physically large characters that make an appearance, similar to the Hound or Mountain? And is Karl Drogo so big in the book?

Raify said:
Kaelic said:
Tyrions confession just sums him up biggrin made the bald man cry hehe..
Was anyone else reminded of Chunk's tearful confession in the Goonies during this? Very funny stuff.
It was funny. The best bit was when he mentioned honeycomb and a jackass and ratboy asks, 'then what happened'.biggrin


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Wednesday 25th May 2011
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oj121 said:
Why are you asking about physically large characters? Are you into that sort of thing? HA!
The Mountain is about as big as you get. The Hound is bigger than I imagined really not sure why.
Drogo is about right really. They are depicted as horse lords and they fit the bill perfectly.

So in answer no not really although Umbar might be a pretty big lump. Hes one of the Starks bannermen.
Yes I am...but not in the way you think;)
Umbar a main character in book 2 or a lesser one?


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185 months

Wednesday 25th May 2011
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oj121 said:
Am i going to regret asking what your facsination with BIG MEN is?
Haha, funniest post of the night, Richtea guessed it;)

richtea78 said:
Umber Greatjon is meant to be big but I dont think as big as Gregor Clegane who is meant to be the largest person in the World. There is also some very large Northmen in the second book if you are thinking of auditioning for a part! Gregor is a particularly nasty piece of work, he is claimed to have murdered most of his family, 2 wives and killed the infant Aegon (Prince at the time) and raped his mother with the dead kids brains still on his hands!
Bit of trivia, Gregor Clegane is played by Conan Stevens, Jason Momoa who is Drogo will be Conan the Barbarian in the soon coming movie - well I found it interesting!
Great ta for that, and you guessed right;), I wanted a name of a big Northman, and aim to contact the casting director.biggrin

I was already aware of Conan but didn't realise it was him, I think only UBL Scott Schwartz coulda played him otherwise. I knew the Momoa trivia because I am also a Conan fan, but won't be watching the new one because it doesn't look that great. I am also a huge Tolkien fan, and am amazed that they are putting a 7 foot man in as a goblin, even the biggest goblins are smaller than a normal man (save the Urak-hai)...then again PJ is such a bastardiser of Tolkien's work I wouldn't be surprised if he slips in a love interest for Bilbo and has Elves save him in the mountain, he is a real frackwit. Conan in my mind would be perfect for Beorn, I wonder who they would get for that part?
Mikael Åke Persbrandt is Beorn.

Edited by Halb on Wednesday 25th May 22:14


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185 months

Wednesday 25th May 2011
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Ahh, brilliant thank you.
He is almost 60, my range is in the 30s, I suppose he is an old character then?