Why do they do it? genuine question!

Why do they do it? genuine question!


Pan Pan Pan

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Monday 1st March 2021
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Saw a video that I managed to miss when it first came out, of Mariah Carey singing her Visions of Love song. And what struck me (as well as how good the song was), was how good she looked in her early days.
Now she has undergone the Miss Dunlop treatment, she possibly wouldn't recognize herself if she bumped into herself walking down the street, and she is not even the worst of what `some' do to themselves.
It seems quite a few these days want botox treatment, that makes them look like they have crashed into an inner tube factory, and walked out with one stuck to the front of their face. What on Earth do they `think' they look like? Then there are those with all over tats, who look like they have crashed into a wallpaper factory. With the sad part being that many of them, were delightful to look at, without all that false stuff being done to them.
I just wonder, every time I see an example of this, is WTF did you go and do that to yourself for?
Whilst I realize that for some, (even though they might already look great naturally) getting these `enhancements' is all part of the make up, and appearance arms race, but for me at least, it does not make it any easier to understand.

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Monday 1st March 19:48

Pan Pan Pan

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Tuesday 2nd March 2021
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Douglas Quaid said:
Looks starting to fade is very depressing. It is an attempt to hold onto youth. With some it works great, Tom cruise has looked young up to now although is starting to fall apart. With others it doesn’t work so well.
Getting old is st.
Agreed! but like the saying goes, not one of us has ever gotten out of here alive, The added problem for those who have turned to the `plastic' is that whilst their `normal' bits will carry on ageing `normally', the plastic does not.
Those who have turned themselves into grotesques with these `procedures', begin to look increasingly grotesque as they get older.

This query was also to some extent prompted by a poster on a local web site asking where the best botox salons were, in the area. I remember thinking please just don't do it!
But of course it was the posters boat that was going to be ruined, so what the hell!

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Wednesday 3rd March 20:43

Pan Pan Pan

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Friday 5th March 2021
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Just to take this topic a little further, how many people here would be happy if their girlfriend / wife / partner announced that they were going to have their lips inflated with botox?
Would it be a case of your face,, your choice, or would it be a case of trying to talk then into or our of having it done?
Again a genuine question, because from my POV I cannot see why some feel the need for it.

Pan Pan Pan

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Friday 5th March 2021
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LaurasOtherHalf said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
Just to take this topic a little further, how many people here would be happy if their girlfriend / wife / partner announced that they were going to have their lips inflated with botox?
Would it be a case of your face,, your choice, or would it be a case of trying to talk then into or our of having it done?
Again a genuine question, because from my POV I cannot see why some feel the need for it.
My personal opinion, I hope I give my wife enough confidence in herself the she wouldn't feel it's necessary. You don't even need to be a superstar these days, in a couple of circles I move in (fellow business owners etc) it's not that unusual to see the wive's suddenly crop up with mid season upgrades.

I personally feel it says more about the state of their marriages that they're probably thinking they need to resort to such efforts in the misguided effort to keep their husbands on the straight and narrow (funnily enough, their husbands tend to be the ones who go on "golfing" weekends etc which seem to revolve around strip joints and city centres rather than country clubs!).
This begs the question Do the women who do have this done actually believe it makes them look better, and if so on what grounds?
Most (it seems) just manage to turn themselves into grotesques. Which is why I really did wonder why they do it.

Pan Pan Pan

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Friday 5th March 2021
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steveo3002 said:
id like to know how it ever became the in thing to want to look like that , stupid lips , big black eye brows like a clown , painted up all orange they look like a fool
Same thoughts here, They make themselves look like clowns, that have escaped from a circus, or a refugee from a Nick Parks stop/go animation film, But as asked before, do they actually believe they are making themselves look better? Perhaps they really do? I just wondered what the reasons why they have done this to themselves might be.
As a mate who also had thoughts about why they do this said, `They must make sure they don't fall over in a supermarket, because they would need to be slid all the way to the door before they can break the suction, and stand up!
Surely their partners would not want them doing this to them selves?

Edited by Pan Pan Pan on Sunday 7th March 11:15

Pan Pan Pan

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Friday 5th March 2021
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steveo3002 said:
think leslie ash was an early case of this , very popular attractive young woman , then instead of aging gracefully she ruined herself and looks a mess
Leslie Ash was indeed another case in point. It was not as if she looked bad to begin with, Then she went and got botox, after which she looked rough and unnatural.
As posted above this question was prompted by seeing an early video of Mariah Carey, before she got the plastic, and whilst looking at some of the later ones, then thinking WTF did she go and do that to herself for?
I was really intrigued to know if those that do / did this to themselves actually believe they have made themselves look better, because IMHO the exact opposite seems to be true?

Pan Pan Pan

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Friday 5th March 2021
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BurtonLazars said:
This thread pisses me off. And you guys have every right to your views, but here’s mine before I leave you to it.

For years women have had to endure a society (and especially the case in movie & music industries) in which their primary value is their beauty. Even today the amount of films where the male actor is 50 but his wife is 20-something is just disgraceful. As said above take a look at the “who’s aged” thread, which is nothing more than a thin veneer excuse to sneer at people for not looking how they did decades ago - regardless of whether or not they’re a better person now who’s achieved something great.

In this environment, with then the added fuel of “everyone presenting only their best selves” on social media (where best self is faked and airbrushed) - is it any wonder that people try treatments to delay aging? Add into that mental health / low self esteem issues, that cause people to double down on this stuff and you have a giant cluster fk. IMO most of the people you’ll sneer at were mentally vulnerable people who were then exploited by the people around them.

Can I kindly suggest that the people who want to sneer on this thread take a moment to consider that they’re partly responsible for what’s happening. And that if they don’t like it, they can change it in a positive way rather than victim blaming.

I know a bunch of you guys will think I’m a woke liberal. But on the other side, you guys seem like outdated dinosaurs. A hair’s breadth away from when Jimmy Saville would in public pat women on the bum, ask for the “one with the big knockers”, etc. It wasn’t ok then, it was just socially acceptable. It still isn’t ok now, and thankfully it’s becoming not socially acceptable any more. These women put up with it in silence because they had to and were conditioned to.

Also you don’t plump lips up with Botox. You sound like a dumb bint recommending to cure brake squeal by oiling them.

I doubt that any `forced' themselves to have this kind of work done on them, (especially at the prices charged by those who carry it out) They did it to themselves. And it is not only women who feel the need to do this. So We don't need any of the WhIte Knight in shining armour attitude.
Which was why I asked WHY do they do it?.
Even some naturally good looking women do this to themselves, with no one forcing them to. So it is too simplistic to just blame it on society
If someone is not particular attractive, it may be understandable, that they might indulge in some `enhancements' , but for already good looking people to do it, likely means there is an underlying mental health issue to be dealt with.
If a partner stated that she was going to have this done, I would try to persuade her not to because how she looks naturally is all that I would be happy with. but on the other side of the argument, as stated earlier there is also the consideration, that it is her face, and her choice about what happens to it, to be taken into account.
What would be best, if if the public were able to realize that doing this damage to themselves is neither clever, nor desirable.

Pan Pan Pan

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Saturday 6th March 2021
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Pixelpeep Z4 said:
from what i've seen on social media and experienced in the work place, its actually women who are 'shaming' other women.

they've whipped themselves up into a self for-filling prophecy, but acting like dinosaurs and STILL blame men. We haven't been part of the equation since the launch of facebook in 2004
To some extent I understand why women (even beautiful women) use make up etc to enhance their looks, because for women it seems to be an arms race, to ensure `their' best chance of achieving whatever goals they have, compared to the women around them.
Using make up etc can also help their confidence levels, and in the case of those blessed with less than perfect looks, still improve their chances.
But when tattoos, and the type of surgery being discussed here (or both) are used, which ends up turning them into grotesques, it goes outside my understanding of why any would choose to do it.
As asked before I wonder if those who indulge in it, actually do believe they look better. Or do they look in the mirror and think Oh b*lloxs I have f*cked my face up, for nothing?

Pan Pan Pan

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Sunday 7th March 2021
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BurtonLazars said:
Leslie Ash didn’t want her lips to look like that. It was a procedure that went wrong out of her control.

As far as I’m aware a “nonce” is slang for a child molester. So, no - I don’t think you’re a child molester for sneering at someone who suffered surgical failures. I do, however, think you’re a massive tt for doing it.
Even where the operation goes `right?' those that indulge in this, STILL manage to make themselves look bizarre, for what reason?
As mentioned before, I can fully understand why those unfortunate to have suffered an accident / illness (even a malicious attack) which cause some real problems, which have affected their appearance, having this sort of procedure done.,
But for perfectly normal, (and in many cases of already of good appearance) people to do it, is so very strange.
I hope the desire for unnecessary tats, or plastic surgery is just a passing fad that will (hopefully soon) die out. (Probably wont though)

Pan Pan Pan

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Sunday 7th March 2021
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As the saying goes !Lets cut some sthkin! smile

Pan Pan Pan

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Sunday 7th March 2021
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nicanary said:
Pan Pan Pan said:
BurtonLazars said:
Leslie Ash didn’t want her lips to look like that. It was a procedure that went wrong out of her control.

As far as I’m aware a “nonce” is slang for a child molester. So, no - I don’t think you’re a child molester for sneering at someone who suffered surgical failures. I do, however, think you’re a massive tt for doing it.
Even where the operation goes `right?' those that indulge in this, STILL manage to make themselves look bizarre, for what reason?
As mentioned before, I can fully understand why those unfortunate to have suffered an accident / illness (even a malicious attack) which cause some real problems, which have affected their appearance, having this sort of procedure done.,
But for perfectly normal, (and in many cases of already of good appearance) people to do it, is so very strange.
I hope the desire for unnecessary tats, or plastic surgery is just a passing fad that will (hopefully soon) die out. (Probably wont though)
Interesting point. I wonder what Katie Piper thinks of these people ?
That sir, is an excellent question.

Pan Pan Pan

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Monday 8th March 2021
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BurtonLazars said:
Leslie Ash didn’t want her lips to look like that. It was a procedure that went wrong out of her control.nt
As far as I’m aware a “nonce” is slang for a child molester. So, no - I don’t think you’re a child molester for sneering at someone who suffered surgical failures. I do, however, think you’re a massive tt for doing it.
There wasn't anything wrong with Leslie Ash`s lips or her face, in the first place. (she may not even have got the jobs she did in TV / show business if there had been) Yet she did that to `herself' and probably paid a lot of cash for the dubious privelege of wrecking her face. and What for?

Pan Pan Pan

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Tuesday 9th March 2021
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StevieBee said:
ghost83 said:
I can’t understand why people mess with their faces as it always goes wrong

Anything south of the neck is fine though as long as they don’t end up looking a dogs dinner
Worth noting that you only tend to notice when it's gone wrong or the client's requirement exceeded the recommendation of the surgeon. There's plenty that have a bit of work done that you wouldn't notice until you realise they're knocking 90.
I guess the problem is, that there are plenty who don't get anywhere 90 before the `enhancements' become noticeable, and not in a good way.

Pan Pan Pan

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Thursday 11th March 2021
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Saw a news article recently which showed one of the latest wheezes for those who believe that the artificial modification of appearance is an OK thing to do, is where the hard of thinking, are having their dogs ears cropped to make them look `hard' FFS!
Can just imagine walking down the street, and seeing a thick, nasty, insecure brute walking down the street on the end of a lead, whilst at the other end of the lead is a dog, that has had its appearance artificially mucked about with.