Black Lives Matter activist critical after London shooting.

Black Lives Matter activist critical after London shooting.



17,216 posts

257 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Canute said:
London in the past few years really has started sounding like a no-go zone.

This incident will no doubt stir things up even more.
She (& others) are very unsupportive of the police and call to have it defunded. No doubt, I am sure she would not want any police resources to be dedicated to finding the perpetrators.

It becomes a very hard job for police officers to do their job without being accused of racism these days and based on the crime stats / number of stabbings in certain parts of London there is a lack of policing.


19,992 posts

188 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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I will be very surprised if this isn't black on black violence.


12,642 posts

259 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Biggus thingus said:
"shot shortly before 03:00 at a gathering in Southwark."

Is this BBC language for falling out of a nightclub at 3am?

Very early morning march?

Hope she recovers and sacks off any further 3am gatherings
Sounds like it may have been an illegal house party. If so there's a decent chance that there would be trouble between gangs.

I hope that she recovers, and if the perpetrators are caught and prosecuted I hope that sh'll change her view on getting rid of the police.


25,929 posts

175 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Supercilious Sid said:
powerstroke said:
Esceptico said:
CeramicMX5ND2 said:
Sasha Johnson: Black Lives Matter activist critical after shooting, her political party says.
This has all the ingredients to begin a chain of violence. I certainly hope it doesn't....
Has all the ingredients for a PH thread where people try to outdo each other in displaying lack of empathy, schadenfreude, indirect racism and just being unpleasant human beings. Perhaps I’m being too cynical though.
Well done posting the first ......
Just wait for the rest of the 'woke thread' gang to wake up. It will be wall to wall accusations of (non-existent) racism.
I so glad someone called this out.

He (or she) posts the same thing on every remotely political thread.


17,423 posts

191 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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I am sure she was there just keeping the peace between the other 5 people, who were also outstanding members of the community and prominent activists fighting the good fight.


742 posts

44 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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dudleybloke said:
I will be very surprised if this isn't black on black violence.
Surely it will be the racist police again ??


939 posts

47 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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red_slr said:
I am sure she was there just keeping the peace between the other 5 people, who were also outstanding members of the community and prominent activists fighting the good fight.
They will probably want to name a street after her for all the good she did. Maybe a few statues too.

404 Page not found

15,334 posts

202 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Now then, what can my part be in this thread?
Erm, Hmm...oh oh. I'll be the person who says...

Now then chaps. Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's just wait till the Police investigation before commenting. Alright? OK then.


558 posts

227 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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anonymous said:
Exactly. Some of the chaps in this thread should hang their head in shame.


6,375 posts

186 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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From what I have seen of her in the past, I'm wondering if her mouth and attitude ran away with her again, and somebody didn't take too kindly to it.

I hope she pulls through though, deeply unpleasant situation for her and the family.


12,642 posts

259 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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anonymous said:
The same sort of weirdo who used the killing of a violent black criminal in the US to push a political point, perhaps?

Or the sort of person who'd use the murder of Jo Cox to make a political point.

Or the sort of person who'd use the shooting of Mark Duggan to make apolitical point.

Or the sort of people who'd make a political point about the murder of Sarah Everard.

Is there any particular reason those political points are fine, but you're offended by this one?


742 posts

44 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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anonymous said:
surely that was the entire point of BLM ??

The police in america killed a couple of black people, there also kill white people. The push against it was always that black people kill each other as if is going out of fashion.


4,163 posts

73 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Esceptico said:
Has all the ingredients for a PH thread where people try to outdo each other in displaying lack of empathy, schadenfreude, indirect racism and just being unpleasant human beings. Perhaps I’m being too cynical though.
Sod it, I’ll be first then. It’s not like I particularly care what random strangers on the internet think of me.

Whilst it’s tragic that what appears to be an innocent person has been shot and is in critical condition, anyone who espouses critical race theory is clearly racist, anyone who attempts to bestow the wonders of Marxism or Marxist organisations is either genuinely evil or blissfully ignorant, and any individual who passionately believes in abolishing the Police, the Judiciary and the Prison Estate should stand by their core beliefs and insist that the Police contribute zero resources to solving this crime, and the Police themselves should follow this individuals political wishes.


19,424 posts

261 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Guardian said:
“It is with great sadness that we [her party] inform you that our own Sasha Johnson has sustained a gunshot wound to her head. She is currently hospitalised and in critical condition. The incident happened in the early hours of this morning, following numerous death threats.
Guardian said:
A police spokesperson said that, while the investigation was at an early stage, there was nothing to suggest it was a targeted attack or that the woman had received any credible threats against her before this incident. Detectives from the Met’s specialist crime command (Trident) were leading the investigation.


12,642 posts

259 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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105.4 said:
Sod it, I’ll be first then. It’s not like I particularly care what random strangers on the internet think of me.

Whilst it’s tragic that what appears to be an innocent person has been shot and is in critical condition, anyone who espouses critical race theory is clearly racist, anyone who attempts to bestow the wonders of Marxism or Marxist organisations is either genuinely evil or blissfully ignorant, and any individual who passionately believes in abolishing the Police, the Judiciary and the Prison Estate should stand by their core beliefs and insist that the Police contribute zero resources to solving this crime, and the Police themselves should follow this individuals political wishes.
We can add to that the fact that BLM only care about violence committed by white people and the police, they very clearly choose not to view black on black violence as a problem. If they are to be consistent in their outlook, and if this is gang related, they should shrug over this and move on, just like they do with every other shooting or stabbing that they can't make political hay from.

It's inevitable that some people are going to point out the irony of somoene who was anti-police now needing the police to bring their attackers to justice.


17,216 posts

257 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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105.4 said:
Esceptico said:
Has all the ingredients for a PH thread where people try to outdo each other in displaying lack of empathy, schadenfreude, indirect racism and just being unpleasant human beings. Perhaps I’m being too cynical though.
Sod it, I’ll be first then. It’s not like I particularly care what random strangers on the internet think of me.

Whilst it’s tragic that what appears to be an innocent person has been shot and is in critical condition, anyone who espouses critical race theory is clearly racist, anyone who attempts to bestow the wonders of Marxism or Marxist organisations is either genuinely evil or blissfully ignorant, and any individual who passionately believes in abolishing the Police, the Judiciary and the Prison Estate should stand by their core beliefs and insist that the Police contribute zero resources to solving this crime, and the Police themselves should follow this individuals political wishes.
With such limited available information how are you able to make any assertion about her innocence?


23,249 posts

272 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Canute said:
London in the past few years really has started sounding like a no-go zone.

I can assure you, London really isn't a no-go zone. smile


3,120 posts

210 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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anonymous said:

Pastie Bloater

694 posts

165 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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S11Steve said:
From what I have seen of her in the past, I'm wondering if her mouth and attitude ran away with her again, and somebody didn't take too kindly to it.
With this attitude someone was gonna do something sooner or later


20,510 posts

124 months

Monday 24th May 2021
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Northernboy said:
Or the sort of person who'd use the murder of Jo Cox to make a political point.

Is there any particular reason those political points are fine, but you're offended by this one?
The murder of Jo Cox was literally a political murder.

wiki said:
The perpetrator of the attack was Thomas Alexander Mair, a 53-year-old unemployed gardener born in Scotland.[19] Mair had mental health problems,[20][21] though he was declared sane in the moment of the crime.[1] He believed individuals of liberal and left-wing political viewpoints, and the mainstream media, were the cause of the world's problems.[21] Guardian writers suggested that he targeted Cox, a "passionate defender" of the European Union and immigration, because he saw her as "one of 'the collaborators' [and] a traitor" to white people.[21]

Mair had links to British and American far-right political groups including the neo-fascist National Front (NF), the United States-based neo-Nazi organization National Vanguard (the successor to the defunct National Alliance) and the English Defence League (EDL); he had attended far-right gatherings and purchased publications from the National Vanguard and other outlets,[21][22][23][24] to some of which he had sent letters and expressed support for South African apartheid.[25][26][21] In his home were found Nazi regalia, far-right books,[19][27] and information on the construction of bombs.[21][24] He had searched the internet for information about the British National Party (BNP), South African apartheid, the Ku Klux Klan, prominent Jewish people, matricide,[19][27] white supremacism/nationalism, Nazism/Nazi Party, SS/Waffen SS, Israel, mass shootings, serial killers, Frazier Glenn Miller Jr., William Hague, Ian Gow (another assassinated MP),[21] and Norwegian far-right terrorist Anders Behring Breivik (about whose case he collected newspaper clippings). He also owned Nazi iconography and books and films related to the Nazis.[28] A police official described Mair as a "loner in the truest sense of the word ... who never held down a job, never had a girlfriend [and] never [had] any friends".[21] The Guardian said that he "appears to have fantasised about killing a 'collaborator' for more than 17 years, drawing inspiration from" David Copeland.[21]