45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 13)

45th President Of The United States, Donald Trump (Vol. 13)



61,123 posts

219 months

Friday 20th May 2022
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More bad news for Roger Stone, seems messaqes from the F.O.S. — or Friends of Stone chat group have been given to investigators. 47 members of the group, all the right wing people involved in trumps coup attempt. People like Owen Shroyer, the right-hand man of the conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, Enrique Tarrio, the onetime chairman of the Proud Boys and Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers militia amongst many others

It shows Stone was at the centre of organising the maga militia


61,123 posts

219 months

Friday 20th May 2022
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Eastman has testified that he communicated regularly with trump and that trump was directly involved and micro managed, in his attempt to keep 600 of his emails private claiming client/attorney privilege.
Nor does he want to hand over two hand written notes from trump...
He also communicated with trump lawyers Kurt Olsen and Bruce Marks and Fox News host Mark Levin.

Also he wants to hide his communications with state legislators, some of whom he advised to appoint slates of pro-Trump electors to overriding the certified results of the popular vote in their states and give the election to trump.


I'm not sure it's a winning gambit saying that trump was directly involved in the fraudulent schemes to overthrow the election, so you can't read our emails and notes about that. They've already ruled that client/attorney privilege doesn't count for criminal acts, and Eastman wasn't being paid...

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 20th May 14:53


61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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Washington Post are reporting on how Ginni Thomas pressed Arizona lawmakers days after the 2020 election to declare the win for trump using "a clean slate of Electors." She was pushing this on 9 Nov, and we already know from previously released texts and emails that this strategy was planned even before trump lost


No wonder Judge Thomas has been speaking out about media pressures, protests, they should be left alone...
He knows just how much his wife was involved in pushing trumps Big Lie

Remember - this is exactly the same crime that has Fulton County DA Fani Willis and her grand jury criminally targeting Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, and others.

Edited by Byker28i on Saturday 21st May 06:23


61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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Looks like trump has caved and produced the documents that New York Attorney General Letitia James had him fined daily for contempt of court.
trump has not only paid the fine but turned over the documents that they allegedly couldn't find, despite his lawyer claiming in court she even looked under his bed...

However, trump has failed to produce the sworn statements about the “Trump Organization’s document retention and destruction policy” that the judge has also demanded. Remember Cohen has already said he's given them copies of those documents so was this a final throw to get trumps copies to see if they were doctored or if he'd destroy them?

trump was the final witness in Letitia James’ civil probe into the trump org and so it's expected she’ll be announcing her findings and penalties soon. I'm expecting huge fines, which they won't pay and then asset seizures that no doubt will keep the courts busy for even longer as trump appeals


61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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Giuliani testified for more than 9 hours to the trump insurrection investigation yesterday, he finally went.
he was subpoenad in January



61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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LArry Ellison, Oracle CEO and Musks biggest backer for the takeover of twitter was directly involved in trumps Big Lie.

Shortly after trump lost he was on a call with Lindsey Graham, Sean Hannity, Trump attorney Jay Sekulow and far-right attorney James Bopp, Jr. as they discussed strategies for contesting the vote results


Same old names come around and around...


61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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Wow trumps put on a lot of weight?


61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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The con is running again. Remember last time noone won it..


25,035 posts

195 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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Byker28i said:
Wow trumps put on a lot of weight?
He was a fatass as president, he hid it with those ridiculous suits.


61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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trumps great revenge against Brian Kemp by endorsing his opponent David Perdu isn't going well, so trump has abandoned him.
Perdue is down 32 points with 4 days left, and spending $0 on ads during the campaign’s final week, and trump is trying to now disassociate himself with another loss, is scheduling no appearances or efforts to help him in the last fw days.



61,123 posts

219 months

Saturday 21st May 2022
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I see Flynn has been banned from twitter again. Mind you yesterday he was up and saying We really need to understand what we’re up against .. I have planned for, and I have executed, the takeover of countries around the world .. We are up against something that is very powerful, and it’s spiritual.”



61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Byker28i said:
The trump insurrection investigation has asked for Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk to be interviewed by them, saying he lied about no tours were given through the Capitol Capitol complex the day before trumps coup attempt.

The committee;s letter to Loudermilk says that Republicans on the House Administration Committee, including Loudermilk had previously reviewed security footage from that day and claimed there were no tours, but Thompson and Cheney said the committee’s review of the evidence “directly contradicts that denial” that there were no tours.

Loudermilk is now saying that no member of the group he led “has been investigated or charged in connection to January 6th.”

Remember Loudermilk filed an ethics complaint over the allegations there were reconnaissance tours days before the attack

Letter here:

I wonder what other Georgia representatives they know about giving tours...

Edited by Byker28i on Friday 20th May 06:50
In a followup, the Capitol Police have said they've "cooperated extensively" with the trump insurrection investigation and the Justice Department "by providing witnesses, documents, and 14,000 hours of security sensitive camera footage."

Obviously part of that is looking at who gave tours. Remember Boebart claimed she hadn't, then said she'd shown around 3 people, family members, at a time she wasn't even a member, we know that Greenes frequent associate, Anthony Aguero, was inside the capitol during the coup attempt. We know the maga militia knew which of the 12 windows out of all of them hadn't been reinforced.

I think there's more to come out about these 'tours'

Edit: Ah, Loudermilk has now changed his story from no tours to "a constituent family with young children meeting with their Member of Congress …” , to now “a family with young children and their guests.”

No mentions of guests on Thursday, nor previously when he denied all and raised an ethics complaint about being accused of giving tours...
It may be really innocent and just lax security, but it really looks like GOP member are hiding things about these tours

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 22 May 06:45


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Russia has banned 963 Americans, including Biden, Harris, from entering the country. Also named are dead lawmakers, John McCain, Harry Reid, Orrin Hatch

trump didn't make the cut...

Edit for reuters link: https://nordot.app/900727298131099648?c=5926227575...

Edited by Byker28i on Sunday 22 May 07:00


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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trump has given a speech to CPAC Hungary, that also had speeches from Tucker Carlson, Mark Meadows and of course Jack Posobiec, pusher of pizzagate and racist Zsolt Bayer


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Ron Johnsons re-election speeches feature the claim that "There’s nothing wrong with succeeding and living the American dream."

So that American dream is being handed a thriving business by his father in law, using your position in politics to benefit yourself and your biggest donors and hence doubling your wealth since joining the senate....


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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trump/team trump was banned from twitter again. They set up an account called @PresTrumpTS to copy the few trumps posts from Truth Social and it was rapidly banned


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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Don Jnr hunting guide is facing charges

Utah hunting guide Wade Lemon is facing five years in prison for baiting a bear that was killed by jnr on 18 May 2018. Claims that Jnr didn't know bait had been used, but the guide had been baiting the area for some time, with a trail camera pointing at it. This was the trip that jnr posted photos of him with a dead bear and a mountain lion


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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The group that took on Cawthorn and made him unelectable are now targeting Boebart

Oh go on - do Marge next please


61,123 posts

219 months

Sunday 22nd May 2022
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DDoSecrets is releasing approximately 128,500 emails allegedly from Hunter Biden's laptop - which they say are "being distributed by Trump allies and former staffers" - with a warning that the dataset shows evidence of tampering.

We know that real emails were taken from the cloud to give the faked disk an air of authenticity. The emails are dated from 2015, but show a modification date of 2019 and the recent one chosen and pushed by the New York Post was modified in 2021


61,123 posts

219 months

Monday 23rd May 2022
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Speaking of Family profitting from the position, the NY Times is running the story of Kushner and Mnuchin profiting and their trips to the middle east just after trump lost the election to ensure they had a finance stream ongoing.

Kushner made three trips to the Middle East, Mnuchin had a tour through the region that was planned to include private meetings with the heads of the sovereign wealth funds of Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait who all turned out to be large investors in their businesses.

Non firewalled copy her: