Can we talk about Sweden for a bit?

Can we talk about Sweden for a bit?



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Wednesday 16th September 2015
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AJS- said:
Sweden has an identity, but many in charge seem to hate it.

It's not a country I've visited or know much about, so I guess I've always had a sort of cliched image of it defined by Volvo and Ikea - sort of cleanly functional, friendly and inhabited by the descendents of those Vikings who were waiting for SIPS and airbags before they would get in a long boat. Mild mannered decent people with firm hand shakes. I've always gravitated towards more chaotic countries, but it looks like I'm missing out on an epic shambles there.

I know many on the British left have always looked to Sweden (and other Nordic countries) as a sort of proof that social democracy can work well. It seems they were as wrong as I suspected.

But how did this happen historically? At what point did Sweden decide it was going to take this form of liberalism to such an insane extreme? What is it about Swedish national identity that they hate so much?

Was this road to hell ever really paved with good intentions? Or was it national suicide from the start?

I've Googled it a bit but seem to either end up on white supremacist blogs.
To my knowledge it started in 1975 with Olof Palme. He put a bill ( 1975:26) through parliament, the gist of which was that Sweden was to become multicultural. To quote, 'immigrants and minorities should be given opportunities to choose the extent to which they want to assimilate into the Swedish cultural identity or retain and develop their primary identity'.

In practical terms it meant that, for example, children of immigrants had 'parental tongue' lessons. I myself spent the first two years of school in an all-Finnish class in an otherwise Swedish school, being taught in Finnish. It was only in the third year that we were finally transferred to a normal class, and that was mostly due to money being tight. I'm sure Finlandia has similar experiences.

I'm not entirely sure when it all started accelerating toward the insane, but my best bet would be roundabout 1997 when Göran Persson (another bloody Social Democrat) put another bill through parliament titled 'Sweden, the future and diversity' ( 1997/98:16). In it, it is established that cultural diversity should be the benchmark for government policy on all levels and in all areas. More importantly however, it explicitly states that it should be the mortar that holds society together.

Historically what has held this country together is its fraternal social fabric. In a word, ' folkhemmet' or 'the people's home'. It's the very concept that the Social Democratic party is built upon - the notion that the entire country should be like a small, tightly-knit family where everyone contributes and takes care of eachother. That's not just a political excuse to raise taxes and build welfare states, but a distinctly Scandinavian cultural trait facilitated by small, homogenous populations and a high level of social cohesion.

And that I believe, to finally answer your question, is why we seem to suffer from such limitless self-loathing. At the very core of Swedish civilisation is an inherent quality passed down through the generations that, for all its good, is by virtue of the Social Democratic influence of the last 100 years also intrinsically linked to horrors such as 'The State Institute for Racial Biology' and forced sterilisations to keep the population homogenous and free from undesirable elements. Much like the Germans are still reeling from their past, so too are Swedish socialists. It's as if the Social Democrats bottled our national spirit and took it to its logical (albeit extreme) political conclusion. Therefore, in the great socialist tradition of progressiveness, it must be eliminated - including themselves.

That Fredrik Reinfeldt, our last PM, flipped the tables on the left and forced them to turn their insanity up to 11 (as per the situation we're in today) is almost a funny parenthesis in the grand scheme of things.

Sorry about the history lesson!

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 16th September 06:26

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 16th September 09:00


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Wednesday 16th September 2015
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BrabusMog said:
Looket, I know you are severely disillusioned with Sweden but to say there is no national identity is preposterous.
Of course there is a Swedish identity. I was merely expressing what is being shoved down our throats by politicians and media.

I'm not just making it up. See my above post for reference. You already know what the political landscape looks like. But did you also know, that in 2012, 41% of journalists supported the Green Party, 15% the Left Party and 14% the Social Democrats? At Sveriges Radio (BBC Radio equivalent) 54% supported the Green Party, and at SVT (BBC) the same figure was 52%.

I can guarantee you that those numbers have not got more balanced since then. That's not exactly a safeguard against unbiased reporting. Most newspapers are open about writing 'agenda shaping' pieces. Guess what the agenda is when damn near all journalists are left-wing extremists?

Yes, Swedes are proud of themselves and their country. They're proud about their openness, about their industriousness and about their general dominance in all things welfare, pop music, Volvo, IKEA and H&M. That's not at issue here. Nor is celebrating traditions that no one really remembers the meaning of anyway. However, ask a Swede to celebrate his country and his heritage and he'll get awfully quiet awfully fast. Not because he doesn't want to celebrate those things, but because he's been told in no uncertain terms that those things are ugly.

I clearly remember, growing up, how on the last day of school every summer the entire school (including parents) gathered outside to sit on the grass to sing the national anthem while flying the Swedish flag. Not so much anymore. And since the 'racist conspiracy theorists' have pointed this out, we're told we never sang the national anthem on the last day of school. We only sang Den blomstertid nu kommer (we sang that too) and honestly, is flying the flag such a big deal anyway?

As I said previously, cultural diversity (or rather, multiculturalism) is the foundation for all policy. It takes precedent whatever the issue. I appreciate I sound like a nutter of the highest order, but you only have to have a quick glance at the links I provided above. And to those ends, any exhibition of national pride beyond the most superficial appreciation of our national achievements is counter-productive to the cultural diversity cause.

The sad thing is that the only reason Swedes accept this treatment of themselves, is precisely because of their culture. The very same culture they're told to despise. Their fear of confrontation and their desire to comply with consensus is why they lap it up and keep their traps firmly shut.

I'm glad that you like Sweden, but for the sake of your children I can only hope that you keep a door open to the UK. There have been suggestions that the 'free-school' policy should be scrapped and that privileged Swedish children should be sent to immigrant dominated no-hope schools and vice-versa to aid integration. If it comes to that or anything close to that it may be wise to start contemplating a move. As things currently stand, I'm saddened to say, I'm of the firm conviction that there is absolutely no future in Sweden for any potential offspring of mine.


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Wednesday 16th September 2015
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AJS- said:
No apology needed, it's very interesting. And quite alarming.

Basically a massive over-reaction to the past. It sounds like an extreme form of something that exists everywhere in the western world and especially Europe. I would love to know more about where this sort of self-loathing and perhaps even masochistic fetish for national suicide comes from.
At a guess, the Germans are to blame.

The '68 movement was particularly successful in Sweden and many of the protesters at the time have reached senior positions in the Swedish establishment. The Social Democratic party HQ is located at 68 Sveavägen for crying out loud!

IainT said:
Most of the Swedes I know (quite a few as I'm married to one) have a really string sense of national identify and great fondness for all the little things that make them Swedish. Then again, most of them don't live in Sweden any more!

I work for a very large company that is UK/Swedish and the Swedish identity in the company is strong and part of what makes it a great place to work at.

I'm really saddened to see what's happening to Sweden - our long-term plans were to retire there.
Ah, yes, the London Swedes who all descend on the Swedish delicatessen in Marylebone to buy knäckebröd and to stock up on Kopparberg and Rekorderlig. And then proceed to boast loudly to all and sundry about the superiority of all things Swedish before listing all Swedish achievements. 'Did you know Skype is a Swedish invention? Oh yes. And that Roxette, The Swedish House Mafia and Avicii are all Swedish artists? Mmmm-hmmm. Oh, by the way, that coat you're wearing is by Hennes and Mauritz. How do I know what H&M stands for? They're Swedish don't you know! Did I mention I'm Swedish?'

I think it's some kind of psychological escape valve with a bit of a culture shock thrown in. The Brits are quite openly proud to be British, so why not join in on the fun of a bit of patriotism? Except the Swedes have been so henpecked for so long that it tends to go a bit overboard. I'm embarrassed to say I've been guilty of it myself - when I first moved over to the UK I found myself in the middle of a rant about the British obsession with ketchup and mayonnaise while boasting about my Swedish healthy ways when I was politely told to feck off or shut up. I took the hint.

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 16th September 10:22

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 16th September 10:23


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Wednesday 16th September 2015
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BrabusMog said:
don't forget Spotify, that's Swedish too.

Looket, I can't help but think about a phrase my dad has used a few times in my Life when giving advice; the grass isn't Always greener on the other side...
How could I forget Spotify? Shame on me!

As for green grass I'm well aware of the vast range of issues facing the UK, yet in my opinion it's still a far better place to live and raise a family. I realise I come across as an alarmist nutter with a particularly bad case of tin-foiled rose-tinted-glassinitis, but all I'm trying to do is document the insanity. Because that's exactly what this country has descended into. Total, utter madness. Even I have a hard time believing half the st I write in this thread but sadly I don't think I've written anything that can't be substantiated, and if I have I would be absolutely delighted - nay, ecstatic! - to be proven wrong.

EDIT: Got busy while writing this, so didn't see your new post. Fair enough about your SIL. I understand the situation is different outside the major cities, however there does exist a very real housing shortage and nowhere near enough new stock is being built to meet current demand let alone future demand. Last time I checked the solution was to build stacked container villages, now it's to allocate the rental market to immigrants. The point being, it's probably not going to get much better any time soon.

As for Swedish education, it's in free fall by any possible metric. Have a look at the trajectory in the PISA rankings. Consider the fact that the prime minister just last week said that they should probably exclude immigrants from the statistics because they are so hopelessly behind the learning curve. Then think about whether you'd like your children to be placed in their schools to build cultural bridges, as has been discussed recently.

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 16th September 13:27


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Friday 25th September 2015
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I do love the Angry Dago! biggrin

Here's the debate he referenced in all it's pathetic (and subtitled) entirety:

Oh, those evil racist Danes. I seem to recall some resident PH lefty is married to one (possibly FredClogs?). He must be crying himself to sleep every night.


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Friday 9th October 2015
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Holy moly!

I'm watching the live stream of the Christian Democrat party meeting, and they've just decided to piss all over the 'December agreement'. They've got bigger balls than I imagined.

Democracy isn't entirely dead yet! Although the socialists in government may very well be very shortly.


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Friday 9th October 2015
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Halb said:
Can you give details of what is going on, and also, what it may mean?


Basically, the 'December Agreement' (or DÖ for short, which means 'DIE') has been an unmitigated disaster. The Sweden Democrats have grown from 12.9% in the 2014 election to touching 30% in some polls, while the established parties have collapsed. To a large extent because of immigration policy but also because a lot of right-wing voters are a bit... miffed that a right-wing majority results in a socialist minority government with the explicit support of the right wing. A bit like voting for the Tories and Dave turning around to say 'sorry, we're in the majority but we're gonna give Millipede a chance anyway'. It's madness, and all because of the big bad wacists.

So, now the Christian Democrats have actually listened to their voters for once and decided not to honour the agreement. In practical terms it probably doesn't mean much, they're a small party and don't have enough votes to become king makers. However without a united front the deal is now only advantageous to the socialists and on top of that the CDs will now absolutely murder the other right wing parties, whose disillusioned members will now have a socially acceptable party to turn to. It'll force the Moderates (Tories) to do the same in next week's party meeting if they have any survival instinct left, and that'll be the definite end of the socialists. We'll have a somewhat functioning democracy again.

I'm guessing we'll see a snap election some time next year.

EDIT: The Moderate party leader has now declared the agreement dead and buried. If she truly means it then the socialists should encounter some serious difficulty in getting their budget through. Game on.

Edited by Looket on Friday 9th October 18:46


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Wednesday 25th November 2015
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hidetheelephants said:
The BBC are reporting that Sweden is in meltdown, they can't cope with the volume of migrants and are considering options; the minister responsible is reported to be in tears? No idea what that means but it sounds like uncommon sense might be making a break for freedom.

Reuters: swedish asylum rules tightened.

Edited by hidetheelephants on Tuesday 24th November 23:02
From the Migrant Crisis thread:

She (Vice-PM of the Green Party) said that there have been serious discussions in her party lately, regarding their 'view of reality', and that she has grown convinced over the past couple of weeks that the best way to help her local councillors is 'to do something, after all'. Cue waterworks.

Edited by Looket on Wednesday 25th November 00:59


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Friday 27th November 2015
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speedy_thrills said:
OP why do people not just start anonymised Flashback profiles if they want to express their racism? Are you somehow compelled to reveal your identity when you sign up?
You used to have to sign up with an e-mail address for account recovery reasons, and some used their personal e-mails oblivious to Stasi plc lurking around the corner.

As for 'racism', by any possible Swedish definition, the Greens and Socialdemocrats are now hardcore neo-fascist nazi racists.

irocfan said:
get rid of the racist blond people?
You say that jokingly, but it was only last summer that very same came out with these gems:

'We [the Green Party] question the Swedish man's right to eat meat on the expense of the Sudanese woman's right not to have her harvest destroyed'.

'That questions pertaining to the environment, gender equality and "the equal value of all humans" aren't discussed in politics is the fault of white men'.

Basically, she and the rest of the Swedish lefty establishment hate white, straight racists, sorry I mean men. And they luuuuuuuuuuurve everyone else.

Edited by Looket on Friday 27th November 08:30


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Tuesday 1st December 2015
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Some bright spark has come up with a brilliant new scheme to fast track the integration of 'unaccompanied children' into Swedish society: by meeting Santa.

Look at these little bundles of joy:


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Tuesday 1st December 2015
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Axionknight said:
Is this some sort of joke? I'm 27 and they are all surely at least as old as me.
Not a joke. It's been going on for years. Funnily enough almost all of them are born on January 1st. The government will start age determining as per their new proposals, but only after the rules come into effect sometime mid-next year. And even so it only applies to new asylum applicants.

In 2011 (I think) this was Sweden's fastest 14-year-old:

Pictures of many more children:


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Tuesday 15th December 2015
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Looket said:
According to Rebecca Uvell, an actual proper journalist that still takes pride in doing her job, the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning published a largely unnoticed report in March regarding immigration, the housing shortage and the massively over-crowded asylum centres.

If you're not familiar with the Swedish rental market, all you need to know is that it's heavily controlled. Most parents register their children with various private and communal housing queues as soon as they're born in order for them to have any kind of chance of moving away from home in the distant future. To get an apartment in Stockholm you need decades worth of accumulated queue time - and even then you're lucky to get a box room in a distant sthole of a suburb. The private sector is, for all intents and purposes, non-existent. Contracts are either traded on the black market for ridiculous money (you're essentially... buying a rental) or swapped for brick and mortar. Want my £400/PCM Zone 1 apartment? Fine, I'll swap it for your £400.000 house.

Anyway, in their report they recommend that all available rentals be required by law to register with one single council-controlled housing queue. And that 'factors other than queue time' be the deciding factor in who gets first dibs on any given apartment. In other words, all rental apartments are to be allocated to immigrants. Due to legal reasons however they acknowledge that while forcing landlords to ultimately surrender their property rights may be difficult, they can be prosecuted for discrimination if they refuse to let their apartment to whomever the council send their way.

I wouldn't be surprised if all this actually came to be. Mehmet Kaplan, Minister of Housing for the Green Party is a known mentalist (clue is in his name and party affiliation).

All I can say is that I'm glad to be leaving this madhouse behind very shortly.

EDIT: This is Mehmet Kaplan:

Edited by Looket on Tuesday 15th September 16:21
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand... hey presto!

Well, almost anyway. The council-owned housing association of Örebro, with a market share of a whopping 70%, is voluntarily considering offering out atleast 10% of their housing stock to immigrants. They, along with private landlords (who are also very keen on the idea) 'want to take responsibility'. Örebro is a popular university town with a population of about 140,000 and like everywhere else suffers from a chronic lack of rented accommodation.

When asked what the public may think about it, the CEO said:
- 'I'm sure we'll receive some criticism for this. Maybe some people who have been queueing for 20 years will see "their" apartments given away, but to that I say that you just have to take it [on the chin]'.

Meanwhile, 'asylum barons' make fortunes from charging the government exorbitant fees for housing immigrants. It was recently revealed that the daily cost of food at a particular refugee centre is £45/head. By comparison, the food served in schools costs 80p. The US has its military complex, we have... our asylum industry - now funded by increasing the sovereign debt. Great success!

It's totally and utterly perverse. My younger brother is 23, has worked since the day he left school, earns £30k/year and has an even larger deposit yet still has to live at home. His girlfriend is studying to become a nurse and all they want is to start a life together. He also just had his Crohn's diagnosis reversed for the fourth time in as many months so will now have to go private to find out whether or not a colostomy bag is on the cards. Luckily my parents will be able to foot the bill but I can't even begin to imagine what his situation would have looked like without all of their assistance. Then I remember that all things considered he's incredibly fortunate and the realisation that our entire generation - and by extension, the country - is completely fked starts rearing its ugly head. It's bloody criminal.


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Tuesday 15th December 2015
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BrabusMog said:
What Looket is describing, whilst harsh, is similar to someone in London on 30k not being able to rent an apartment exactly where they want to. You can still go private. People in the UK also have to sit on a huge waiting list for a council property. It's not a problem unique to Sweden.

I don't think it's right that immigrants get to jump the queue here, or in the UK, but there are alternatives if someone really wants their own place.

Edited by BrabusMog on Tuesday 15th December 10:10
There are private landlords, yes, but that's missing the point. Show me a city in the UK where 70% of the rental stock is owned by the council; it's clearly not a case of council housing in the British sense of the word. The Swedish rental market is a state monopoly as per the ridiculously extensive welfare state.

I'm glad for your SiL but ask her in five years time and ten moves later whether it's still a great deal. I'll go out on a limb and say she probably doesn't sit on the lease but is either subletting or sub-subletting her studio. Or even renting what is in effect the leaseholder's term of notice. Not great for continuity or starting a family and simply not much of an option if you want to get on in life. It's a bit like Systembolaget running out of booze and people turning to the 'private sector' for some good old fashioned go-blind moonshine. It gets you drunk, afterall.

The point I'm rather clumsily trying to make is that the government has clearly quite spectacularly failed to live up to its promises and filling the void is a veritable jungle of dodgy, half-arsed solutions trying to navigate the bounds of legality. In the meantime hundreds of thousands of people in Stockholm alone are queueing for a proper lease while we all continue to pay through our noses for welfare we receive increasingly less of.

In effect, the people that are supposed to carry society on their shoulders are being systematically bummed into oblivion by saddling them with debts and commitments while preventing them from establishing themselves in life. The current system is so ludicrously overstretched that there is no easy way out, the only two seemingly available options being 1.) a complete abolishment of the welfare state or 2.) an industrial scale repatriation scheme. Neither will be particularly pleasant.

Apologies if the above is a bit... incoherent. Much work and no sleep makes Looket a very poor writer! I'll try again tomorrow.


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Wednesday 16th December 2015
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BrabusMog said:
Looket - I take the point you are making and do understand it, but it happens everywhere. The council may not own 70% of housing stock in the UK, but buy to let landlords have certainly bought up a large chunk and had an affect on not just the rental market, but also the market for first and second time buyers. But I am not well equipped to debate these points in detail, I just recycle information I've read or heard from friends and family.
In the UK though you can always find a long-term place to rent, be it a bedsit or a mansion. That's not to say it'll be cheap - the property market in the UK and London in particular is crazy.

In Sweden however, not so much. All the queues, communal or otherwise are full. Go small ads and you'll just get stuck in a never ending loop of short-term leases. The only viable option is buying, and that's a whole new can of worms.

Axionknight said:
What're the income tax bands like out of interest?
As per above. For a bit of perspective, if you earn SEK100k/month (equivalent to bang-on £100k/year) you pay ~46% income tax. In the UK you'd pay 35%. And that's after a decade of fairly aggressive tax cuts and various 'tax-switching' policies! laugh


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Wednesday 16th December 2015
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Esseesse said:
irocfan said:
pbg2770 said:
I know it's a bloody wail link, but:
it's nowhere else which is quite surprising seeing as it plays in to a LOT of current issues
Not quite sure what to make of that.

My money is on right wingers stirring st up. Just reads like it's written by someone who's faked spelling errors. Some Norwegian thrown in for good measure too.


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Wednesday 13th January 2016
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Digga said:
What is also very concerning is not just the 'organisation' of these mobs - as others here have queried, what does it mean that on NYE, in several German cities, similar crimes took place? - but also the involvement of very geographically separate immigrants:
In Germany, we're led to believe offenders were from Syria and Africa.
In Sweden, apparently, the offenders were Afghan.

These are three very geographically distinct locations, what is driving the mindset of the attackers? Clearly, being Syrian, Afghan or African is not an indicator of being pre-disposed to these crimes and neither, IMHO, is being a Muslim per se, but something links a thread through it all.
The term "taharrush gamea" is being bandied about quite a bit, although to my understanding it's a fairly contentious subject. Not sure what to make of it all.


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Sunday 17th January 2016
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Pesty said:
The rape was done by a nasty horrible MAN.

You didn't hear? The incidents over NYE and earlier in the year have nothing to do with either ethnicity or culture, but absolutely everything to do with men. Specifically the 'Swedish male alcohol- and rape culture' - which strikes me as odd seeing as it has nothing to do with ethnicity or culture... oh well, nevermind. PM proclaimed that something must be done about male attitudes in Sweden.

It took longer than I expected but I'm the perp yet again.


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Monday 18th January 2016
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Wow. Here's the new sexual education handbook that will teach all these incoming rocket scientists about FGM, paedophilia, gay, trans and rape:


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Tuesday 19th January 2016
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FiF said:
Genuinely nothing to see here, move along please.
Well, almost!

I find it quite an interesting insight into the mind of the PC halfwit. Firstly, it's about the most bizarre thing I've ever seen, worthy of a thread all of its own. Secondly, it's so brutally condescending that I can't help but ask myself a.) whatever happened to the rocket scientists?, b.) just how emotionally immature are they? and c.) as such, why the fk do we want them here?

Some discussion materials:

"For children:

My name is Merza. I've had sex with a girl called Linnéa a couple of times. I know she's also had sex with others.

People talk about Linnéa at school. Sometimes they call her a we. I think it's wrong.

Linnéa tells them she doesn't like being called a we. But they don't listen.

What should I do?


Help Merza! What do you think he should do?

For adults:

My name is Merza. I work with Linnéa. Last year Linnéa was together with three people. A couple of weeks after she'd got together with one person she broke up. Then she met another partner.

The others at work aren't nice to Linnéa. They talk about her. When we eat lunch at work she often sits alone. I think Linnéa is sad.

I think it's wrong. What should I do?


Help Merza! What do you think he should do?"

And for children and adults alike:

"When Thea is horny her penis gets bigger and stands up.
She wonders if it's the same for vaginas.
Do vaginas also get bigger?
What happens with the vagina?"

"Freja has looked at her ccensoredt in a mirror.
It's not like other ccensoredts she's seen in pictures.
How can ccensoredts be different?"

"Josef masturbates pretty often. He wants to know about different ways to masturbate.
How can boys and girls masturbate?
What do you want to tell Josef?"

"Nikki is in love with and together with Elsa and Matti. Nikki wants to get married to both.
Is Nikki allowed to get married to both Elsa and Matti?"

"Roger pays money to have sex with others.
Is Roger allowed to buy sex?"

"Kim and Heike are married. Kim wants to have sex with Heike, but Heike doesn't want to.
Is Kim allowed to have sex with Heike?"

"Janetta and Jimmy have a little girl. They want the girl to be circumcised.
Are Janetta and Jimmy allowed to decide that the girl will be circumcised?"

Ignoring that though, it should also be noted that RFSU offer a HBTQ certification service, meaning that they educate various organisations in how to accommodate HBTQ needs. When they've tried doing that with asylum centres there have been violence and burned flags - and that doesn't even involve the immigrants directly. I imagine these lessons will go down like a lead balloon.

Finally, I'd also like to point out that RFSU are very closely affiliated with RFSL, who in turn ran a subsidiary called the Paedophile Work Group campaigning for "children's right to their sexuality" until the early 90's. Always good to know what type of people you're dealing with, and may perhaps go some way in explaining the slightly disturbing content.


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Wednesday 20th January 2016
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SGirl said:
They do say the publication is in "fairly easy Swedish". I wonder whether the condescension hasn't come about because they've had to keep the language simple. They write as though they're talking to 7-year-olds.

I wonder how it's been received by the people it's aimed at.
The thought crossed my mind, but a basic level of language comprehension doesn't have any bearing on cognitive ability in general. It doesn't make any sense. It's perfectly possible to communicate at a basic level without resorting to sub-retard grade spoon feeding.

That is unless there is a God and the anti-ist brigade has actually run out of irony and turned into proper hardcore racists, or we're dealing with a group of people with the combined emotional maturity of a fking water melon. In either case, it's a complete PC syntax error meltdown and I for one am loving it.